void main() { char num1[50],num2[50]; int l1,l2; clrscr(); textcolor(6); cprintf("\nENTER A NUMBER::\n\r"); gets(num1); textcolor(6); cprintf("\nENTER ANOTHER NUMBER::\n\r"); gets(num2); l1=strlen(num1); l2=strlen(num2); if(l1<l2) multiply(num2,num1,l2,l1); //FUNCTION CALL FOR MULTIPLICATION else multiply(num1,num2,l1,l2); if(l1<l2) presentation(num2,num1,l2,l1); //FUNCTION CALL FOR PRESENTATION else presentation(num1,num2,l1,l2); printf("\n\n\n\n\t\t"); textcolor(14+128); cprintf("...YOUR OPERATION HAVE DONE SUCESSFULLY...\r"); getch(); }
int main() { std::cout << "count" << std::endl; EI::StringMap options; EI::UDPTransport transport(options); EI::JSONPresentation presentation(options); EI::Receiver receiver(options, transport, presentation); ExampleListener listener; receiver.addDataListener(&listener); { EI::Sender sender(EI::Description("count", "dummy"), options, transport, presentation); EI::DataMessage msg = sender.createDataMessage(); msg.setDouble("seconds", 15); sender.sendMessage(msg); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(250)); } std::cin.get(); std::cerr << count << "\n"; }
bool isSupported(QMailMessage::ContentType t, QMailViewerFactory::PresentationType pres) const { if ((pres != QMailViewerFactory::AnyPresentation) && (pres != presentation())) return false; return types().contains(t); }
int main() { Vincent::TestSuiteResult result; Vincent::TestSuite suite; suite.add(new CarTestCase()); suite.run(result); Vincent::TextPresentation presentation(result); presentation.present(); }
QtGuiltPatchChunk::QtGuiltPatchChunk(const QString &content, int startIndex, QtGuiltPatchFile *patchFile): QtGuiltTreeItem((QObject*)patchFile), m_content(content), m_startIndex(startIndex) { m_type = PatchFileChunk; m_presentation = presentation(m_content); }
void value (int b) { int sign = (b >> 31) & 1; int exponenta = (b >> 23) & ((1 << 8) - 1); int mantissa = b & ((1 << 23) - 1); f.sign = sign; f.mantissa = mantissa; f.exponenta = exponenta; presentation(f); }
// Message delivered through _msg void _processInternalMessages() { bool isMetric; uint8_t type = _msg.type; #if !defined(MY_DISABLE_REMOTE_RESET) if (type == I_REBOOT) { // Requires MySensors or other bootloader with watchdogs enabled hwReboot(); } else #endif if (type == I_CONFIG) { // Pick up configuration from controller (currently only metric/imperial) // and store it in eeprom if changed if (_msg.getString() == NULL) { isMetric = true; } else { isMetric = _msg.getString()[0] == 'M'; } _cc.isMetric = isMetric; hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_ADDRESS, isMetric); } else if (type == I_PRESENTATION) { if (!mGetAck(_msg)) { // Re-send node presentation to controller #if defined(MY_RADIO_FEATURE) transportPresentNode(); #endif if (presentation) presentation(); } } else if (type == I_HEARTBEAT) { sendHeartbeat(); } else if (type == I_TIME) { // Deliver time to callback if (receiveTime) receiveTime(_msg.getULong()); } #if defined(MY_REPEATER_FEATURE) if (type == I_CHILDREN) { if (_msg.getString()[0] == 'C') { // Clears child relay data for this node debug(PSTR("clear routing table\n")); uint8_t i = 255; do { hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_ROUTES_ADDRESS+i, BROADCAST_ADDRESS); } while (i--); // Clear parent node id & distance to gw hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_PARENT_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, AUTO); hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_DISTANCE_ADDRESS, DISTANCE_INVALID); // Find parent node transportFindParentNode(); _sendRoute(build(_msg, _nc.nodeId, GATEWAY_ADDRESS, NODE_SENSOR_ID, C_INTERNAL, I_CHILDREN,false).set("")); } } #endif }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { Model model; model.start(); QApplication app(argc, argv); Presentation presentation(model); presentation.resize(100, 30); presentation.show(); model.setPresentation(&presentation); return app.exec(); }
void CVCF::initialize(SynthProFactory* factory) { VCF::initialize(factory); CInPort* in = dynamic_cast<CInPort*>(m_inPort); CInPort* cutOff = dynamic_cast<CInPort*>(m_inCutOffPort); COutPort* out = dynamic_cast<COutPort*>(m_out); CSelector* selector = dynamic_cast<CSelector*>(m_filterSelector); CDimmer* resonance = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_rDimmer); CDimmer* cutOffDimmer = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_cutOffDimmer); resonance->setValueFormat(formatResonance); dynamic_cast<PVCF*>(presentation())->initialize(in->presentation(), cutOff ->presentation(), out->presentation(), selector->presentation(), resonance->presentation(), cutOffDimmer->presentation()); }
int main(void){ // the watchdog WDT->WDT_MR = WDT_MR_WDDIS; // Set the clock up systemInit(); //84 MHZ presentation(); runGame(); while (1){ } // WHILE(1) } //main
void CLFO::initialize(SynthProFactory* factory) { LFO::initialize(factory); COutPort* out = dynamic_cast<COutPort*>(m_out); CSelector* selector = dynamic_cast<CSelector*>(m_shapeSelector); CDimmer* k = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_kDimmer); CDimmer* range = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_rangeDimmer); CDimmer* offset= dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_offsetDimmer); k->setValueFormat(formatK); range->setValueFormat(CDimmer::percentageFormat); offset->setValueFormat(formatOffset); dynamic_cast<PLFO*>(presentation())->initialize(out->presentation(), k->presentation(), range->presentation(), offset->presentation(), selector->presentation()); }
void CADSR::initialize(SynthProFactory* factory) { ADSR::initialize(factory); CInPort* gate = dynamic_cast<CInPort*>(m_gate); COutPort* out = dynamic_cast<COutPort*>(m_outPort); CDimmer* attack = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_attackDimmer); CDimmer* decay = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_decayDimmer); CDimmer* sustain = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_sustainDimmer); CDimmer* release = dynamic_cast<CDimmer*>(m_releaseDimmer); CPushButton* manual = dynamic_cast<CPushButton*>(m_manualControl); attack->setValueFormat(CDimmer::timeFormat); decay->setValueFormat(CDimmer::timeFormat); sustain->setValueFormat(CDimmer::percentageFormat); release->setValueFormat(CDimmer::timeFormat); dynamic_cast<PADSR*>(presentation())->initialize(gate->presentation(), out->presentation(), attack->presentation(), decay->presentation(), sustain->presentation(), release->presentation(), manual->presentation()); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* fvalue = NULL; if (argc < 2) { presentation(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!handle_options(&fvalue, argc, argv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } struct SOACH_route_vector* routes = malloc(sizeof(struct SOACH_route_vector)); if (routes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } SOACH_route_vector_init(routes, DEFAULT_ROUTES_CAPACITY); if (!SOACH_conf_read(fvalue, routes)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < routes->size; i++) { struct SOACH_route route = *SOACH_route_vector_get(routes, i); fprintf(stdout, "Route: %s, Service: %s\n", route.route, route.service); } SOACH_route_vector_free(routes); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/******************************************************************** * * * Gestion du menu * * * ********************************************************************/ boolean MenuSelect(int object, int scan, int state, int button) { int index, entree, key; if (object < 0) { /* attend qu'on relache la souris */ NoClick(); if (button < 0) { /* regarde la touche */ key = scantoascii(scan); if (key == 0) key = scan & 0xFF00; /* scan code */ else key = UpperChar(key); for (index = 0; index < NbMenus; index++) for (entree = 0; entree < MenuShortCuts[index].nb_entrees; entree++) if (MenuShortCuts[index].menu[entree].key == key && MenuShortCuts[index].menu[entree].state == state) { if (ob_isstate(Menu, MenuShortCuts[index].menuid, DISABLED) == 0 && ob_isstate(Menu, MenuShortCuts[index].menu[entree].itemid, DISABLED) == 0) { object = MenuShortCuts[index].menu[entree].itemid; index = NbMenus; } break; } } } if (object < 0) return FALSE; /* kein entsprechender Eintrag gefunden */ /* Men�punkte 'Fenster wechseln' und 'Fenster schliežen' werden inklusive der dazugeh”rigen Hotkeys automatisch verwaltet */ switch (object) { /* menu Zorg */ case INFORMATIONS: presentation(); break; /* menu Etat */ case INFORMATION: informations(Drive); break; case REPERTOIRE_LOUPE: if (ManageVFAT) open_directory_vfat(); else open_directory_short(); break; case TEST_STRUCTURE: if (ManageVFAT) structure_test_vfat(Drive); else structure_test_short(Drive); break; case STATISTIQUES: statistiques(Drive); break; case OCCUPATION: occupation(Drive); break; case TRACE_UN_FICHIER: trace_file(); break; case QUITTER: if (Reset) { if (my_alert(1, 2, X_ICN_QUESTION, Messages(MENU_1), Messages(BOOT_32)) == 0) shutdown(TRUE); } else { button = my_alert(2, 3, X_ICN_QUESTION, Messages(MENU_2), Messages(MENU_4)); if (button == 0 || button == 1 && (int)xbios(0x11) % 2) shutdown(FALSE); } break; /* menu Ouvre */ case UNITE_LOGIQUE: open_disk(); break; case OUVRE_DISQUETTE: raw_floppy(FALSE); break; case OUVRE_DISQUE_DUR: raw_hard(FALSE); break; case OUVRE_FICHIER: open_file(); break; case OUVRE_FICHIER_FS: open_file_other_fs(); break; case OUVRE_FICH_TEXTE: voir_fichier(); break; case CREER_FICHIER: creer_fichier(); break; case FERMER: fermer(Thefrontwin -> win -> handle); break; case LIRE_BOOT: lire_boot(); break; case CHARGER_BOOT: charger_boot(); break; case SAUVER_BOOT: sauver_boot(); break; case ECRIRE_BOOT: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else ecrire_boot(); #endif break; /* menu Edition */ case SAUVER_SECTEUR: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else save_secteur(Thefrontwin, MENU_EDITION); #endif break; case COPIER_SECTEUR: copier_tampon(Thefrontwin); break; case COLLER_SECTEUR: coller_tampon(Thefrontwin); break; case ECHANGER_TAMPON: echanger_tampon(Thefrontwin); break; case RETOUR_INITIAL: load_secteur(Thefrontwin, MENU_EDITION); break; case OUVRIR_TAMPON: ouvrir_tampon(); break; case SAUVER_TAMPON: sauver_tampon(); break; case CHARGER_TB_ASCII: ascii_tampon(); break; case EFFACER_TAMPON: effacer_tampon(); break; /* menu Structure */ case DEFRAGMENTATION: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else reconnect(Drive); #endif break; case UNIQUE_LIBRE: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else compresse(Drive); #endif break; case RESTO_COMPLETE: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else restauration_complete(Drive); #endif break; case VIDE_CLST_LIBRES: nettoie_clusters_libres(Drive); break; case NETTOIE_REPERTOI: #ifdef TEST_VERSION /* relache la souris */ NoClick(); /* on attend avant de redessiner */ Event_Timer(0, 0, TRUE); my_alert(1, FAIL, X_ICN_STOP, Messages(MENU_6), NULL); #else nettoie_repertoire(Drive); #endif break; /* menu Deplacement */ case SECTEUR_SUIVANT: next_secteur(Thefrontwin); break; case SECTEUR_PRECEDEN: previous_secteur(Thefrontwin); break; case BLOC_SUIVANT: next_bloc(Thefrontwin); break; case BLOC_PRECEDENT: previous_bloc(Thefrontwin); break; case MARQUER_POSITION: marquer_position(Thefrontwin); break; case ALLER_MARQUE: goto_marque(Thefrontwin); break; case ALLER_SECTEUR: goto_secteur(Thefrontwin); break; case CHERCHER_CHAINE: search_first(Thefrontwin); break; case CHERCHER_NOUVEAU: search_next(Thefrontwin); break; /* menu Fenˆtres */ case CHOIX_FONTE: choix_fonte(Thefrontwin); break; case CHOIX_COULEURS: couleur(Thefrontwin); break; case TAILLE_IDEALE: taille_ideale(Thefrontwin); break; case ASCENSEURS: ascenseurs(Thefrontwin); break; case CYCLER_FENETRES: cycle_window(); break; case WINDOW_LIST_1: case WINDOW_LIST_2: case WINDOW_LIST_3: case WINDOW_LIST_4: case WINDOW_LIST_5: case WINDOW_LIST_6: case WINDOW_LIST_7: case WINDOW_LIST_8: case WINDOW_LIST_9: case WINDOW_LIST_10: { windowptr thewin; for (thewin = Firstwindow; thewin; thewin = thewin -> next) if (thewin -> menu_entry == object - WINDOW_LIST_1) make_frontwin(thewin); } break; /* menu Options */ case CONFIG_GENERALE: config_generale(); break; case CONFIG_DSK: config_disques(); break; case RACCOURCIS_CLAVI: raccourcis_clavier(); break; case DONNEES_ZORG: from_zorg_inf(TRUE); break; case DONNEES_SYSTEME: from_zorg_inf(FALSE); break; case INVALIDE_CACHE: if (Kbshift(FAIL) & 4) { int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_DEVICES; i++) change_disque(i, FALSE); } else change_disque(Drive, TRUE); break; case UPDATE_SYSTEME: if (Kbshift(FAIL) & 4) { int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_DEVICES; i++) update_systeme(i); } else update_systeme(Drive); break; case VISU_TEXTE: really_voir_fichier(Thefrontwin -> fonction.fichier.nom); break; case VISU_ASCII: secteur_ascii(Thefrontwin); break; case VISU_HEXA: secteur_hexa(Thefrontwin); break; case AFFICHE_DECIMAL: affichage_decimal(Thefrontwin); break; case FICHIER_ASSOCIE: secteur_file(Thefrontwin); break; case CURSEUR_VISIBLE: curseur_on(Thefrontwin); break; case CLIPBOARD_GEM: clipboard_gem(Thefrontwin); break; /* menu Aide */ case TABLE_ASCII: AsciiChar = m_ascii_box(AsciiChar, FALSE); break; case AIDE: aide(); break; case EXECUTER_PROG: lance_prg(); break; case RESET: if (Reset) { Reset = FALSE; menu_icheck(Menu, RESET, 0); } else { int button; button = my_alert(2, 3, X_ICN_QUESTION, Messages(MENU_3), Messages(MENU_5)); if (button == 1) shutdown(TRUE); else if (button == 0) reset(); } break; } return TRUE; } /* MenuSelect */
bool gatewayTransportSend(MyMessage &message) { bool ret = true; char *_ethernetMsg = protocolFormat(message); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_TX); _w5100_spi_en(true); #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS) #if defined(MY_USE_UDP) _ethernetServer.beginPacket(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT); _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); // returns 1 if the packet was sent successfully ret = _ethernetServer.endPacket(); #else EthernetClient client; #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS) if (client.connected() || client.connect(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS, MY_PORT)) { #else if (client.connected() || client.connect(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT)) { #endif client.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } else { // connecting to the server failed! ret = false; } #endif #else // Send message to connected clients #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (clients[i] && clients[i].connected()) { clients[i].write((uint8_t*)_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } } #else _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg); #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return ret; } #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) bool _readFromClient(uint8_t i) { while (clients[i].connected() && clients[i].available()) { char inChar = clients[i].read(); if (inputString[i].idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d: %s\n"), i, inputString[i].string); inputString[i].idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[i].string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Client %d: Message too long\n"), i); inputString[i].idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #else bool _readFromClient() { while (client.connected() && client.available()) { char inChar = client.read(); if (inputString.idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString.string[inputString.idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Eth: %s\n"), inputString.string); inputString.idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString.string[inputString.idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Eth: Message too long\n")); inputString.idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #endif bool gatewayTransportAvailable() { _w5100_spi_en(true); #if !defined(MY_IP_ADDRESS) && defined(MY_GATEWAY_W5100) // renew IP address using DHCP gatewayTransportRenewIP(); #endif #ifdef MY_USE_UDP int packet_size = _ethernetServer.parsePacket(); if (packet_size) { //debug(PSTR("UDP packet available. Size:%d\n"), packet_size); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) _ethernetServer.read(inputString[0].string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString[0].string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString[0].string); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[0].string); #else _ethernetServer.read(inputString.string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString.string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString.string); _w5100_spi_en(false); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string); #endif } #else #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) // ESP8266: Go over list of clients and stop any that are no longer connected. // If the server has a new client connection it will be assigned to a free slot. bool allSlotsOccupied = true; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (!clients[i].connected()) { if (clientsConnected[i]) { debug(PSTR("Client %d disconnected\n"), i); clients[i].stop(); } //check if there are any new clients if (_ethernetServer.hasClient()) { clients[i] = _ethernetServer.available(); inputString[i].idx = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d connected\n"), i); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); if (presentation) presentation(); } } bool connected = clients[i].connected(); clientsConnected[i] = connected; allSlotsOccupied &= connected; } if (allSlotsOccupied && _ethernetServer.hasClient()) { //no free/disconnected spot so reject debug(PSTR("No free slot available\n")); EthernetClient c = _ethernetServer.available(); c.stop(); } // Loop over clients connect and read available data for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (_readFromClient(i)) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } #else // W5100/ENC module does not have hasClient-method. We can only serve one client at the time. EthernetClient newclient = _ethernetServer.available(); // if a new client connects make sure to dispose any previous existing sockets if (newclient) { if (client != newclient) { client.stop(); client = newclient; debug(PSTR("Eth: connect\n")); _w5100_spi_en(false); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); _w5100_spi_en(true); if (presentation) presentation(); } } if (client) { if (!client.connected()) { debug(PSTR("Eth: disconnect\n")); client.stop(); } else { if (_readFromClient()) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } } #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return false; }
void _begin() { #if !defined(MY_DISABLED_SERIAL) hwInit(); #endif // Call before() in sketch (if it exists) if (before) before(); debug(PSTR("Starting " MY_NODE_TYPE " (" MY_CAPABILITIES ", " LIBRARY_VERSION ")\n")); signerInit(); #if defined(MY_RADIO_FEATURE) _failedTransmissions = 0; // Setup radio if (!transportInit()) { debug(PSTR("Radio init failed. Check wiring.\n")); // Nothing more we can do _infiniteLoop(); } else { debug(PSTR("Radio init successful.\n")); } #endif #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_FEATURE) #if defined(MY_INCLUSION_BUTTON_FEATURE) inclusionInit(); #endif // initialize the transport driver if (!gatewayTransportInit()) { debug(PSTR("Transport driver init fail\n")); // Nothing more we can do _infiniteLoop(); } #endif #if defined(MY_LEDS_BLINKING_FEATURE) ledsInit(); #endif // Read latest received controller configuration from EEPROM hwReadConfigBlock((void*)&_cc, (void*)EEPROM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_ADDRESS, sizeof(ControllerConfig)); if (_cc.isMetric == 0xff) { // Eeprom empty, set default to metric _cc.isMetric = 0x01; } #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_FEATURE) // Set configuration for gateway _nc.parentNodeId = GATEWAY_ADDRESS; _nc.distance = 0; _nc.nodeId = GATEWAY_ADDRESS; #elif defined(MY_RADIO_FEATURE) // Read settings from eeprom hwReadConfigBlock((void*)&_nc, (void*)EEPROM_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, sizeof(NodeConfig)); #ifdef MY_OTA_FIRMWARE_FEATURE // Read firmware config from EEPROM, i.e. type, version, CRC, blocks hwReadConfigBlock((void*)&_fc, (void*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_TYPE_ADDRESS, sizeof(NodeFirmwareConfig)); #endif _autoFindParent = MY_PARENT_NODE_ID == AUTO; if (!_autoFindParent) { _nc.parentNodeId = MY_PARENT_NODE_ID; // Save static parent id in eeprom (used by bootloader) hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_PARENT_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, MY_PARENT_NODE_ID); // We don't actually know the distance to gw here. Let's pretend it is 1. // If the current node is also repeater, be aware of this. _nc.distance = 1; } else if (!isValidParent(_nc.parentNodeId)) { // Auto find parent, but parent in eeprom is invalid. Try find one. transportFindParentNode(); } if (MY_NODE_ID != AUTO) { // Set static id _nc.nodeId = MY_NODE_ID; // Save static id in eeprom hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, MY_NODE_ID); } else if (_nc.nodeId == AUTO && isValidParent(_nc.parentNodeId)) { // Try to fetch node-id from gateway transportRequestNodeId(); } #endif #ifdef MY_NODE_LOCK_FEATURE // Check if node has been locked down if (hwReadConfig(EEPROM_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER) == 0) { // Node is locked, check if unlock pin is asserted, else hang the node pinMode(MY_NODE_UNLOCK_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Make a short delay so we are sure any large external nets are fully pulled unsigned long enter = hwMillis(); while (hwMillis() - enter < 2); if (digitalRead(MY_NODE_UNLOCK_PIN) == 0) { // Pin is grounded, reset lock counter hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER, MY_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER_MAX); // Disable pullup pinMode(MY_NODE_UNLOCK_PIN, INPUT); debug(PSTR("Node is unlocked.\n")); } else { // Disable pullup pinMode(MY_NODE_UNLOCK_PIN, INPUT); nodeLock("LDB"); //Locked during boot } } else if (hwReadConfig(EEPROM_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER) == 0xFF) { // Reset walue hwWriteConfig(EEPROM_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER, MY_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER_MAX); } #endif // Call sketch setup if (setup) setup(); #if defined(MY_RADIO_FEATURE) transportPresentNode(); #endif if (presentation) presentation(); debug(PSTR("Init complete, id=%d, parent=%d, distance=%d\n"), _nc.nodeId, _nc.parentNodeId, _nc.distance); }