Пример #1
bool myparse(std::istream& input, const std::string filename, DataType &result)
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    namespace classic = boost::spirit::classic;
    typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<char> base_iterator_type;
    base_iterator_type in_begin(input);
    // convert input iterator to forward iterator, usable by spirit parser
    typedef boost::spirit::multi_pass<base_iterator_type> forward_iterator_type;
    forward_iterator_type fwd_begin = boost::spirit::make_default_multi_pass(in_begin);
    forward_iterator_type fwd_end;
    // wrap forward iterator with position iterator, to record the position
    typedef classic::position_iterator2<forward_iterator_type> pos_iterator_type;
    pos_iterator_type position_begin(fwd_begin, fwd_end, filename);
    pos_iterator_type position_end;

    typedef forward_iterator_type used_iterator_type;
    used_iterator_type s = fwd_begin;
    used_iterator_type e = fwd_end;
    // typedef pos_iterator_type used_iterator_type;
    // used_iterator_type s = position_begin;
    // used_iterator_type e = position_end;

    qi::rule<used_iterator_type> skipper = ascii::space | 
	'#' >> *(ascii::char_ - qi::eol) >> qi::eol; // comment skipper, 

    Grammar<used_iterator_type, qi::rule<used_iterator_type> > g;
    bool r = false;
    try {
        r = phrase_parse(s, e, g, skipper, result);
    } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<used_iterator_type>& e)
        std::stringstream msg;
        // const classic::file_position_base<std::string>& pos = e.first.get_position();
        // msg <<
        //     "parse error at file " << pos.file <<
        //     " line " << pos.line << " column " << pos.column << std::endl <<
        //     "'" << e.first.get_currentline() << "'" << std::endl <<
        //     std::setw(pos.column) << " " << "^- here";
        msg << "parse error";
        throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
    return r;
Пример #2
bool SurveyBuilder::buildQuestion(std::istream& input, Question*& output)
    base_iterator_type in_begin(input);

    // convert input iterator to forward iterator, usable by spirit parser
    forward_iterator_type fwd_begin = boost::spirit::make_default_multi_pass(in_begin);
    forward_iterator_type fwd_end;

    // wrap forward iterator with position iterator, to record the position
    pos_iterator_type position_begin(fwd_begin, fwd_end);
    pos_iterator_type position_end;

    bool ret = spirit::qi::phrase_parse(position_begin, position_end, grammar.question, spirit::ascii::blank, output);
    return ret && position_begin == position_end;
Пример #3
// implementation
std::vector<double> parse(std::istream& input, const std::string& filename)
    // iterate over stream input
    typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<char> base_iterator_type;
    base_iterator_type in_begin(input);

    // convert input iterator to forward iterator, usable by spirit parser
    typedef boost::spirit::multi_pass<base_iterator_type> forward_iterator_type;
    forward_iterator_type fwd_begin = boost::spirit::make_default_multi_pass(in_begin);
    forward_iterator_type fwd_end;

    // wrap forward iterator with position iterator, to record the position
    typedef classic::position_iterator2<forward_iterator_type> pos_iterator_type;
    pos_iterator_type position_begin(fwd_begin, fwd_end, filename);
    pos_iterator_type position_end;

    // prepare output
    std::vector<double> output;

    // parse
			   position_begin, position_end,                               // iterators over input
			   qi::double_ > *(',' > qi::double_) >> qi::eoi,              // recognize list of doubles
			   ascii::space | '#' >> *(ascii::char_ - qi::eol) >> qi::eol, // comment skipper
			   output);                                                    // doubles are stored into this object
      catch(const qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_type>& e)
	  const classic::file_position_base<std::string>& pos = e.first.get_position();
	  std::stringstream msg;
	  msg <<
	      "parse error at file " << pos.file <<
	      " line " << pos.line << " column " << pos.column << std::endl <<
	      "'" << e.first.get_currentline() << "'" << std::endl <<
	      std::setw(pos.column) << " " << "^- here";
	  throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());

      // return result
      return output;
Пример #4
bool SurveyBuilder::buildSurvey(std::istream& input, Survey*& output)
    base_iterator_type in_begin(input);

    // convert input iterator to forward iterator, usable by spirit parser
    forward_iterator_type fwd_begin = boost::spirit::make_default_multi_pass(in_begin);
    forward_iterator_type fwd_end;

    // wrap forward iterator with position iterator, to record the position
    pos_iterator_type position_begin(fwd_begin, fwd_end);
    pos_iterator_type position_end;

    bool ret;
    try {
        ret = spirit::qi::phrase_parse(position_begin, position_end, grammar, spirit::ascii::blank, output);
    } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_type>& e) {
        const classic::file_position_base<std::string>& pos = e.first.get_position();
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "parse error at line " << pos.line << " column " << pos.column << std::endl;
        msg << "'" << e.first.get_currentline() << "'" << std::endl;
        throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
    return ret && position_begin == position_end;
Пример #5
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    /* Where the magic happens */
    argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);

    if (!arguments.scriptfile)
        printf("you must specify a script file\n");

    // open file, disable skipping of whitespace
    std::ifstream in(arguments.scriptfile);

    // wrap istream into iterator
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator begin(in);
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator end;

    // wrap forward iterator with position iterator, to record the position
    typedef classic::position_iterator2<boost::spirit::istream_iterator>

    pos_iterator_type position_begin(begin, end, arguments.scriptfile);
    pos_iterator_type position_end;

    testscript<pos_iterator_type> p;       // create instance of parser

        std::vector<std::string> s;
        qi::phrase_parse(position_begin, position_end, p, qi::space, s);
        if (position_begin != position_end)
            throw qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_type>(position_begin, position_end,boost::spirit::info("general error"));
    catch(const qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_type> e)
        const classic::file_position_base<std::string>& pos = e.first.get_position();
        std::cout   << "parse error at file "
                    << pos.file 
                    << " line " 
                    << pos.line 
                    << " column " 
                    << pos.column 
                    << std::endl
                    << e.what_
                    << std::endl
                    << "'"
                    << e.first.get_currentline() 
                    << "'" << std::endl 
                    << std::setw(pos.column) 
                    << " " 
                    << "^- here" 
                    << std::endl;
        return -1;    
    catch(std::string e)
        std::cout   << "logical error: "
                    << e
                    << std::endl;
        return -1;

    if (arguments.beautify)
    } else {
        if (!arguments.host)
            printf("you must specify a host name\n");

        if (!arguments.port)
            printf("you must specify a port\n");

        tr::TcpRunner runner(arguments.verbose);

        std::ofstream myReportFile;
        if (arguments.xmlfile)

            if (myReportFile.is_open())

        runner.connect(arguments.host, arguments.port);

    return 0;