/** No descriptions */ void DubPlaylist::updateCurrent() { KFileItem* active = dub->getActiveFile(); if ( active ) { currentItem = new DubPlaylistItem(*active); emit playCurrent(); } }
void Player::playStream(const String& item, const xbmcgui::ListItem* plistitem, bool windowed) { XBMC_TRACE; DelayedCallGuard dc(languageHook); if (!item.empty()) { // set fullscreen or windowed CMediaSettings::GetInstance().SetVideoStartWindowed(windowed); const AddonClass::Ref<xbmcgui::ListItem> listitem(plistitem); if (listitem.isSet()) { // set m_strPath to the passed url listitem->item->SetPath(item.c_str()); CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().PostMsg(TMSG_MEDIA_PLAY, 0, 0, static_cast<void*>(new CFileItem(*listitem->item))); } else { CFileItemList *l = new CFileItemList; //don't delete, l->Add(std::make_shared<CFileItem>(item, false)); CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().PostMsg(TMSG_MEDIA_PLAY, -1, -1, static_cast<void*>(l)); } } else playCurrent(windowed); }
void YVPlayer::setPlaying(bool p) { m_playing = p; emit playingChanged(); if (!p) { if (m_reply) { m_reply->deleteLater(); m_reply = 0; } else if (m_ctxt) { mmr_stop(m_ctxt); } return; } if (!m_t.size()) { m_reply = m_nm->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(m_url.toLatin1()))); } else { if (m_ctxt) { if (m_pos == -1) m_pos = 0; mmr_seek(m_ctxt, QString::number(m_pos ).toLatin1().data()); mmr_play(m_ctxt); } else { playCurrent(); } } }
void Player::playStream(const String& item, const xbmcgui::ListItem* plistitem, bool windowed) { XBMC_TRACE; DelayedCallGuard dc(languageHook); if (!item.empty()) { // set fullscreen or windowed CMediaSettings::Get().SetVideoStartWindowed(windowed); // force a playercore before playing g_application.m_eForcedNextPlayer = playerCore; const AddonClass::Ref<xbmcgui::ListItem> listitem(plistitem); if (listitem.isSet()) { // set m_strPath to the passed url listitem->item->SetPath(item.c_str()); CApplicationMessenger::Get().PlayFile((const CFileItem)(*(listitem->item)), false); } else { CFileItem nextitem(item, false); CApplicationMessenger::Get().MediaPlay(nextitem.GetPath()); } } else playCurrent(windowed); }
void MusicPlayer::start(const std::string& songSetName) { // Start playing the specified music set if (songSetName != currentSongSet) { currentSongSet = songSetName; currentSongId = 0; shuffleSongs(); playCurrent(); } }
void Player::SongFinished() { fprintf(stderr, "Song finished!\n"); Mix_Music *last = current; if (next != NULL) { current = next; playCurrent(); } Mix_FreeMusic(last); LoadNext(); }
void Player::play(const Alternative<String, const PlayList* > & item, const XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ListItem* listitem, bool windowed, int startpos) { TRACE; if (Alternative<String, const PlayList*>::isNullReference(item)) playCurrent(windowed); else if (item.which() == XBMCAddon::first) playStream(item.former(), listitem, windowed); else // item is a PlayListItem playPlaylist(item.later(),windowed,startpos); }
void Player::play(const Alternative<String, const PlayList* > & item, const XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ListItem* listitem, bool windowed, int startpos) { XBMC_TRACE; if (&item == &defaultPlayParameter) playCurrent(windowed); else if (item.which() == XBMCAddon::first) playStream(item.former(), listitem, windowed); else // item is a PlayListItem playPlaylist(item.later(),windowed,startpos); }
void Player::Play() { if (MusicPaused) { Mix_ResumeMusic(); MusicPaused = false; } else { //Get first song to play //TEMP: just grab test song current = Mix_LoadMUS("song.flac"); next = Mix_LoadMUS("next.flac"); if (!current) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening music file: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } playCurrent(); } }
void Player::playPlaylist(const PlayList* playlist, bool windowed) { TRACE; if (playlist != NULL) { // set fullscreen or windowed g_settings.m_bStartVideoWindowed = windowed; // force a playercore before playing g_application.m_eForcedNextPlayer = playerCore; // play a python playlist (a playlist from playlistplayer.cpp) iPlayList = playlist->getPlayListId(); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(iPlayList); CApplicationMessenger::Get().PlayListPlayerPlay(); } else playCurrent(windowed); }
void Player::playPlaylist(const PlayList* playlist, bool windowed, int startpos) { XBMC_TRACE; DelayedCallGuard dc(languageHook); if (playlist != NULL) { // set fullscreen or windowed CMediaSettings::GetInstance().SetVideoStartWindowed(windowed); // play a python playlist (a playlist from playlistplayer.cpp) iPlayList = playlist->getPlayListId(); CServiceBroker::GetPlaylistPlayer().SetCurrentPlaylist(iPlayList); if (startpos > -1) CServiceBroker::GetPlaylistPlayer().SetCurrentSong(startpos); CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().SendMsg(TMSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_PLAY, startpos); } else playCurrent(windowed); }
void Player::playPlaylist(const PlayList* playlist, bool windowed) { TRACE; DelayedCallGuard dc(languageHook); if (playlist != NULL) { // set fullscreen or windowed CMediaSettings::Get().SetVideoStartWindowed(windowed); // force a playercore before playing g_application.m_eForcedNextPlayer = playerCore; // play a python playlist (a playlist from playlistplayer.cpp) iPlayList = playlist->getPlayListId(); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(iPlayList); CApplicationMessenger::Get().PlayListPlayerPlay(); } else playCurrent(windowed); }
mainwindow::mainwindow(){ currentState=0; hd = new helpdialog; m=new mediaobject; setupUi(this); setWindowTitle("Music Player"); m=new mediaobject; QObject::connect(actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpShow())); QObject::connect(actionExit,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(close())); QObject::connect(actionAdd_Files,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(addFiles())); QObject::connect(buttonPause,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(pauseFile())); QObject::connect(buttonPlay,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(playCurrent())); QObject::connect(buttonStop,SIGNAL(clicked()),m->mobj,SLOT(stop())); QObject::connect(m,SIGNAL(currentSourceChanged(Phonon::MediaSource)),this,SLOT(fetchNext(Phonon::MediaSource))); QObject::connect(m->mobj,SIGNAL(aboutToFinish()),this,SLOT(aboutToFinish())); QObject::connect(m->mobj,SIGNAL(stateChanged(Phonon::State,Phonon::State)),this,SLOT(metaStateChanged(Phonon::State,Phonon::State))); seekSlider->setMediaObject(m->mobj); volumeSlider->setAudioOutput(m->audioOutput); show(); // Signal and slots for help -> AboutUs //m->setQueue(list); }
void DubPlaylist::setCurrent(const PlaylistItem &play) { currentItem=play; emit playCurrent(); }
void KaraokeWidget::playCurrent() { if ( pSongQueue->isEmpty() ) { Logger::debug("KaraokeWidget::playCurrent nothing to play"); pNotification->clearOnScreenMessage(); return; } SongQueueItem current = pSongQueue->current(); // This shouldn't happen if ( current.state == SongQueueItem::STATE_NOT_READY ) abort(); // If current song is not ready yet, show the notification and wait until it is if ( current.state == SongQueueItem::STATE_GETTING_READY ) { Logger::debug("KaraokeWidget::playCurrent want %s play but it is not ready yet", qPrintable( current.file) ); // While we're converting MIDI, ensure other songs are stopped m_karaokeMutex.lock(); if ( m_karaoke ) { m_karaoke->stop(); delete m_karaoke; m_karaoke = 0; } m_karaokeMutex.unlock(); pNotification->setOnScreenMessage( current.stateText() ); QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( playCurrent() ) ); return; } Logger::debug("KaraokeWidget::playCurrent %s", qPrintable( current.file) ); pNotification->clearOnScreenMessage(); KaraokeSong * karfile = new KaraokeSong( this, current ); // Pause the background while loading song (prevents GStreamer errors) m_background->pause( true ); try { if ( !karfile->open() ) { // Resume background m_background->pause( false ); delete karfile; return; } } catch ( const QString& ex ) { // Resume background m_background->pause( false ); Logger::error("KaraokeWidget::playCurrent %s: exception %s", qPrintable( current.file), qPrintable(ex) ); MessageBoxAutoClose::critical( "Cannot play file", tr("Cannot play file %1:\n%2") .arg( current.file ) .arg( ex ) ); delete karfile; // Kick the current song out of queue pActionHandler->dequeueSong( current.id ); return; } m_karaokeMutex.lock(); if ( m_karaoke ) { qWarning("BUG: new karaoke is started while the old is not stoppped!"); m_karaoke->stop(); delete m_karaoke; } m_karaoke = karfile; m_karaokeMutex.unlock(); Logger::debug("KaraokeWidget: waiting for the song being loaded"); }
void Oblique::setCurrent(const PlaylistItem &item) { if (!item) return; mSelector->setCurrent(*static_cast<Item*>(const_cast<PlaylistItemData*>(item.data()))); emit playCurrent(); }
void DubPlaylist::setCurrent(const KFileItem* file, bool play) { Q_ASSERT(file); currentItem = new DubPlaylistItem(*file); if (play) emit playCurrent(); }