Пример #1
 * @brief Adds an outfit to the player's outfit list.
 * @usage player.addOutfit( "Laser Cannon" ) -- Gives the player a laser cannon
 * @usage player.addOutfit( "Plasma Blaster", 2 ) -- Gives the player two plasma blasters
 *    @luaparam name Name of the outfit to give.
 *    @luaparam q Optional parameter that sets the quantity to give (default 1).
 * @luafunc addOutfit( name, q )
static int playerL_addOutfit( lua_State *L  )
   const char *str;
   Outfit *o;
   int q;

   /* Defaults. */
   q = 1;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   str = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 1)
      q = luaL_checkint(L, 2);

   /* Get outfit. */
   o = outfit_get( str );
   if (o==NULL) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, "Outfit '%s' not found.", str);
      return 0;

   /* Add the outfits. */
   player_addOutfit( o, q );

   /* Update equipment list. */

   return 0;
Пример #2
 * @brief Buys a local system map.
static void spaceport_buyMap( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   (void) wid;
   (void) str;
   Outfit *o;
   unsigned int w;

   /* Make sure the map isn't already known, etc. */
   if (land_errDialogue( LOCAL_MAP_NAME, "buyOutfit" ))

   o = outfit_get( LOCAL_MAP_NAME );
   if (o == NULL) {
      WARN("Outfit '%s' does not exist!", LOCAL_MAP_NAME);

   player_modCredits( -o->price );
   player_addOutfit(o, 1);

   /* Disable the button. */
   window_disableButtonSoft( land_windows[0], "btnMap" );

   /* Update map quantity in outfitter. */
   w = land_getWid( LAND_WINDOW_OUTFITS );
   if (w > 0)
      outfits_regenList( w, NULL );