static int BufferObj_set_cfa(Buffer *self, PyObject *value, void *_) { long cfa_id; if (PyInt_Check(value)) cfa_id = PyInt_AS_LONG(value); else if (PyLong_Check(value)) cfa_id = PyLong_AsLong(value); else return -1; if (cfa_id >= _PLDRAW_CFA_N_) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid CFA identifier"); return -1; } pldraw_set_cfa(self->pldraw, cfa_id); return Buffer_update_cached_colors(self); }
static int Buffer_init(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { static char *kwlist[] = { "device", "cfa", "config", NULL }; Buffer *self = (Buffer *)obj; char *dev = NULL; PyObject *cfa = NULL; const char *conf_file = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "|sO!s", kwlist, &dev, &PyLong_Type, &cfa, &conf_file)) return -1; self->pldraw = pldraw_init(dev, conf_file); if (self->pldraw == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(plsdk_error, "Failed to initialise pldraw"); return -1; } if (cfa != NULL) { int cfa_int = PyLong_AsLong(cfa); if ((cfa_int >= _PLDRAW_CFA_N_) || (cfa_int < 0)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid CFA identifier"); return -1; } pldraw_set_cfa(self->pldraw, cfa_int); } if (Buffer_update_cached_colors(self) < 0) return -1; Py_INCREF(plsdk_palettes); self->palettes = plsdk_palettes; Py_INCREF(plsdk_fonts); self->fonts = plsdk_fonts; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //static const char OPTIONS[] = "hvlpsjPr:g:f::A:Ww:m:d:e:b:T:t:o:a:c:O:i:"; static const char OPTIONS[] = "A:a:b:c:D:d:E:e:F:f:g:hi:jlm:no:O:Ppr:sT:t:vWw:x:y:"; __sighandler_t sigint_original; char * const *file_names = NULL; size_t n_files = 0; int dither_mode = 0; int keep_power_on = 0; const char *waveform_id_str = "2"; int waveform_id = 2; int do_enumerate_waveforms = 0; int do_log_info = 0; int do_wait_power_off = 0; int do_synchro = 0; int do_infinite_loop = 0; int cfa = -1; int display_enable = 0; int do_fill = 0; int fill_color = 0xFF; int do_auto_rotate = 0; int rotation_angle = -1; int do_partial_update = 0; int use_manual_temperature = 0; int manual_temperature = 25; unsigned long pause_ms = 2000; const char *mode = NULL; const char *fbdev = NULL; const char *epdev = NULL; const char *background = NULL; struct plep_point offset = { 0, 0 }; enum epdoc_align_h align_h = EPDOC_ALIGN_H_NONE; enum epdoc_align_v align_v = EPDOC_ALIGN_V_NONE; struct plep_rect crop = { { 0, 0 }, { INT_MAX, INT_MAX } }; const char *doc_type = NULL; const char *conf_file = NULL; struct plep *plep; struct pldraw *pldraw; int onoff = -1; int c; int ret; int use_alternative_vsource = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'A': if (!strcmp(optarg, "l")) { use_alternative_vsource = 1; }else if (!strcmp(optarg, "h")) { use_alternative_vsource = 2; }else if (!strcmp(optarg, "lh")) { use_alternative_vsource = 3; }else if (!strcmp(optarg, "hl")) { use_alternative_vsource = 3; }else{ LOG("invalid alternative VSOURCE selection"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'h': print_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': printf("%s v%s - %s\n%s\n%s\n", APP_NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, COPYRIGHT, LICENSE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'l': do_log_info = 1; break; case 'P': do_partial_update = 1; break; case 'p': do_wait_power_off = 1; break; case 's': do_synchro = 1; break; case 'j': do_infinite_loop = 1; break; case 'r': if (!strcmp(optarg, "auto")) { do_auto_rotate = 1; } else { unsigned long raw_angle; if (str2ul(optarg, &raw_angle) < 0) { LOG("failed to parse rotation angle"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((raw_angle > 270) || (raw_angle % 90)) { LOG("invalid rotation angle"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rotation_angle = raw_angle; } break; case 'g': if (str2ul(optarg, &pause_ms) < 0) { LOG("failed to parse pause duration"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'f': if (optarg == NULL) { cfa = PLDRAW_CFA_GR_BW; } else { cfa = pldraw_get_cfa_id(optarg); if (cfa < 0) { LOG("Invalid CFA identifier: %s", optarg); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } break; case 'F':{ char* str = optarg; if (optarg == NULL) { // set color to white (0xFF) do_fill = 1; } else { do_fill = 1; if(!strncmp(optarg, "0x", 2) || !strncmp(optarg, "0X", 2)){ fill_color = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16); }else{ fill_color = atoi(optarg); } } break; } case 'T': manual_temperature = atoi(optarg); use_manual_temperature = 1; break; case 'W': do_enumerate_waveforms = 1; break; case 'i': waveform_id_str = NULL; waveform_id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': waveform_id_str = optarg; break; case 'm': mode = optarg; break; case 'd': fbdev = optarg; break; case 'e': epdev = optarg; break; case 'b': background = optarg; break; case 't': doc_type = optarg; break; case 'o': if (parse_offset(&offset, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'a': if (parse_alignment(&align_h, &align_v, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'c': if (parse_crop(&crop, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'O': conf_file = optarg; if (access(conf_file, F_OK)) { LOG_ERRNO("Configuration file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'x':{ onoff = atoi(optarg); break; } case 'E':{ //Enable Display N display_enable = atoi(optarg); if(display_enable > 3){ LOG("Invalid arguments"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; } case 'D':{ //disable Display N display_enable -= atoi(optarg); if(display_enable < -3){ LOG("Invalid arguments"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; } case 'y': dither_mode = atoi(optarg); LOG("dither_mode %i", dither_mode); if(display_enable < 0 || display_enable > 3){ LOG("Invalid arguments"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'n':{ keep_power_on = 1; break; } case '?': default: LOG("Invalid arguments"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } if (optind < argc) { file_names = &argv[optind]; n_files = argc - optind; } LOG("%s v%s", APP_NAME, VERSION); plep = plep_init(epdev, mode, conf_file); if (plep == NULL) { LOG("failed to initialise ePDC"); goto error_plep; } pldraw = pldraw_init(fbdev, conf_file); if (pldraw == NULL) { LOG("failed to initialise pldraw"); goto error_pldraw; } pldraw_set_plep(pldraw, plep); if(waveform_id_str){ waveform_id = plep_get_wfid(plep, waveform_id_str); if (waveform_id < 0) { LOG("Invalid waveform path: %s", waveform_id_str); goto error_pldraw; } } if (cfa >= 0) pldraw_set_cfa(pldraw, cfa); else cfa = pldraw_get_cfa(pldraw); if (cfa != PLDRAW_CFA_NONE) LOG("CFA: %s", pldraw_cfa_name[cfa]); if (rotation_angle < 0) rotation_angle = pldraw_get_rotation(pldraw); if (rotation_angle) LOG("rotation: %d", rotation_angle); if (do_log_info) pldraw_log_info(pldraw); sigint_original = signal(SIGINT, sigint_abort); if(onoff != -1){ LOG("POWER ONOFF:%i\n", onoff); if(onoff) plep_powerup(plep); else plep_powerdown(plep); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(display_enable != 0){ //LOG("DISPLAY ENABLE:%i\n", display_enable); if(display_enable>0){ plep_enable_display(plep, display_enable); }else{ plep_disable_display(plep, display_enable); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (do_enumerate_waveforms) { ret = enumerate_waveforms(plep); } else { struct epdoc_opt opt; plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_SYNC_UPDATE, do_synchro); if (do_wait_power_off) plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_WAIT_POWER_OFF, 1); if(do_partial_update){ plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_PARTIAL, 1); } if(use_manual_temperature){ plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_TEMPERATURE, 1); plep_set_hw_opt(plep, PLEP_TEMPERATURE, manual_temperature); }else{ plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_TEMPERATURE_AUTO, 1); } opt.dither_mode = dither_mode; opt.keep_power_on = keep_power_on; opt.do_auto_rotate = do_auto_rotate; opt.rotation_angle = rotation_angle; opt.wfid = waveform_id; opt.offset.x = offset.x; opt.offset.y = offset.y; opt.align_h = align_h; opt.align_v = align_v; memcpy(&opt.crop, &crop, sizeof opt.crop); opt.doc_type = doc_type; opt.use_alternative_vsource = use_alternative_vsource; if(do_fill){ pldraw_fill_rect(pldraw, pldraw_get_grey(pldraw, fill_color), &crop); plep_update_screen(plep, opt.wfid); }else{ ret = show_contents(pldraw, file_names, n_files, &opt, pause_ms, do_infinite_loop, background); } } signal(SIGINT, sigint_original); pldraw_free(pldraw); plep_free(plep); exit((ret < 0) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); error_pldraw: plep_free(plep); error_plep: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { static const char OPTIONS[] = "hvlpsjr:g:f::Ww:m:d:e:b:t:o:a:c:O:"; __sighandler_t sigint_original; char * const *file_names = NULL; size_t n_files = 0; const char *waveform_id_str = NULL; int waveform_id; int do_enumerate_waveforms = 0; int do_log_info = 0; int do_wait_power_off = 0; int do_synchro = 0; int do_infinite_loop = 0; int cfa = -1; int do_auto_rotate = 0; int rotation_angle = -1; unsigned long pause_ms = 2000; const char *mode = NULL; const char *fbdev = NULL; const char *epdev = NULL; const char *background = NULL; struct plep_point offset = { 0, 0 }; enum epdoc_align_h align_h = EPDOC_ALIGN_H_NONE; enum epdoc_align_v align_v = EPDOC_ALIGN_V_NONE; struct plep_rect crop = { { 0, 0 }, { INT_MAX, INT_MAX } }; const char *doc_type = NULL; const char *conf_file = NULL; struct plep *plep; struct pldraw *pldraw; int c; int ret; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': print_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': printf("%s v%s - %s\n%s\n%s\n", APP_NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, COPYRIGHT, LICENSE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'l': do_log_info = 1; break; case 'p': do_wait_power_off = 1; break; case 's': do_synchro = 1; break; case 'j': do_infinite_loop = 1; break; case 'r': if (!strcmp(optarg, "auto")) { do_auto_rotate = 1; } else { unsigned long raw_angle; if (str2ul(optarg, &raw_angle) < 0) { LOG("failed to parse rotation angle"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((raw_angle > 270) || (raw_angle % 90)) { LOG("invalid rotation angle"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rotation_angle = raw_angle; } break; case 'g': if (str2ul(optarg, &pause_ms) < 0) { LOG("failed to parse pause duration"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'f': if (optarg == NULL) { cfa = PLDRAW_CFA_GR_BW; } else { cfa = pldraw_get_cfa_id(optarg); if (cfa < 0) { LOG("Invalid CFA identifier: %s", optarg); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } break; case 'W': do_enumerate_waveforms = 1; break; case 'w': waveform_id_str = optarg; break; case 'm': mode = optarg; break; case 'd': fbdev = optarg; break; case 'e': epdev = optarg; break; case 'b': background = optarg; break; case 't': doc_type = optarg; break; case 'o': if (parse_offset(&offset, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'a': if (parse_alignment(&align_h, &align_v, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'c': if (parse_crop(&crop, optarg) < 0) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'O': conf_file = optarg; if (access(conf_file, F_OK)) { LOG_ERRNO("Configuration file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case '?': default: LOG("Invalid arguments"); print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } if (optind < argc) { file_names = &argv[optind]; n_files = argc - optind; } LOG("%s v%s", APP_NAME, VERSION); plep = plep_init(epdev, mode, conf_file); if (plep == NULL) { LOG("failed to initialise ePDC"); goto error_plep; } pldraw = pldraw_init(fbdev, conf_file); if (pldraw == NULL) { LOG("failed to initialise pldraw"); goto error_pldraw; } pldraw_set_plep(pldraw, plep); waveform_id = plep_get_wfid(plep, waveform_id_str); if (waveform_id < 0) { LOG("Invalid waveform path: %s", waveform_id_str); goto error_pldraw; } if (cfa >= 0) pldraw_set_cfa(pldraw, cfa); else cfa = pldraw_get_cfa(pldraw); if (cfa != PLDRAW_CFA_NONE) LOG("CFA: %s", pldraw_cfa_name[cfa]); if (rotation_angle < 0) rotation_angle = pldraw_get_rotation(pldraw); if (rotation_angle) LOG("rotation: %d", rotation_angle); if (do_log_info) pldraw_log_info(pldraw); sigint_original = signal(SIGINT, sigint_abort); if (do_enumerate_waveforms) { ret = enumerate_waveforms(plep); } else { struct epdoc_opt opt; plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_SYNC_UPDATE, do_synchro); if (do_wait_power_off) plep_set_opt(plep, PLEP_WAIT_POWER_OFF, 1); opt.do_auto_rotate = do_auto_rotate; opt.rotation_angle = rotation_angle; opt.wfid = waveform_id; opt.offset.x = offset.x; opt.offset.y = offset.y; opt.align_h = align_h; opt.align_v = align_v; memcpy(&opt.crop, &crop, sizeof opt.crop); opt.doc_type = doc_type; ret = show_contents(pldraw, file_names, n_files, &opt, pause_ms, do_infinite_loop, background); } signal(SIGINT, sigint_original); pldraw_free(pldraw); plep_free(plep); exit((ret < 0) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); error_pldraw: plep_free(plep); error_plep: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }