Пример #1
void QCustomPluginTest::process(QString command)
    if(command == tr("!test")){
        emit reply("<br>", true);
        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
            emit reply(QString("%1 %").arg(i), false);
            emit clearLine();
        emit reply("100 %<br>", true);
        QString str = ask(QString("Reply with some answer: "), false);
        emit reply("<br>Got reply: " + str, true);
    emit pluginFinished(true);
Пример #2
bool PluginThread::initPlugin()
    PluginManager* manager = Carbon::get()->getPluginManager();

    //For new plugins, executable denotes the executable plugin, class mainScript the plugin caption and secondary script the plugin type (as integer)
    AbstractPlugin* plugin = manager->findPlugin(getTaskDefinition().getFirst(), getTaskDefinition().getSecond(),
        getTaskDefinition().getThird().compare("") == 0 ? -1 : getTaskDefinition().getThird().toInt());

    if (plugin == 0)
        LOG_ERROR() << "Could not initialize PluginThread because plugin to start with was not found.";
        mPlugin = 0;
        return false;

    if (plugin->getPluginType() == PT_FRAME)
        LOG_ERROR() << "Could not initialize PluginThread because plugin is of type AttachableFrame. AttachableFrame plugins can only be started in the main thread.";
        mPlugin = 0;
        return false;

    if (plugin->getExecutionType() == AbstractPlugin::ET_NEVER)
        LOG_ERROR() << "Could not initialize PluginThread because the plugin is not executable. It has to have an execution type of ONCE, LOOP or ANY.";
        mPlugin = 0;
        return false;

    mPlugin = plugin;

    if (mPlugin->isQObject())
        //Connect to plugin update functions
        connect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(paused()), this, SLOT(pluginPaused()));
        connect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(running()), this, SLOT(pluginRunning()));
        connect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(pluginFinished()));

    return true;
Пример #3
void PluginThread::updatePluginDelete(AbstractPlugin* plugin)
    if (mPlugin == 0)

    if (plugin != mPlugin)
        return; //not this plugin

    //Plugin is going to be deleted by the SimulationManager. Should not be done before stopping the simulation, but the plugin is still existant.
    LOG_WARNING() << "A plugin running in a PluginThread is going to be removed without stopping the thread. Aborting plugin execution...";


    int waited = 0;
    bool stopped = true;
    while (getExecutionState() != TES_FINISHED && getExecutionState() != TES_TERMINATED)
        if (waited == 100) //Wait 2 seconds
            LOG_ERROR() << "Could not stop plugin. No response.";
            stopped = false;

    if (stopped)
        LOG_INFO() << "Plugin " << mPlugin->getCaption() << " (" << mPlugin->getClassName() << ") stopped.";

        if (mPlugin->isQObject())
            disconnect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(paused()), this, SLOT(pluginPaused()));
            disconnect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(running()), this, SLOT(pluginRunning()));
            disconnect(mPlugin->getQObject(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(pluginFinished()));

    mPlugin = 0;