Пример #1
int plot_radec_plot(const char* command, cairo_t* cairo,
				 plot_args_t* pargs, void* baton) {
	plotradec_t* args = (plotradec_t*)baton;
	// Plot it!
	rd_t myrd;
	rd_t* rd = NULL;
	//rd_t* freerd = NULL;
	int Nrd;
	int i;

	if (!pargs->wcs) {
		ERROR("plotting radec but not plot_wcs has been set.");
		return -1;

	if (args->fn && dl_size(args->radecvals)) {
		ERROR("Can only plot one of rdlist filename and radec_vals");
		return -1;
	if (!args->fn && !dl_size(args->radecvals)) {
		ERROR("Neither rdlist filename nor radec_vals given!");
		return -1;

	plotstuff_builtin_apply(cairo, pargs);

	rd = get_rd(args, &myrd);
	if (!rd) return -1;
	Nrd = rd_n(rd);
	// If N is specified, apply it as a max.
	if (args->nobjs)
		Nrd = MIN(Nrd, args->nobjs);

	// Plot markers.
	for (i=args->firstobj; i<Nrd; i++) {
		double x,y;
		double ra = rd_getra(rd, i);
		double dec = rd_getdec(rd, i);
		if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ra, dec, &x, &y))
		if (!plotstuff_marker_in_bounds(pargs, x, y))
		plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, x-1, y-1);
	plotstuff_plot_stack(pargs, cairo);

	if (rd != &myrd)
	return 0;
Пример #2
static void plot_hd(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	int i, N;
	hd_catalog_t* hdcat = NULL;
	double ra,dec,rad;
	bl* hdlist = NULL;

	if (!ann->hd_catalog)
	hdcat = henry_draper_open(ann->hd_catalog);
	if (!hdcat) {
		ERROR("Failed to open Henry Draper catalog file \"%s\"", ann->hd_catalog);
	if (plotstuff_get_radec_center_and_radius(pargs, &ra, &dec, &rad)) {
		ERROR("Failed to get RA,Dec,radius from plotstuff");
	hdlist = henry_draper_get(hdcat, ra, dec, deg2arcsec(rad));
	logverb("Got %zu Henry Draper stars\n", bl_size(hdlist));
	N = bl_size(hdlist);
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		hd_entry_t* entry = bl_access(hdlist, i);
		double px, py;
		char label[16];
		if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, entry->ra, entry->dec, &px, &py))
        px -= 1;
        py -= 1;

		if (px < 1 || py < 1 || px > pargs->W || py > pargs->H)
		logverb("HD %i at RA,Dec (%g,%g) -> xy (%g, %g)\n", entry->hd, entry->ra, entry->dec, px, py);

		plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, px, py);
        if (ann->HD_labels) {
          sprintf(label, "HD %i", entry->hd);
          plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, label, px, py);
Пример #3
static void plot_brightstars(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	int i, N;

    // Get plot center, to use in trimming bright stars
    double rc,dc,radius;
    plotstuff_get_radec_center_and_radius(pargs, &rc, &dc, &radius);

	N = bright_stars_n();
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		double px, py;
		char* label;
		const brightstar_t* bs = bright_stars_get(i);
		// skip unnamed
		if (!strlen(bs->name) && !strlen(bs->common_name))
        // skip stars too far away
        if (deg_between_radecdeg(rc, dc, bs->ra, bs->dec) > radius * 1.2)
		if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, bs->ra, bs->dec, &px, &py))
		logverb("Bright star %s/%s at RA,Dec (%g,%g) -> xy (%g, %g)\n",
                bs->name, bs->common_name, bs->ra, bs->dec, px, py);
		if (px < 1 || py < 1 || px > pargs->W || py > pargs->H)
        px -= 1;
        py -= 1;
        if (ann->bright_pastel) {
            float r,g,b;
            color_for_radec(bs->ra, bs->dec, &r,&g,&b);
            plotstuff_set_rgba2(pargs, r,g,b, 0.8);
            plotstuff_builtin_apply(cairo, pargs);

		plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, px, py);
        if (ann->bright_labels) {
          label = (strlen(bs->common_name) ? bs->common_name : bs->name);
          plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, label, px, py);
Пример #4
int plot_xy_plot(const char* command, cairo_t* cairo,
				 plot_args_t* pargs, void* baton) {
	plotxy_t* args = (plotxy_t*)baton;
	// Plot it!
	xylist_t* xyls;
	starxy_t myxy;
	starxy_t* xy = NULL;
	starxy_t* freexy = NULL;
	int Nxy;
	int i;
#if 0
	double t0;

	plotstuff_builtin_apply(cairo, pargs);

	if (args->fn && dl_size(args->xyvals)) {
		ERROR("Can only plot one of xylist filename and xy_vals");
		return -1;
	if (!args->fn && !dl_size(args->xyvals)) {
		ERROR("Neither xylist filename nor xy_vals given!");
		return -1;

	if (args->fn) {
#if 0
		t0 = timenow();
		// Open xylist.
		xyls = xylist_open(args->fn);
		if (!xyls) {
			ERROR("Failed to open xylist from file \"%s\"", args->fn);
			return -1;
		// we don't care about FLUX and BACKGROUND columns.
		xylist_set_include_flux(xyls, FALSE);
		xylist_set_include_background(xyls, FALSE);
		if (args->xcol)
			xylist_set_xname(xyls, args->xcol);
		if (args->ycol)
			xylist_set_yname(xyls, args->ycol);

		// Find number of entries in xylist.
		xy = xylist_read_field_num(xyls, args->ext, NULL);
		freexy = xy;
		if (!xy) {
			ERROR("Failed to read FITS extension %i from file %s.\n", args->ext, args->fn);
			return -1;
		Nxy = starxy_n(xy);
		// If N is specified, apply it as a max.
		if (args->nobjs)
			Nxy = MIN(Nxy, args->nobjs);
		//logmsg("%g s to read xylist\n", timenow()-t0);
	} else {
		starxy_from_dl(&myxy, args->xyvals, FALSE, FALSE);
		xy = &myxy;
		Nxy = starxy_n(xy);

	// Transform through WCSes.
	if (args->wcs) {
		double ra, dec, x, y;
		 // check for any overlap.
		 double pralo,prahi,pdeclo,pdechi;
		 double ralo,rahi,declo,dechi;
		 anwcs_get_radec_bounds(pargs->wcs, 100, &pralo, &prahi, &pdeclo, &pdechi);
		 anwcs_get_radec_bounds(args->wcs, 100, &ralo, &rahi, &declo, &dechi);
		 if (
		for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
								// I used to add 1 here
								starxy_getx(xy, i), starxy_gety(xy, i),
								&ra, &dec);
			if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ra, dec, &x, &y))
			logverb("  xy (%g,%g) -> RA,Dec (%g,%g) -> plot xy (%g,%g)\n",
					starxy_getx(xy,i), starxy_gety(xy,i), ra, dec, x, y);

			// add shift and scale...
			// FIXME -- not clear that we want to do this here...
			 starxy_setx(xy, i, args->scale * (x - args->xoff));
			 starxy_sety(xy, i, args->scale * (y - args->yoff));
			 starxy_setx(xy, i, x-1);
			 starxy_sety(xy, i, y-1);

			// Output coords: FITS -> 0-indexed image
			starxy_setx(xy, i, x-1);
			starxy_sety(xy, i, y-1);
	} else {
		// Shift and scale xylist entries.
		if (args->xoff != 0.0 || args->yoff != 0.0) {
			for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
				starxy_setx(xy, i, starxy_getx(xy, i) - args->xoff);
				starxy_sety(xy, i, starxy_gety(xy, i) - args->yoff);
		if (args->scale != 1.0) {
			for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
				starxy_setx(xy, i, args->scale * starxy_getx(xy, i));
				starxy_sety(xy, i, args->scale * starxy_gety(xy, i));

	// Plot markers.
#if 0
	t0 = timenow();
	for (i=args->firstobj; i<Nxy; i++) {
		double x = starxy_getx(xy, i);
		double y = starxy_gety(xy, i);
		if (plotstuff_marker_in_bounds(pargs, x, y))
			plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, x, y);
	plotstuff_plot_stack(pargs, cairo);
	//logmsg("%g s to plot xylist\n", timenow()-t0);

	return 0;
Пример #5
static void plot_targets(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	int i;
	double cra, cdec;
	plotstuff_get_radec_center_and_radius(pargs, &cra, &cdec, NULL);
	for (i=0; i<bl_size(ann->targets); i++) {
		target_t* tar = bl_access(ann->targets, i);
		double px,py;
		double cx,cy;
		double dx,dy, r;
		double ex,ey;
		double ly, ry, tx, bx;
		double distdeg;
		anbool okquadrant;
		char* txt;

		logverb("Target: \"%s\" at (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, tar->ra, tar->dec);
		okquadrant = plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, tar->ra, tar->dec, &px, &py);
        px -= 1;
        py -= 1;

		if (okquadrant &&
			px >= 0 && px < pargs->W && py >= 0 && py < pargs->H) {
			// inside the image!
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is inside the image, at pixel (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, px, py);
			plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, px, py);
			plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, tar->name, px, py);

		// outside the image: find intersection point.
		cx = pargs->W / 2.0;
		cy = pargs->H / 2.0;
		if (okquadrant) {
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is outside the image, at pixel (%g,%g)\n", tar->name, px, py);
			dx = px - cx;
			dy = py - cy;
		} else {
			double cxyz[3];
			double txyz[3];
			double vec[3];
			int j;
			double ra,dec;
			logverb("Target \"%s\" is way outside the image.\n", tar->name);
			// fallback.
			radecdeg2xyzarr(cra, cdec, cxyz);
			radecdeg2xyzarr(tar->ra, tar->dec, txyz);
			for (j=0; j<3; j++)
				vec[j] = cxyz[j] + 0.1 * txyz[j];
			xyzarr2radecdeg(vec, &ra, &dec);
			okquadrant = plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ra, dec, &px, &py);
			dx = px - cx;
			dy = py - cy;
			if ((dx*dx + dy*dy) < (cx*cx + cy*cy)) {
				double scale = 3.0 * sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy) / sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
				dx *= scale;
				dy *= scale;

		ly = (-(pargs->W/2.0) / dx) * dy + cy;
		ry = ( (pargs->W/2.0) / dx) * dy + cy;
		bx = (-(pargs->H/2.0) / dy) * dx + cx;
		tx = ( (pargs->H/2.0) / dy) * dx + cx;
		logverb("ly %g, ry %g, bx %g, tx %g\n", ly, ry, bx, tx);
		if (px < cx && ly >= 0 && ly < pargs->H) {
			ex = 0.0;
			ey = ly;
		} else if (px >= cx && ry >= 0 && ry < pargs->H) {
			ex = pargs->W - 1;
			ey = ry;
		} else if (py < cy && bx >= 0 && bx < pargs->W) {
			ex = bx;
			ey = 0;
		} else if (py >= cy && tx >= 0 && tx < pargs->W) {
			ex = tx;
			ey = pargs->H - 1;
		} else {
			logverb("None of the edges are in bounds: px,py=(%g,%g); ly=%g, ry=%g, bx=%g, tx=%g\n", px,py,ly,ry,bx,tx);
		dx = ex - cx;
		dy = ey - cy;
		r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

		px = (r-100.0) / r * dx + cx;
		py = (r-100.0) / r * dy + cy;

		plotstuff_stack_arrow(pargs, px, py, ex, ey);
		logverb("Arrow from (%g,%g) to (%g,%g)\n", px, py, ex, ey);
		distdeg = deg_between_radecdeg(cra, cdec, tar->ra, tar->dec);
		asprintf_safe(&txt, "%s: %.1f deg", tar->name, distdeg);
		plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, txt, px, py);
Пример #6
static void plot_ngc(cairo_t* cairo, plot_args_t* pargs, plotann_t* ann) {
	double imscale;
	double imsize;
	int i, N;

	// arcsec/pixel
	imscale = plotstuff_pixel_scale(pargs);
	// arcmin
	imsize = imscale * MIN(pargs->W, pargs->H) / 60.0;

	N = ngc_num_entries();
	logverb("Checking %i NGC/IC objects.\n", N);

	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		ngc_entry* ngc;
		char* names;
		double pixrad;
		double px, py;
		double r;

		ngc = ngc_get_entry_accurate(i);
		if (!ngc)
		if (ngc->size < imsize * ann->ngc_fraction) {
			// FIXME -- just plot an X-mark with label.
			debug("%s %i: size %g arcmin < limit of %g\n",
				  (ngc->is_ngc ? "NGC":"IC"), ngc->id, ngc->size, imsize*ann->ngc_fraction);

		if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ngc->ra, ngc->dec, &px, &py)) {
			debug("%s %i: RA,Dec (%.1f,%.1f) is >90 deg away.\n",
				  (ngc->is_ngc ? "NGC":"IC"), ngc->id, ngc->ra, ngc->dec);
        px -= 1;
        py -= 1;

		pixrad = 0.5 * ngc->size * 60.0 / imscale;
		if (px < -pixrad || py < -pixrad || px > pargs->W + pixrad || py > pargs->H + pixrad) {
			debug("%s %i: RA,Dec (%.1f,%.1f), pix (%.1f,%.1f) is out-of-bounds\n",
				  (ngc->is_ngc ? "NGC":"IC"), ngc->id, ngc->ra, ngc->dec, px, py);

		names = ngc_get_name_list(ngc, " / ");
		printf("%s\n", names);

		logverb("%s %i: RA,Dec (%.1f,%.1f), size %g arcmin, pix (%.1f,%.1f), radius %g\n",
				(ngc->is_ngc ? "NGC":"IC"), ngc->id, ngc->ra, ngc->dec, ngc->size, px, py, pixrad);
		debug("size: %f arcsec, pix radius: %f pixels\n", ngc->size, pixrad);
		// save old marker size...
		r = pargs->markersize;
		pargs->markersize = pixrad;
		plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, px, py);
		plotstuff_stack_text(pargs, cairo, names, px, py);
		// revert old marker size...
		pargs->markersize = r;

		 if (json) {
		 char* namelist = sl_implode(names, "\", \"");
		 "{ \"type\"   : \"ngc\", "
		 "  \"names\"  : [ \"%s\" ], "
		 "  \"pixelx\" : %g, "
		 "  \"pixely\" : %g, "
		 "  \"radius\" : %g }"
		 , namelist, px, py, pixsize/2.0);