Пример #1
 * @brief Returns model energy flux between [emin, emax] (units: erg/cm2/s)
 * @param[in] emin Minimum photon energy.
 * @param[in] emax Maximum photon energy.
 * @return Energy flux (erg/cm2/s).
 * Computes
 * \f[
 *    \int_{\tt emin}^{\tt emax} S_{\rm E}(E | t) E \, dE
 * \f]
 * where
 * - [@p emin, @p emax] is an energy interval, and
 * - \f$S_{\rm E}(E | t)\f$ is the spectral model (ph/cm2/s/MeV).
 * The integration is done numerically.
double GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw::eflux(const GEnergy& emin,
                                             const GEnergy& emax) const
    // Initialise flux
    double eflux = 0.0;
    // Compute only if integration range is valid
    if (emin < emax) {
        // Initialise function to integrate
        eflux_kern kernel(prefactor(), index1(), pivot(),
                          index2(), breakenergy(), beta());
        // Initialise integral class with function
        GIntegral integral(&kernel);
        // Set integration precision
        // Calculate integral between emin and emax
        eflux = integral.romberg(emin.MeV(), emax.MeV());
        // Convert from MeV/cm2/s to erg/cm2/s
        eflux *= gammalib::MeV2erg;
    } // endif: integration range was valid
    // Return flux
    return eflux;
Пример #2
void Factor(const LL &x, vector<LL> &v)
    LL n = x;
    if(n==1) { puts("Factor 1"); return; }
    if(n==1) return;
Пример #3
 * @brief Update Monte Carlo pre computation cache
 * Updates the precomputation cache for Monte Carlo simulations.
void GModelSpectralSmoothBrokenPlaw::update_mc_cache(void) const
    // Check if we need to update the cache
    if (prefactor()         != m_mc_prefactor ||
        index1()            != m_mc_index1    ||
        index2()            != m_mc_index2    ||
        pivot().MeV()       != m_mc_pivot     ||
        breakenergy().MeV() != m_mc_breakenergy) {

        // Set parameters for which Monte Carlo cache was computed
        m_mc_prefactor = prefactor();
        m_mc_index1      = index1();
        m_mc_index2      = index2();
        m_mc_pivot       = pivot().MeV();
        m_mc_breakenergy = breakenergy().MeV();

        // Compute prefactor at pivot energy
        double pre = prefactor() *
                     std::pow(breakenergy().MeV()/pivot().MeV(), index1());

        // Find out which index is harder. This is important since the smoothly
        // broken power law follows the hard index below the break energy and
        // the softer index above the break energy.
        double index1 = (m_mc_index1 > m_mc_index2) ? m_mc_index1 : m_mc_index2;
        double index2 = (m_mc_index1 > m_mc_index2) ? m_mc_index2 : m_mc_index1;

        // Set broken power law for Monte Carlo simulations
        m_mc_brokenplaw = GModelSpectralBrokenPlaw(pre,
    } // endif: Update was required
    // Return