Пример #1
void copy_ctx(const void * to, const void * from)
  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(from), "from");
    load_buf(pointer2string(to), "to");

  string_attributes[to] = string_attributes[from];
Пример #2
void load_ctx(const void * ctx, const char * attr, const char * hint)
  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(attr, "attr");

  print_rhs(string_attributes[ctx][string(attr)], hint);
Пример #3
void add_to_attr(const void * ctx, const char * attr, const unsigned char * buf, size_t len)
  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(s, "attr");
    load_buf(buf, len, "value");
  string_attributes[ctx][string(attr)] += buffer2string(buf, len);
Пример #4
/** DialogControl::init()
 *  The base init() for all dialog control objects.
 *  Initializes the WindowBase and sets the 3 attributes: id, hDlg, and oDlg.
 *  These attributes are 'get' only attributes and can not be changed.
RexxMethod2(uint32_t, dlgctrl_init, OPTIONAL_POINTER, args, OSELF, self)
    RexxMethodContext *c = context;
    uint32_t result = 1;

    if ( argumentOmitted(1) || args == NULL )
        goto done_out;

    // Set up for the DialogControl CSelf.
    RexxBufferObject cdcBuf = c->NewBuffer(sizeof(CDialogControl));
    if ( cdcBuf == NULLOBJECT )
        goto done_out;

    // Do the WindowBase initialization.
    pCWindowBase wbCSelf;
    if ( ! initWindowBase(context, params->hwnd, self, &wbCSelf) )
        goto done_out;

    if ( ! initWindowExtensions(context, self, params->hwnd, wbCSelf, NULL) )
        goto done_out;

    pCDialogControl cdcCSelf = (pCDialogControl)c->BufferData(cdcBuf);
    memset(cdcCSelf, 0, sizeof(CDialogControl));

    cdcCSelf->controlType = params->controlType;
    cdcCSelf->lastItem = -1;
    cdcCSelf->wndBase = wbCSelf;
    cdcCSelf->rexxSelf = self;
    cdcCSelf->hCtrl = params->hwnd;
    cdcCSelf->id = params->id;
    cdcCSelf->hDlg = params->hwndDlg;
    cdcCSelf->oDlg = params->parentDlg;
    cdcCSelf->isInCategoryDlg = params->isCatDlg;

    context->SetObjectVariable("CSELF", cdcBuf);

    context->SetObjectVariable("ID", c->UnsignedInt32(params->id));
    context->SetObjectVariable("HDLG", pointer2string(context, params->hwndDlg));
    context->SetObjectVariable("ODLG", params->parentDlg);
    result = 0;

    return result;
Пример #5
void store_ctx(const void * ctx, const char * attr, const char * hint)
  string sattr = string(attr);
  unique_attr(ctx, sattr);
  print_lhs(string_attributes[ctx][sattr], hint);

  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(attr, "attr");
Пример #6
void clear_attr(const void * ctx, const char * attr)
  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(attr, "attr");

  string sattr = string(attr);

  string_attributes[ctx][sattr] = "";
  int_attributes[ctx][sattr] = 0;
Пример #7
void set_attr_str(const void * ctx, const char * attr, const char * str)
  if(strlen(str) == 0)
    cerr << "set_attr(char*): new value is empty" << endl;

  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(s, "attr");
    load_buf(string(str), "value");
  string_attributes[ctx][string(attr)] = string(str);
Пример #8
void set_attr_buf(const void * ctx, const char * attr, const unsigned char * buf, size_t len)
  if(len == 0)
    cerr << "set_attr(buf, len): new value is empty" << endl;

  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(s, "attr");
    load_buf(buf, len, "value");
  string_attributes[ctx][string(attr)] = buffer2string(buf, len);
Пример #9
/** findWindow()
 *  Retrieves a window handle to the top-level window whose class name and
 *  window name match the specified strings. This function does not search child
 *  windows. This function does not perform a case-sensitive search.
 *  @param caption     The title of the window to search for.  Although this
 *                     argument is required, the empty string can be used to
 *                     indicate a null should be used for the caption.
 *  @param className   [optional]  Specifies the window class name of the window
 *                     to search for.  The class name can be any name registered
 *                     with RegisterClass() or RegisterClassEx(), or any of the
 *                     predefined control-class names.
 *                     If className is omitted, it finds any window whose title
 *                     matches the caption argument.
 *  @return  The window handle if the window is found, otherwise 0.
 *  @note  Sets the system error code.
RexxRoutine2(RexxObjectPtr, findWindow_rtn, CSTRING, caption, OPTIONAL_CSTRING, className)

    if ( strlen(caption) == 0 )
        caption = NULL;
    HWND hwnd = FindWindow(className, caption);
    if ( hwnd == NULL )
    return pointer2string(context->threadContext, hwnd);
Пример #10
void copy_attr_ex(const void * to, const char * attr_to, const void * from, const char * attr_from)
  string value = get_attr(from, string(attr_from));

  if(value == "")
    cerr << "copy_attr(): new value is empty" << endl;

  #ifdef DEBUG_ATTR
    load_buf(pointer2string(ctx), "ctx");
    load_buf(s, "attr");
    load_buf(value, "value");

  string_attributes[to][string(attr_to)] = value;
Пример #11
inline RexxObjectPtr hwndFrom2rexxArg(RexxThreadContext *c, LPARAM lParam)
    return pointer2string(c, ((NMHDR *)lParam)->hwndFrom);
Пример #12
/** DialogControl::captureMouse
 *  Sets the mouse capture to this dialog control.  captureMouse() captures
 *  mouse input either when the mouse is over the control, or when the mouse
 *  button was pressed while the mouse was over the control and the button is
 *  still down. Only one window at a time can capture the mouse.
 *  If the mouse cursor is over a window created by another thread, the system
 *  will direct mouse input to the specified window only if a mouse button is
 *  down.
 *  @return  The window handle of the window that previously had captured the
 *           mouse, or the null handle if there was no such window.
RexxMethod1(RexxObjectPtr, dlgctrl_captureMouse, CSELF, pCSelf)
    HWND oldCapture = (HWND)SendMessage(getDChDlg(pCSelf), WM_USER_GETSETCAPTURE, 1, (LPARAM)getDChCtrl(pCSelf));
    return pointer2string(context, oldCapture);