long double probability_functions::power_law_inverse(long double probability)
	long double d0, rho, lambda;

#if D0_1
	d0 = 1;

#if RHO_0_5
	rho = 0.5;
#if RHO_0_7
	rho = 0.7;
#if RHO_0_9
	rho = 0.9;

#if LAMBDA_0_75
	lambda = 0.75;
#if LAMBDA_1
	lambda = 1;
#if LAMBDA_1_25
	lambda = 1.25;

	//return (powl(rho / probability, 1.0 / lambda) - d0) / 10;
	return powl(rho / probability, 1 / lambda) - d0;

	return powl(rho / (probability + 0.1), 1 / lambda) - d0;
Пример #2
int main(void)
  int i;
  long double j, x, y, z;

  y = 1.0;
  x = -5.5;
  j = 1.0;

  printf( "      i           z/100000.0                  1/y \n\n" );

  for(i=1; i<=25; i++)
      j *= i;
      z = floor( powl(-1.0, i) + ((powl(-x, i) *(100000.0/j))) + ((2.0/powl(((-x)*(-x)), 2.0*i)) *((2.0/100000.0)/(2.0/j))));
      y += ( z/100000.0 );

      printf( "      %d      %'.16Lf      %'.16Lf \n", i, z/100000.0, 1/y );


  printf( "      real value of exp(-5.5) = %'.16Lf\n", (long double) exp(-5.5) );
  return 0;
Пример #3
static long double stirf(long double x)
	long double y, w, v;

	w = 1.0L/x;
	/* For large x, use rational coefficients from the analytical expansion.  */
	if (x > 1024.0L)
		w = (((((6.97281375836585777429E-5L * w
		      + 7.84039221720066627474E-4L) * w
		      - 2.29472093621399176955E-4L) * w
		      - 2.68132716049382716049E-3L) * w
		      + 3.47222222222222222222E-3L) * w
		      + 8.33333333333333333333E-2L) * w
		      + 1.0L;
		w = 1.0L + w * polevll( w, STIR, 8 );
	y = expl(x);
	if (x > MAXSTIR)
	{ /* Avoid overflow in pow() */
		v = powl(x, 0.5L * x - 0.25L);
		y = v * (v / y);
		y = powl(x, x - 0.5L) / y;
	y = SQTPI * y * w;
	return (y);
Пример #4
void updateBTX(pulsar *psr,double val,double err,int pos,int k)
    if (pos==param_fb)
        psr->param[param_fb].val[k] += (val/powl(1.0e7,k+1));
        psr->param[param_fb].err[k]  = err/powl(1.0e7,k+1);
    else if (pos==param_a1 || pos==param_ecc || pos==param_t0 || pos==param_gamma || pos==param_edot)
        psr->param[pos].val[0] += val;
        psr->param[pos].err[0]  = err;
    else if (pos==param_om)
        psr->param[pos].val[0] += val*180.0/M_PI;
        psr->param[pos].err[0]  = err*180.0/M_PI;
    else if (pos==param_pbdot)
        psr->param[pos].val[0] += val;
        psr->param[pos].err[0]  = err;
    else if (pos==param_omdot)
        psr->param[pos].val[0] += val*(SECDAY*365.25)*180.0/M_PI;
        psr->param[pos].err[0]  = err*(SECDAY*365.25)*180.0/M_PI;
    else if (pos==param_a1dot)
        psr->param[pos].val[0] += val;
        psr->param[pos].err[0]  = err;
Пример #5
long double cmrpirpj(vec rpi, vec rpj)
  long double cmij;
  cmij = (powl((rpi[0]-rpj[0]),2)+powl((rpi[1]-rpj[1]),2)+powl((rpi[2]-rpj[2]),2))/2.;
Пример #6
ull* productFib(ull prod) {

        ull *out = malloc(3 * sizeof(ull*));
        ull isfib = 1;
        long double golden = 1.6180339887498948482;
        long double srfive = 2.2360679774997896964;
        long double p = (long double)prod;
        long double n, m, r, t;

        n = roundl(sqrtl(p / golden));
        m = p / n;
        r = fmodl(p, n);

        if (r > 0) {
                isfib = 0;
                t = floorl(logl(n * srfive) / logl(golden)) + 1;
                n = roundl(powl(golden, t) / srfive);
                m = roundl(powl(golden, t + 1) / srfive);

        out[0] = (ull)n;
        out[1] = (ull)m;
        out[2] = isfib;
        return out;
Пример #7
static int
do_test (void)
    int result = 0;

# if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64
        long double x = 1e-20;
        union ieee854_long_double u;
        u.ieee.mantissa0 = 1;
        u.ieee.mantissa1 = 1;
        u.ieee.exponent = 0;
        u.ieee.negative = 0;
        (void) powl (0.2, u.d);
        x = powl (x, 1.5);
        if (fabsl (x - 1e-30) > 1e-10)
            printf ("powl (1e-20, 1.5): wrong result: %Lg\n", x);
            result = 1;
# endif

    return result;
Пример #8
int pixel_start(int res, char scheme){

  //int res1;
  //long double res_d;
    fprintf(stderr, "error in pixel_start: %d not a valid resolution.\n", res);
    return ((int)((powl(4,res)-1)/3));
  else if(scheme=='d'){
    //res_d = (long double)(logl((long double)res)/logl(2.0))+1;
    //res1 = (int)(res_d + 0.1);
    //printf("pixel_start: res = %d\n", res);
    if(res==0) return(0);
    else if(res==1) return(1);
    else return (468*(((int)powl(4,res-1)-4)/12)+118);
    fprintf(stderr, "error in pixel_start: pixel scheme %c not recognized.\n", scheme);
Пример #9
void run_triangle(unsigned long max_bits, double ratio)
   int max_iter = (int) ceil(log((double) max_bits) / log(ratio));

   unsigned long last_length = 0;
   unsigned long i;
   for (i = 0; i <= max_iter; i++)
      unsigned long length = (unsigned long) floor(powl(ratio, i));
      if (length != last_length)
         last_length = length;

         unsigned long last_bits = 0;
         unsigned long j;
         for (j = 0; j <= max_iter; j++)
            unsigned long bits = (unsigned long) floor(powl(ratio, j));
            if (bits != last_bits)
               last_bits = bits;

               if (bits * length < max_bits)
                  prof2d_sample(length, bits, NULL);
Пример #10
int main()
	char base[5] = {'m','a','n','k','u'};
	int output[100];
	int c[100],test;
	long long n,t=0,temp=0;
	int i=0;
		while((temp + powl(5,i)) <= n)
			temp = temp+powl(5,i);
			output[i] = 0;
		n = n-temp;
		while(n != 0)
			output[t] = n%5;
			n = n/5;
	return 0;
Пример #11
static long double P(long double mu, long double sigma, long double x)
	long double tmp = 1 / (sigma * sqrtl(2.0 * M_PIl));
	long double up = -powl(x-mu, 2) / (2 * powl(sigma, 2));
	tmp *= expl(up);
	return tmp;
Пример #12
void get_MS5637_temp_and_pressure(double* temperature_ptr, double* pressure_ptr, uint8_t osr_d1, uint8_t osr_d2)
	uint32_t raw_temperature = 0;
	uint32_t raw_pressure = 0;
	double dt, offset, sens, t2, offset2, sens2;
	double temperature_buf;

	raw_pressure = I2C_MS5637_Read(osr_d1);
	raw_temperature = I2C_MS5637_Read(osr_d2);

    dt = raw_temperature - prom_data[5]*pow(2,8);    // calculate temperature difference from reference
    offset = prom_data[2]*pow(2, 17) + dt*prom_data[4]/pow(2,6);
    sens = prom_data[1]*pow(2,16) + (dt*prom_data[3])/pow(2,7);

    temperature_buf = (2000 + (dt*prom_data[6])/pow(2, 23))/100;           // First-order Temperature in degrees Centigrade

    // Second order corrections
    if(temperature_buf >= 20)
    	t2 = 5*dt*dt/powl(2, 38); // correction for high temperatures
    	offset2 = 0;
    	sens2 = 0;
    if(temperature_buf < 20)                   // correction for low temperature
    	t2      = 3*dt*dt/powl(2, 33);
    	offset2 = 61*(temperature_buf - 2000)*(temperature_buf - 2000)/16;
    	sens2   = 29*(temperature_buf - 2000)*(temperature_buf - 2000)/16;
    if(temperature_buf < -15)                      // correction for very low temperature
    	offset2 = offset2 + 17*(temperature_buf + 1500)*(temperature_buf + 1500);
    	sens2 = sens2 + 9*(temperature_buf + 1500)*(temperature_buf + 1500);

    if((temperature_buf < -50) || (temperature_buf > 100))
//    	uint8_t reset_ctr = 0;
//    	for(reset_ctr = 0; reset_ctr < 7; reset_ctr++)
//    	{
//        	prom_data[reset_ctr] = 0;
//    	}
//    	setup_imu();
        // End of second order corrections
        offset = offset - offset2;
        sens = sens - sens2;

    	if(xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphore_pressure_temperature_mutex_handle, 0))
    	    *temperature_ptr = temperature_buf - t2;
    	    *pressure_ptr = (((raw_pressure*sens)/pow(2, 21) - offset)/pow(2, 15))/100;  // Pressure in mbar or kPa		xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_pressure_temperature_mutex_handle );
    		xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore_pressure_temperature_mutex_handle );

Пример #13
double t2FitFunc_dmsinusoids(pulsar *psr, int ipsr ,double x ,int ipos ,param_label label,int k){
    if (label==param_dm_sin1yr){
        return 1.0/(DM_CONST*powl(psr[ipsr].obsn[ipos].freqSSB/1.0e6,2))*sin(2*M_PI/(365.25)*(psr[ipsr].obsn[ipos].sat - psr[ipsr].param[param_dmepoch].val[0]));
    } else if (label==param_dm_cos1yr) {
        return 1.0/(DM_CONST*powl(psr[ipsr].obsn[ipos].freqSSB/1.0e6,2))*cos(2*M_PI/(365.25)*(psr[ipsr].obsn[ipos].sat - psr[ipsr].param[param_dmepoch].val[0]));
    } else {
        logerr("Called dmsinusoids without dmsin1yr or dmcos1yr");
        return 0;
Пример #14
static long double
_parcJSONValue_GetNumber(const PARCJSONValue *value)
    long double fraction = value->value.number.fraction / powl(10.0, value->value.number.fractionLog10);
    long double number = (long double) value->value.number.sign * ((long double) value->value.number.whole + fraction);

    long double result = number * powl(10.0, (long double) value->value.number.exponent);

    return result;
Пример #15
int getAnswer(int n, int p)
  long double  k = 2;
  int val = powl(k,(long double)(p-1)/2)%p;
  long double x = powl((k + sqrt(k^2-n)),(p+1)/2);
  return (int)x;
Пример #16
long double TSolver::gcalc(const char f,const long double a,const long double b,const long double step) //calculates function
 #define ain(x) (a-step<=x && a+step>=x)
 #define bin(x) (b-step<=x && b+step>=x)
 #define angin(x) (torad(a)-step<x && torad(a)+step>x)
 switch (f)
   {case '+' : return a+b;
    case '-' : return a-b;
    case '*' : return a*b;
    case '/' : if (bin(0)) {Err=E_DEV_ZERO;return 0;};return a/b;
    case '!' : if (floorl(a)!=a) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return factor(a);
    case '_' : return -a;

    case cpi   : return M_PI;
    case cx    : return X;

    case fexp  : return exp(a);
    case fln   : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return logl(a);
    case flog  : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return log10l(a);
    case flogn : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return log(a)/log(b);

    case '^':
    case f_op_pow:
    case fpow  : if (a<0 && b<1 && b>0 && (!fmodl(b,2))) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return powl(a,b);
    case fsqr  : return a*a;
    case f_op_root:
    case froot : if (a<0 && (!fmodl(b,2))){Err=E_ARG;return 0;}
		   return (a>0 || (!fmodl(b,2)))?powl(a,1/b):-powl(-a,1/b);
    case fsqrt : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return sqrtl(a);
    case f_abs  : return fabsl(a);

    case fsin  : return sinl(a);
    case fcos  : return cosl(a);
    case ftan  : if (angin(M_PI_2) || angin(M_PI_2+M_PI)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return tanl(a);
    case fctan : if (angin(0) || angin(M_PI)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return 1/tanl(a);

    case fsin+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return asinl(a);
    case fcos+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return acosl(a);
    case ftan+ARC : return atanl(a);
    case fctan+ARC: return atanl(1/a);

    case fsin+HYP : return sinhl(a);
    case fcos+HYP : return coshl(a);
    case ftan+HYP : return tanhl(a);
    case fctan+HYP : return 1/tanhl(a);
#ifndef _OLD_
    case fsin+HYP+ARC : return asinhl(a);
    case fcos+HYP+ARC : return acoshl(a);
    case ftan+HYP+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>=1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return atanhl(a);
    case fctan+HYP+ARC : if (angin(0)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return atanhl(1/a);
    default: return 0;
void LineAnimation::initValues()

    total_delta_x = controlPoints->second->at(X) - controlPoints->first->at(X);
    total_delta_y = controlPoints->second->at(Y) - controlPoints->first->at(Y);
    total_delta_z = controlPoints->second->at(Z) - controlPoints->first->at(Z);
    double dist_x = (double) powl(total_delta_x, 2.0);
    double dist_y = (double) powl(total_delta_y, 2.0);
    double dist_z = (double) powl(total_delta_z, 2.0);

    total_animation_distance = (double) sqrtl(dist_x + dist_y + dist_z);
Пример #18
long double B(long double x)
long double ret;
if (fabsl(x)>1e-40)
//From mathworld and wikipidia

return ret;
Пример #19
//Taken from mathworld and wikipidia
long double dB(long double x)
long double ret;
if (fabsl(x)>1e-40)
	ret= -1.0/2.0+x/6.0-powl(x,3.0)/180.0+powl(x,5.0)/5040;

return ret;
Пример #20
int main() {
	char i, isPosExist, isAddOverflow, isMulOverflow;
	long k = 0, a, b, m, y, z;
	scanf("%ld %ld\n%ld\n", &a, &b, &m);
	for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
		isPosExist = ((long) powl(2, i) & b) == (long) powl(2, i);
		isMulOverflow = k << 1 < k;
		z = isMulOverflow ? (k % m) * (2 % m) : k * 2;
		y = a * isPosExist;
		isAddOverflow = (z * y) < y && (z * y) < z;
		k = isAddOverflow ? (z % m) + (y % m) : z + y;
	printf("%li", k % m);
	return 0;
Пример #21
long double complex CLANG_PORT_DECL(cpowl) (long double complex X, long double complex Y)
  long double complex Res;
  long double i;
  long double r = hypotl (__real__ X, __imag__ X);
  if (r == 0.0L)
       __real__ Res = __imag__ Res = 0.0L;
      long double rho;
      long double theta;
      i = cargl (X);
      theta = i * __real__ Y;
      if (__imag__ Y == 0.0L)
	/* This gives slightly more accurate results in these cases. */
   	rho = powl (r, __real__ Y);
          r = logl (r);
	  /* rearrangement of cexp(X * clog(Y)) */
	  theta += r * __imag__ Y;
	  rho = expl (r * __real__ Y - i * __imag__ Y);

      __real__ Res = rho * cosl (theta);
      __imag__ Res = rho * sinl (theta);
  return  Res;
Пример #22
 * Bruce Lindbloom, "Spectral Power Distribution of a Blackbody Radiator"
 * http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_Blackbody.html
static double spd_blackbody(unsigned long int wavelength, double TempK)
  // convert wavelength from nm to m
  const long double lambda = (double)wavelength * 1e-9;

 * these 2 constants were computed using following Sage code:
 * (from http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?h)
 * h = 6.62606957 * 10^-34 # Planck
 * c= 299792458 # speed of light in vacuum
 * k = 1.3806488 * 10^-23 # Boltzmann
 * c_1 = 2 * pi * h * c^2
 * c_2 = h * c / k
 * print 'c_1 = ', c_1, ' ~= ', RealField(128)(c_1)
 * print 'c_2 = ', c_2, ' ~= ', RealField(128)(c_2)

#define c1 3.7417715246641281639549488324352159753e-16L
#define c2 0.014387769599838156481252937624049081933L

  return (double)(c1 / (powl(lambda, 5) * (expl(c2 / (lambda * TempK)) - 1.0L)));

#undef c2
#undef c1
Пример #23
 * Computes bessel I function of zero order applying the formula
 *  @param [in] x Bessel function argument
 *  @param [in] tol Tolerance
 *  @return value
long double bessi0_exact(long double x, long double tol){

    // Return value and current
    long double acum, term;

    // Iterator
    register uint_fast64_t i;

    uintmax_t factorial=1;

    // Initialization
    acum = 1 ; term = 1 ; i = 1;

    // While last computed term is greater than given tolerance
    while( term > tol ){
        factorial*=i; // Update factorial

        // Compute term
        term = powl(x/2.0,2*i) / (factorial*factorial);

        if(!isfinite(term)) break;

    return acum;
Пример #24
bool Word::TryParseInt(int* outInt) const
	int result = 0;

	if (_backing[0] > 57 || _backing[0] < 48)
		*outInt = 0;
		return false;
	result += _backing[_length - 1] - 48;

	for (int i = 1; i < _length; ++i)
		if (_backing[i] > 57 || _backing[i] < 48)
			*outInt = 0;
			return false;

		result += (_backing[_length - 1 - i] - 48) * static_cast<int>(powl(10, i));

	*outInt = result;
	return true;
Пример #25
	RationalNumber operator ^ (const RationalNumber& B) const throw(std::invalid_argument)
		if (!isFraction() || !B.isInteger())
			return RationalNumber(powl(getRealNumber(), B.getRealNumber()));
		RationalNumber S(1, 1);
		RationalNumber A = *this;
		long long n = B.numerator;
		if (n < 0)
			A = RationalNumber(1, 1) / A;
			n = -n;
		while (n)
			if (n & 1)
				S = S * A;
			A = A * A;
			n >>= 1;
		return S;
Пример #26
ReplayGainReader_init(replaygain_ReplayGainReader *self,
                      PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
    self->pcmreader = NULL;
    self->channels = array_ia_new();
    self->white_noise = NULL;
    self->audiotools_pcm = NULL;

    double replaygain;
    double peak;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&dd",
                          pcmreader_converter, &(self->pcmreader),
        return -1;

    if ((self->white_noise = open_dither()) == NULL)
        return -1;

    if ((self->audiotools_pcm = open_audiotools_pcm()) == NULL)
        return -1;

    self->multiplier = powl(10.0l, replaygain / 20.0l);
    if (self->multiplier > 1.0l)
        self->multiplier = 1.0l / peak;

    return 0;
Пример #27
 ?? 把n分解成所有素数的乘积,然后求ln(primt),并用数组保存起来,可能会更快 ??
long double ln_n(int n) {
    int lg_max = lg(n);
    long double ex = powl(2.0, lg_max);
    long double x = n / ex;
    return lg_max * M_LN2 + lnx(x, K);
Пример #28
std::string fixed::ToString() const
    std::stringstream stream;
    stream << m_num;

    std::string str = stream.str();

    if ((str.length() != m_precision) && ((m_num / (unsigned long int)powl(10.0, m_precision)) == 0))
        // this handles the case where a fixed has no integer part (like 0.00003)
        // In this case, m_num is stored as 3, and is converted the same way
        // add the leading zeros:

        str.insert(0, std::string(m_precision, '0'));

    if (str.length() - m_precision == 0)
        str.insert(0, "0."); // we want a leading 0 if there is no integer part to this fixed
    else if (m_precision != 0)
        str.insert(str.length() - m_precision, ".");

    if (!m_positive && (str.length() - m_precision != 0)) // don't add a "-" if we're a 0 number!
        str.insert(0, "-");

    return str;
Пример #29
static TACommandVerdict powl_cmd(TAThread thread,TAInputStream stream)
    long double x, y, res;

    // Prepare

    x = readLongDouble(&stream);
    y = readLongDouble(&stream);
    errno = 0;
    // Execute

    res = powl(x, y);
    // Response
    writeLongDouble(thread, res);
    writeInt(thread, errno);

    return taDefaultVerdict;
Пример #30
static Result XXX_PushOpr(Stack *sopr, Stack *sval, int opr) {
    Result res = R_SUCCE;
    long double tmp;
    long double *ans;
    while (!SEmpty(sopr) && XXX_ShouldPop(*STopInt(sopr), opr)) {
        switch (SPopInt(sopr)) {
        case OPR_TRM:
            return R_ITRNL;
        case BIN_ADD:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans += tmp);
        case BIN_SUB:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans -= tmp);
        case BIN_MUL:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans *= tmp);
        case BIN_DIV:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans /= tmp);
        case BIN_MOD:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans = fmodl(*ans, tmp));
        case BIN_PWR:
            XXXPO_EVOB(*ans = powl(*ans, tmp));
        case UNA_PLS:
        case UNA_MNS:
            XXXPO_EVOU(*ans = -*ans);
            return R_ITRNL;
        if ((res = RMathType(*ans)))
            return ERR(res);
    if (SPushInt(sopr, opr))
        return R_ITRNL;
    return R_SUCCE;