void printDictionary(treeNode* root) { if(root != NULL) { root->DisplayWordMeaning(); printDictionary(root->getLeft()); printDictionary(root->getRight()); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Dictionary A = newDictionary(); printf("got jere"); FILE* in = fopen("DictionaryClient2.c", "r"); FILE* out = fopen("DictionaryClient2-out", "w"); char* key; char* value; char* keyBuffer = NULL; char* valBuffer = NULL; int keyBufferOffset = 0, valBufferOffset = 0; int keyBufferLength = 0, valBufferLength = 0; char line[MAX_LEN+1]; char label[MAX_LEN+1]; int i, labelLength, lineLength, lineNumber = 0; // read input files while( fgets(line, MAX_LEN, in)!=NULL ){ // put line in valBuffer lineNumber++; lineLength = strlen(line)-1; line[lineLength] = '\0'; // overwrite newline '\n' with null '\0' valBufferLength += (lineLength+1); valBuffer = realloc(valBuffer, valBufferLength*sizeof(char) ); value = &valBuffer[valBufferOffset]; strcpy(value, line); valBufferOffset = valBufferLength; // put label in keyBuffer sprintf(label, "line %d:\t", lineNumber); labelLength = strlen(label); keyBufferLength += (labelLength+1); keyBuffer = realloc(keyBuffer, keyBufferLength*sizeof(char) ); key = &keyBuffer[keyBufferOffset]; strcpy(key, label); keyBufferOffset = keyBufferLength; } // put keys and values in dictionary A keyBufferOffset = valBufferOffset = 0; for(i=0; i<lineNumber; i++){ key = &keyBuffer[keyBufferOffset]; value = &valBuffer[valBufferOffset]; insert(A, key, value); keyBufferOffset += (strlen(key) + 1); valBufferOffset += (strlen(value) + 1); } printDictionary(out, A); // free memory and close files freeDictionary(&A); free(keyBuffer); free(valBuffer); fclose(in); fclose(out); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Dictionary A = newDictionary(); char* k; char* v; char* word1[] = {"one","two","three","four","five","six","seven"}; char* word2[] = {"foo","bar","blah","galumph","happy","sad","blue"}; int i; for(i=0; i<7; i++){ insert(A, word1[i], word2[i]); } printDictionary(stdout, A); for(i=0; i<7; i++){ k = word1[i]; v = lookup(A, k); printf("key=\"%s\" %s\"%s\"\n", k, (v==NULL?"not found ":"value="), v); } // insert(A, "five", "glow"); // error: duplicate keys delete(A, "one"); delete(A, "three"); delete(A, "seven"); printDictionary(stdout, A); for(i=0; i<7; i++){ k = word1[i]; v = lookup(A, k); printf("key=\"%s\" %s\"%s\"\n", k, (v==NULL?"not found ":"value="), v); } // delete(A, "one"); // error: key not found printf("%s\n", (isEmpty(A)?"true":"false")); printf("%d\n", size(A)); makeEmpty(A); printf("%s\n", (isEmpty(A)?"true":"false")); freeDictionary(&A); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void printDictionary(const TNODE * dictionary) { if (dictionary->translation) printf("\t%s\n", dictionary->translation); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < LETTERS; i++) { if (dictionary->child[i]) { printDictionary(dictionary->child[i]); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int v; DictionaryRef A = newDictionary(); insert(A, 1, 111); insert(A, 2, 222); insert(A, 3, 333); insert(A, 4, 444); insert(A, 5, 555); insert(A, 6, 666); insert(A, 7, 777); printDictionary(A, stdout); v = lookup(A, 1); printf("key=1 "); v==UNDEF?printf("not found\n"):printf("value=%d\n", v); v = lookup(A, 3); printf("key=3 "); v==UNDEF?printf("not found\n"):printf("value=%d\n", v); v = lookup(A, 7); printf("key=7 "); v==UNDEF?printf("not found\n"):printf("value=%d\n", v); v = lookup(A, 8); printf("key=8 "); v==UNDEF?printf("not found\n"):printf("value=%d\n", v); printf("\n"); /* insert(A, 2, 666); */ /* causes insert() duplicate keys error */ delete(A, 1); delete(A, 3); delete(A, 7); printDictionary(A, stdout); /* delete(A, 8); */ /* causes delete() non-existent key error */ printf("%s\n", isEmpty(A)?"true":"false"); printf("%d\n", size(A)); makeEmpty(A); printf("%s\n", isEmpty(A)?"true":"false"); printDictionary(A, stdout); freeDictionary(&A); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void MyServer::startServer(){ qDebug("Start server"); if (isListening()){ qDebug()<<"close server"; close(); } loadFile(); printDictionary(dictionary); if (!listen(QHostAddress::Any, nPort)){ qDebug()<<"Unable to start Server:"<<errorString(); close(); return; } connect(this, SIGNAL(newConnection()),this,SLOT(slotNewConnection())); qDebug() << isListening() << "TCPSocket listen on port" << nPort; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Dictionary A = newDictionary(); Dictionary B = newDictionary(); Dictionary C = newDictionary(); //insert() test------------------------------------------------------- insert(A,"1","Dan"); insert(A,"2","brad"); insert(A,"4","Richard"); insert(A,"100","Matt"); insert(B,"A","Tasha"); insert(B,"G","Tammy"); //to invoke exception //insert(D,"AS","rachel"); //insert(B,"A","Tase"); //size() test--------------------------------------------------------- printf("%d\n",size(A)); printf("%d\n",size(B)); printf("%d\n",size(C)); printf("\n"); //to invoke exception //printf("%d", size(D)); //isEmpty() test------------------------------------------------------ printf("%s\n", isEmpty(A)?"true":"false"); printf("%s\n", isEmpty(C)?"true":"false"); printf("\n"); //to invoke exception //printf("%s/n", isEmpty(D)?"true":"false"); //lookup() test------------------------------------------------------- printf("%s\n",lookup(A,"1")); //printf("%s\n",lookup(A,"A")); printf("%s\n",lookup(A,"4")); printf("%s\n",lookup(A,"100")); printf("%s\n",lookup(B,"A")); //printf("%s\n",lookup(C,"2")); printf("\n"); //makeEmpty() test---------------------------------------------------- makeEmpty(B); //makeEmpty(D); //printDictionary() test---------------------------------------------- printDictionary(stdout,A); printDictionary(stdout,B); //delete() test------------------------------------------------------- delete(A,"1"); delete(A,"4"); delete(A,"100"); printDictionary(stdout,A); freeDictionary(&A); freeDictionary(&B); freeDictionary(&C); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }