Пример #1
void MyPrimitive::GeneratePlane(float a_fSize, vector3 a_v3Color)
	if (a_fSize < 0.01f)
		a_fSize = 0.01f;


	float fValue = 0.5f * a_fSize;

	vector3 pointA(-fValue, -fValue, 0.0f); //0
	vector3 pointB(fValue, -fValue, 0.0f); //1
	vector3 pointC(fValue, fValue, 0.0f); //2
	vector3 pointD(-fValue, fValue, 0.0f); //3

	vector3 pointE(fValue, -fValue, -0.001f); //1
	vector3 pointF(-fValue, -fValue, -0.001f); //0
	vector3 pointG(fValue, fValue, -0.001f); //2
	vector3 pointH(-fValue, fValue, -0.001f); //3

	AddQuad(pointA, pointB, pointD, pointC);
	//Double sided
	AddQuad(pointE, pointF, pointG, pointH);

Пример #2
 * recenters the points of a constant distance towards the center
 * @param y bottom most point
 * @param z left most point
 * @param x right most point
 * @param t top most point
 * @return {@link vector<Ref<ResultPoint> >} describing the corners of the rectangular
 *         region. The first and last points are opposed on the diagonal, as
 *         are the second and third. The first point will be the topmost
 *         point and the last, the bottommost. The second point will be
 *         leftmost and the third, the rightmost
vector<Ref<ResultPoint> > WhiteRectangleDetector::centerEdges(Ref<ResultPoint> y, Ref<ResultPoint> z,
                                  Ref<ResultPoint> x, Ref<ResultPoint> t) {

  //       t            t
  //  z                      x
  //        x    OR    z
  //   y                    y

  float yi = y->getX();
  float yj = y->getY();
  float zi = z->getX();
  float zj = z->getY();
  float xi = x->getX();
  float xj = x->getY();
  float ti = t->getX();
  float tj = t->getY();

  std::vector<Ref<ResultPoint> > corners(4);
  if (yi < (float)width_/2) {
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointA(new ResultPoint(ti - CORR, tj + CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointB(new ResultPoint(zi + CORR, zj + CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointC(new ResultPoint(xi - CORR, xj - CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointD(new ResultPoint(yi + CORR, yj - CORR));
  } else {
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointA(new ResultPoint(ti + CORR, tj + CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointB(new ResultPoint(zi + CORR, zj - CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointC(new ResultPoint(xi - CORR, xj + CORR));
    Ref<ResultPoint> pointD(new ResultPoint(yi - CORR, yj - CORR));
  return corners;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::cout << "/////////////////////   POINT   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
    Point newPoint(0,1,2);
    std::cout << "x : " << newPoint.x() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "y : " << newPoint.y() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "z : " << newPoint.z() << std::endl;
    Point pointB;
    std::cout << "y : " << pointB.y() << std::endl;

    if (! newPoint.isNotEqual(pointB))
    	std::cout << "equal" << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "nonEqual" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "/////////////////////   VECTOR   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;

	Vector newVector, vect;
    newVector.setCoordonne(-8.0, 5.0, 6.0);
    Vector vec2(newPoint, pointB);
    Vector vec3(newVector, vec2);
    std::cout << "x2 : " << vec2.x() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "y2 : " << vec2.y() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "z2 : " << vec2.z() << std::endl;

    if (vect.vecteurNull())
    	std::cout << "vec Null" << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "vec Non NUll" << std::endl;

    if (newVector.vecteurNull())
    	std::cout << "newVector Null" << std::endl;
    	std::cout << "newVector Non NUll" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "dot => " << newVector.dot(vec2) << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "x3 : " << vec3.x() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "y3 : " << vec3.y() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "z3 : " << vec3.z() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "/////////////////////   RAY   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;

	Ray newRay(pointB,newPoint);
	std::cout << "origine : " << newRay.P0().x() << ", " << newRay.P0().y() << ", " << newRay.P0().z()<< std::endl;
	std::cout << "direction : " << newRay.P1().x() << ", " << newRay.P1().y() << ", " << newRay.P1().z() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "/////////////////////   Triangle   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;

	Point pointC(6,8,5);
    Point V2(0,-1,-10);
    Point V0(5,-50,59);
    Point V1(9,0,-25);
	Triangle newTriangle(V0,V1,V2);
	std::cout << "coordonnee : " << newTriangle.V0().x() << ", " << newTriangle.V1().y() << ", "<< newTriangle.V2().z() << std::endl; 

	std::cout << "/////////////////////   Point/Triangle   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
	Point I;
	std::cout << newRay.P0().x() + 6 * newVector.x() << std::endl;
	std::cout << newRay.P0().y() + 6 * newVector.y() << std::endl;
	std::cout << newRay.P0().z() + 6 * newVector.z() << std::endl;
	I.setCoordonne(newRay.P0().x() + 6 * newVector.x(), newRay.P0().y() + 6 * newVector.y(), newRay.P0().z() + 6 * newVector.z());	
	std::cout << "coucou" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "/////////////////////  test intersect   //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;

	int test;
	test = intersect3D_RayTriangle(newRay, newTriangle, I);
	std::cout << "I : " << I.x() << ", " << I.y() <<", "<< I.z() << "\n test : " << test << std::endl; 

	std::cout << "/////////////////////   VECTOR/Triangle  //////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;

	Vector newVector2(newTriangle.V0(), newTriangle.V1());

    std::cout << "x : " << newVector2.x() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "y : " << newVector2.y() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "z : " << newVector2.z() << std::endl;

    return 0;
void MyPrimitive::GenerateSphere(float a_fRadius, int a_nSubdivisions, vector3 a_vColor)
	//Sets minimum and maximum of subdivisions
	if (a_nSubdivisions < 1)
		GenerateCube(a_fRadius * 2, a_vColor);
	if (a_nSubdivisions > 6)
		a_nSubdivisions = 6;

	//Clean up Memory

	//Your Code Goes Here instead of the next three lines
	float fValue = 0.5f;
	vector3 pointA(-fValue, -fValue, fValue); //0
	vector3 pointB(fValue, -fValue, fValue); //1
	vector3 pointC(-fValue, fValue, fValue); //2

	//left to right List of vector3
	std::vector<vector3> vectorAB;
	for (int i = 0; i < a_nSubdivisions; i++)
		vector3 temp(pointB - pointA);
		temp /= a_nSubdivisions + 1;
		temp *= (i + 1);
		vectorAB.push_back(temp + pointA);

	//height increments
	float fHeight = pointC.y - pointA.y;
	fHeight /= a_nSubdivisions + 1;

	//List of Lists
	std::vector<std::vector<vector3>> list;
	for (int j = 0; j < a_nSubdivisions + 1; j++)
		std::vector<vector3> temp = list[0];
		float increment = fHeight * (j + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < a_nSubdivisions + 2; i++)
			temp[i].y += increment;

	//Creating the patch of quads
	for (int j = 0; j < a_nSubdivisions + 1; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < a_nSubdivisions + 1; i++)
			AddQuad(list[j][i], list[j][i + 1], list[j + 1][i], list[j + 1][i + 1]);
	int nVertices = static_cast<int>(m_lVertexPos.size());

	//normalizing the vectors to make them round
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		m_lVertexPos[i] = glm::normalize(m_lVertexPos[i]);
		m_lVertexPos[i] *= a_fRadius;

	std::vector<vector3> right;
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		matrix4 rotation;
		rotation = glm::rotate(matrix4(1.0f), 90.0f, vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
		right.push_back(static_cast <vector3>(rotation * vector4(m_lVertexPos[i], 1.0f)));

	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)

	std::vector<vector3> left;
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		matrix4 rotation;
		rotation = glm::rotate(matrix4(1.0f), -90.0f, vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
		left.push_back(static_cast <vector3>(rotation * vector4(m_lVertexPos[i], 1.0f)));

	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)

	std::vector<vector3> back;
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		matrix4 rotation;
		rotation = glm::rotate(matrix4(1.0f), 180.0f, vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
		back.push_back(static_cast <vector3>(rotation * vector4(m_lVertexPos[i], 1.0f)));

	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)

	std::vector<vector3> top;
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		matrix4 rotation;
		rotation = glm::rotate(matrix4(1.0f), -90.0f, vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
		top.push_back(static_cast <vector3>(rotation * vector4(m_lVertexPos[i], 1.0f)));

	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)

	std::vector<vector3> bottom;
	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
		matrix4 rotation;
		rotation = glm::rotate(matrix4(1.0f), 90.0f, vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
		bottom.push_back(static_cast <vector3>(rotation * vector4(m_lVertexPos[i], 1.0f)));

	for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)

	//Compile the object in this color and assign it this name
Пример #5
TEST(intersection, triangle_tetrahedron) {
    TIntersectionType it;
    double area;

    // create tetrahedron
    TPoint point0(0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
    TPoint point1(3.00, 0.00, 0.00);
    TPoint point2(0.00, 3.00, 0.00);
    TPoint point3(0.00, 0.00, 3.00);
    TTetrahedron tetrahedron(point0, point1, point2, point3);

    // triangle is in tetrahedron
    TPoint pointA(0.50, 0.50, 0.50);
    TPoint pointB(0.50, 1.50, 0.50);
    TPoint pointC(1.50, 0.50, 0.50);
    TTriangle triangle(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - triangle is in tetrahedron\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 0.5);

    // triangle is greater than tetrahedron, intersection is triangle
    pointA.SetCoord(-3.0, 2.0, 2.0);
    pointB.SetCoord(2.0, -3.0, 2.0);
    pointC.SetCoord(2.0, 2.0, 2.0);
    triangle.SetPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - triangle is greater than tetrahedron, intersection is triangle\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 0.5);

    // intersection is tetragon
    pointA.SetCoord(-0.50, 0.50, 1.00);
    pointB.SetCoord(2.00, 0.50, 1.00);
    pointC.SetCoord(2.00, 3.00, 1.00);
    triangle.SetPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - intersection is tetragon\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 0.875);

    // intersection is pentagon
    pointA.SetCoord(-1.0, 2.00, 1.00);
    pointB.SetCoord(1.50, 2.00, 1.00);
    pointC.SetCoord(1.50,-0.5 , 1.00);
    triangle.SetPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - intersection is pentagon\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 0.5+0.5+0.5*3.0/4.0);

    // intersection is hexagon (plane parallel to x-y)
    pointA.SetCoord(2.00, 2.00, 0.50);
    pointB.SetCoord(2.00, -1.00, 0.50);
    pointC.SetCoord(-1.00, 2.00, 0.50);
    triangle.SetPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - intersection is hexagon (plane parallel to x-y)\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 2.375);

    // intersection is hexagon
    pointA.SetCoord(0.25, 2.00, 1.00);
    pointB.SetCoord(2.25, 1.00, -1.00);
    pointC.SetCoord(0.25, -1.00, 3.00);
    triangle.SetPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC);

    xprintf(Msg, "Test - intersection is hexagon\n");
    GetIntersection(triangle, tetrahedron, it, area);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(area, 3.477919);