Пример #1
BOOL LLViewerCamera::areVertsVisible(LLViewerObject* volumep, BOOL all_verts)
    S32 i, num_faces;
    LLDrawable* drawablep = volumep->mDrawable;

    if (!drawablep)
        return FALSE;

    LLVolume* volume = volumep->getVolume();
    if (!volume)
        BOOL inside = pointInFrustum(volumep->getRenderPosition());

        return (inside > 0);

    LLVOVolume* vo_volume = (LLVOVolume*) volumep;

    LLMatrix4 mat = vo_volume->getRelativeXform();

    LLMatrix4 render_mat(vo_volume->getRenderRotation(), LLVector4(vo_volume->getRenderPosition()));

    num_faces = volume->getNumVolumeFaces();
    for (i = 0; i < num_faces; i++)
        const LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(i);

        for (U32 v = 0; v < face.mVertices.size(); v++)
            LLVector4 vec = LLVector4(face.mVertices[v].mPosition) * mat;

            if (drawablep->isActive())
                vec = vec * render_mat;

            BOOL in_frustum = pointInFrustum(LLVector3(vec)) > 0;

            if (( !in_frustum && all_verts) ||
                    (in_frustum && !all_verts))
                return !all_verts;
    return all_verts;
Пример #2
bool GLRenderer::chunkInFrustum(Chunk* chunk)

	//Edit to deal with encapsulating chunk
	float hSize = Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE/2;
	glm::vec3 cPos = chunk->getPos() * (float)2 * hSize;
	glm::vec3 p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8;
	p1 = glm::vec3(cPos.x - hSize, cPos.y - hSize, cPos.z + hSize);
	p2 = glm::vec3(cPos.x + hSize, cPos.y - hSize, cPos.z + hSize);
	p3 = glm::vec3(cPos.x + hSize, cPos.y + hSize, cPos.z + hSize);
	p4 = glm::vec3(cPos.x + hSize, cPos.y - hSize, cPos.z + hSize);
	p5 = glm::vec3(cPos.x + hSize, cPos.y - hSize, cPos.z - hSize);
	p6 = glm::vec3(cPos.x - hSize, cPos.y - hSize, cPos.z - hSize);
	p7 = glm::vec3(cPos.x - hSize, cPos.y + hSize, cPos.z - hSize);
	p8 = glm::vec3(cPos.x + hSize, cPos.y + hSize, cPos.z - hSize);
	bool i1 = pointInFrustum(p1);
	bool i2 = pointInFrustum(p2);
	bool i3 = pointInFrustum(p3);
	bool i4 = pointInFrustum(p4);
	bool i5 = pointInFrustum(p5);
	bool i6 = pointInFrustum(p6);
	bool i7 = pointInFrustum(p7);
	bool i8 = pointInFrustum(p8);

	return i1 || i2 || i3 || i4 || i5 || i6 || i7 || i8;
Пример #3
// returns true if any points are inside of the frustum
bool Frustum::somePointsInFrustum(const vec3* points, int numPoints) const
	for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
		if (pointInFrustum(points[i]))
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #4
BOOL LLViewerCamera::areVertsVisible(LLViewerObject* volumep, BOOL all_verts)
	S32 i, num_faces;
	LLDrawable* drawablep = volumep->mDrawable;

	if (!drawablep)
		return FALSE;

	LLVolume* volume = volumep->getVolume();
	if (!volume)
		return FALSE;

	LLVOVolume* vo_volume = (LLVOVolume*) volumep;

	LLMatrix4 mat = vo_volume->getRelativeXform();
	LLMatrix4 render_mat(vo_volume->getRenderRotation(), LLVector4(vo_volume->getRenderPosition()));

	LLMatrix4a render_mata;
	LLMatrix4a mata;

	num_faces = volume->getNumVolumeFaces();
	for (i = 0; i < num_faces; i++)
		const LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(i);
		for (U32 v = 0; v < face.mNumVertices; v++)
			const LLVector4a& src_vec = face.mPositions[v];
			LLVector4a vec;
			mata.affineTransform(src_vec, vec);

			if (drawablep->isActive())
				LLVector4a t = vec;
				render_mata.affineTransform(t, vec);

			BOOL in_frustum = pointInFrustum(LLVector3(vec.getF32ptr())) > 0;

			if (( !in_frustum && all_verts) ||
				 (in_frustum && !all_verts))
				return !all_verts;
	return all_verts;
Пример #5
void Camera3D::draw_gl ()
	Vector3DF pnt; 
	int va, vb;
	if ( !mOps[0] ) return;

	// Box testing
	// NOTES: This demonstrates AABB box testing against the frustum 
	// Boxes tested are 10x10x10 size, spaced apart from each other so we can see them.
	if ( mOps[5] ) {
		glPushMatrix ();
		glEnable ( GL_LIGHTING );
		glColor3f ( 1, 1, 1 );	
		Vector3DF bmin, bmax, vmin, vmax;
		int lod;
		for (float y=0; y < 100; y += 10.0 ) {
		for (float z=-100; z < 100; z += 10.0 ) {
			for (float x=-100; x < 100; x += 10.0 ) {
				bmin.Set ( x, y, z );
				bmax.Set ( x+8, y+8, z+8 );
				if ( boxInFrustum ( bmin, bmax ) ) {				
					lod = (int) calculateLOD ( bmin, 1, 5, 300.0 );
					//rendGL->drawCube ( bmin, bmax, Vector3DF(1,1,1) );
		glPopMatrix ();

	glDisable ( GL_LIGHTING );	
	glLoadMatrixf ( getViewMatrix().GetDataF() );

	// Frustum planes (world space)
	// NOTE: The frustum planes are drawn as discs because
	// they are boundless (infinite). The minimum information contained in the
	// plane equation is normal direction and distance from plane to origin.
	// This sufficiently defines infinite planes for inside/outside testing,
	// but cannot be used to draw the view frustum without more information.
	// Drawing is done as discs here to verify the frustum plane equations.
	if ( mOps[2] ) {
		glBegin ( GL_POINTS );
		glColor3f ( 1, 1, 0 );
		Vector3DF norm;
		Vector3DF side, up;
		for (int n=0; n < 6; n++ ) {
			norm.Set ( frustum[n][0], frustum[n][1], frustum[n][2] );
			glColor3f ( n/6.0, 1.0- (n/6.0), 0.5 );
			side = Vector3DF(0,1,0); side.Cross ( norm ); side.Normalize ();	
			up = side; up.Cross ( norm ); up.Normalize();
			norm *= frustum[n][3];
			for (float y=-50; y < 50; y += 1.0 ) {
				for (float x=-50; x < 50; x += 1.0 ) {
					if ( x*x+y*y < 1000 ) {
						//pnt = side * x + up * y - norm; 
                        pnt = side;
                        Vector3DF tv = up;

                        tv *= y;
                        pnt *= x;
                        pnt += tv;
                        pnt -= norm;

						glVertex3f ( pnt.x, pnt.y, pnt.z );
		glEnd (); 

	// Inside/outside testing
	// NOTES: This code demonstrates frustum clipping 
	// tests on individual points.
	if ( mOps[4] ) {
		glColor3f ( 1, 1, 1 );
		glBegin ( GL_POINTS );
		for (float z=-100; z < 100; z += 4.0 ) {
			for (float y=0; y < 100; y += 4.0 ) {
				for (float x=-100; x < 100; x += 4.0 ) {
					if ( pointInFrustum ( x, y, z) ) {
						glVertex3f ( x, y, z );
		glEnd ();
	// Inverse rays (world space)
	// NOTES: This code demonstrates drawing 
	// inverse camera rays, as might be needed for raytracing or hit testing.
	if ( mOps[3] ) {
		glBegin ( GL_LINES );
		glColor3f ( 0, 1, 0);
		for (float x = 0; x <= 1.0; x+= 0.5 ) {
			for (float y = 0; y <= 1.0; y+= 0.5 ) {
				pnt = inverseRay ( x, y, mFar );
				pnt += from_pos;
				glVertex3f ( from_pos.x, from_pos.y, from_pos.z );		// all inverse rays originate at the camera center
				glVertex3f ( pnt.x, pnt.y, pnt.z );
		glEnd ();

	// Projection
	// NOTES: This code demonstrates 
	// perspective projection _without_ using the OpenGL pipeline.
	// Projection is done by the camera class. A cube is drawn on the near plane.
	// Cube geometry
	Vector3DF pnts[8];
	Vector3DI edge[12];
	pnts[0].Set (  0,  0,  0 );	pnts[1].Set ( 10,  0,  0 ); pnts[2].Set ( 10,  0, 10 ); pnts[3].Set (  0,  0, 10 );		// lower points (y=0)
	pnts[4].Set (  0, 10,  0 );	pnts[5].Set ( 10, 10,  0 ); pnts[6].Set ( 10, 10, 10 ); pnts[7].Set (  0, 10, 10 );		// upper points (y=10)
	edge[0].Set ( 0, 1, 0 ); edge[1].Set ( 1, 2, 0 ); edge[2].Set ( 2, 3, 0 ); edge[3].Set ( 3, 0, 0 );					// 4 lower edges
	edge[4].Set ( 4, 5, 0 ); edge[5].Set ( 5, 6, 0 ); edge[6].Set ( 6, 7, 0 ); edge[7].Set ( 7, 4, 0 );					// 4 upper edges
	edge[8].Set ( 0, 4, 0 ); edge[9].Set ( 1, 5, 0 ); edge[10].Set ( 2, 6, 0 ); edge[11].Set ( 3, 7, 0 );				// 4 vertical edges
	// -- White cube is drawn using OpenGL projection
	if ( mOps[6] ) {
		glBegin ( GL_LINES );
		glColor3f ( 1, 1, 1);
		for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++ ) {
			va = edge[e].x;
			vb = edge[e].y;
			glVertex3f ( pnts[va].x, pnts[va].y, pnts[va].z );
			glVertex3f ( pnts[vb].x, pnts[vb].y, pnts[vb].z );
		glEnd ();	

	//---- Draw the following in camera space..
	// NOTES:
	// The remainder drawing steps are done in 
	// camera space. This is done by multiplying by the
	// inverse_rotation matrix, which transforms from camera to world space.
	// The camera axes, near, and far planes can now be drawn in camera space.
	glPushMatrix ();
	glLoadMatrixf ( getViewMatrix().GetDataF() );
	glTranslatef ( from_pos.x, from_pos.y, from_pos.z );
	glMultMatrixf ( invrot_matrix.GetDataF() );				// camera space --to--> world space

	// -- Red cube is drawn on the near plane using software projection pipeline. See Camera3D::project
	if ( mOps[6] ) {
		glBegin ( GL_LINES );
		glColor3f ( 1, 0, 0);
		Vector4DF proja, projb;
		for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++ ) {
			va = edge[e].x;
			vb = edge[e].y;
			proja = project ( pnts[va] );
			projb = project ( pnts[vb] );
			if ( proja.w > 0 && projb.w > 0 && proja.w < 1 && projb.w < 1) {	// Very simple Z clipping  (try commenting this out and see what happens)
				glVertex3f ( proja.x, proja.y, proja.z );
				glVertex3f ( projb.x, projb.y, projb.z );
		glEnd ();
	// Camera axes
	glBegin ( GL_LINES );
	float to_d = (from_pos - to_pos).Length();
	glColor3f ( .8,.8,.8); glVertex3f ( 0, 0, 0 );	glVertex3f ( 0, 0, -to_d );
	glColor3f ( 1,0,0); glVertex3f ( 0, 0, 0 );		glVertex3f ( 10, 0, 0 );
	glColor3f ( 0,1,0); glVertex3f ( 0, 0, 0 );		glVertex3f ( 0, 10, 0 );
	glColor3f ( 0,0,1); glVertex3f ( 0, 0, 0 );		glVertex3f ( 0, 0, 10 );
	glEnd ();

	if ( mOps[1] ) {
		// Near plane
		float sy = tan ( mFov * DEGtoRAD / 2.0);
		float sx = sy * mAspect;
		glColor3f ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 );
		glBegin ( GL_LINE_LOOP );
		glVertex3f ( -mNear*sx,  mNear*sy, -mNear );
		glVertex3f (  mNear*sx,  mNear*sy, -mNear );
		glVertex3f (  mNear*sx, -mNear*sy, -mNear );
		glVertex3f ( -mNear*sx, -mNear*sy, -mNear );
		glEnd ();
		// Far plane
		glBegin ( GL_LINE_LOOP );
		glVertex3f ( -mFar*sx,  mFar*sy, -mFar );
		glVertex3f (  mFar*sx,  mFar*sy, -mFar );
		glVertex3f (  mFar*sx, -mFar*sy, -mFar );
		glVertex3f ( -mFar*sx, -mFar*sy, -mFar );
		glEnd ();

		// Subview Near plane
		float l, r, t, b;
		l = -sx + 2.0*sx*mTile.x;						// Tile is in range 0 <= x,y <= 1
		r = -sx + 2.0*sx*mTile.z;
		t =  sy - 2.0*sy*mTile.y;
		b =  sy - 2.0*sy*mTile.w;
		glColor3f ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.0 );
		glBegin ( GL_LINE_LOOP );
		glVertex3f ( l * mNear, t * mNear, -mNear );
		glVertex3f ( r * mNear, t * mNear, -mNear );
		glVertex3f ( r * mNear, b * mNear, -mNear );
		glVertex3f ( l * mNear, b * mNear, -mNear );		
		glEnd ();
		// Subview Far plane
		glBegin ( GL_LINE_LOOP );
		glVertex3f ( l * mFar, t * mFar, -mFar );
		glVertex3f ( r * mFar, t * mFar, -mFar );
		glVertex3f ( r * mFar, b * mFar, -mFar );
		glVertex3f ( l * mFar, b * mFar, -mFar );		
		glEnd ();

	glPopMatrix ();