EReturn OMPLsolver::Solve(Eigen::VectorXdRefConst q0, Eigen::MatrixXd & solution) { ros::Time startTime = ros::Time::now(); finishedSolving_ = false; ompl::base::ScopedState<> ompl_start_state(state_space_); if (ok( compound_ ? boost::static_pointer_cast<OMPLSE3RNCompoundStateSpace>( state_space_)->EigenToOMPLState(q0, ompl_start_state.get()) : boost::static_pointer_cast<OMPLStateSpace>(state_space_)->copyToOMPLState( ompl_start_state.get(), q0))) { if (compound_) boost::static_pointer_cast<OMPLSE3RNCompoundStateSpace>(state_space_)->setStart( q0); ompl_simple_setup_->setStartState(ompl_start_state); preSolve(); // Solve here ompl::time::point start = ompl::time::now(); ob::PlannerTerminationCondition ptc = ob::timedPlannerTerminationCondition( timeout_ - ompl::time::seconds(ompl::time::now() - start)); registerTerminationCondition(ptc); if (ompl_simple_setup_->solve(ptc) == ompl::base::PlannerStatus::EXACT_SOLUTION) { double last_plan_time_ = ompl_simple_setup_->getLastPlanComputationTime(); unregisterTerminationCondition(); finishedSolving_ = true; if (!ompl_simple_setup_->haveSolutionPath()) return FAILURE; planning_time_ = ros::Time::now() - startTime; getSimplifiedPath(ompl_simple_setup_->getSolutionPath(), solution, ptc); planning_time_ = ros::Time::now() - startTime; if (saveResults_->data) recordData(); postSolve(); succ_cnt_++; return SUCCESS; } else { finishedSolving_ = true; planning_time_ = ros::Time::now() - startTime; if (saveResults_->data) recordData(); postSolve(); return FAILURE; } } else { ERROR("Can't copy start state!"); planning_time_ = ros::Time::now() - startTime; return FAILURE; } }
void ContactListener::PostSolve(b2Contact *contact, const b2ContactImpulse *impulse) { if (postSolve != NULL) { postSolve(contact, impulse); } }
void Steady::execute() { if (_app.isRecovering()) return; preExecute(); _problem.advanceState(); // first step in any steady state solve is always 1 (preserving backwards compatibility) _time_step = 1; _time = _time_step; // need to keep _time in sync with _time_step to get correct output #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR // Define the refinement loop unsigned int steps = _problem.adaptivity().getSteps(); for (unsigned int r_step=0; r_step<=steps; r_step++) { #endif //LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); _problem.outputStep(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Update warehouse active objects _problem.updateActiveObjects(); _problem.solve(); postSolve(); if (!lastSolveConverged()) { _console << "Aborting as solve did not converge\n"; break; } _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.computeIndicatorsAndMarkers(); _problem.outputStep(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR if (r_step != steps) { _problem.adaptMesh(); } _time_step++; _time = _time_step; // need to keep _time in sync with _time_step to get correct output } #endif postExecute(); }
void Steady::execute() { if (_app.isRecovering()) return; if (_app.hasLegacyOutput()) Moose::out << "Time: " << _time_step << '\n'; preExecute(); // first step in any steady state solve is always 1 (preserving backwards compatibility) _time_step = 1; _time = _time_step; // need to keep _time in sync with _time_step to get correct output #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR // Define the refinement loop unsigned int steps = _problem.adaptivity().getSteps(); for(unsigned int r_step=0; r_step<=steps; r_step++) { #endif //LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); preSolve(); _problem.updateMaterials(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.solve(); postSolve(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.computeIndicatorsAndMarkers(); _output_warehouse.outputStep(); _problem.output(); _problem.outputPostprocessors(); _problem.outputRestart(); #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR if (r_step != steps) { _problem.adaptMesh(); } _time_step++; _time = _time_step; // need to keep _time in sync with _time_step to get correct output } #endif postExecute(); }
void NonlinearEigen::takeStep() { _console << " Nonlinear iteration starts" << std::endl; // nonlinear solve preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.advanceState(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); nonlinearSolve(_rel_tol, _abs_tol, _pfactor, _eigenvalue); postSolve(); printEigenvalue(); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); }
void PetscTSExecutioner::execute() { TimeStepperStatus status = STATUS_ITERATING; Real ftime = -1e100; _fe_problem.initialSetup(); Moose::setup_perf_log.push("Output Initial Condition","Setup"); if (_output_initial) { _fe_problem.output(); _fe_problem.outputPostprocessors(); _problem.outputRestart(); } Moose::setup_perf_log.pop("Output Initial Condition","Setup"); _time_stepper->setup(*_fe_problem.getNonlinearSystem().sys().solution); preExecute(); // Start time loop... while (keepGoing(status,ftime)) { status = _time_stepper->step(&ftime); _fe_problem.getNonlinearSystem().update(); _fe_problem.getNonlinearSystem().setSolution(*_fe_problem.getNonlinearSystem().sys().current_local_solution); postSolve(); _fe_problem.onTimestepEnd(); _fe_problem.computeUserObjects(); bool reset_dt = false; /* has some meaning in Transient::computeConstrainedDT, but we do not use that logic here */ _fe_problem.output(reset_dt); _fe_problem.outputPostprocessors(reset_dt); _problem.outputRestart(reset_dt); #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR if (_fe_problem.adaptivity().isOn()) { _fe_problem.adaptMesh(); } #endif } postExecute(); }
void InversePowerMethod::takeStep() { // save the initial guess and mark a new time step _problem.advanceState(); preSolve(); Real initial_res; inversePowerIteration(_min_iter, _max_iter, _pfactor, _cheb_on, _eig_check_tol, true, _solution_diff_name, _sol_check_tol, _eigenvalue, initial_res); postSolve(); if (lastSolveConverged()) { printEigenvalue(); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); } }
void NonlinearEigen::takeStep() { _console << " Nonlinear iteration starts" << std::endl; // nonlinear solve _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.advanceState(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); nonlinearSolve(_rel_tol, _abs_tol, _pfactor, _eigenvalue); postSolve(); printEigenvalue(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); }
bool QPSolver::solve(VectorXd& sol) { bool ret = false; #ifdef _WIN32 VectorXd solution; preSolve(); convertMatrixVectorFormat(); MSKenv_t env; MSKtask_t task; MSKrescodee r; r = MSK_makeenv(&env, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { r = MSK_linkfunctoenvstream(env, MSK_STREAM_LOG, NULL, printstr); } r = MSK_initenv(env); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { r = MSK_maketask(env, mNumCon, mNumVar, &task); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task, MSK_STREAM_LOG, NULL, printstr); } if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putmaxnumvar(task, mNumVar); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putmaxnumcon(task, mNumCon); /* Append ¡¯NUMCON ¡¯ empty constraints . The constraints will initially have no bounds . */ if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_append(task, MSK_ACC_CON, mNumCon); /* Append ¡¯NUMVAR ¡¯ variables . The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x =0). */ if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_append(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, mNumVar); /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective . */ if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putcfix(task, mConstant); for (int j = 0; j < mNumVar && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j) { /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective .*/ if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putcj(task, j, mCU[j]); /* Set the bounds on variable j.*/ if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { if (mbLowerBounded[j] && mbUpperBounded[j]) { if (mlb[j] == mub[j]) r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j, MSK_BK_FX, mlb[j], mub[j]); else { CHECK(mlb[j] < mub[j]); r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j, MSK_BK_RA, mlb[j], mub[j]); } } else if (mbLowerBounded[j]) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j , MSK_BK_LO, mlb[j], +MSK_INFINITY); } else if (mbUpperBounded[j]) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j, MSK_BK_UP, -MSK_INFINITY, mub[j]); } else { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j, MSK_BK_FR, -MSK_INFINITY, +MSK_INFINITY); } } /* Input column j of A */ if (r == MSK_RES_OK && mNumCon) { int currentColumnIdx = mAColumnStartIdx[j]; int nextColumnIdx = mAColumnStartIdx[j + 1]; r = MSK_putavec(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j, nextColumnIdx - currentColumnIdx, &(mARowIdx[currentColumnIdx]), &(mAValues[currentColumnIdx])); } } /* Set the bounds on constraints . for i=1, ... , NUMCON : blc [i] <= constraint i <= buc [i] */ for (int i = 0; i < mNumCon && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++i) { if (mbConstraintLowerBounded[i] && mbConstraintUpperBounded[i]) { if (mlbc[i] == mubc[i]) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_CON, i, MSK_BK_FX, mlbc[i], mubc[i]); } else { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_CON, i, MSK_BK_RA, mlbc[i], mubc[i]); } } else if (mbConstraintLowerBounded[i]) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_CON, i, MSK_BK_LO, mlbc[i], +MSK_INFINITY); } else if (mbConstraintUpperBounded[i]) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_CON, i, MSK_BK_UP, -MSK_INFINITY, mubc[i]); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Every constraint should not be free."; } } if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { /* Input the Q for the objective . */ r = MSK_putqobj(task, mQValues.size(), &(mQSubi[0]), &(mQSubj[0]), &(mQValues[0])); } if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { MSKrescodee trmcode; r = MSK_optimizetrm(task, &trmcode); MSK_solutionsummary(task, MSK_STREAM_LOG); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) { MSKsolstae solsta; MSK_getsolutionstatus(task, MSK_SOL_ITR, NULL, &solsta); double* result = new double[mNumVar]; switch (solsta) { case MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL: case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_OPTIMAL: MSK_getsolutionslice(task, MSK_SOL_ITR, MSK_SOL_ITEM_XX, 0, mNumVar, result); LOG(INFO) << "Optimal primal solution"; ret = true; solution = VectorXd::Zero(mNumVar); for (int k = 0; k < mNumVar; ++k) solution[k] = result[k]; break; case MSK_SOL_STA_DUAL_INFEAS_CER: case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_CER: case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_DUAL_INFEAS_CER: case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_PRIM_INFEAS_CER: LOG(WARNING) << "Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found."; break; case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN: LOG(WARNING) << "The status of the solution could not be determined."; break; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Other solution status."; break; } delete[] result; } } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Error while optimizing."; } if (r != MSK_RES_OK) { char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN]; char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN]; LOG(WARNING) << "An error occurred while optimizing."; MSK_getcodedesc(r, symname, desc); LOG(WARNING) << "Error " << symname << " - " << desc; } } MSK_deletetask(&task); MSK_deleteenv(&env); postSolve(solution, ret, sol); #endif return ret; }
void Transient::solveStep(Real input_dt) { _dt_old = _dt; if (input_dt == -1.0) _dt = computeConstrainedDT(); else _dt = input_dt; Real current_dt = _dt; _problem.onTimestepBegin(); // Increment time _time = _time_old + _dt; _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, _picard_max_its == 1); preSolve(); _time_stepper->preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); // Compute Pre-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); // Compute TimestepBegin AuxKernels _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Compute Post-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); // Perform output for timestep begin _problem.outputStep(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); if (_picard_max_its > 1) { Real current_norm = _problem.computeResidualL2Norm(); if (_picard_it == 0) // First Picard iteration - need to save off the initial nonlinear residual { _picard_initial_norm = current_norm; _console << "Initial Picard Norm: " << _picard_initial_norm << '\n'; } else _console << "Current Picard Norm: " << current_norm << '\n'; Real relative_drop = current_norm / _picard_initial_norm; if (current_norm < _picard_abs_tol || relative_drop < _picard_rel_tol) { _console << "Picard converged!" << std::endl; _picard_converged = true; _time_stepper->acceptStep(); return; } } _time_stepper->step(); // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs if (lastSolveConverged()) { _console << COLOR_GREEN << " Solve Converged!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; if (_picard_max_its <= 1) _time_stepper->acceptStep(); _solution_change_norm = _problem.solutionChangeNorm(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); #if 0 // User definable callback if (_estimate_error) estimateTimeError(); #endif _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, _picard_max_its == 1); } else { _console << COLOR_RED << " Solve Did NOT Converge!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; // Perform the output of the current, failed time step (this only occurs if desired) _problem.outputStep(EXEC_FAILED); } postSolve(); _time_stepper->postSolve(); _dt = current_dt; // _dt might be smaller than this at this point for multistep methods _time = _time_old; }
void Transient::takeStep(Real input_dt) { _problem.out().setOutput(false); _dt_old = _dt; if (input_dt == -1.0) _dt = computeConstrainedDT(); else _dt = input_dt; _problem.onTimestepBegin(); if (lastSolveConverged()) _problem.updateMaterials(); // Update backward material data structures // Increment time _time = _time_old + _dt; _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Only print this if the 'Output' block exists /// \todo{Remove when old output system is removed} if (_app.hasLegacyOutput()) { Moose::out << "\nTime Step "; { std::ostringstream out; out << std::setw(2) << _t_step << ", time = " << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _time; Moose::out << out.str() << std::endl; } { std::ostringstream tstepstr; tstepstr << _t_step; unsigned int tsteplen = tstepstr.str().size(); if (tsteplen < 2) tsteplen = 2; std::ostringstream out; if (_verbose) { out << std::setw(tsteplen) << " old time = " << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _time_old << std::endl; } out << std::setw(tsteplen) <<" dt = " << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _dt; Moose::out << out.str() << std::endl; } } preSolve(); _time_stepper->preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); // Compute Pre-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); // Compute TimestepBegin AuxKernels _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Compute Post-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _time_stepper->step(); // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs if (lastSolveConverged()) { Moose::out << "Solve Converged!" << std::endl; _time_stepper->acceptStep(); _solution_change_norm = _problem.solutionChangeNorm(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); #if 0 // User definable callback if (_estimate_error) { estimateTimeError(); } #endif _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP); _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP); } else Moose::out << "Solve Did NOT Converge!" << std::endl; postSolve(); _time_stepper->postSolve(); }
void cpSpaceStep(cpSpace *space, cpFloat dt) { // don't step if the timestep is 0! if(dt == 0.0f) return; space->stamp++; cpFloat prev_dt = space->curr_dt; space->curr_dt = dt; // Reset and empty the arbiter list. cpArray *arbiters = space->arbiters; for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++){ cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i]; arb->state = cpArbiterStateNormal; // If both bodies are awake, unthread the arbiter from the contact graph. if(!cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_a) && !cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_b)){ cpArbiterUnthread(arb); } } arbiters->num = 0; // Integrate positions cpArray *bodies = space->bodies; for(int i=0; i<bodies->num; i++){ cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->position_func(body, dt); } // Find colliding pairs. cpSpaceLock(space); { cpSpacePushFreshContactBuffer(space); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->activeShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)cpShapeUpdateFunc, NULL); cpSpatialIndexReindexQuery(space->activeShapes, (cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc)collideShapes, space); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpFalse); // If body sleeping is enabled, do that now. if(space->sleepTimeThreshold != INFINITY || space->enableContactGraph){ cpSpaceProcessComponents(space, dt); } // Clear out old cached arbiters and call separate callbacks cpHashSetFilter(space->cachedArbiters, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)cpSpaceArbiterSetFilter, space); // Prestep the arbiters and constraints. cpFloat slop = space->collisionSlop; cpFloat biasCoef = 1.0f - cpfpow(space->collisionBias, dt); for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++){ cpArbiterPreStep((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt, slop, biasCoef); } cpArray *constraints = space->constraints; for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPreSolveFunc preSolve = constraint->preSolve; if(preSolve) preSolve(constraint, space); constraint->klass->preStep(constraint, dt); } // Integrate velocities. cpFloat damping = cpfpow(space->damping, dt); cpVect gravity = space->gravity; for(int i=0; i<bodies->num; i++){ cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->velocity_func(body, gravity, damping, dt); } // Apply cached impulses cpFloat dt_coef = (prev_dt == 0.0f ? 0.0f : dt/prev_dt); for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++){ cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt_coef); } for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; constraint->klass->applyCachedImpulse(constraint, dt_coef); } // Run the impulse solver. for(int i=0; i<space->iterations; i++){ for(int j=0; j<arbiters->num; j++){ cpArbiterApplyImpulse((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[j]); } for(int j=0; j<constraints->num; j++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[j]; constraint->klass->applyImpulse(constraint); } } // Run the constraint post-solve callbacks for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++){ cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPostSolveFunc postSolve = constraint->postSolve; if(postSolve) postSolve(constraint, space); } // run the post-solve callbacks cpSpaceLock(space); for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++){ cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *) arbiters->arr[i]; cpCollisionHandler *handler = arb->handler; handler->postSolve(arb, space, handler->data); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); }
void AdaptiveTransient::takeStep(Real input_dt) { if (_converged) _problem.copyOldSolutions(); else _problem.restoreSolutions(); _dt_old = _dt; if (input_dt == -1.0) _dt = computeConstrainedDT(); else _dt = input_dt; _problem.onTimestepBegin(); if (_converged) { // Update backward material data structures _problem.updateMaterials(); } // Increment time _time = _time_old + _dt; // Compute TimestepBegin AuxKernels _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Compute TimestepBegin Postprocessors _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); Moose::out << "Solving time step "; { std::ostringstream out; out << std::setw(2) << _t_step << ", old time=" << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _time_old << ", time=" << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _time << ", dt=" << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint << std::left << _dt; Moose::out << out.str() << std::endl; } preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); try { // Compute Pre-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); // Compute TimestepBegin AuxKernels _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Compute Post-Aux User Objects (Timestep begin) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.solve(); _converged = _problem.converged(); } catch (MooseException &e) { _caught_exception = true; _converged = false; } if (!_caught_exception) { // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs bool last_solve_converged = lastSolveConverged(); if (last_solve_converged) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); postSolve(); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs if (last_solve_converged) { _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP); _problem.computeUserObjects(); } Moose::out << std::endl; } }
void AutoRBTransient::solveStep(Real input_dt) { _dt_old = _dt; if (input_dt == -1.0) _dt = computeConstrainedDT(); else _dt = input_dt; Real current_dt = _dt; _problem.onTimestepBegin(); // Increment time _time = _time_old + _dt; // You could evaluate/store _his_initial_norm_old here _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); _multiapps_converged = _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, _picard_max_its == 1); if (!_multiapps_converged) return; preSolve(); _time_stepper->preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Perform output for timestep begin _problem.outputStep(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Update warehouse active objects _problem.updateActiveObjects(); _my_current_norm = _problem.computeResidualL2Norm(); // the norm from this app only _his_initial_norm_old = _his_initial_norm; _his_initial_norm = getPostprocessorValue("InitialResidual"); //for sub-app@timestep_begin: his_initial_norm should be zero at each timestep // if this is sub app and its the initial_residual wasn't updated // or use his_initial_norm_old // On the first iteration Old should not match _his_initial if sub-app comes // second (timestep_end). //if (_picard_max_its==1 && _his_initial_norm == getPostprocessorValueOld("InitialResidual")) if (_picard_max_its==1 && _his_initial_norm == _his_initial_norm_old) _his_initial_norm = 0; _his_final_norm = getPostprocessorValue("FinalResidual"); if (_picard_max_its > 1) { // is there a way to get his_final_norm without a postprocessor transfer? //std::vector<MultiApp *> multi_apps = _problem._multi_apps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END)[0].all(); // unfortunately _multi_apps is protected //Real his_last_norm = multi_apps[i]._subproblem.finalNonlinearResidual(); //_console << "Multi-app end residual" << his_final_norm << std::endl; // did it work? if (_picard_it == 0) // First Picard iteration - need to save off the initial nonlinear residual { _current_norm = _my_current_norm; //his_initial_norm_old) //EXEC_TIMESTEP_END //if (_his_initial_norm == getPostprocessorValueOld("InitialResidual")) if (_his_initial_norm == _his_initial_norm_old) _his_initial_norm = 0; // set his_initial_norm to 0 so that we can start a new timestep properly _picard_initial_norm = _current_norm + _his_initial_norm; //_console << "Initial Picard Norm: " << _picard_initial_norm << '\n'; if (_his_initial_norm == 0) _adjust_initial_norm = true; _spectral_radius = pow(_new_tol_mult, 0.5);//*#*// } else { _current_norm_old = _current_norm; _current_norm = _my_current_norm + _his_final_norm; //@^&// These changes smooth out the change in _spectral_radius //@^&//_spectral_radius = _current_norm / _current_norm_old; //@^&//_spectral_radius = 0.5 * (_current_norm / _current_norm_old + _spectral_radius); _spectral_radius = pow(_current_norm / _current_norm_old * _spectral_radius, 0.5); _console << "Current Picard Norm: " << _current_norm << '\n'; } if (_picard_it == 1 && _adjust_initial_norm == true) { _picard_initial_norm = _picard_initial_norm + _his_initial_norm; _console << "Adjusted Initial Picard Norm: " << _picard_initial_norm << '\n'; //@^&//_spectral_radius = _current_norm / _picard_initial_norm; //@^&//_spectral_radius = 0.5 * (_current_norm / _picard_initial_norm + _spectral_radius); _spectral_radius = pow(_current_norm / _picard_initial_norm * _spectral_radius, 0.5); } Real _relative_drop = _current_norm / _picard_initial_norm; if (_current_norm < _picard_abs_tol || _relative_drop < _picard_rel_tol) { _console << "Picard converged!" << std::endl; _picard_converged = true; _time_stepper->acceptStep(); // Accumulator Postprocessor goes now, at the actual timestep_end, but // only if _picard_max_its>1: //_problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_CUSTOM, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); _problem.execute(EXEC_CUSTOM); // new method return; } } else // this is the sub-app { // If this is the first Picard iteration of the timestep // Second condition ensures proper treatment the very first time if ( _his_initial_norm == 0 || _current_norm_old == 0 ) { _spectral_radius = pow(_new_tol_mult, 0.5);//*#*// _current_norm = _his_final_norm + _my_current_norm; } else { _current_norm_old = _current_norm; _current_norm = _his_final_norm + _my_current_norm; //@^&//_spectral_radius = _current_norm / _current_norm_old; //@^&//_spectral_radius = 0.5 * (_current_norm / _current_norm_old + _spectral_radius); _spectral_radius = pow(_current_norm / _current_norm_old * _spectral_radius, 0.5); } } // For multiple sub-apps you'll need an aggregate PP to collect residuals in // or some way to keep the number of PPs low. if (_his_initial_norm == 0) _his_initial_norm = _my_current_norm; //assume the other residual is comparable to this one //_new_tol = std::min(_his_initial_norm*_new_tol_mult, 0.95*_my_current_norm); _new_tol = std::min(_his_initial_norm*_spectral_radius*_spectral_radius, 0.95*_my_current_norm); // you may want 0.95 to be a parameter for the user to (not) change if (_new_tol < _min_abs_tol) _new_tol = _min_abs_tol; _console << "New Abs_Tol = " << _new_tol << std::endl;<Real> ("nonlinear solver absolute residual tolerance") = _new_tol; _time_stepper->step(); // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs if (lastSolveConverged()) { _console << COLOR_GREEN << " Solve Converged!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; if (_picard_max_its <= 1 ) _time_stepper->acceptStep(); _solution_change_norm = _problem.relativeSolutionDifferenceNorm(); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _multiapps_converged = _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, _picard_max_its == 1); if (!_multiapps_converged) return; } else { _console << COLOR_RED << " Solve Did NOT Converge!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; // Perform the output of the current, failed time step (this only occurs if desired) _problem.outputStep(EXEC_FAILED); } postSolve(); _time_stepper->postSolve(); _dt = current_dt; // _dt might be smaller than this at this point for multistep methods _time = _time_old; }
void Transient::solveStep(Real input_dt) { _dt_old = _dt; if (input_dt == -1.0) _dt = computeConstrainedDT(); else _dt = input_dt; Real current_dt = _dt; _problem.onTimestepBegin(); // Increment time _time = _time_old + _dt; _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); _multiapps_converged = _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN, _picard_max_its == 1); if (!_multiapps_converged) return; preSolve(); _time_stepper->preSolve(); _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); if (_picard_max_its > 1) { _picard_timestep_begin_norm = _problem.computeResidualL2Norm(); _console << "Picard Norm after TIMESTEP_BEGIN MultiApps: " << _picard_timestep_begin_norm << '\n'; } // Perform output for timestep begin _problem.outputStep(EXEC_TIMESTEP_BEGIN); // Update warehouse active objects _problem.updateActiveObjects(); _time_stepper->step(); // We know whether or not the nonlinear solver thinks it converged, but we need to see if the executioner concurs if (lastSolveConverged()) { _console << COLOR_GREEN << " Solve Converged!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; if (_picard_max_its <= 1) _time_stepper->acceptStep(); _solution_change_norm = _problem.solutionChangeNorm(); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.execute(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _problem.execTransfers(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END); _multiapps_converged = _problem.execMultiApps(EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, _picard_max_its == 1); if (!_multiapps_converged) return; } else { _console << COLOR_RED << " Solve Did NOT Converge!" << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; // Perform the output of the current, failed time step (this only occurs if desired) _problem.outputStep(EXEC_FAILED); } postSolve(); _time_stepper->postSolve(); _dt = current_dt; // _dt might be smaller than this at this point for multistep methods _time = _time_old; }
void cpHastySpaceStep(cpSpace *space, cpFloat dt) { // don't step if the timestep is 0! if(dt == 0.0f) return; space->stamp++; cpFloat prev_dt = space->curr_dt; space->curr_dt = dt; cpArray *bodies = space->dynamicBodies; cpArray *constraints = space->constraints; cpArray *arbiters = space->arbiters; // Reset and empty the arbiter list. for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++) { cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i]; arb->state = CP_ARBITER_STATE_NORMAL; // If both bodies are awake, unthread the arbiter from the contact graph. if(!cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_a) && !cpBodyIsSleeping(arb->body_b)) { cpArbiterUnthread(arb); } } arbiters->num = 0; cpSpaceLock(space); { // Integrate positions for(int i=0; i<bodies->num; i++) { cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->position_func(body, dt); } // Find colliding pairs. cpSpacePushFreshContactBuffer(space); cpSpatialIndexEach(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc)cpShapeUpdateFunc, NULL); cpSpatialIndexReindexQuery(space->dynamicShapes, (cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc)cpSpaceCollideShapes, space); } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpFalse); // Rebuild the contact graph (and detect sleeping components if sleeping is enabled) cpSpaceProcessComponents(space, dt); cpSpaceLock(space); { // Clear out old cached arbiters and call separate callbacks cpHashSetFilter(space->cachedArbiters, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)cpSpaceArbiterSetFilter, space); // Prestep the arbiters and constraints. cpFloat slop = space->collisionSlop; cpFloat biasCoef = 1.0f - cpfpow(space->collisionBias, dt); for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++) { cpArbiterPreStep((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt, slop, biasCoef); } for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++) { cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPreSolveFunc preSolve = constraint->preSolve; if(preSolve) preSolve(constraint, space); constraint->klass->preStep(constraint, dt); } // Integrate velocities. cpFloat damping = cpfpow(space->damping, dt); cpVect gravity = space->gravity; for(int i=0; i<bodies->num; i++) { cpBody *body = (cpBody *)bodies->arr[i]; body->velocity_func(body, gravity, damping, dt); } // Apply cached impulses cpFloat dt_coef = (prev_dt == 0.0f ? 0.0f : dt/prev_dt); for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++) { cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse((cpArbiter *)arbiters->arr[i], dt_coef); } for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++) { cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; constraint->klass->applyCachedImpulse(constraint, dt_coef); } // Run the impulse solver. cpHastySpace *hasty = (cpHastySpace *)space; if((unsigned long)(arbiters->num + constraints->num) > hasty->constraint_count_threshold) { RunWorkers(hasty, Solver); } else { Solver(space, 0, 1); } // Run the constraint post-solve callbacks for(int i=0; i<constraints->num; i++) { cpConstraint *constraint = (cpConstraint *)constraints->arr[i]; cpConstraintPostSolveFunc postSolve = constraint->postSolve; if(postSolve) postSolve(constraint, space); } // run the post-solve callbacks for(int i=0; i<arbiters->num; i++) { cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *) arbiters->arr[i]; cpCollisionHandler *handler = arb->handler; handler->postSolveFunc(arb, space, handler->userData); } } cpSpaceUnlock(space, cpTrue); }
void NonlinearEigen::execute() { preExecute(); // save the initial guess _problem.copyOldSolutions(); Real initial_res = 0.0; if (_free_iter>0) { // free power iterations Moose::out << std::endl << " Free power iteration starts" << std::endl; inversePowerIteration(_free_iter, _free_iter, _pfactor, false, std::numeric_limits<Real>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), true, _output_pi, 0.0, _eigenvalue, initial_res); } if (!getParam<bool>("output_on_final")) { _problem.timeStep() = POWERITERATION_END; Real t = _problem.time(); _problem.time() = _problem.timeStep(); _output_warehouse.outputStep(); _problem.time() = t; } Moose::out << " Nonlinear iteration starts" << std::endl; _problem.timestepSetup(); _problem.copyOldSolutions(); Real rel_tol = _rel_tol; Real abs_tol = _abs_tol; if (_free_iter>0) { Moose::out << " Initial |R| = " << initial_res << std::endl; abs_tol = _rel_tol*initial_res; if (abs_tol<_abs_tol) abs_tol = _abs_tol; rel_tol = 1e-50; } // nonlinear solve preSolve(); nonlinearSolve(rel_tol, abs_tol, _pfactor, _eigenvalue); postSolve(); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::PRE_AUX); _problem.onTimestepEnd(); _problem.computeAuxiliaryKernels(EXEC_TIMESTEP); _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_TIMESTEP, UserObjectWarehouse::POST_AUX); if (_run_custom_uo) _problem.computeUserObjects(EXEC_CUSTOM); if (!getParam<bool>("output_on_final")) { _problem.timeStep() = NONLINEAR_SOLVE_END; Real t = _problem.time(); _problem.time() = _problem.timeStep(); _output_warehouse.outputStep(); _problem.time() = t; } Real s = normalizeSolution(_norm_execflag!=EXEC_CUSTOM && _norm_execflag!=EXEC_TIMESTEP && _norm_execflag!=EXEC_RESIDUAL); Moose::out << " Solution is rescaled with factor " << s << " for normalization!" << std::endl; if (getParam<bool>("output_on_final") || std::fabs(s-1.0)>std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()) { _problem.timeStep() = FINAL; Real t = _problem.time(); _problem.time() = _problem.timeStep(); _output_warehouse.outputStep(); _problem.time() = t; } postExecute(); }