Пример #1
  Do sanity checks on a guard, reporting error messages to the log
  if necessary.

  Inconsistent references do not always indicate an error, because units
  can change owners (for example, because of civil war) outside the control
  the the AI code.
void aiguard_check_guard(const struct unit *guard)
  struct unit_ai *guard_data = def_ai_unit_data(guard);
  const struct unit *charge_unit = game_unit_by_number(guard_data->charge);
  const struct city *charge_city = game_city_by_number(guard_data->charge);
  const struct player *guard_owner = unit_owner(guard);
  const struct player *charge_owner = NULL;
  struct unit_ai *charge_data = NULL;

  fc_assert_ret(BODYGUARD_NONE <= guard_data->charge);
  /* IDs always distinct */
  fc_assert_ret(charge_unit == NULL || charge_city == NULL);

  if (charge_unit) {
    charge_owner = unit_owner(charge_unit);
    charge_data = def_ai_unit_data(charge_unit);
  } else if (charge_city) {
    charge_owner = city_owner(charge_city);

  if (charge_unit && charge_data->bodyguard != guard->id) {
    BODYGUARD_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, guard, "inconsistent guard references");
  } else if (!charge_unit && !charge_city && 0 < guard_data->charge) {
    BODYGUARD_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, guard, "dangling guard reference");
  if (charge_owner && pplayers_at_war(charge_owner, guard_owner)) {
    /* Probably due to civil war */
    BODYGUARD_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, guard, "enemy charge");
  } else if (charge_owner && charge_owner != guard_owner) {
    /* Probably sold a city with its supported units. */
    BODYGUARD_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, guard, "foreign charge");
Пример #2
void players_list_callback(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, 
			   XtPointer call_data)

  XawListReturnStruct *ret;

  ret = XawListShowCurrent(players_list);

  XtSetSensitive(players_meet_command, FALSE);
  XtSetSensitive(players_int_command, FALSE);
  if (ret->list_index != XAW_LIST_NONE) {
    struct player *pplayer = 

    if (pplayer->spaceship.state != SSHIP_NONE)
      XtSetSensitive(players_sship_command, TRUE);
      XtSetSensitive(players_sship_command, FALSE);

    if (NULL != client.conn.playing && pplayer->is_alive) {
		     client.conn.playing != pplayer
		     && !pplayers_at_war(client.conn.playing, pplayer));

    if (NULL != client.conn.playing) {
		     gives_shared_vision(client.conn.playing, pplayer));

      XtSetSensitive(players_meet_command, can_meet_with_player(pplayer));
    XtSetSensitive(players_int_command, can_intel_with_player(pplayer));
Пример #3
  Find best tile the paratrooper should jump to.
static struct tile *find_best_tile_to_paradrop_to(struct ai_type *ait,
                                                  struct unit *punit)
  int best = 0;
  int val;
  struct tile* best_tile = NULL;
  int range = unit_type(punit)->paratroopers_range;
  struct city* acity;
  struct player* pplayer = unit_owner(punit);

  /* First, we search for undefended cities in danger */
  square_iterate(unit_tile(punit), range, ptile) {
    if (!map_is_known(ptile, pplayer)) {
    acity = tile_city(ptile);
    if (acity && city_owner(acity) == unit_owner(punit)
        && unit_list_size(ptile->units) == 0) {
      val = city_size_get(acity) * def_ai_city_data(acity, ait)->urgency;
      if (val > best) {
	best = val;
	best_tile = ptile;
  } square_iterate_end;
  if (best_tile != NULL) {
    acity = tile_city(best_tile);
             "Choose to jump in order to protect allied city %s (%d %d). "
	     "Benefit: %d",
	     city_name(acity), TILE_XY(best_tile), best);
    return best_tile;

  /* Second, we search for undefended enemy cities */
  square_iterate(unit_tile(punit), range, ptile) {
    acity = tile_city(ptile);
    if (acity && pplayers_at_war(unit_owner(punit), city_owner(acity)) &&
        (unit_list_size(ptile->units) == 0)) {
      if (!map_is_known_and_seen(ptile, pplayer, V_MAIN)
          && ai_handicap(pplayer, H_FOG)) {
      /* Prefer big cities on other continents */
      val = city_size_get(acity)
            + (tile_continent(unit_tile(punit)) != tile_continent(ptile));
      if (val > best) {
        best = val;
	best_tile = ptile;
  } square_iterate_end;