Пример #1
RL::Presentity::edit_presentity_form_submitted (bool submitted,
        Ekiga::Form &result)
    if (!submitted)

    const std::string new_name = result.text ("name");
    const std::string new_uri = result.text ("uri");
    const std::set<std::string> new_groups = result.editable_set ("groups");
    std::map<std::string, xmlNodePtr> future_group_nodes;
    xmlNsPtr ns = xmlSearchNsByHref (node->doc, node,
                                     BAD_CAST "http://www.ekiga.org");
    bool reload = false;

    robust_xmlNodeSetContent (node, &name_node, "name", new_name);

    if (uri != new_uri) {

        xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"uri", (const xmlChar*)uri.c_str ());
        boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> presence_core(services.get<Ekiga::PresenceCore> ("presence-core"));
        presence_core->unfetch_presence (uri);
        reload = true;

    for (std::map<std::string, xmlNodePtr>::const_iterator iter
            = group_nodes.begin ();
            iter != group_nodes.end () ;
            iter++) {

        if (new_groups.find (iter->first) == new_groups.end ()) {

            xmlUnlinkNode (iter->second);
            xmlFreeNode (iter->second);
        else {
            future_group_nodes[iter->first] = iter->second;

    for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iter = new_groups.begin ();
            iter != new_groups.end ();
            iter++) {

        if (std::find (groups.begin (), groups.end (), *iter) == groups.end ())
            future_group_nodes[*iter] = xmlNewChild (node, ns,
                                        BAD_CAST "group",
                                        BAD_CAST robust_xmlEscape (node->doc, *iter).c_str ());

    group_nodes = future_group_nodes;
    groups = new_groups;

    save (reload);
Пример #2
RL::Presentity::populate_menu (Ekiga::MenuBuilder &builder)
    bool populated = false;
    boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> presence_core(services.get<Ekiga::PresenceCore> ("presence-core"));

    populated = presence_core->populate_presentity_menu (PresentityPtr (this, null_deleter ()), uri, builder);

    if (writable) {

        if (populated)
            builder.add_separator ();

        builder.add_action ("edit", _("_Edit"),
                            boost::bind (&RL::Presentity::edit_presentity, this));
        builder.add_action ("remove", _("_Remove"),
                            boost::bind (&RL::Presentity::remove, this));

    return true;
Пример #3
engine_init (Ekiga::ServiceCorePtr service_core,
	     int argc,
             char *argv [])
  // FIRST we add a few things by hand
  // (for speed and because that's less code)

  Ekiga::ServicePtr notification_core(new Ekiga::NotificationCore);
  service_core->add (notification_core);

  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::AccountCore> account_core (new Ekiga::AccountCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::ContactCore> contact_core (new Ekiga::ContactCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::CallCore> call_core (new Ekiga::CallCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::ChatCore> chat_core (new Ekiga::ChatCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::VideoOutputCore> videooutput_core (new Ekiga::VideoOutputCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::VideoInputCore> videoinput_core (new Ekiga::VideoInputCore (*service_core, videooutput_core));
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::AudioOutputCore> audiooutput_core (new Ekiga::AudioOutputCore (*service_core));
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::AudioInputCore> audioinput_core (new Ekiga::AudioInputCore(*service_core));
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::HalCore> hal_core (new Ekiga::HalCore);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::FriendOrFoe> friend_or_foe (new Ekiga::FriendOrFoe);
  boost::shared_ptr<Gmconf::PersonalDetails> details(new Gmconf::PersonalDetails);
  boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> presence_core(new Ekiga::PresenceCore (details));

  service_core->add (contact_core);
  service_core->add (chat_core);
  service_core->add (friend_or_foe);
  service_core->add (videoinput_core);
  service_core->add (videooutput_core);
  service_core->add (audioinput_core);
  service_core->add (audiooutput_core);
  service_core->add (hal_core);
  service_core->add (call_core);
  service_core->add (account_core);
  service_core->add (details);
  service_core->add (presence_core);

  if (!videoinput_mlogo_init (*service_core, &argc, &argv)) {

  if (!videooutput_clutter_gst_init (*service_core, &argc, &argv)) {

  // THEN we use the kickstart scheme

  Ekiga::KickStart kickstart;

  audioinput_null_init (kickstart);
  audiooutput_null_init (kickstart);

  videoinput_ptlib_init (kickstart);

  audioinput_ptlib_init (kickstart);
  audiooutput_ptlib_init (kickstart);

  hal_gudev_init (kickstart);

#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
  hal_dbus_init (kickstart);

  opal_init (kickstart);

  history_init (kickstart);

  local_roster_init (kickstart);

  local_roster_bridge_init (kickstart);

  plugin_init (kickstart);

  // FIXME: Some parts in the kickstart need the gui.  The gui needs
  //  some parts in the kickstart.  So we will kick a first time to
  //  get things not needing the gui up and running, then start the
  //  gui (which will hence find what it needs) and kick a second time
  //  to really make the engine go vroom. It would be nicer to either
  //  push the parts needed by the gui in the hand-crafted part of
  //  this initialization, or put the gui in the kickstart too.

  kickstart.kick (*service_core, &argc, &argv);

  // FIXME: can't we have a single function for the whole gui?
  gtk_core_init (*service_core, &argc, &argv);

  if (!gtk_frontend_init (*service_core, &argc, &argv)) {


  kickstart.kick (*service_core, &argc, &argv);

  /* FIXME: everything that follows except the debug output shouldn't
     be there, as that means we're doing the work of initializing
     those in the correct order here instead of having the specific
     code in question to do it itself

  videoinput_core->setup ("any");
  audioinput_core->setup ();
  audiooutput_core->setup ();

  hal_core->videoinput_device_added.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::VideoInputCore::add_device, boost::ref (*videoinput_core), _1, _2, _3, _4));
  hal_core->videoinput_device_removed.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::VideoInputCore::remove_device, boost::ref (*videoinput_core), _1, _2, _3, _4));
  hal_core->audiooutput_device_added.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::AudioOutputCore::add_device, boost::ref (*audiooutput_core), _1, _2, _3));
  hal_core->audiooutput_device_removed.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::AudioOutputCore::remove_device, boost::ref (*audiooutput_core), _1, _2, _3));
  hal_core->audioinput_device_added.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::AudioInputCore::add_device, boost::ref (*audioinput_core), _1, _2, _3));
  hal_core->audioinput_device_removed.connect (boost::bind (&Ekiga::AudioInputCore::remove_device, boost::ref (*audioinput_core), _1, _2, _3));

  std::cout << "Here is what ekiga is made of for this run :" << std::endl;
  service_core->dump (std::cout);
Пример #4
RL::Presentity::Presentity (Ekiga::ServiceCore &services_,
                            boost::shared_ptr<XCAP::Path> path_,
                            boost::shared_ptr<xmlDoc> doc_,
                            xmlNodePtr node_,
                            bool writable_) :
    services(services_), doc(doc_), node(node_), writable(writable_),
    name_node(NULL), presence("unknown"), status("")
    boost::shared_ptr<Ekiga::PresenceCore> presence_core(services.get<Ekiga::PresenceCore> ("presence-core"));
    xmlChar *xml_str = NULL;
    xmlNsPtr ns = xmlSearchNsByHref (doc.get (), node,
                                     BAD_CAST "http://www.ekiga.org");

    if (ns == NULL) {

        // FIXME: we should handle the case, even if it shouldn't happen

    xml_str = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "uri");
    if (xml_str != NULL) {

        uri = (const char *)xml_str;
        path = path_->build_child_with_attribute ("entry", "uri", uri);
        xmlFree (xml_str);
    } else {

        // FIXME: we should handle the case, even if it shouldn't happen


    for (xmlNodePtr child = node->children ;
            child != NULL ;
            child = child->next) {

        if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE
                && child->name != NULL) {

            if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("display-name"), child->name)) {

                name_node = child;
            else if (xmlStrEqual (BAD_CAST ("group"), child->name)
                     && child->ns == ns) {

                xml_str = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
                if (xml_str != NULL)
                    group_nodes[(const char *)xml_str] = child;
                    group_nodes[""] = child;
                xmlFree (xml_str);

    for (std::map<std::string, xmlNodePtr>::const_iterator iter
            = group_nodes.begin ();
            iter != group_nodes.end ();
        groups.insert (iter->first);

    presence_core->fetch_presence (uri);