void NearestNeighborMapping:: computeMapping()
  preciceTrace1("computeMapping()", input()->vertices().size());
  assertion(input().get() != NULL);
  assertion(output().get() != NULL);
  if (getConstraint() == CONSISTENT){
    preciceDebug("Compute consistent mapping");
    size_t verticesSize = output()->vertices().size();
    const mesh::Mesh::VertexContainer& outputVertices = output()->vertices();
    for ( size_t i=0; i < verticesSize; i++ ){
      const utils::DynVector& coords = outputVertices[i].getCoords();
      query::FindClosestVertex find(coords);
      _vertexIndices[i] = find.getClosestVertex().getID();
  else {
    assertion1(getConstraint() == CONSERVATIVE, getConstraint());
    preciceDebug("Compute conservative mapping");
    size_t verticesSize = input()->vertices().size();
    const mesh::Mesh::VertexContainer& inputVertices = input()->vertices();
    for ( size_t i=0; i < verticesSize; i++ ){
      const utils::DynVector& coords = inputVertices[i].getCoords();
      query::FindClosestVertex find(coords);
      _vertexIndices[i] = find.getClosestVertex().getID();
  _hasComputedMapping = true;
MPIPortsCommunication:: ~MPIPortsCommunication()
  preciceTrace1 ( "~MPIPortsCommunication()", _isConnection );
  if (_isConnection){
Пример #3
void XMLTag:: parseSubtag
  XMLTag::XMLReader* xmlReader )
  preciceTrace1("parseSubtag()", _fullName);
  bool success = false;
  foreach (XMLTag* tag, _subtags){
    if (std::string(xmlReader->getNodeName()) == tag->getFullName()){
      if (tag->isConfigured()
          && (tag->getOccurrence() == OCCUR_ONCE
              || tag->getOccurrence() == OCCUR_NOT_OR_ONCE))
        std::string error = "Tag <" + tag->getFullName() +
                            "> is not allowed to occur multiple times";
        throw error;
      if (not tag->_namespace.empty()){
        assertion(utils::contained(tag->_namespace, _configuredNamespaces));
        _configuredNamespaces[tag->_namespace] = true;
      success = true;
      break;   // since the xmlReader should not advance further
  if (not success){
    std::ostringstream stream;
    stream << "Wrong tag <" << xmlReader->getNodeName() << ">";
    throw stream.str();

Пример #4
void ImportSTL:: doImport
    const std::string& name,
    mesh::Mesh&        mesh )
    preciceTrace1("doImport()", name);
    assertion1(mesh.getDimensions() == 3, mesh.getDimensions());
    // TODO
void MPICommunication:: send
 double* itemsToSend,
 int     size,
 int     rankReceiver )
  preciceTrace1 ( "send(double*)", size );
  assertion ( rankReceiver != ANY_SENDER );
  MPI_Send ( itemsToSend, size, MPI_DOUBLE, rankReceiver, 0, _communicator );
Пример #6
void XMLTag:: addAttribute
  const XMLAttribute<double>& attribute )
  preciceTrace1 ( "addAttribute<double>()", attribute.getName() );
  assertion(not utils::contained(attribute.getName(), _attributes));
  _doubleAttributes.insert(std::pair<std::string,XMLAttribute<double> >
                           (attribute.getName(), attribute));
int MPICommunication:: receive
   double & itemToReceive,
   int      rankSender )
   preciceTrace1 ( "receive(double)", rankSender );
   rankSender = rankSender == ANY_SENDER ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : rankSender;
   MPI_Status status;
   MPI_Recv (&itemToReceive, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rankSender, 0, _communicator, &status);
   preciceDebug ( "Received " << itemToReceive << " from rank " << status.MPI_SOURCE );
   return status.MPI_SOURCE;
int MPICommunication:: receive
  double * itemsToReceive,
  int      size,
  int      rankSender )
  preciceTrace1 ( "receive(double*)", size );
  rankSender = rankSender == ANY_SENDER ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : rankSender;
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Recv ( itemsToReceive, size, MPI_DOUBLE, rankSender, 0, _communicator, &status );
  return status.MPI_SOURCE;
Пример #9
void UncoupledScheme:: addComputedTime
  double timeToAdd )
  preciceTrace1("addComputedTime()", timeToAdd);
  preciceCheck ( isCouplingOngoing(), "addComputedTime()",
                 "Invalid call of addComputedTime() after simulation end!" );
# ifdef Asserts
  bool greaterThanZero = tarch::la::greater(timeToAdd, 0.0, _eps);
  assertion1(greaterThanZero, timeToAdd);
# endif // Asserts
  setComputedTimestepPart(getComputedTimestepPart() + timeToAdd);
  setTime(getTime() + timeToAdd);
Пример #10
int MPICommunication:: receive
   bool & itemToReceive,
   int    rankSender )
   preciceTrace1 ( "receive(bool)", rankSender );
   rankSender = rankSender == ANY_SENDER ? MPI_ANY_SOURCE : rankSender;
   MPI_Status status;
   int buffer = -1;
   MPI_Recv ( &buffer, 1, MPI_INT, rankSender, 0, _communicator, &status );
   assertion ( buffer != -1 );
   itemToReceive = (buffer == 1) ? true : false;
   preciceDebug ( "Received " << itemToReceive << " from rank " << status.MPI_SOURCE );
   return status.MPI_SOURCE;
void BaseCouplingScheme:: sendState
  com::PtrCommunication communication,
  int                   rankReceiver)
  preciceTrace1("sendState()", rankReceiver);
  communication->startSendPackage(rankReceiver );
  assertion(communication.get() != NULL);
  communication->send(_maxTime, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_maxTimesteps, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_timestepLength, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_time, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_timesteps, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_checkpointTimestepInterval, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_computedTimestepPart, rankReceiver);
  //communication->send(_maxLengthNextTimestep, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_isInitialized, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_isCouplingTimestepComplete, rankReceiver);
  communication->send(_hasDataBeenExchanged, rankReceiver);
  communication->send((int)_actions.size(), rankReceiver);
  foreach(const std::string& action, _actions) {
    communication->send(action, rankReceiver);
bool NearestNeighborMapping:: hasComputedMapping()
  preciceTrace1("hasComputedMapping()", _hasComputedMapping);
  return _hasComputedMapping;
Пример #13
void XMLTag:: parse
  XMLTag::XMLReader* xmlReader )
  preciceTrace1("parse()", _fullName);
  try {
    if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT){
      assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
      preciceDebug("reading attributes of tag " << xmlReader->getNodeName());

    if (_subtags.size() > 0){
      while (xmlReader->read()){
        if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT){
          assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
          preciceDebug("reading subtag " << xmlReader->getNodeName()
                       << " of tag " << _fullName);
        else if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END){
          assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
          if (std::string(xmlReader->getNodeName()) == _fullName){
            preciceDebug("end of tag " << xmlReader->getNodeName());
            _configured = true;
          else {
            std::ostringstream stream;
            if (not _fullName.empty()){
              stream << "Invalid closing tag </" << xmlReader->getNodeName() << ">";
              throw stream.str();
            //else {
            //  stream << "Invalid closing tag </" << xmlReader->getNodeName()
            //         << ">, expected closing of tag <" << _fullName << "> instead";
      if (not _name.empty()){
        std::ostringstream error;
        error << "Missing closing tag </" << _fullName << ">";
        throw error.str();
    else {
      _configured = true;
  catch (std::string errorMsg){
    if (not _name.empty()){
      errorMsg += "\n   in tag <" + _fullName + ">";
    throw errorMsg;