Пример #1
void ScribusQApp::showUsage()
	QFile f;
	f.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
	QTextStream ts(&f);
	ts << tr("Usage: scribus [option ... ] [file]") ; endl(ts);
	ts << tr("Options:") ; endl(ts);
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT, ARG_FONTINFO, tr("Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_HELP_SHORT, ARG_HELP, tr("Print help (this message) and exit") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_LANG_SHORT, ARG_LANG, tr("Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT, ARG_AVAILLANG, tr("List the currently installed interface languages") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NOSPLASH, tr("Do not show the splashscreen on startup") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NEVERSPLASH, tr("Stop the showing of the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.scribus.") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_PREFS_SHORT, QString(QString(ARG_PREFS) + QString(" ") + tr("filename")).toLocal8Bit().constData(), tr("Use filename as path for user given preferences") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT, ARG_PROFILEINFO, tr("Show location ICC profile information on console while starting") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS_SHORT, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS, tr("Use right to left dialog button ordering (eg. Cancel/No/Yes instead of Yes/No/Cancel)") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT, ARG_UPGRADECHECK, tr("Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version.") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_VERSION_SHORT, ARG_VERSION, tr("Output version information and exit") );
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE)
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT, ARG_CONSOLE, tr("Display a console window") );
/* Delete me?
	std::cout << "-file|-- name Open file 'name'" ; endl(ts);
	std::cout << "name          Open file 'name', the file name must not begin with '-'" ; endl(ts);
	std::cout << "QT specific options as -display ..." ; endl(ts);
Пример #2
void ScribusQApp::showUsage()
	QFile f;
	f.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
	QTextStream ts(&f);
	ts << tr("Usage: scribus [options] [files]") ; endl(ts); endl(ts);
	ts << tr("Options:") ; endl(ts);
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT, ARG_FONTINFO, tr("Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_HELP_SHORT, ARG_HELP, tr("Print help (this message) and exit") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_LANG_SHORT, ARG_LANG, tr("Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT, ARG_AVAILLANG, tr("List the currently installed interface languages") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NOSPLASH, tr("Do not show the splashscreen on startup") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NEVERSPLASH, tr("Stop showing the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.scribus") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_PREFS_SHORT, qPrintable(QString("%1 <%2>").arg(ARG_PREFS).arg(tr("filename"))), tr("Use filename as path for user given preferences") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT, ARG_PROFILEINFO, tr("Show location of ICC profile information on console while starting") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT, ARG_UPGRADECHECK, tr("Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_VERSION_SHORT, ARG_VERSION, tr("Output version information and exit") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_PYTHONSCRIPT_SHORT, qPrintable(QString("%1 <%2> [%3] ").arg(ARG_PYTHONSCRIPT).arg(tr("script")).arg(tr("arguments ..."))), tr("Run script in Python [with optional arguments]. This option must be last option used") );
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOGUI_SHORT, ARG_NOGUI, tr("Do not start GUI") );
	ts << (QString("     %1").arg(CMD_OPTIONS_END,-39)) << tr("Explicit end of command line options"); endl(ts);
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE)
	printArgLine(ts, ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT, ARG_CONSOLE, tr("Display a console window") );

	printArgLine(ts, ARG_TESTS_SHORT, ARG_TESTS, tr("Run unit tests and exit") );

/* Delete me?
	std::cout << "-file|-- name Open file 'name'" ; endl(ts);
	std::cout << "name          Open file 'name', the file name must not begin with '-'" ; endl(ts);
	std::cout << "QT specific options as -display ..." ; endl(ts);