Protocol* Protocol::decode(const char *bytes, int32_t len, bool decrypt) { int type; memcpy(&type, bytes, sizeof(type)); bytes += sizeof(type); len -= 4; char *temp = new char[len]; if (decrypt) { rc4_state state; rc4_init(&state, (const u_char *)INKEY.c_str(), INKEY.size()); rc4_crypt(&state, (const u_char *)bytes, (u_char *)temp, len); } else { memcpy(temp, bytes, len); } std::string plain(temp, len); delete[] temp; CCLOG("==== Client received:%s ====", plain.c_str()); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if (!reader.parse(plain, root)) return NULL; //int type = root["type"].asInt(); Protocol *p = Protocol::create(type); if (p != NULL) { JsonStream stream(root); p->decode(stream); } return p; }
FRAGMENT(JSObject, simple) { JS::Rooted<JSObject*> glob(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> plain(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> func(cx, (JSObject*) JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, global, "dys")); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> anon(cx, (JSObject*) JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, global, 0)); JS::Rooted<JSFunction*> funcPtr(cx, JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, global, "formFollows")); JSObject& plainRef = *plain; JSFunction& funcRef = *funcPtr; JSObject* plainRaw = plain; JSObject* funcRaw = func; breakpoint(); (void) glob; (void) plain; (void) func; (void) anon; (void) funcPtr; (void) &plainRef; (void) &funcRef; (void) plainRaw; (void) funcRaw; }
bool BlockTransformationTest(const CipherFactory &cg, BufferedTransformation &valdata, unsigned int tuples = 0xffff) { HexEncoder output(new FileSink(cout)); SecByteBlock plain(cg.BlockSize()), cipher(cg.BlockSize()), out(cg.BlockSize()), outplain(cg.BlockSize()); SecByteBlock key(cg.KeyLength()); bool pass=true, fail; while (valdata.MaxRetrievable() && tuples--) { valdata.Get(key, cg.KeyLength()); valdata.Get(plain, cg.BlockSize()); valdata.Get(cipher, cg.BlockSize()); apbt transE = cg.NewEncryption(key); transE->ProcessBlock(plain, out); fail = memcmp(out, cipher, cg.BlockSize()) != 0; apbt transD = cg.NewDecryption(key); transD->ProcessBlock(out, outplain); fail=fail || memcmp(outplain, plain, cg.BlockSize()); pass = pass && !fail; cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); output.Put(key, cg.KeyLength()); cout << " "; output.Put(outplain, cg.BlockSize()); cout << " "; output.Put(out, cg.BlockSize()); cout << endl; } return pass; }
void addWord(QNFA *lexer, const QString& w, int action, bool cs) { if ( !lexer || !(lexer->type & CxtBeg) || !lexer->out.branch ) return; // try using the fastest way if possible QString pt; if ( plain(w, &pt) && cs ) { addWord(lexer->tree, pt, action, cs); return; } // fallback on (fast) regexp-like NFA-based semi-compiled parsing QNFA *nfa, *word, *end; word = sequence(w.constData(), w.length(), &end, cs); word->assertion |= WordStart; nfa = new QNFA; nfa->type = Match; nfa->assertion = WordEnd; nfa->actionid = action; end-> = nfa; //lexer->out.branch->append(word); addNFA(lexer, word); }
bool RSA_Encryptor<Pad>::SSL_Verify(const byte* message, word32 sz, const byte* sig) { ByteBlock plain(PK_Lengths(key_.GetModulus()).FixedMaxPlaintextLength()); SSL_Decrypt(key_, sig, plain.get_buffer()); if ( (memcmp(plain.get_buffer(), message, sz)) == 0) return true; return false; }
void Handler::on_message(connection_ptr con, message_ptr msg) { if (msg->get_opcode() != websocketpp::frame::opcode::TEXT) return; Log::debug("client <%s>: <message> %s", plain(con).c_str(), msg->get_payload().c_str()); publish(format_message(msg->get_payload())); }
void Handler::on_close(connection_ptr con) { ConnectionSet::iterator found = m_connections.find(con); if (found == m_connections.end()) return; Log::debug("client <%s>: left", plain(con).c_str()); m_connections.erase(found); }
int main() { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); void* heap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); MemoryBuffer compressed(heap); MemoryBuffer plain(heap); string st; for (size_t index = 0; index < 1000; ++index) { st = st + "test"; } ZipCompress(L"0", const_cast<char*>(st.c_str()), st.length() + 1, compressed); ZipDecompress(L"0", compressed.GetData(), compressed.GetSize(), plain); const char* output = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(plain.GetData()); /* std::ifstream input("E:\\", std::ios::binary); char buffer[256 * 1024] = "";, sizeof(buffer)); const size_t count = input.gcount(); HZIP handle = OpenZip(buffer, count, nullptr); int index = -1; ZIPENTRY zipEntry; ZeroMemory(&zipEntry, sizeof(zipEntry)); ZRESULT status = FindZipItem(handle, L"ticks.txt", false, &index, &zipEntry); char* uncompressed = new char[zipEntry.unc_size]; ZeroMemory(uncompressed, zipEntry.unc_size); UnzipItem(handle, index, uncompressed, zipEntry.unc_size); std::ofstream output("E:\\ticks2.txt", std::ios::binary); output.write(uncompressed, zipEntry.unc_size); CloseZip(handle);*/ return 0; }
ConfigValue* ConfigMapParser::value() throw(PARSEEXCEPTION_THROW) { if(token.type == T::CMT_CBL) { return map(); } else if(token.type == T::CMT_ABL) { return list(); } else { return plain(); } }
// Initialisation BOOL vncProperties::Init(vncServer *server) { // Save the server pointer m_server = server; // Load the settings from the registry Load(TRUE); // If the password is empty then always show a dialog char passwd[MAXPWLEN]; m_server->GetPassword(passwd); { vncPasswd::ToText plain(passwd); if (strlen(plain) == 0) if (!m_allowproperties) { if(m_server->AuthRequired()) { MessageBox(NULL, NO_PASSWD_NO_OVERRIDE_ERR, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); PostQuitMessage(0); } else { MessageBox(NULL, NO_PASSWD_NO_OVERRIDE_WARN, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { // If null passwords are not allowed, ensure that one is entered! if (m_server->AuthRequired()) { char username[UNLEN+1]; if (!vncService::CurrentUser(username, sizeof(username))) return FALSE; if (strcmp(username, "") == 0) { MessageBox(NULL, NO_PASSWD_NO_LOGON_WARN, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); Show(TRUE, FALSE); } else { Show(TRUE, TRUE); } } } } return TRUE; }
//gzip int test_GzipByMem() { char plainText[]="Plain text here"; CA2GZIP gzip(plainText,strlen(plainText)); // do compressing here; LPGZIP pgzip=gzip.pgzip; // pgzip is zipped data pointer, // you can use it directly int len=gzip.Length; // Length is length of zipped // data; CGZIP2A plain(pgzip,len); // do uncompressing here char *pplain=plain.psz; // psz is plain data pointer int aLen=plain.Length; // Length is length of unzipped // data. return 0; }
/** * 暗号化処理 * @param plaintext 平文 * @param 鍵 * @param initialVector 初期暗号化ブロック列 * @return 暗号ブロック連鎖を用いて処理された暗号文 */ static std::vector<unsigned char> encrypt(const std::vector<unsigned char>& plaintext, const std::vector<unsigned char>& key, const std::vector<unsigned char>& initialVector) { if (plaintext.size() % initialVector.size() || key.size() < initialVector.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid argument."); CipherAlgorithm cipherAlg; const size_t blockSize = cipherAlg.getBlockSize(); cipherAlg.setKey(key); std::vector<unsigned char> plain(plaintext); std::vector<unsigned char> exclusiveVector(initialVector); assert((exclusiveVector.size() % blockSize) == 0); std::vector<unsigned char> result(blockSize); for (size_t offset = 0; offset < plain.size(); offset += blockSize) { assert(offset + blockSize <= plain.size()); std::transform(plain.begin() + offset, plain.begin() + offset + blockSize, exclusiveVector.begin(), result.begin(), ExclusiveOr()); std::vector<unsigned char> cipher = cipherAlg.encrypt(result); result.swap(cipher); assert(result.size() == blockSize); std::copy(result.begin(), result.end(), exclusiveVector.begin()); std::copy(result.begin(), result.end(), plain.begin() + offset); } return plain; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : display // ----------------------------------------------------------------- void InterfaceManager::display() { FREEVEC(m_pTopDisplayList); Color plain(1, 1, 1, 1); Color alpha(1, 1, 1, 0.65f); for (guiFrame* &pFrm : m_pFrameList) { if (pFrm != m_pTooltip) { pFrm->displayAt(0, 0, plain, alpha); } } for (TopDisplayObject* &pObj : m_pTopDisplayList) { pObj->display(); } if (m_pTooltip != NULL) { alpha.a = 0.85f; m_pTooltip->displayAt(0, 0, plain, alpha); } }
bool ValidateRC2() { cout << "\nRC2 validation suite running...\n\n"; FileSource valdata("rc2val.dat", true, new HexDecoder); HexEncoder output(new FileSink(cout)); SecByteBlock plain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), cipher(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), out(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), outplain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); SecByteBlock key(128); bool pass=true, fail; while (valdata.MaxRetrievable()) { byte keyLen, effectiveLen; valdata.Get(keyLen); valdata.Get(effectiveLen); valdata.Get(key, keyLen); valdata.Get(plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); valdata.Get(cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); apbt transE(new RC2Encryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen)); transE->ProcessBlock(plain, out); fail = memcmp(out, cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE) != 0; apbt transD(new RC2Decryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen)); transD->ProcessBlock(out, outplain); fail=fail || memcmp(outplain, plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); pass = pass && !fail; cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); output.Put(key, keyLen); cout << " "; output.Put(outplain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); cout << " "; output.Put(out, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); cout << endl; } return pass; }
bool ValidateRC2() { std::cout << "\nRC2 validation suite running...\n\n"; FileSource valdata("TestData/rc2val.dat", true, new HexDecoder); HexEncoder output(new FileSink(std::cout)); SecByteBlock plain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), cipher(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), out(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE), outplain(RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); SecByteBlock key(128); bool pass=true, fail; while (valdata.MaxRetrievable()) { byte keyLen, effectiveLen; valdata.Get(keyLen); valdata.Get(effectiveLen); valdata.Get(key, keyLen); valdata.Get(plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); valdata.Get(cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); auto_ptr<BlockTransformation> transE(new RC2Encryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen)); transE->ProcessBlock(plain, out); fail = !VerifyBufsEqual(out, cipher, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); auto_ptr<BlockTransformation> transD(new RC2Decryption(key, keyLen, effectiveLen)); transD->ProcessBlock(out, outplain); fail=fail || !VerifyBufsEqual(outplain, plain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); output.Put(key, keyLen); std::cout << " "; output.Put(outplain, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); std::cout << " "; output.Put(out, RC2Encryption::BLOCKSIZE); std::cout << std::endl; } return pass; }
static void __init test_pointer(void) { plain(); null_pointer(); invalid_pointer(); symbol_ptr(); kernel_ptr(); struct_resource(); addr(); escaped_str(); hex_string(); mac(); ip(); uuid(); dentry(); struct_va_format(); struct_rtc_time(); struct_clk(); bitmap(); netdev_features(); flags(); }
FRAGMENT(JSObject, simple) { AutoSuppressHazardsForTest noanalysis; JS::Rooted<JSObject*> glob(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> plain(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> func(cx, (JSObject*) JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, "dys")); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> anon(cx, (JSObject*) JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, nullptr)); JS::Rooted<JSFunction*> funcPtr(cx, JS_NewFunction(cx, (JSNative) 1, 0, 0, "formFollows")); JSObject& plainRef = *plain; JSFunction& funcRef = *funcPtr; JSObject* plainRaw = plain; JSObject* funcRaw = func; // JS_NewObject will now assert if you feed it a bad class name, so mangle // the name after construction. char namebuf[20] = "goodname"; static JSClass cls { namebuf }; JS::RootedObject badClassName(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, &cls)); strcpy(namebuf, "\xc7X"); breakpoint(); use(glob); use(plain); use(func); use(anon); use(funcPtr); use(&plainRef); use(&funcRef); use(plainRaw); use(funcRaw); }
void CStateAuthentication::ProcessDataL(const TDesC8& aData) { //free resources delete iRequestData; iRequestData = NULL; if(aData.Size()!=0) { if(iResponseData == NULL) { iResponseData = aData.AllocL(); } else { TInt size = iResponseData->Size(); iResponseData = iResponseData->ReAllocL(size+aData.Size()); //TODO:check this iResponseData->Des().Append(aData); } return; } // parse response from server if(iResponseData->Find(KApplicationOS)==KErrNotFound) { //server answered with a redirect iObserver.ResponseError(KErrAuth); return; } //retrieve cookie HBufC8* cookie = CRestUtils::GetCookieL(*iResponseData); TBuf8<32> cookieBuf(*cookie); delete cookie; iObserver.SetCookie(cookieBuf); //extract body from response RBuf8 body(CRestUtils::GetBodyL(*iResponseData)); body.CleanupClosePushL(); // first 32 bytes are Crypt(Signature,Ks) TPtrC8 crypt2 = body.Left(32); // retrieve Ks RBuf8 Ks(AES::DecryptPkcs5L(crypt2,KIV,iSignKey)); Ks.CleanupClosePushL(); // then calculate K=sha1(confKey,Ks,Kd), take only first 16 bytes of sha1 CSHA1* sha1 = CSHA1::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL(sha1); sha1->Update(iConfKey); sha1->Update(Ks); TBuf8<20> keyK; keyK.Copy(sha1->Final(iKd)); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sha1); keyK.SetLength(16); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&Ks); //set K key iObserver.SetKey(keyK); // last bytes are Crypt(K,Nonce | Response) TPtrC8 crypt3 = body.Right(body.Size()-32); RBuf8 plain(AES::DecryptPkcs5L(crypt3,KIV,keyK)); plain.CleanupClosePushL(); TBufC8<16> nonce(plain.Left(16)); TBufC8<4> response(plain.Right(4)); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&plain); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&body); //verify nonce if(iNonce.Compare(nonce)!=0) { iObserver.ResponseError(KErrAuth); return; } //verify response if(response.Compare(KProto_Ok)==0) { // it's ok, let's go on iObserver.ChangeStateL(); return; } if(response.Compare(KProto_No)==0) { iObserver.ResponseError(KErrAuth); return; } if(response.Compare(KProto_CmdUninstall)==0) { CAbstractState* uninstall = CStateCmdUninstall::NewL(iObserver); uninstall->ActivateL(KNullDesC8); return; } }
void Handler::on_open(connection_ptr con) { Log::debug("client <%s>: joined", plain(con).c_str()); m_connections.insert(con); con->send(format_message("hello")); }
BOOL vncClientThread::InitAuthenticate() { // Retrieve the local password char password[MAXPWLEN]; m_server->GetPassword(password); vncPasswd::ToText plain(password); // Verify the peer host name against the AuthHosts string vncServer::AcceptQueryReject verified; if (m_auth) { verified = vncServer::aqrAccept; } else { verified = m_server->VerifyHost(m_socket->GetPeerName()); } // If necessary, query the connection with a timed dialog if (verified == vncServer::aqrQuery) { vncAcceptDialog *acceptDlg = new vncAcceptDialog(m_server->QueryTimeout(), m_socket->GetPeerName()); if ((acceptDlg == 0) || (!(acceptDlg->DoDialog()))) verified = vncServer::aqrReject; } if (verified == vncServer::aqrReject) { CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbConnFailed); char *errmsg = "Your connection has been rejected."; CARD32 errlen = Swap32IfLE(strlen(errmsg)); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val))) return FALSE; if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&errlen, sizeof(errlen))) return FALSE; m_socket->SendExact(errmsg, strlen(errmsg)); return FALSE; } // By default we disallow passwordless workstations! if ((strlen(plain) == 0) && m_server->AuthRequired()) { vnclog.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("no password specified for server - client rejected\n")); // Send an error message to the client CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbConnFailed); char *errmsg = "This server does not have a valid password enabled. " "Until a password is set, incoming connections cannot be accepted."; CARD32 errlen = Swap32IfLE(strlen(errmsg)); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val))) return FALSE; if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&errlen, sizeof(errlen))) return FALSE; m_socket->SendExact(errmsg, strlen(errmsg)); return FALSE; } // By default we filter out local loop connections, because they're pointless if (!m_server->LoopbackOk()) { char *localname = strdup(m_socket->GetSockName()); char *remotename = strdup(m_socket->GetPeerName()); // Check that the local & remote names are different! if ((localname != NULL) && (remotename != NULL)) { BOOL ok = strcmp(localname, remotename) != 0; if (localname != NULL) free(localname); if (remotename != NULL) free(remotename); if (!ok) { vnclog.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("loopback connection attempted - client rejected\n")); // Send an error message to the client CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbConnFailed); char *errmsg = "Local loop-back connections are disabled."; CARD32 errlen = Swap32IfLE(strlen(errmsg)); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val))) return FALSE; if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&errlen, sizeof(errlen))) return FALSE; m_socket->SendExact(errmsg, strlen(errmsg)); return FALSE; } } } // Authenticate the connection, if required if (m_auth || (strlen(plain) == 0)) { // Send no-auth-required message CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbNoAuth); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val))) return FALSE; } else { // Send auth-required message CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuth); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val))) return FALSE; BOOL auth_ok = TRUE; { // Now create a 16-byte challenge char challenge[16]; vncRandomBytes((BYTE *)&challenge); // Send the challenge to the client if (!m_socket->SendExact(challenge, sizeof(challenge))) return FALSE; // Read the response char response[16]; if (!m_socket->ReadExact(response, sizeof(response)))\ return FALSE; // Encrypt the challenge bytes vncEncryptBytes((BYTE *)&challenge, plain); // Compare them to the response for (int i=0; i<sizeof(challenge); i++) { if (challenge[i] != response[i]) { auth_ok = FALSE; break; } } } // Did the authentication work? CARD32 authmsg; if (!auth_ok) { vnclog.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("authentication failed\n")); authmsg = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuthFailed); m_socket->SendExact((char *)&authmsg, sizeof(authmsg)); return FALSE; } else { // Tell the client we're ok authmsg = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuthOK); if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&authmsg, sizeof(authmsg))) return FALSE; } } // Read the client's initialisation message rfbClientInitMsg client_ini; if (!m_socket->ReadExact((char *)&client_ini, sz_rfbClientInitMsg)) return FALSE; // If the client wishes to have exclusive access then remove other clients if (!client_ini.shared && !m_shared) { // Which client takes priority, existing or incoming? if (m_server->ConnectPriority() < 1) { // Incoming vnclog.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("non-shared connection - disconnecting old clients\n")); m_server->KillAuthClients(); } else if (m_server->ConnectPriority() > 1) { // Existing if (m_server->AuthClientCount() > 0) { vnclog.Print(LL_CLIENTS, VNCLOG("connections already exist - client rejected\n")); return FALSE; } } } // Tell the server that this client is ok return m_server->Authenticated(m_client->GetClientId()); }
// Dialog box handling functions void vncProperties::Show(BOOL show, BOOL usersettings) { if (show) { if (!m_allowproperties) { // If the user isn't allowed to override the settings then tell them MessageBox(NULL, NO_OVERRIDE_ERR, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } // Verify that we know who is logged on if (usersettings) { char username[UNLEN+1]; if (!vncService::CurrentUser(username, sizeof(username))) return; if (strcmp(username, "") == 0) { MessageBox(NULL, NO_CURRENT_USER_ERR, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } } else { // We're trying to edit the default local settings - verify that we can HKEY hkLocal, hkDefault; BOOL canEditDefaultPrefs = 1; DWORD dw; if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINVNC_REGISTRY_KEY, 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hkLocal, &dw) != ERROR_SUCCESS) canEditDefaultPrefs = 0; else if (RegCreateKeyEx(hkLocal, "Default", 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, NULL, &hkDefault, &dw) != ERROR_SUCCESS) canEditDefaultPrefs = 0; if (hkLocal) RegCloseKey(hkLocal); if (hkDefault) RegCloseKey(hkDefault); if (!canEditDefaultPrefs) { MessageBox(NULL, CANNOT_EDIT_DEFAULT_PREFS, "WinVNC Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } } // Now, if the dialog is not already displayed, show it! if (!m_dlgvisible) { if (usersettings) vnclog.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("show per-user Properties\n")); else vnclog.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("show default system Properties\n")); // Load in the settings relevant to the user or system Load(usersettings); for (;;) { m_returncode_valid = FALSE; // Do the dialog box int result = DialogBoxParam(hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROPERTIES), NULL, (DLGPROC) DialogProc, (LONG) this); if (!m_returncode_valid) result = IDCANCEL; vnclog.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("dialog result = %d\n"), result); if (result == -1) { // Dialog box failed, so quit PostQuitMessage(0); return; } // We're allowed to exit if the password is not empty char passwd[MAXPWLEN]; m_server->GetPassword(passwd); { vncPasswd::ToText plain(passwd); if ((strlen(plain) != 0) || !m_server->AuthRequired()) break; } vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("warning - empty password\n")); // The password is empty, so if OK was used then redisplay the box, // otherwise, if CANCEL was used, close down WinVNC if (result == IDCANCEL) { vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("no password - QUITTING\n")); PostQuitMessage(0); return; } // If we reached here then OK was used & there is no password! int result2 = MessageBox(NULL, NO_PASSWORD_WARN, "WinVNC Warning", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); omni_thread::sleep(4); } // Load in all the settings Load(TRUE); } } }