Пример #1
static void
UpdateIndex(PLStream *pls, FPOS_T cp_offset)
    PLmDev *dev = (PLmDev *) pls->dev;
    FILE *file = pls->OutFile;

/* Update file index.  Right now only number of pages. */
/* The ordering here is critical */

    if (dev->index_offset > 0) {
	pldebug("UpdateIndex (plmeta.c)",
		"Location: %d, seeking to: %d\n",
		(int) cp_offset, (int) dev->lp_offset);

	if (pl_fsetpos(file, &dev->index_offset)) {
	    sprintf(buffer, "UpdateIndex (plmeta.c): fsetpos to index_offset (%d) failed",
		    (int) dev->index_offset);
	plm_wr( pdf_wr_header(pls->pdfs, "pages") );
	plm_wr( pdf_wr_2bytes(pls->pdfs, (U_SHORT) pls->page) );

	pldebug("UpdateIndex (plmeta.c)",
		"Location: %d, seeking to: %d\n",
		(int) dev->lp_offset, (int) cp_offset);

	if (pl_fsetpos(file, &cp_offset)) {
	    sprintf(buffer, "UpdateIndex (plmeta.c): fsetpos to cp_offset (%d) failed",
		    (int) cp_offset);
Пример #2
 *  void install_buffer( PLStream *pls )
 *  If this driver is called from a command line executable (and not
 *  from within a wxWidgets program), this function prepares a DC and a
 *  bitmap to plot into.
static void install_buffer( PLStream *pls )
  // Log_Verbose( "install_buffer" );

  wxPLDevBase* dev = (wxPLDevBase*)pls->dev;
  static bool initApp=false;

  if( !initApp ) {
    /* this hack enables to have a GUI on Mac OSX even if the
       program was called from the command line (and isn't a bundle) */
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    ProcessSerialNumber psn;

    GetCurrentProcess( &psn );
    CPSEnableForegroundOperation( &psn );
    SetFrontProcess( &psn );

    /* initialize wxWidgets */
    wxTRY {
    wxCATCH_ALL( wxPLGetApp().OnUnhandledException(); plexit( "Can't init wxWidgets!"); )
Пример #3
plGetFlt(char *s)
    PLFLT m;
    double m1;
    int i = 0;
    char line[256];

    while (i++ < 10) {
	fprintf(stdout, "%s", s);
	plio_fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin);

#ifdef MSDOS
	m = atof(line);
	return (m);
	if (sscanf(line, "%lf", &m1) == 1) {
	    m = (PLFLT) m1;
	    return (m);
	fprintf(stdout, "No value or value out of range; please try again\n");
    plexit("Too many tries.");
    return (0.);
Пример #4
stcmap1(PLStream *pls)
  long cur_pos;
  int i;

  if (pls->ncol1 > cmap1_ncol)
    plwarn("Too much colors for cmap1. Preallocate using command line '-ncol1 n.\n'");

      cur_pos = ftell(pls->OutFile);

      if (fseek(pls->OutFile, cmap1_pos, SEEK_SET))
	plexit("Sorry, only file based output, no pipes.\n");

      /* fill the colormap */
      for (i=0; i<pls->ncol1; i++)
	fprintf(pls->OutFile,"0 %d #%.2x%.2x%.2x\n", i+XFIG_COLBASE+cmap0_ncol,
		pls->cmap1[i].r, pls->cmap1[i].g, pls->cmap1[i].b);

      /* fill the nonspecified entries colormap */
      for (i=pls->ncol1; i<cmap1_ncol; i++)
	fprintf(pls->OutFile,"0 %d #000000\n", i+XFIG_COLBASE+cmap0_ncol);

      if (cur_pos != cmap1_pos)
	fseek(pls->OutFile, cur_pos, SEEK_SET);
Пример #5
plD_esc_xfig(PLStream *pls, PLINT op, void *ptr)
  PLDev *dev = pls->dev;
  int i, npts;
  switch (op) { 
  case PLESC_FILL:

    npts = pls->dev_npts;
    if (npts > PL_MAXPOLY)
      plexit("FillPolygonCmd: Too many points in polygon\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "2 1 0 1 %d %d 50 0 20 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 %d\n",
	    curcol, curcol, npts);

    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
      fprintf(pls->OutFile,"%d %d ",  pls->dev_x[i],
	      offset + dev->ymax * (int)dev->xscale_dev - pls->dev_y[i]);

    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\n");

    proc_str(pls, ptr);
Пример #6
plD_init_plm(PLStream *pls)
    PLmDev *dev;


    pls->color = 1;		/* Is a color device */
    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Handle solid fills */
    pls->dev_fill1 = 1;		/* Handle pattern fills */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */

    pls->pdfs = pdf_finit(pls->OutFile);

/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PLmDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("plD_init_plm: Out of memory.");

    dev = (PLmDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->xmax = PIXELS_X - 1;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->ymax = PIXELS_Y - 1;

    dev->pxlx = (double) PIXELS_X / (double) LPAGE_X;
    dev->pxly = (double) PIXELS_Y / (double) LPAGE_Y;

    plP_setpxl(dev->pxlx, dev->pxly);
    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* Write Metafile header. */


/* Write color map state info */

    plD_state_plm(pls, PLSTATE_CMAP0);
    plD_state_plm(pls, PLSTATE_CMAP1);

/* Write initialization command. */

    DEBUG_PRINT_LOCATION("before init");
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_1byte(pls->pdfs, c) );
Пример #7
plOpenFile(PLStream *pls)
    int i = 0, count = 0;
    size_t len;
    char line[256];

    while (pls->OutFile == NULL) {

/* Setting pls->FileName = NULL forces creation of a new family member */
/* You should also free the memory associated with it if you do this */

	if (pls->family && pls->BaseName != NULL)

/* Prompt if filename still not known */

	if (pls->FileName == NULL) {
	    do {
		fprintf(stdout, "Enter graphics output file name: ");
		plio_fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin);
		len = strlen(line);
		if (len)
		line[len] = '\0';	/* strip new-line */
		count++;		/* count zero entries */
	    } while (!len && count < MAX_NUM_TRIES);
	    plP_sfnam(pls, line);

/* If name is "-", send to stdout */

	if ( ! strcmp(pls->FileName, "-")) {
	    pls->OutFile = stdout;
	    pls->output_type = 1;

/* Need this here again, for prompted family initialization */

	if (pls->family && pls->BaseName != NULL)

	if (i++ > 10)
	    plexit("Too many tries.");

	if ((pls->OutFile = fopen(pls->FileName, "wb+")) == NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s.\n", pls->FileName);
	/* silence this message - Peter Rice, 5-Apr-2002 */
//	else
//	    pldebug("plOpenFile", "Opened %s\n", pls->FileName);
Пример #8
PLDev *
plAllocDev(PLStream *pls)
    if (pls->dev != NULL)
	free((void *) pls->dev);

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PLDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("plAllocDev: cannot allocate memory\n");

    return (PLDev *) pls->dev;
Пример #9
* FillPolygonCmd()
static void FillPolygonCmd(PLStream *pls) {
	int i;
	WinDev *dev = (WinDev *)pls->dev;
	if (pls->dev_npts > PL_MAXPOLY)
		plexit("FillPolygonCmd : Too many points in polygon\n");
	for (i=0; i < pls->dev_npts;i++) {
		pt[i].x = pls->dev_x[i] * dev->xScale;
		pt[i].y = (PIXELS_Y - pls->dev_y[i]) * dev->yScale;
Пример #10
pltr1(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data)
    PLINT ul, ur, vl, vr;
    PLFLT du, dv;
    PLFLT xl, xr, yl, yr;

    PLcGrid *grid = (PLcGrid *) pltr_data;
    PLFLT *xg = grid->xg;
    PLFLT *yg = grid->yg;
    PLINT nx = grid->nx;
    PLINT ny = grid->ny;

    ul = (PLINT) x;
    ur = ul + 1;
    du = x - ul;

    vl = (PLINT) y;
    vr = vl + 1;
    dv = y - vl;

    if (x < 0 || x > nx - 1 || y < 0 || y > ny - 1) {

      /* fprintf(stderr, "nx : %d, ny : %d",nx,ny); */
      plexit("pltr1: Invalid coordinates");

/* Look up coordinates in row-dominant array.
 * Have to handle right boundary specially -- if at the edge, we'd better
 * not reference the out of bounds point.

    xl = xg[ul];
    yl = yg[vl];

    if (ur == nx) {
	*tx = xl;
    else {
	xr = xg[ur];
	*tx = xl * (1 - du) + xr * du;
    if (vr == ny) {
	*ty = yl;
    else {
	yr = yg[vr];
	*ty = yl * (1 - dv) + yr * dv;
Пример #11
pldtik(PLFLT vmin, PLFLT vmax, PLFLT *tick, PLINT *nsubt)
    PLFLT t1, t2, tick_reasonable;
    PLINT np, ns;

/* Magnitude of min/max difference to get tick spacing */

    t1 = (PLFLT) log10(ABS(vmax - vmin));
    np = (PLINT) floor(t1);
    t1 = t1 - np;

/* Get tick spacing. */

    if (t1 > 0.7781512503) {
	t2 = 2.0;
	ns = 4;
    else if (t1 > 0.4771212549) {
	t2 = 1.0;
	ns = 5;
    else if (t1 > 0.1760912591) {
	t2 = 5.0;
	ns = 5;
	np = np - 1;
    else {
	t2 = 2.0;
	ns = 4;
	np = np - 1;

/* Now compute reasonable tick spacing */

    tick_reasonable = t2 * pow(10.0, (double) np);
    if (*tick == 0) {
	*tick = t2 * pow(10.0, (double) np);
    else {
        *tick = ABS(*tick);
        if(*tick < 1.e-4*tick_reasonable) {
	   plexit("pldtik: magnitude of specified tick spacing is much too small");
    if (*nsubt == 0)
	*nsubt = ns;

    *nsubt = ABS(*nsubt);
Пример #12
* plD_polyline_win3()
* Draw a polyline in the current color.
void plD_polyline_win3(PLStream *pls, short *xa, short *ya, PLINT npts)
	WinDev *dev = (WinDev *)pls->dev;
	int i;
	if (npts > PL_MAXPOLY)
		plexit("FillPolygonCmd : Too many points in polygon\n");
	for (i=0; i < npts;i++) {
		pt[i].x = xa[i] * dev->xScale;
		pt[i].y = (PIXELS_Y - ya[i]) * dev->yScale;
Пример #13
static void PrintLocation(PLStream *pls, char *tag)
    int isfile = (pls->output_type == 0);
    if (isfile) {
	FILE *file = pls->OutFile;
	FPOS_T current_offset;

	if (pl_fgetpos(file, &current_offset))
	    plexit("PrintLocation (plmeta.c): fgetpos call failed");

	pldebug(tag, "at offset %d in file %s\n",
		(int) current_offset, pls->FileName);
Пример #14
plbuf_bop(PLStream *pls)


    pls->plbufFile = tmpfile();
    if (pls->plbufFile == NULL) 
	plexit("plbuf_init: Error opening plot data storage file.");

    wr_command(pls, (U_CHAR) BOP);
    plbuf_state(pls, PLSTATE_COLOR0);
    plbuf_state(pls, PLSTATE_WIDTH);
Пример #15
 * Plot an individual vector
static void
plP_plotvect(PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT u, PLFLT v, PLFLT scale) {
    PLFLT uu, vv, px0, py0, dpx, dpy;
    PLINT *a_x, *a_y;
    int j;

    uu = scale*u;
    vv = scale*v;

    if(uu == 0.0 && vv == 0.0) return;

    if (((a_x = (PLINT *)malloc(sizeof(PLINT)*(plsc->arrow_npts)))==NULL)||
        ((a_y = (PLINT *)malloc(sizeof(PLINT)*(plsc->arrow_npts)))==NULL))
          plexit("plP_plotvect: Insufficient memory");

    px0 = plP_wcpcx(x);
    py0 = plP_wcpcy(y);

    pldebug("plP_plotvect", "%f %f %d %d\n",x,y,px0,py0);

    dpx = plP_wcpcx(x + 0.5*uu) - px0;
    dpy = plP_wcpcy(y + 0.5*vv) - py0;

    /* transform arrow -> a */

    for (j = 0; j < plsc->arrow_npts; j++) {
        a_x[j] = (PLINT)(plsc->arrow_x[j] * dpx - plsc->arrow_y[j] * dpy + px0);
	a_y[j] = (PLINT)(plsc->arrow_x[j] * dpy + plsc->arrow_y[j] * dpx + py0);

    /* draw the arrow */
    if (plsc->arrow_fill) {
	plP_plfclp(a_x, a_y, plsc->arrow_npts, plsc->clpxmi, plsc->clpxma,
	plsc->clpymi, plsc->clpyma, plP_fill);

    free((void *)a_x);
    free((void *)a_y);

Пример #16
static void
addcoord(PLINT xp1, PLINT yp1)
    PLINT *temp;

    if (bufferleng + 2 > buffersize) {
	buffersize += 2 * BINC;
	temp = (PLINT *) realloc((void *) buffer,
				 (size_t) buffersize * sizeof(PLINT));
	if (!temp) {
	    free((void *) buffer);
	    plexit("plfill: Out of memory!");
	buffer = temp;

    buffer[bufferleng++] = xp1;
    buffer[bufferleng++] = yp1;
Пример #17
plD_line_xfig(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a)
    PLDev *dev = (PLDev *) pls->dev;
    int xx1 = x1a, yy1 = y1a, xx2 = x2a, yy2 = y2a;
    short *tempptr;

/* If starting point of this line is the same as the ending point of */
/* the previous line then don't raise the pen. (This really speeds up */
/* plotting and reduces the size of the file. */

    if (firstline) {
	count = 0;
	*(buffptr + count++) = xx1;
	*(buffptr + count++) = yy1;
	*(buffptr + count++) = xx2;
	*(buffptr + count++) = yy2;
	firstline = 0;
    else if (xx1 == dev->xold && yy1 == dev->yold) {
	if (count + 2 >= bufflen) {
	    bufflen += 2 * BSIZE;
	    tempptr = (short *)
		realloc((void *) buffptr, bufflen * sizeof(short));
	    if (tempptr == NULL) {
		free((void *) buffptr);
		plexit("Out of memory!");
	    buffptr = tempptr;
	*(buffptr + count++) = xx2;
	*(buffptr + count++) = yy2;
    else {
	*(buffptr + count++) = xx1;
	*(buffptr + count++) = yy1;
	*(buffptr + count++) = xx2;
	*(buffptr + count++) = yy2;
    dev->xold = xx2;
    dev->yold = yy2;
Пример #18
c_plsvect(PLFLT *arrowx, PLFLT *arrowy, PLINT npts, PLINT fill) {
    int i;

    if (plsc->arrow_x) free_mem(plsc->arrow_x);
    if (plsc->arrow_y) free_mem(plsc->arrow_y);

    if (((plsc->arrow_x = (PLFLT *)malloc(npts*sizeof(PLFLT)))==NULL)||
        ((plsc->arrow_y = (PLFLT *)malloc(npts*sizeof(PLFLT)))==NULL))
          plexit("c_plsvect: Insufficient memory");

    plsc->arrow_npts = npts;
    plsc->arrow_fill = fill;
    for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
      plsc->arrow_x[i] = arrowx[i];
      plsc->arrow_y[i] = arrowy[i];
Пример #19
static void
WritePageInfo(PLStream *pls, FPOS_T pp_offset)
    PLmDev *dev = (PLmDev *) pls->dev;
    FILE *file = pls->OutFile;
    int isfile = (pls->output_type == 0);
    U_CHAR c;
    FPOS_T cp_offset=0;

/* Update table of contents. */

    if (isfile) {
	if (pl_fgetpos(file, &cp_offset))
	    plexit("WritePageInfo (plmeta.c): fgetpos call failed");

	UpdateIndex(pls, cp_offset);

/* Write new page header */

    if (dev->notfirst)
	c = BOP;
    else {
	c = BOP0;
	dev->notfirst = 1;
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_1byte(pls->pdfs,  c) );
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_2bytes(pls->pdfs, (U_SHORT) pls->page) );
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_4bytes(pls->pdfs, (U_LONG) pp_offset) );
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_4bytes(pls->pdfs, (U_LONG) 0) );

/* Update last page offset with current page value */

    dev->lp_offset = cp_offset;

/* Write some page state information just to make things nice later on */
/* Eventually there will be more */

    plD_state_plm(pls, PLSTATE_COLOR0);
Пример #20
plD_init_imp(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = IMPX;
    dev->ymax = IMPY;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 11.81, (PLFLT) 11.81);
    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

    LineBuff = (short *) malloc(BUFFLENG * sizeof(short));
    if (LineBuff == NULL) {
	plexit("Error in memory alloc in plD_init_imp().");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "@Document(Language ImPress, jobheader off)");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE1);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_H, OPWORDH1, OPWORDH2);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_V, OPWORDV1, OPWORDV2);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE2);
Пример #21
plGetInt(char *s)
    int m;
    int i = 0;
    char line[256];

    while (i++ < 10) {
	fprintf(stdout, s);
	fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin);
#ifdef MSDOS
	m = atoi(line);
	return (m);
	if (sscanf(line, "%d", &m) == 1)
	    return (m);
	fprintf(stdout, "No value or value out of range; please try again\n");
    plexit("Too many tries.");
    return (0);
Пример #22
void plD_gd_optimise(PLStream *pls)
png_Dev *dev=(png_Dev *)pls->dev;
int i,j;
char *bbuf;

bbuf=calloc(256,(size_t) 1);    /* Allocate a buffer to "check off" colours as they are used */
if (bbuf==NULL) plexit("plD_gd_optimise: Out of memory.");

    for(i=0;i<(pls->xlength-1);i++)        /* Walk through the image pixel by pixel */
       {                                   /* checking to see what colour it is */
        for(j=0;j<(pls->ylength-1);j++)    /* and adding it to the list of used colours */
            bbuf[gdImagePalettePixel(dev->im_out, i, j)]=1;

for (i=0;i<256;i++)     /* next walk over the colours and deallocate */
    {                   /* unused ones */
    if (bbuf[i]==0) gdImageColorDeallocate(dev->im_out,i);

Пример #23
plD_init_xfig(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

    if (text)
      pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->xmax = FIGX;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->ymax = FIGY;
    dev->xscale_dev = DPI/25.4;
    dev->yscale_dev = DPI/25.4;
    offset_inc = dev->ymax * (PLINT)dev->yscale_dev;
    offset = - offset_inc;
    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;	    /* Handle solid fills */
    if (!pls->colorset)
      pls->color = 1;         /* Is a color device */

    plP_setpxl(dev->xscale_dev, dev->xscale_dev); /* dpmm -- dots per mm */
    plP_setphy(0, FIGX * dev->xscale_dev, 0, FIGY * dev->yscale_dev); /* physical dimension in mm */ 

/* Write out header */

    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "#FIG 3.2\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Landscape\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Center\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Metric\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "A4\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "100.0\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Single\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "-2\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%d 2\n", DPI);

    /* user defined colors, for colormap0 */
    cmap0_ncol = 2 * pls->ncol0; /* allow for a maximum of 2x the default cmap0 entries */
    cmap0_pos = ftell(pls->OutFile);

    /* user defined colors, for colormap1 */
    cmap1_ncol = 2 * pls->ncol1; /* allow for a maximum of  2x the default cmap1 entries */
    cmap1_pos = ftell(pls->OutFile); 

    bufflen = 2 * BSIZE;
    buffptr = (short *) malloc(sizeof(short) * bufflen);
    if (buffptr == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory!");
Пример #24
plD_init_ljii(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;

    plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 5.905, (PLFLT) 5.905);

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = JETY;
    dev->ymax = JETX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Allocate storage for bit map matrix */

#ifdef MSDOS
    if ((bitmap = (char _HUGE *) halloc((long) NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");
    if ((bitmap = (void *) calloc(NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");

/* Reset Printer */

    fprintf(OF, "%cE", ESC);
Пример #25
main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
    int      i, j, k;
    PLFLT    *x, *y, **z, *z_row_major, *z_col_major;
    PLFLT    dx = 2. / (PLFLT) ( XPTS - 1 );
    PLFLT    dy = 2. / (PLFLT) ( YPTS - 1 );
    PLfGrid2 grid_c, grid_row_major, grid_col_major;
    PLFLT    xx, yy, r;
    PLINT    ifshade;
    PLFLT    zmin, zmax, step;
    PLFLT    clevel[LEVELS];
    PLINT    nlevel = LEVELS;

    PLINT    indexxmin = 0;
    PLINT    indexxmax = XPTS;
    PLINT    *indexymin;
    PLINT    *indexymax;
    PLFLT    **zlimited;
    // parameters of ellipse (in x, y index coordinates) that limits the data.
    // x0, y0 correspond to the exact floating point centre of the index
    // range.
    PLFLT x0 = 0.5 * (PLFLT) ( XPTS - 1 );
    PLFLT a  = 0.9 * x0;
    PLFLT y0 = 0.5 * (PLFLT) ( YPTS - 1 );
    PLFLT b  = 0.7 * y0;
    PLFLT square_root;

    // Parse and process command line arguments
    plMergeOpts( options, "x08c options", NULL );
    (void) plparseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL );

    // Initialize plplot


// Allocate data structures

    x = (PLFLT *) calloc( XPTS, sizeof ( PLFLT ) );
    y = (PLFLT *) calloc( YPTS, sizeof ( PLFLT ) );

    plAlloc2dGrid( &z, XPTS, YPTS );
    z_row_major = (PLFLT *) malloc( XPTS * YPTS * sizeof ( PLFLT ) );
    z_col_major = (PLFLT *) malloc( XPTS * YPTS * sizeof ( PLFLT ) );
    if ( !z_row_major || !z_col_major )
        plexit( "Memory allocation error" );

    grid_c.f         = z;
    grid_row_major.f = (PLFLT **) z_row_major;
    grid_col_major.f = (PLFLT **) z_col_major;
    grid_c.nx        = grid_row_major.nx = grid_col_major.nx = XPTS;
    grid_c.ny        = grid_row_major.ny = grid_col_major.ny = YPTS;

    for ( i = 0; i < XPTS; i++ )
        x[i] = -1. + (PLFLT) i * dx;
        if ( rosen )
            x[i] *= 1.5;

    for ( j = 0; j < YPTS; j++ )
        y[j] = -1. + (PLFLT) j * dy;
        if ( rosen )
            y[j] += 0.5;

    for ( i = 0; i < XPTS; i++ )
        xx = x[i];
        for ( j = 0; j < YPTS; j++ )
            yy = y[j];
            if ( rosen )
                z[i][j] = pow( 1. - xx, 2. ) + 100. * pow( yy - pow( xx, 2. ), 2. );

                // The log argument might be zero for just the right grid.
                if ( z[i][j] > 0. )
                    z[i][j] = log( z[i][j] );
                    z[i][j] = -5.; // -MAXFLOAT would mess-up up the scale
                r       = sqrt( xx * xx + yy * yy );
                z[i][j] = exp( -r * r ) * cos( 2.0 * M_PI * r );

            z_row_major[i * YPTS + j] = z[i][j];
            z_col_major[i + XPTS * j] = z[i][j];

    // Allocate and calculate y index ranges and corresponding zlimited.
    plAlloc2dGrid( &zlimited, XPTS, YPTS );
    indexymin = (PLINT *) malloc( XPTS * sizeof ( PLINT ) );
    indexymax = (PLINT *) malloc( XPTS * sizeof ( PLINT ) );
    if ( !indexymin || !indexymax )
        plexit( "Memory allocation error" );

    //printf("XPTS = %d\n", XPTS);
    //printf("x0 = %f\n", x0);
    //printf("a = %f\n", a);
    //printf("YPTS = %d\n", YPTS);
    //printf("y0 = %f\n", y0);
    //printf("b = %f\n", b);

    // These values should all be ignored because of the i index range.
#if 0
    for ( i = 0; i < indexxmin; i++ )
        indexymin[i] = 0;
        indexymax[i] = YPTS;
        for ( j = indexymin[i]; j < indexymax[i]; j++ )
            // Mark with large value to check this is ignored.
            zlimited[i][j] = 1.e300;
    for ( i = indexxmin; i < indexxmax; i++ )
        square_root = sqrt( 1. - MIN( 1., pow( ( (PLFLT) i - x0 ) / a, 2. ) ) );
        // Add 0.5 to find nearest integer and therefore preserve symmetry
        // with regard to lower and upper bound of y range.
        indexymin[i] = MAX( 0, (PLINT) ( 0.5 + y0 - b * square_root ) );
        // indexymax calculated with the convention that it is 1
        // greater than highest valid index.
        indexymax[i] = MIN( YPTS, 1 + (PLINT) ( 0.5 + y0 + b * square_root ) );
        //printf("i, b*square_root, indexymin[i], YPTS - indexymax[i] = %d, %e, %d, %d\n", i, b*square_root, indexymin[i], YPTS - indexymax[i]);

#if 0
        // These values should all be ignored because of the j index range.
        for ( j = 0; j < indexymin[i]; j++ )
            // Mark with large value to check this is ignored.
            zlimited[i][j] = 1.e300;

        for ( j = indexymin[i]; j < indexymax[i]; j++ )
            zlimited[i][j] = z[i][j];

#if 0
        // These values should all be ignored because of the j index range.
        for ( j = indexymax[i]; j < YPTS; j++ )
            // Mark with large value to check this is ignored.
            zlimited[i][j] = 1.e300;

#if 0
    // These values should all be ignored because of the i index range.
    for ( i = indexxmax; i < XPTS; i++ )
        indexymin[i] = 0;
        indexymax[i] = YPTS;
        for ( j = indexymin[i]; j < indexymax[i]; j++ )
            // Mark with large value to check this is ignored.
            zlimited[i][j] = 1.e300;

    plMinMax2dGrid( (const PLFLT * const *) z, XPTS, YPTS, &zmax, &zmin );
    step = ( zmax - zmin ) / ( nlevel + 1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < nlevel; i++ )
        clevel[i] = zmin + step + step * i;

    pllightsource( 1., 1., 1. );

    for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
        for ( ifshade = 0; ifshade < 5; ifshade++ )
            pladv( 0 );
            plvpor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.9 );
            plwind( -1.0, 1.0, -0.9, 1.1 );
            plcol0( 3 );
            plmtex( "t", 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, title[k] );
            plcol0( 1 );
            if ( rosen )
                plw3d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.5, 1.5, -0.5, 1.5, zmin, zmax, alt[k], az[k] );
                plw3d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, zmin, zmax, alt[k], az[k] );

            plbox3( "bnstu", "x axis", 0.0, 0,
                "bnstu", "y axis", 0.0, 0,
                "bcdmnstuv", "z axis", 0.0, 0 );
            plcol0( 2 );

            if ( ifshade == 0 ) // diffuse light surface plot
                cmap1_init( 1 );
                plfsurf3d( x, y, plf2ops_c(), (PLPointer) z, XPTS, YPTS, 0, NULL, 0 );
            else if ( ifshade == 1 ) // magnitude colored plot
                cmap1_init( 0 );
                plfsurf3d( x, y, plf2ops_grid_c(), ( PLPointer ) & grid_c, XPTS, YPTS, MAG_COLOR, NULL, 0 );
            else if ( ifshade == 2 ) //  magnitude colored plot with faceted squares
                cmap1_init( 0 );
                plfsurf3d( x, y, plf2ops_grid_row_major(), ( PLPointer ) & grid_row_major, XPTS, YPTS, MAG_COLOR | FACETED, NULL, 0 );
            else if ( ifshade == 3 ) // magnitude colored plot with contours
                cmap1_init( 0 );
                plfsurf3d( x, y, plf2ops_grid_col_major(), ( PLPointer ) & grid_col_major, XPTS, YPTS, MAG_COLOR | SURF_CONT | BASE_CONT, clevel, nlevel );
            else // magnitude colored plot with contours and index limits.
                cmap1_init( 0 );
                plsurf3dl( x, y, (const PLFLT * const *) zlimited, XPTS, YPTS, MAG_COLOR | SURF_CONT | BASE_CONT, clevel, nlevel, indexxmin, indexxmax, indexymin, indexymax );

// Clean up

    free( (void *) x );
    free( (void *) y );
    plFree2dGrid( z, XPTS, YPTS );
    free( (void *) z_row_major );
    free( (void *) z_col_major );

    plFree2dGrid( zlimited, XPTS, YPTS );
    free( (void *) indexymin );
    free( (void *) indexymax );


    exit( 0 );
Пример #26
static void
ps_init(PLStream *pls)
    PSDev *dev;


    if (text) 
	pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
	pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
	if(hrshsym) pls->dev_hrshsym = 1; /* want Hershey symbols */

    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can do solid fills */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    if (pls->dev != NULL)
	free((void *) pls->dev);

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PSDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("ps_init: Out of memory.");

    dev = (PSDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    plP_setpxl(pxlx, pxly);

    dev->llx = XPSSIZE;
    dev->lly = YPSSIZE;
    dev->urx = 0;
    dev->ury = 0;
    dev->ptcnt = 0;

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = PSY;
    dev->ymax = PSX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Header comments into PostScript file */

    fprintf(OF, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%BoundingBox:         \n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n");

    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Title: PLplot Graph\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Creator: PLplot Version %s\n", VERSION);
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", ps_getdate());
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%EndComments\n\n");

/* Definitions */
/* Save VM state */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSSave save def\n");

/* Define a dictionary and start using it */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSDict 200 dict def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");

    fprintf(OF, "/@restore /restore load def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vmstatus pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    dup @VMused lt {pop @VMused} if\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    exch pop exch @restore /@VMused exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@pri\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ( ) print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    (                                       ) cvs print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* n @copies - */

    fprintf(OF, "/@copies\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /#copies exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @start -  -- start everything */

    fprintf(OF, "/@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    vmstatus pop /@VMused exch def pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @end -  -- finished */

    fprintf(OF, "/@end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {flush\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    PSSave restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* bop -  -- begin a new page */
/* Only fill background if we are using color and if the bg isn't white */

    fprintf(OF, "/bop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /SaveImage save def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - eop -  -- end a page */

    fprintf(OF, "/eop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    showpage\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    SaveImage restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Set line parameters */

    fprintf(OF, "/@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {0 setlinecap\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    0 setlinejoin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    1 setmiterlimit\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* d @hsize -  horizontal clipping dimension */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hsize   {/hs exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@vsize   {/vs exch def} def\n");

/* d @hoffset - shift for the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hoffset {/ho exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@voffset {/vo exch def} def\n");

/* Set line width */

    fprintf(OF, "/lw %d def\n", (int) (
	(pls->width < MIN_WIDTH) ? DEF_WIDTH :
	(pls->width > MAX_WIDTH) ? MAX_WIDTH : pls->width));

/* Setup user specified offsets, scales, sizes for clipping */

    fprintf(OF, "/@SetPlot\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ho vo translate\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    XScale YScale scale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    lw setlinewidth\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Setup x & y scales */

    fprintf(OF, "/XScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {hs %d div} def\n", YPSSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "/YScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vs %d div} def\n", XPSSIZE);

/* Macro definitions of common instructions, to keep output small */

    fprintf(OF, "/M {moveto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/D {lineto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/A {0.5 0 360 arc} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/S {stroke} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/Z {stroke newpath} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/F {fill} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/C {setrgbcolor} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/G {setgray} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SF {selectfont} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/R {rotate} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SW {stringwidth 2 index mul exch 2 index mul exch rmoveto pop} bind def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/B {Z %d %d M %d %d D %d %d D %d %d D %d %d closepath} def\n",
    fprintf(OF, "/CL {newpath M D D D closepath clip} def\n");

/* End of dictionary definition */

    fprintf(OF, "end\n\n");

/* Set up the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @copies\n", COPIES);
    fprintf(OF, "@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hsize\n", YSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @vsize\n", XSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hoffset\n", YOFFSET);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @voffset\n", XOFFSET);

    fprintf(OF, "@SetPlot\n\n");
Пример #27
static void
exfill( void ( *fill )( PLINT, const PLFLT *, const PLFLT * ),
        PLINT ( *defined )( PLFLT, PLFLT ),
        int n, const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y )
    if ( n < 3 )
        plabort( "exfill: Not enough points in object" );

    if ( defined == NULL )

        ( *fill )( n, x, y );

        PLFLT *xx;
        PLFLT *yy;
        PLFLT xb, yb;
        PLINT count      = 0;
        PLINT im1        = n - 1;
        PLINT is_defined = defined( x[im1], y[im1] );
        PLINT i;

        // Slightly less than 2 n points are required for xx, yy, but
        // allocate room for 2 n to be safe.
        if ( ( xx = (PLFLT *) malloc( 2 * (size_t) n * sizeof ( PLFLT ) ) ) == NULL )
            plexit( "exfill: out of memory for xx" );
        if ( ( yy = (PLFLT *) malloc( 2 * (size_t) n * sizeof ( PLFLT ) ) ) == NULL )
            plexit( "exfill: out of memory for yy." );

        for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            // is_defined tells whether im1 point was in defined region.
            if ( defined( x[i], y[i] ) )
                if ( !is_defined )
                    // Cross from undefined (at im1) to defined region.
                    // Bisect for the first point inside the defined region
                    // and add it to xx, yy.
                    bisect( defined, NUMBER_BISECTIONS,
                        x[i], y[i], x[im1], y[im1], &xb, &yb );
                    xx[count]   = xb;
                    yy[count++] = yb;
                // x[i], y[i] known to be in defined region so add this
                // point to xx, yy.
                xx[count]   = x[i];
                yy[count++] = y[i];
                is_defined  = 1;
                if ( is_defined )
                    // Cross from defined (at im1) to undefined region.
                    // Bisect for the last point in the defined region and
                    // add it to xx, yy.
                    bisect( defined, NUMBER_BISECTIONS,
                        x[im1], y[im1], x[i], y[i], &xb, &yb );
                    xx[count]   = xb;
                    yy[count++] = yb;
                    is_defined  = 0;
            im1 = i;

        if ( count >= 3 )
            ( *fill )( count, (const PLFLT *) xx, (const PLFLT *) yy );

        free( xx );
        free( yy );
Пример #28
plfshades( PLF2OPS zops, PLPointer zp, PLINT nx, PLINT ny,
           PLINT ( *defined )( PLFLT, PLFLT ),
           PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax,
           const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLFLT fill_width,
           PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width,
           void ( *fill )( PLINT, const PLFLT *, const PLFLT * ), PLINT rectangular,
           void ( *pltr )( PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer ),
           PLPointer pltr_data )
    PLFLT shade_min, shade_max, shade_color;
    PLINT i, init_color;
    PLFLT init_width, color_min, color_max, color_range;

    // Color range to use
    color_min   = plsc->cmap1_min;
    color_max   = plsc->cmap1_max;
    color_range = color_max - color_min;

    for ( i = 0; i < nlevel - 1; i++ )
        shade_min   = clevel[i];
        shade_max   = clevel[i + 1];
        shade_color = color_min + i / (PLFLT) ( nlevel - 2 ) * color_range;
        // The constants in order mean
        // (1) color map1,
        // (0, 0, 0, 0) all edge effects will be done with plcont rather
        // than the normal plshade drawing which gets partially blocked
        // when sequential shading is done as in the present case

        plfshade1( zops, zp, nx, ny, defined, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
            shade_min, shade_max,
            1, shade_color, fill_width,
            0, 0, 0, 0,
            fill, rectangular, pltr, pltr_data );
    if ( cont_color > 0 && cont_width > 0 )
        init_color = plsc->icol0;
        init_width = plsc->width;
        plcol0( cont_color );
        plwidth( cont_width );
        if ( pltr )
            plfcont( zops->f2eval, zp, nx, ny, 1, nx, 1, ny, clevel, nlevel, pltr, pltr_data );
            // For this case use the same interpretation that occurs internally
            // for plshade.  That is set up x and y grids that map from the
            // index ranges to xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, and use those grids
            // for the plcont call.
            PLcGrid cgrid1;
            PLFLT   *x, *y;
            cgrid1.nx = nx;
            cgrid1.ny = ny;
            x         = (PLFLT *) malloc( (size_t) nx * sizeof ( PLFLT ) );
            if ( x == NULL )
                plexit( "plfshades: Out of memory for x" );
            cgrid1.xg = x;
            for ( i = 0; i < nx; i++ )
                cgrid1.xg[i] = xmin + ( xmax - xmin ) * (float) i / (float) ( nx - 1 );
            y = (PLFLT *) malloc( (size_t) ny * sizeof ( PLFLT ) );
            if ( y == NULL )
                plexit( "plfshades: Out of memory for y" );
            cgrid1.yg = y;
            for ( i = 0; i < ny; i++ )
                cgrid1.yg[i] = ymin + ( ymax - ymin ) * (float) i / (float) ( ny - 1 );
            plfcont( zops->f2eval, zp, nx, ny, 1, nx, 1, ny, clevel, nlevel,
                pltr1, (void *) &cgrid1 );
            free( x );
            free( y );
        plcol0( init_color );
        plwidth( init_width );
Пример #29
static void
setcmap(PLStream *pls)
    int i, ncol1=pls->ncol1;
    int ncol0=pls->ncol0, total_colours;
    PLColor cmap1col;
    png_Dev *dev=(png_Dev *)pls->dev;
    PLFLT tmp_colour_pos;

 * Yuckky fix to get rid of the previosuly allocated palette from the
 * GD image

    if (dev->im_out != NULL) {
    for (i=0;i<256;i++)

    if (ncol0>NCOLOURS/2)     /* Check for ridiculous number of colours */
       {                      /* in ncol0, and appropriately adjust the */
        plwarn("Too many colours in cmap0.");     /* number, issuing a  */
        ncol0=NCOLOURS/2;                         /* warning if it does */

    dev->totcol=0;       /* Reset the number of colours counter to zero */

    total_colours=ncol0+ncol1;  /* Work out how many colours are wanted */

    if (total_colours>NCOLOURS)     /* Do some rather modest error      */
       {                            /* checking to make sure that       */
        total_colours=NCOLOURS;     /* we are not defining more colours */
        ncol1=total_colours-ncol0;  /* than we have room for.           */

        if (ncol1<=0)
            plexit("Problem setting colourmap in PNG or JPEG driver.");

 dev->ncol1=ncol1;  /* The actual size of ncol1, regardless of what was asked.
                     * This is dependent on colour slots available.
                     * It might well be the same as ncol1.

/* Initialize cmap 0 colors */

if ((ncol0>0)&&(dev->im_out != NULL))  /* make sure the program actually asked for cmap0 first */
    for (i = 0; i < ncol0; i++)
                             pls->cmap0[i].r, pls->cmap0[i].g, pls->cmap0[i].b);
        ++dev->totcol; /* count the number of colours we use as we use them */


/* Initialize any remaining slots for cmap1 */

if ((ncol1>0)&&(dev->im_out != NULL))    /* make sure that we want to define cmap1 first */
    for (i = 0; i < ncol1; i++)

         if (ncol1<pls->ncol1)       /* Check the dynamic range of colours */

              * Ok, now if we have less colour slots available than are being
              * defined by pls->ncol1, then we still want to use the full
              * dynamic range of cmap1 as best we can, so what we do is work
              * out an approximation to the index in the full dynamic range
              * in cases when pls->ncol1 exceeds the number of free colours.

             tmp_colour_pos= i>0 ? pls->ncol1*((PLFLT)i/ncol1) : 0;
             plcol_interp(pls, &cmap1col, (int) tmp_colour_pos, pls->ncol1);

             plcol_interp(pls, &cmap1col, i, ncol1);

                                   cmap1col.r, cmap1col.g, cmap1col.b);

         ++dev->totcol; /* count the number of colours we use as we go */
Пример #30
 *  void common_init(  PLStream *pls )
 *  Basic initialization for all devices.
wxPLDevBase* common_init(  PLStream *pls )
  // Log_Verbose( "common_init()" );

  wxPLDevBase* dev;

  /* default options */
  static PLINT freetype=-1;
  static PLINT smooth_text=1;
  static PLINT text=-1;
  static PLINT hrshsym = 0;

  /* default backend uses wxGraphicsContext, if not available
     the agg library will be used, if not available the basic
     backend will be used. */
  static PLINT backend=wxBACKEND_DC;
		#ifdef HAVE_AGG

  DrvOpt wx_options[] = {
    {"freetype", DRV_INT, &freetype, "Use FreeType library"},
    {"smooth", DRV_INT, &smooth_text, "Turn text smoothing on (1) or off (0)"},
    {"hrshsym", DRV_INT, &hrshsym, "Use Hershey symbol set (hrshsym=0|1)"},
    {"backend", DRV_INT, &backend, "Choose backend: (0) standard, (1) using AGG library, (2) using wxGraphicsContext"},
    {"text", DRV_INT, &text, "Use own text routines (text=0|1)"},

  /* Check for and set up driver options */
  plParseDrvOpts( wx_options );

  /* allocate memory for the device storage */
  switch( backend )
  case wxBACKEND_GC:
  /* in case wxGraphicsContext isn't available, the next backend (agg
     if available) in this list will be used */
    dev = new wxPLDevGC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxGC */
    freetype = 0; /* this backend is vector oriented and doesn't know pixels */
  case wxBACKEND_AGG:
  /* in case the agg library isn't available, the standard backend
     will be used */
#ifdef HAVE_AGG
    dev = new wxPLDevAGG;
    /* by default the freetype text routines are used for wxAGG */
    text = 0; /* text processing doesn't work yet for the AGG backend */
    dev = new wxPLDevDC;
    /* by default the own text routines are used for wxDC */
	if( dev == NULL) {
    plexit( "Insufficient memory" );
  pls->dev = (void*)dev;

/* be verbose and write out debug messages */
#ifdef _DEBUG
  pls->verbose = 1;
  pls->debug = 1;
  pls->verbose = 0;
  pls->debug = 0;

  pls->color = 1;		    /* Is a color device */
  pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can handle solid fills */
  pls->dev_fill1 = 0;		/* Can't handle pattern fills */
  pls->dev_dash = 0;
  pls->dev_clear = 1;   /* driver supports clear */

  if( text ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

  /* own text routines have higher priority over freetype
     if text and freetype option are set to 1 */
  if( !text) {

  if( dev->freetype ) {
    pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
    pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
    if( hrshsym )
      pls->dev_hrshsym = 1;

    init_freetype_lv1( pls );
    FT_Data* FT=(FT_Data *)pls->FT;

  /* initialize frame size and position */
  if( pls->xlength <= 0 || pls->ylength <=0 )
    plspage( 0.0, 0.0, (PLINT)(CANVAS_WIDTH*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN),
                       (PLINT)(CANVAS_HEIGHT*DEVICE_PIXELS_PER_IN), 0, 0 );


  if( pls->xoffset!=0 || pls->yoffset!=0) {
    dev->xpos = (int)(pls->xoffset);
    dev->ypos = (int)(pls->yoffset);

  /* If portrait mode, apply a rotation and set freeaspect */
  if( pls->portrait ) {
    plsdiori( (PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION) );
    pls->freeaspect = 1;

  /* Set the number of pixels per mm */

  /* Set up physical limits of plotting device (in drawing units) */

  /* get physical device limits coordinates */
  plP_gphy( &dev->xmin, &dev->xmax, &dev->ymin, &dev->ymax );

  /* setting scale factors */

  /* set dpi */
  plspage(VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scalex, VIRTUAL_PIXELS_PER_IN/dev->scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if( dev->freetype )
    init_freetype_lv2( pls );

  /* find out what file drivers are available */
  plgFileDevs( &dev->devDesc, &dev->devName, &dev->ndev );

  return dev;