Пример #1
 * Simple performance test given n threads of execution.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: <script> <server> <port> [<threads>]\n";
    return 1;
  char* server = argv[1];
  char* port = argv[2];
  int numThreads = 1;
  if (argc == 4) {
    numThreads = ACE_OS::atoi(argv[3]);
    if (numThreads <= 0) {
      std::cerr << "unexpected number of threads " << numThreads << "\n";
      return 1;

  std::string connStr;

  SQLHENV env;
  SQLHDBC conn;
  SQLHSTMT stmt;

  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, NULL, &env))) {
    SQLCHAR sqlState[6];
    SQLINTEGER errorCode;
    SQLCHAR message[8192];
    SQLSMALLINT messageLen;
    ::SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env, 1, sqlState, &errorCode, message,
        8191, &messageLen);
    std::cout << "Initialization failed with SQLState(" << sqlState
      << ", ErrorCode=" << errorCode << ": " << message << "\n";
    return 1;

          (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0))) {
    SQLCHAR sqlState[6];
    SQLINTEGER errorCode;
    SQLCHAR message[8192];
    SQLSMALLINT messageLen;
    ::SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env, 1, sqlState, &errorCode, message,
        8191, &messageLen);
    std::cout << "Initialization failed with SQLState(" << sqlState
      << ", ErrorCode=" << errorCode << ": " << message << "\n";
    return 1;

  ::SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, env, &conn);

  std::cout << "Connecting to " << server << ":" << port <<
    "; connection string: " << connStr << "\n";
  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLDriverConnect(conn, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)connStr.c_str(),
      connStr.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT))) {
    // connection failed
    SQLCHAR sqlState[6];
    SQLINTEGER errorCode;
    SQLCHAR message[8192];
    SQLSMALLINT messageLen;
    ::SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn, 1, sqlState, &errorCode, message,
        8191, &messageLen);
    std::cout << "Connection failed with SQLState(" << sqlState
      << ", ErrorCode=" << errorCode << ": " << message << "\n";
    return 1;

  ::SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn, &stmt);

  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"drop table if exists new_order", SQL_NTS);
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"drop table if exists customer", SQL_NTS);

  // create the tables
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"create table customer ("
    "c_w_id         integer        not null,"
    "c_d_id         integer        not null,"
    "c_id           integer        not null,"
    "c_discount     decimal(4,4),"
    "c_credit       char(2),"
    "c_last         varchar(16),"
    "c_first        varchar(16),"
    "c_credit_lim   decimal(12,2),"
    "c_balance      decimal(12,2),"
    "c_ytd_payment  float,"
    "c_payment_cnt  integer,"
    "c_delivery_cnt integer,"
    "c_street_1     varchar(20),"
    "c_street_2     varchar(20),"
    "c_city         varchar(20),"
    "c_state        char(2),"
    "c_zip          char(9),"
    "c_phone        char(16),"
    "c_since        timestamp,"
    "c_middle       char(2),"
    "c_data         varchar(500)"
    ") partition by (c_w_id) redundancy 1", SQL_NTS);
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"create table new_order ("
    "no_w_id  integer   not null,"
    "no_d_id  integer   not null,"
    "no_o_id  integer   not null,"
    "no_name  varchar(100) not null"
    ") partition by (no_w_id) colocate with (customer) redundancy 1", SQL_NTS);
      (SQLCHAR*)"alter table customer add constraint pk_customer "
        "primary key (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id)", SQL_NTS);
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"create index ndx_customer_name "
    "on customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last)", SQL_NTS);
      (SQLCHAR*)"alter table new_order add constraint pk_new_order "
        "primary key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id)", SQL_NTS);
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"create index ndx_neworder_w_id_d_id "
    "on new_order (no_w_id, no_d_id)", SQL_NTS);
  ::SQLExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"create index ndx_neworder_w_id_d_id_o_id "
    "on new_order (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id)", SQL_NTS);

  std::cout << "Created tables\n";
  std::cout << "Will use " << numThreads << " threads for selects\n";

  const int numRows = 10000;

  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"insert into new_order values "
          "(?, ?, ?, ?)", SQL_NTS))) {
    printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
    return 2;

  int id, w_id;
  char* name;
  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &w_id, sizeof(w_id), NULL);
  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &w_id, sizeof(w_id), NULL);
  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &id, sizeof(id), NULL);

  std::cout << "Starting inserts\n";
  for (id = 1; id <= numRows; id++) {
    w_id = (id % 98);
    name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
    ::sprintf(name, "customer-with-order%d%d", id, w_id);
    ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 4, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR,
        0, 0, name, SQL_NTS, NULL);
    ret = ::SQLExecute(stmt);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
      printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
      return 2;

    SQLLEN count;
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLRowCount(stmt, &count))) {
      printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
      return 2;
    if (count != 1) {
      std::cerr << "unexpected count for single insert: " << count << "\n";
      return 2;
    if ((id % 500) == 0) {
      std::cout << "Completed " << id << " inserts ...\n";

  ::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT * FROM new_order "
    "WHERE no_d_id = ? AND no_w_id = ? AND no_o_id = ?", SQL_NTS);

  std::cout << "Starting warmup selects\n";
  const int numRuns = 50000;
  int rowNum;

  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &w_id, sizeof(w_id), NULL);
  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &w_id, sizeof(w_id), NULL);
  ::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
      &rowNum, sizeof(rowNum), NULL);
  // warmup for the selects
  for (int i = 1; i <= numRuns; i++) {
    rowNum = (i % numRows) + 1;
    w_id = (rowNum % 98);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLExecute(stmt))) {
      printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
      return 2;

    int numResults = 0;
    while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(::GFXDetch(stmt))) {
      int o_id;
      //char* name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
      ::SQLGetData(stmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &o_id, sizeof(o_id), NULL);
      //::SQLGetData(stmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, name, 100, NULL);
    if (numResults == 0) {
      std::cerr << "unexpected 0 results for w_id, d_id " << w_id << "\n";
      return 2;
    if ((i % 500) == 0) {
      std::cout << "Completed " << i << " warmup selects ...\n";

  std::cout << "Starting timed selects with " << numThreads << " threads\n";
  // timed runs
  ACE_Barrier barrier(numThreads);
  ACE_Time_Value start, end;
  time_t startSecs, endSecs;
  suseconds_t startUSecs, endUSecs;
  SelectTask** tasks = NULL;

  if (numThreads > 1) {
    // create the other threads
    tasks = new SelectTask*[numThreads - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < (numThreads - 1); i++) {
      tasks[i] = new SelectTask(env, connStr, barrier, numRows, numRuns);
  start = ACE_OS::gettimeofday();
  for (int i = 1; i <= numRuns; i++) {
    rowNum = (i % numRows) + 1;
    w_id = (rowNum % 98);

    int numResults = 0;
    while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(::GFXDetch(stmt))) {
      int o_id;
      //char* name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
      ::SQLGetData(stmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &o_id, sizeof(o_id), NULL);
      //::SQLGetData(stmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, name, 100, NULL);
    if (numResults == 0) {
      std::cerr << "unexpected 0 results for w_id, d_id " << w_id << "\n";
  if (numThreads > 1) {
    // wait for other threads to join
    for (int i = 0; i < (numThreads - 1); i++) {
  end = ACE_OS::gettimeofday();

  startSecs = start.sec();
  startUSecs = start.usec();
  endSecs = end.sec();
  endUSecs = end.usec();

  if (startUSecs > endUSecs) {
    endUSecs += 1000000;
  std::cout << "Time taken: " << (endSecs - startSecs) << '.'
    << (endUSecs - startUSecs) << "s\n";

  // cleanup
  if (numThreads > 1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < (numThreads - 1); i++) {
      delete tasks[i];
    delete tasks;


  ::GFXDreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
  ::GFXDreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn);
  ::GFXDreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env);

  return 0;
Пример #2
int main()
int i;

	retcode = SQLAllocEnv(&henv);
	if (SQLAllocConnect(henv, &hdbc) != SQL_SUCCESS)
		UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
		SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
		SWORD  wErrorMsg;

			szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,

		fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLAllocConnect\n%s\n%s\n", 
			szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
		return 1;

	retcode = SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, SQL_ACCESS_MODE, SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY);
	if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
		UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
		SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
		SWORD  wErrorMsg;

			szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,

		fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLSetConnectOption\n%s\n%s\n",
			szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
		return 1;

	retcode = SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON);
	if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
		UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
		SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
		SWORD  wErrorMsg;

			szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,

		fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLSetConnectOption\n%s\n%s\n",
			szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
		return 1;

	retcode = SQLConnect(hdbc, 
				   (UCHAR *)"Northwind", SQL_NTS, 
				   (UCHAR *)"", SQL_NTS,
				   (UCHAR *)"", SQL_NTS);
	if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
		UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
		SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
		SWORD  wErrorMsg;

			szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,

		fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLConnect\n%s\n%s\n",
			szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
		return 1;

	if (SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt)!= SQL_SUCCESS)
		UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
		SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
		SWORD  wErrorMsg;

			szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,

		fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLAllocStmt\n%s\n%s\n",
			szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
		return 1;

	/* Prepare the SQL statement with parameter markers. */

	retcode = SQLPrepare(hstmt,
 	       (unsigned char *)"select * from Shippers", 
	if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) 
		long   p1;
		long   p1Len = sizeof(p1);
		long   sAge  = 1023;
		long   cbAge = sizeof(long);
		UCHAR  szCol1[60];
		SQLINTEGER length;

		printf("excecuting first statement\n");
		retcode = SQLExecute(hstmt);         
		if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS) {
			UCHAR  szSqlState[6];
			SQLINTEGER dwNativeError;
			SWORD  wErrorMsg;

				szSqlState, &dwNativeError, szErrorMsg,
				SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH-1, &wErrorMsg);

			fprintf(stderr,"problem with SQLExecute\n%s\n%s\n",
				szSqlState, szErrorMsg);
			return 1;
		SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_CHAR, szCol1, 60, &length);
		//SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_CHAR, szCol1, 60, NULL);
		/* Execute statement with first row. */

		while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
			printf("%d: szCol1 = %s (%d)\n",i,szCol1, length);
		if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
			printStatementError(hstmt, "problem with SQLFetch");
			return 1;

	return 1;
Пример #3
  int svc()
    SQLHDBC conn;
    SQLHSTMT stmt;

		int Lower_Bound;
		int Upper_Bound;
		int Range;

		int custCount = 1000;
		int prodCount = 10000;

    ::SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, m_env, &conn);

    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLDriverConnect(conn, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)m_connStr.c_str(),
            m_connStr.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT))) {
      // connection failed
      SQLCHAR sqlState[6];
      SQLINTEGER errorCode;
      SQLCHAR message[8192];
      SQLSMALLINT messageLen;
      ::SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn, 1, sqlState, &errorCode, message,
          8191, &messageLen);
      std::cout << "Connection failed for thread "
          << ACE_OS::thr_self() + " with SQLState(" << sqlState
          << ", ErrorCode=" << errorCode << ": " << message << "\n";
      return -1;

    ::SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn, &stmt);

		// insert table data
		if (m_crudFlag)
			if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"insert into customer values "
							"(?, ?)", SQL_NTS))) {
				printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
				return 2;

			int id;
			char* name;
			::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
					&id, sizeof(id), NULL);

			std::cout << "Starting inserts into customer table\n";
			for (id = 1; id <= custCount; id++) {
				name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
				::sprintf(name, "customer%d", id);
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR,
						0, 0, name, SQL_NTS, NULL);
				ret = ::SQLExecute(stmt);
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;

				SQLLEN count;
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLRowCount(stmt, &count))) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;
				if (count != 1) {
					std::cerr << "unexpected count for single insert: " << count << "\n";
					return 2;
				//if ((id % 500) == 0) {
				//  std::cout << "Completed " << id << " inserts ...\n";

			if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"insert into product values "
							"(?, ?)", SQL_NTS))) {
				printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
				return 2;

			::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
					&id, sizeof(id), NULL);

			std::cout << "Starting inserts into product table\n";
			for (id = 1; id <= prodCount; id++) {
				name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
				::sprintf(name, "product%d", id);
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR,
						0, 0, name, SQL_NTS, NULL);
				ret = ::SQLExecute(stmt);
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;

				SQLLEN count;
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLRowCount(stmt, &count))) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;
				if (count != 1) {
					std::cerr << "unexpected count for single insert: " << count << "\n";
					return 2;
				//if ((id % 500) == 0) {
				//  std::cout << "Completed " << id << " inserts ...\n";

			Lower_Bound = 1;
			Upper_Bound = custCount * m_numThreads;

			if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"insert into new_order values "
							"(?, ?, ?)", SQL_NTS))) {
				printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
				return 2;

			::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
					&id, sizeof(id), NULL);

			std::cout << "Starting inserts into new_order table\n";
			for (id = 1; id <= m_numRows; id++) {
				name = (char*)::malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
				Range = rand()% (Upper_Bound -  Lower_Bound + 1) + Lower_Bound;
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
						0, 0, &Range, sizeof(Range), NULL);
				::sprintf(name, "customer%d-with-order%d", Range, id);
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR,
						0, 0, name, SQL_NTS, NULL);
				ret = ::SQLExecute(stmt);
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;

				SQLLEN count;
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLRowCount(stmt, &count))) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;
				if (count != 1) {
					std::cerr << "unexpected count for single insert: " << count << "\n";
					return 2;
				//if ((id % 500) == 0) {
				//  std::cout << "Completed " << id << " inserts ...\n";

			Lower_Bound = 1;
			Upper_Bound = prodCount * m_numThreads;

			if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"insert into order_detail values "
							"(?, ?, ?)", SQL_NTS))) {
				printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
				return 2;

			std::cout << "Starting inserts into order_detail table\n";
			for (id = 1; id <= m_numRows; id++) {
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 
						0, 0,	&id, sizeof(id), NULL);
				Range = rand()% (Upper_Bound -  Lower_Bound + 1) + Lower_Bound;
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
						0, 0, &Range, sizeof(Range), NULL);
				::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
						0, 0, &id, sizeof(id), NULL);
				ret = ::SQLExecute(stmt);
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;

				SQLLEN count;
				if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(::SQLRowCount(stmt, &count))) {
					printStatementError(stmt, __LINE__);
					return 2;
				if (count != 1) {
					std::cerr << "unexpected count for single insert: " << count << "\n";
					return 2;
				//if ((id % 500) == 0) {
				//  std::cout << "Completed " << id << " inserts ...\n";


    //// wait for all threads

    int status = 0;

		if (!m_crudFlag)
			::SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT * FROM order_detail od JOIN new_order n ON od.order_id = n.no_o_id FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY", SQL_NTS);

			std::cout << "Starting timed selects for thread " << ACE_OS::thr_self()
					<< "\n";

			int status = 0;
			int rowNum, count;
			::SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0,
					0, &count, sizeof(count), NULL);
			for (int i = 1; i <= m_numRuns; i++) {
				rowNum = (i % m_numRows) + 1;
				count = (rowNum % 98);
				if (i == 100 || i == 1000 || i == 10000 || i == 20000 || i == 30000 || i == 40000 || i == 50000)
					count = 100000;
				//if (count > 90000)
				//	std::cout << "count is " << count << "\n";


    return status;