Пример #1
 * Unserializes the data from buffer to a specialized object.
 * Should return 1 on error, 0 on success.
 * Serial reder position should be set to correct position before calling this.
int object_unserialize(object *obj, serial *ser, game_state *gs) {
    obj->pos.x = serial_read_float(ser);
    obj->pos.y = serial_read_float(ser);
    obj->vel.x = serial_read_float(ser);
    obj->vel.y = serial_read_float(ser);
    float gravity = serial_read_float(ser);
    obj->direction = serial_read_int8(ser);
    obj->group = serial_read_int8(ser);
    obj->layers = serial_read_int8(ser);
    uint8_t stride = serial_read_int8(ser);
    uint8_t repeat = serial_read_int8(ser);
    obj->sprite_override = serial_read_int8(ser);
    obj->age = serial_read_int32(ser);
    random_seed(&obj->rand_state, serial_read_int32(ser));
    uint8_t animation_id = serial_read_int8(ser);
    uint8_t pal_offset = serial_read_int8(ser);
    int8_t hit_frames = serial_read_int8(ser);
    int8_t can_hit = serial_read_int8(ser);

    // Other stuff not included in serialization
    obj->y_percent = 1.0;
    obj->cur_animation_own = OWNER_EXTERNAL;
    obj->cur_animation = NULL;
    obj->cur_sprite = NULL;
    obj->sound_translation_table = NULL;
    obj->cur_surface = NULL;
    obj->cur_remap = 0;
    obj->halt = 0;
    obj->halt_ticks = 0;
    obj->cast_shadow = 0;

    // Read animation state
    uint16_t anim_str_len = serial_read_int16(ser);
    char anim_str[anim_str_len+1];
    if(anim_str_len > 0) {
        serial_read(ser, anim_str, anim_str_len);
    obj->animation_state.current_tick = (uint16_t)serial_read_int16(ser);
    obj->animation_state.previous_tick = (uint16_t)serial_read_int16(ser);
    uint8_t reverse = serial_read_int8(ser);

    // Read the specialization ID from ther serial "stream".
    // This should be an int.
    int specialization_id = serial_read_int8(ser);

    // This should automatically bootstrap the object so that it has at least
    // unserialize function callback and local memory allocated
    object_auto_specialize(obj, specialization_id);

    // Now, if the object has unserialize function, call it with
    // serialization data. serial object should be pointing to the
    // start of that data.
    if(obj->unserialize != NULL) {
        obj->unserialize(obj, ser, animation_id, gs);
    } else {
        DEBUG("object has no special unserializer");

    // Init animation with correct string and tick
    if(anim_str_len > 0) {
        // server is using a custom string
        DEBUG("serialized object has custom animation string %s", anim_str);
        player_reload_with_str(obj, anim_str);
    if(reverse) {
        object_set_playback_direction(obj, PLAY_BACKWARDS);

    // deserializing hars can reset these, so we have to set this late
    obj->stride = stride;
    object_set_gravity(obj, gravity);
    object_set_repeat(obj, repeat);
    object_set_pal_offset(obj, pal_offset);
    obj->hit_frames = hit_frames;
    obj->can_hit = can_hit;

    /*DEBUG("Animation state: [%d] %s, ticks = %d stride = %d direction = %d pos = %f,%f vel = %f,%f gravity = %f", strlen(player_get_str(obj))+1, player_get_str(obj), obj->animation_state.ticks, obj->stride, obj->animation_state.reverse, obj->pos.x, obj->pos.y, obj->vel.x, obj->vel.y, obj->gravity);*/

    // Return success
    return 0;
Пример #2
/** Sets a new animation string to currently playing animation
  * \param obj Object handle
  * \param str New animation string
void object_set_custom_string(object *obj, const char *str) {
    obj->custom_str = strcpy(malloc(strlen(str)+1), str);
    player_reload_with_str(obj, str);
    DEBUG("Set animation string to %s", str);
Пример #3
void player_reload(object *obj) {
    player_reload_with_str(obj, str_c(&obj->cur_animation->animation_string));