Пример #1
void nrf_ll_init( void )
  // GPIO configuration
  platform_pio_op( NRF24L01_CE_PORT, 1 << NRF24L01_CE_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT );
  platform_pio_op( NRF24L01_CSN_PORT, 1 << NRF24L01_CSN_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT );
  platform_pio_op( NRF24L01_IRQ_PORT, 1 << NRF24L01_IRQ_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_INPUT );
  // UART configuration is already done in platform.c
  // Empty UART buffer
  while( platform_uart_recv( NRF24L01_UART_ID, 0, 0 ) != -1 );
Пример #2
static void all_exti_irqhandler( int line )
  u16 v, port, pin;
  v = exti_line_to_gpio( line );
  port = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( v );
  pin = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PIN( v );

  if( EXTI->RTSR & (1 << line ) && platform_pio_op( port, 1 << pin, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET ) )
    cmn_int_handler( INT_GPIO_POSEDGE, v );
  if( EXTI->FTSR & (1 << line ) && ( platform_pio_op( port, 1 << pin, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET ) == 0 ) )
    cmn_int_handler( INT_GPIO_NEGEDGE, v );

  EXTI_ClearITPendingBit( exti_line[ line ] );
Пример #3
// Helper function: pin operations
// Gets the stack index of the first pin and the operation
static int pioh_set_pins( lua_State* L, int stackidx, int op )
  int total = lua_gettop( L );
  int i, v, port, pin;
  // Get all masks
  for( i = stackidx; i <= total; i ++ )
    v = luaL_checkinteger( L, i );
    port = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( v );
    pin = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PIN( v );
    if( PLATFORM_IO_IS_PORT( v ) || !platform_pio_has_port( port ) || !platform_pio_has_pin( port, pin ) )
      return luaL_error( L, "invalid pin" );
    pio_masks[ port ] |= 1 << pin;
  // Ask platform to execute the given operation
  for( i = 0; i < PLATFORM_IO_PORTS; i ++ )
    if( pio_masks[ i ] )
      if( !platform_pio_op( i, pio_masks[ i ], op ) )
        return luaL_error( L, "invalid PIO operation" );
  return 0;
Пример #4
// Lua: val1, val2, ..., valn = pio.port.getval( port1, port2, ..., portn )
static int pio_port_getval( lua_State *L )
  pio_type value;
  int v, i, port;
  int total = lua_gettop( L );
  for( i = 1; i <= total; i ++ )
    v = luaL_checkinteger( L, i );  
    port = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( v );
    if( !PLATFORM_IO_IS_PORT( v ) || !platform_pio_has_port( port ) )
      return luaL_error( L, "invalid port" );
      value = platform_pio_op( port, PLATFORM_IO_ALL_PINS, PLATFORM_IO_PORT_GET_VALUE );
      lua_pushinteger( L, value );
  return total;
Пример #5
void ps2_init()
  // Setup pins (inputs with external pullups)
  platform_pio_op( PS2_DATA_PORT, 1 << PS2_DATA_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_INPUT );
  platform_pio_op( PS2_DATA_PORT, 1 << PS2_DATA_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR );
  platform_pio_op( PS2_CLOCK_PORT, 1 << PS2_CLOCK_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR );
  platform_pio_op( PS2_RESET_PORT, 1 << PS2_RESET_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR );
  // Enable interrupt on clock line 
  ps2_prev_handler = elua_int_set_c_handler( INT_GPIO_NEGEDGE, ps2_hl_clk_int_handler ); 
  // Reset + typematic rate
  ps2_send( 3, PS2_CMD_RESET, 2, PS2_CMD_TYPE_RATE, 1, 0x00, 1 );
Пример #6
// Lua: pin1, pin2, ..., pinn = pio.pin.getval( pin1, pin2, ..., pinn )
static int pio_pin_getval( lua_State *L )
  pio_type value;
  int v, i, port, pin;
  int total = lua_gettop( L );
  for( i = 1; i <= total; i ++ )
    v = luaL_checkinteger( L, i );  
    port = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( v );
    pin = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PIN( v );
    if( PLATFORM_IO_IS_PORT( v ) || !platform_pio_has_port( port ) || !platform_pio_has_pin( port, pin ) )
      return luaL_error( L, "invalid pin" );
      value = platform_pio_op( port, 1 << pin, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET );
      lua_pushinteger( L, value );
  return total;
Пример #7
// Helper function: port operations
// Gets the stack index of the first port and the operation (also the mask)
static int pioh_set_ports( lua_State* L, int stackidx, int op, pio_type mask )
  int total = lua_gettop( L );
  int i, v, port;
  u32 port_mask = 0;

  // Get all masks
  for( i = stackidx; i <= total; i ++ )
    v = luaL_checkinteger( L, i );
    port = PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( v );
    if( !PLATFORM_IO_IS_PORT( v ) || !platform_pio_has_port( port ) )
      return luaL_error( L, "invalid port" );
    port_mask |= ( 1ULL << port );
  // Ask platform to execute the given operation
  for( i = 0; i < PLATFORM_IO_PORTS; i ++ )
    if( port_mask & ( 1ULL << i ) )
      if( !platform_pio_op( i, mask, op ) )
        return luaL_error( L, "invalid PIO operation" );
  return 0;
Пример #8
void initMAC( const u8* bytMacAddress )
  pdata = bytMacAddress;
  // Initialize the SPI and the CS pin
  theclock = platform_spi_setup( ENC28J60_SPI_ID, PLATFORM_SPI_MASTER, ENC28J60_SPI_CLOCK, 0, 0, 8 );
  platform_pio_op( ENC28J60_CS_PORT, 1 << ENC28J60_CS_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_SET );
  platform_pio_op( ENC28J60_CS_PORT, 1 << ENC28J60_CS_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT );
#if defined( ENC28J60_RESET_PORT ) && defined( ENC28J60_RESET_PIN )
  platform_pio_op( ENC28J60_RESET_PORT, 1 << ENC28J60_RESET_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR );
  platform_pio_op( ENC28J60_RESET_PORT, 1 << ENC28J60_RESET_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT );
  platform_timer_delay( 0, 30000 );
  platform_pio_op( ENC28J60_RESET_PORT, 1 << ENC28J60_RESET_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_SET );

  ResetMac();       // erm. Resets the MAC.
                    // setup memory by defining ERXST and ERXND
  platform_timer_delay( 0, 20000 );                    
  BankSel(0);       // select bank 0
  WriteCtrReg(ERXSTL,(u08)( RXSTART & 0x00ff));    
  WriteCtrReg(ERXSTH,(u08)((RXSTART & 0xff00)>> 8));
  WriteCtrReg(ERXNDL,(u08)( RXEND   & 0x00ff));
  WriteCtrReg(ERXNDH,(u08)((RXEND   & 0xff00)>>8));
                    // Make sure Rx Read ptr is at the start of Rx segment
  WriteCtrReg(ERXRDPTL, (u08)( RXSTART & 0x00ff));
  WriteCtrReg(ERXRDPTH, (u08)((RXSTART & 0xff00)>> 8));
  BankSel(1);                             // select bank 1

                // Initialise the MAC registers
  BankSel(2);                             // select bank 2
  SetBitField(MACON1, MACON1_MARXEN);     // Enable reception of frames
  WriteCtrReg(MACLCON2, 63);
  WriteCtrReg(MACON3, MACON3_FRMLNEN +    // Type / len field will be checked
                      MACON3_TXCRCEN +    // MAC will append valid CRC
                      MACON3_PADCFG0);    // All small packets will be padded

  SetBitField(MACON4, MACON4_DEFER);      
  WriteCtrReg(MAMXFLL, (u08)( MAXFRAMELEN & 0x00ff));     // set max frame len
  WriteCtrReg(MAMXFLH, (u08)((MAXFRAMELEN & 0xff00)>>8));
  WriteCtrReg(MABBIPG, 0x12);             // back to back interpacket gap. set as per data sheet
  WriteCtrReg(MAIPGL , 0x12);             // non back to back interpacket gap. set as per data sheet
  WriteCtrReg(MAIPGH , 0x0C);

            //Program our MAC address

  // Initialise the PHY registes
  WritePhyReg(PHCON1, 0x00);
  WriteCtrReg(ECON1,  ECON1_RXEN);     //Enable the chip for reception of packets

  SetBitField(EIE, EIE_INTIE);
Пример #9
int nrf_ll_get_irq( void )
  return platform_pio_op( NRF24L01_IRQ_PORT, 1 << NRF24L01_IRQ_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET );
Пример #10
void nrf_ll_set_csn( int state )
  platform_pio_op( NRF24L01_CSN_PORT, 1 << NRF24L01_CSN_PIN, state == 1 ? PLATFORM_IO_PIN_SET : PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR );
Пример #11
// H->L clock line interrupt handler
static void ps2_hl_clk_int_handler( elua_int_resnum resnum )
  int temp;
  unsigned i;

  if( resnum != PS2_CLOCK_PIN_RESNUM )
    goto done;
  ps2_bitcnt ++;
  if( ps2_bitcnt != 1 && ps2_bitcnt < 10 ) // start/stop/parity bits, ignore
    ps2_data |= platform_pio_op( PS2_DATA_PORT, 1 << PS2_DATA_PIN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET ) << ( ps2_bitcnt - 2 );
  else if( ps2_bitcnt == 11 ) // done receiving, the code is in ps2_data now
    /// Check the "send" part first
    if( ps2_acks_to_receive > 0 )
      ps2_data = ps2_bitcnt = 0;
      if( -- ps2_acks_to_receive == 0 )
        if( -- ps2_cmds_to_send != 0 ) // more data to send?
          ps2h_send_cmd( ++ ps2_send_idx );
      goto done;
    else // nothing is sending, so interpret this code
      if( ps2_ignore_count > 0 ) // need to ignore this code?        
        ps2_ignore_count --;
        if( ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_EXTENDED ) )           // extended key management
          if( ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_BREAK ) )            // code of extended key that was released
            if( ps2_data == PS2_CTRL_CODE )           // CTRL released
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_EXT_CTRL );
              if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_CTRL )  )
                ps2_clear_flag( PS2_CTRL );
            else if( ps2_data == PS2_ALT_CODE )       // ALT released
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_EXT_ALT );
              if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_ALT ) )
                ps2_clear_flag( PS2_ALT );
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_BREAK );
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_EXTENDED );
          else if( ps2_data == PS2_BREAK_CODE ) 
            ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_BREAK );
            if( ps2_data == PS2_CTRL_CODE )
              ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_EXT_CTRL | PS2_CTRL );
            if( ps2_data == PS2_ALT_CODE )
              ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_EXT_ALT | PS2_ALT );
              // Map keycode, add to queue if needed
              for( i = 0; i < sizeof( ps2_ext_mapping ) / sizeof( ps2_keymap ); i ++ ) 
                if( ps2_ext_mapping[ i ].kc == ps2_data )
                  // Check for CTRL+ATL+DEL
                  if( ps2_ext_mapping[ i ].code == KC_DEL && ps2_is_set( PS2_ALT ) && ps2_is_set( PS2_CTRL ) )
                    while( 1 ); // obviously we won't reach code after this
                  ps2_queue[ ps2_w_idx ] = ( ( ps2_flags & PS2_BASEF_MASK ) << PS2_BASEF_SHIFT ) | ps2_ext_mapping[ i ].code;
                  ps2_w_idx = ( ps2_w_idx + 1 ) & PS2_QUEUE_MASK;
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_EXTENDED );
        } // end of extended key management
        else if( ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_BREAK ) )       // code of key that was released
          if( ps2_data == PS2_CTRL_CODE )           // CTRL released
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_CTRL );
            if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_EXT_CTRL ) )
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_CTRL );
          else if( ps2_data == PS2_ALT_CODE )       // ALT released
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_ALT );
            if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_EXT_ALT ) )
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_ALT );
          else if( ps2_data == PS2_LSHIFT_CODE )
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_LSHIFT );
            if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_RSHIFT ) )
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_SHIFT );
          else if( ps2_data == PS2_RSHIFT_CODE )
            ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_RSHIFT );
            if( !ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_LSHIFT ) )
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_SHIFT );
          else if( ps2_data == PS2_CAPS_CODE )
            if( ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_CAPS ) )
              ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_CAPS );
              ps2_send( 2, PS2_CMD_LED_SET, 1, 0, 1 );
              ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_CAPS );
              ps2_send( 2, PS2_CMD_LED_SET, 1, PS2_CAPS_LED_MASK, 1 );
          ps2_clear_flag( PS2_IF_BREAK );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_PAUSE_1ST_CODE )   // ignore everything related to this crazy key
          ps2_ignore_count = PS2_PAUSE_NUM_CODES - 1;
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_EXTENDED_CODE )    // this is an extended key
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_EXTENDED );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_BREAK_CODE )       // found a break
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_BREAK );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_CTRL_CODE )        // CTRL pressed
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_CTRL | PS2_CTRL );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_ALT_CODE )         // ALT pressed
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_ALT | PS2_ALT );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_LSHIFT_CODE )      // Left SHIFT pressed
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_LSHIFT | PS2_SHIFT );
        else if( ps2_data == PS2_RSHIFT_CODE )      // Right SHIFT pressed
          ps2_set_flag( PS2_IF_RSHIFT | PS2_SHIFT );
          // Check if we need to enqueue a key
          if( ps2_data == PS2_F7_CODE )             // special case to keep mapping arrays small
            temp = KC_F7;
          else if( ps2_data > PS2_LAST_MAP_CODE )
            temp = 0;
          else if( ps2_is_set( PS2_SHIFT ) )
            temp = ps2_shift_mapping[ ps2_data ];
            temp = ps2_direct_mapping[ ps2_data ];
          if( temp )
            if( ps2_is_set( PS2_IF_CAPS ) && isalpha( temp ) )
              temp = toupper( temp );
            ps2_queue[ ps2_w_idx ] = ( ( ps2_flags & PS2_BASEF_MASK ) << PS2_BASEF_SHIFT ) | temp;
            ps2_w_idx = ( ps2_w_idx + 1 ) & PS2_QUEUE_MASK;
    ps2_data = ps2_bitcnt = 0;
  if( ps2_prev_handler )
    ps2_prev_handler( resnum );