void print_menu(uint8_t menu) { lcd_clrscr(); print_arrows(0); lcd_gotoxy(1, 0); lcd_puts_p(menuStrings[menu - 1]); switch (menu) { case SET_TIME: print_time(t); break; case SET_ALARM1: print_time(alarmTime); break; //case SET_ALARM2: // print_time(alarmTime); // break; case SET_RETURN: break; } }
/* * Display a menu for choosing among a number of options */ int dialog_menu(const char *title, const char *prompt, const void *selected, int *s_scroll) { int i, j, x, y, box_x, box_y; int height, width, menu_height; int key = 0, button = 0, scroll = 0, choice = 0; int first_item = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *menu; do_resize: height = getmaxy(stdscr); width = getmaxx(stdscr); if (height < 15 || width < 65) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; height -= 4; width -= 5; menu_height = height - 10; max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_count()); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dlg.dialog.atr, dlg.border.atr); wattrset(dialog, dlg.border.atr); mvwaddch(dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); wbkgdset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr & A_COLOR); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); print_title(dialog, title, width); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); menu_width = width - 6; box_y = height - menu_height - 5; box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the menu */ menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad(menu, TRUE); /* draw a box around the menu items */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2, dlg.menubox_border.atr, dlg.menubox.atr); if (menu_width >= 80) item_x = (menu_width - 70) / 2; else item_x = 4; /* Set choice to default item */ item_foreach() if (selected && (selected == item_data())) choice = item_n(); /* get the saved scroll info */ scroll = *s_scroll; if ((scroll <= choice) && (scroll + max_choice > choice) && (scroll >= 0) && (scroll + max_choice <= item_count())) { first_item = scroll; choice = choice - scroll; } else { scroll = 0; } if ((choice >= max_choice)) { if (choice >= item_count() - max_choice / 2) scroll = first_item = item_count() - max_choice; else scroll = first_item = choice - max_choice / 2; choice = choice - scroll; } /* Print the menu */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item(first_item + i, i, i == choice); } wnoutrefresh(menu); print_arrows(dialog, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + item_x + 1, menu_height); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); wmove(menu, choice, item_x + 1); wrefresh(menu); while (key != KEY_ESC) { key = wgetch(menu); if (key < 256 && isalpha(key)) key = tolower(key); if (strchr("ynmh", key)) i = max_choice; else { for (i = choice + 1; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(scroll + i); j = first_alpha(item_str(), "YyNnMmHh"); if (key == tolower(item_str()[j])) break; } if (i == max_choice) for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(scroll + i); j = first_alpha(item_str(), "YyNnMmHh"); if (key == tolower(item_str()[j])) break; } } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+' || key == KEY_PPAGE || key == KEY_NPAGE) { /* Remove highligt of current item */ print_item(scroll + choice, choice, FALSE); if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (choice < 2 && scroll) { /* Scroll menu down */ do_scroll(menu, &scroll, -1); print_item(scroll, 0, FALSE); } else choice = MAX(choice - 1, 0); } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { print_item(scroll+choice, choice, FALSE); if ((choice > max_choice - 3) && (scroll + max_choice < item_count())) { /* Scroll menu up */ do_scroll(menu, &scroll, 1); print_item(scroll+max_choice - 1, max_choice - 1, FALSE); } else choice = MIN(choice + 1, max_choice - 1); } else if (key == KEY_PPAGE) { scrollok(menu, TRUE); for (i = 0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll > 0) { do_scroll(menu, &scroll, -1); print_item(scroll, 0, FALSE); } else { if (choice > 0) choice--; } } } else if (key == KEY_NPAGE) { for (i = 0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll + max_choice < item_count()) { do_scroll(menu, &scroll, 1); print_item(scroll+max_choice-1, max_choice - 1, FALSE); } else { if (choice + 1 < max_choice) choice++; } } } else choice = i; print_item(scroll + choice, choice, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + item_x + 1, menu_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(menu); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: case TAB: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 2 : (button > 2 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh(menu); break; case ' ': case 's': case 'y': case 'n': case 'm': case '/': /* save scroll info */ *s_scroll = scroll; delwin(menu); delwin(dialog); item_set(scroll + choice); item_set_selected(1); switch (key) { case 's': return 3; case 'y': return 3; case 'n': return 4; case 'm': return 5; case ' ': return 6; case '/': return 7; } return 0; case 'h': case '?': button = 2; case '\n': *s_scroll = scroll; delwin(menu); delwin(dialog); item_set(scroll + choice); item_set_selected(1); return button; case 'e': case 'x': key = KEY_ESC; break; case KEY_ESC: key = on_key_esc(menu); break; #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION case KEY_RESIZE: on_key_resize(); delwin(menu); delwin(dialog); goto do_resize; #endif } } delwin(menu); delwin(dialog); return key; /* ESC pressed */ }
int dialog_checklist(const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int list_height) { int i, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0, scroll = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *list; /* */ item_foreach() { if (item_is_tag('X')) choice = item_n(); if (item_is_selected()) { choice = item_n(); break; } } do_resize: if (getmaxy(stdscr) < (height + 6)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; if (getmaxx(stdscr) < (width + 6)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; max_choice = MIN(list_height, item_count()); /* */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dlg.dialog.atr, dlg.border.atr); wattrset(dialog, dlg.border.atr); mvwaddch(dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); print_title(dialog, title, width); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); list_width = width - 6; box_y = height - list_height - 5; box_x = (width - list_width) / 2 - 1; /* */ list = subwin(dialog, list_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad(list, TRUE); /* */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, dlg.menubox_border.atr, dlg.menubox.atr); /* */ check_x = 0; item_foreach() check_x = MAX(check_x, strlen(item_str()) + 4); check_x = MIN(check_x, list_width); check_x = (list_width - check_x) / 2; item_x = check_x + 4; if (choice >= list_height) { scroll = choice - list_height + 1; choice -= scroll; } /* */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(scroll + i); print_item(list, i, i == choice); } print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wnoutrefresh(list); doupdate(); while (key != KEY_ESC) { key = wgetch(dialog); for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(i + scroll); if (toupper(key) == toupper(item_str()[0])) break; } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+' || key == '-') { if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (!choice) { if (!scroll) continue; /* */ if (list_height > 1) { /* */ item_set(scroll); print_item(list, 0, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, -1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll--; item_set(scroll); print_item(list, 0, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); continue; /* */ } else i = choice - 1; } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { if (choice == max_choice - 1) { if (scroll + choice >= item_count() - 1) continue; /* */ if (list_height > 1) { /* */ item_set(scroll + max_choice - 1); print_item(list, max_choice - 1, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, 1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll++; item_set(scroll + max_choice - 1); print_item(list, max_choice - 1, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); continue; /* */ } else i = choice + 1; } if (i != choice) { /* */ item_set(scroll + choice); print_item(list, choice, FALSE); /* */ choice = i; item_set(scroll + choice); print_item(list, choice, TRUE); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); } continue; /* */ } switch (key) { case 'H': case 'h': case '?': button = 1; /* */ case 'S': case 's': case ' ': case '\n': item_foreach() item_set_selected(0); item_set(scroll + choice); item_set_selected(1); delwin(list); delwin(dialog); return button; case TAB: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 1 : (button > 1 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh(dialog); break; case 'X': case 'x': key = KEY_ESC; break; case KEY_ESC: key = on_key_esc(dialog); break; case KEY_RESIZE: delwin(list); delwin(dialog); on_key_resize(); goto do_resize; } /* */ doupdate(); } delwin(list); delwin(dialog); return key; /* */ }
/* * Display a dialog box with a list of options that can be turned on or off */ int dialog_checklist(unsigned char *title, unsigned char *prompt, int height, int width, int list_height, int cnt, void *it, unsigned char *result) { int i, j, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, old_x, old_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button, choice, l, k, scroll, max_choice, item_no = 0, *status; int redraw_menu = FALSE, cursor_reset = FALSE; int rval = 0, onlist = 1, ok_space, cancel_space; char okButton, cancelButton; WINDOW *dialog, *list; unsigned char **items = NULL; dialogMenuItem *ditems; int list_width, check_x, item_x; /* Allocate space for storing item on/off status */ if ((status = alloca(sizeof(int) * abs(cnt))) == NULL) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\nCan't allocate memory in dialog_checklist().\n"); exit(-1); } draw: choice = scroll = button = 0; /* Previous calling syntax, e.g. just a list of strings? */ if (cnt >= 0) { items = it; ditems = NULL; item_no = cnt; /* Initializes status */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) status[i] = !strcasecmp(items[i*3 + 2], "on"); } /* It's the new specification format - fake the rest of the code out */ else { item_no = abs(cnt); ditems = it; if (!items) items = (unsigned char **)alloca((item_no * 3) * sizeof(unsigned char *)); /* Initializes status */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { status[i] = ditems[i].checked ? ditems[i].checked(&ditems[i]) : FALSE; items[i*3] = ditems[i].prompt; items[i*3 + 1] = ditems[i].title; items[i*3 + 2] = status[i] ? "on" : "off"; } } max_choice = MIN(list_height, item_no); check_x = 0; item_x = 0; /* Find length of longest item in order to center checklist */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { l = strlen(items[i*3]); for (j = 0; j < item_no; j++) { k = strlen(items[j*3 + 1]); check_x = MAX(check_x, l + k + 6); } item_x = MAX(item_x, l); } if (height < 0) height = strheight(prompt)+list_height+4+2; if (width < 0) { i = strwidth(prompt); j = ((title != NULL) ? strwidth(title) : 0); width = MAX(i,j); width = MAX(width,check_x+4)+4; } width = MAX(width,24); if (width > COLS) width = COLS; if (height > LINES) height = LINES; /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width)/2; y = (LINES - height)/2; #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES if (use_shadow) draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); #endif dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); if (dialog == NULL) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\nnewwin(%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", height,width, y, x); return -1; } keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset(dialog, border_attr); wmove(dialog, height-3, 0); waddch(dialog, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); wmove(dialog, height-2, 1); for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++) waddch(dialog, ' '); if (title != NULL) { wattrset(dialog, title_attr); wmove(dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1); waddch(dialog, ' '); waddstr(dialog, title); waddch(dialog, ' '); } wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); wmove(dialog, 1, 2); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, height - 1, width - 2, width, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE); list_width = width - 6; getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); box_y = cur_y + 1; box_x = (width - list_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the list */ list = subwin(dialog, list_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); if (list == NULL) { delwin(dialog); endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\nsubwin(dialog,%d,%d,%d,%d) failed, maybe wrong dims\n", list_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); return -1; } keypad(list, TRUE); /* draw a box around the list items */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); check_x = (list_width - check_x) / 2; item_x = check_x + item_x + 6; /* Print the list */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) print_item(list, items[i * 3], items[i * 3 + 1], status[i], i, i == choice, DREF(ditems, i), list_width, item_x, check_x); wnoutrefresh(list); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); display_helpline(dialog, height - 1, width); x = width / 2 - 11; y = height - 2; /* Is this a fancy new style argument string where we get to override * the buttons, or an old style one where they're fixed? */ if (ditems && result) { cancelButton = toupper(ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt[0]); print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : FALSE); okButton = toupper(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt[0]); print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x, ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : TRUE); } else { cancelButton = 'C'; print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, FALSE); okButton = 'O'; print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE); } wnoutrefresh(dialog); wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); wrefresh(list); /* * XXX Black magic voodoo that allows printing to the checklist * window. For some reason, if this "refresh" code is not in * place, printing to the window from the selected callback * prints "behind" the checklist window. There is probably a * better way to do this. */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) print_item(list, items[i * 3], items[i * 3 + 1], status[i], i, i == choice, DREF(ditems, i), list_width, item_x, check_x); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); /* XXX Black magic XXX */ while (key != ESC) { key = wgetch(dialog); /* Shortcut to OK? */ if (toupper(key) == okButton) { if (ditems) { if (result && ditems[OK_BUTTON].fire) { int st; WINDOW *save; save = dupwin(newscr); st = ditems[OK_BUTTON].fire(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]); if (st & DITEM_RESTORE) { touchwin(save); wrefresh(save); } delwin(save); } } else if (result) { *result = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { if (status[i]) { strcat(result, items[i*3]); strcat(result, "\n"); } } } rval = 0; key = ESC; /* Lemme out! */ break; } /* Shortcut to cancel? */ if (toupper(key) == cancelButton) { if (ditems && result && ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].fire) { int st; WINDOW *save; save = dupwin(newscr); st = ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].fire(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]); if (st & DITEM_RESTORE) { touchwin(save); wrefresh(save); wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); } delwin(save); } rval = 1; key = ESC; /* I gotta go! */ break; } /* Check if key pressed matches first character of any item tag in list */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) if (key != ' ' && key < 0x100 && toupper(key) == toupper(items[(scroll+i)*3][0])) break; if (i < max_choice || (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice)) || KEY_IS_UP(key) || KEY_IS_DOWN(key) || ((key == ' ' || key == '\n' || key == '\r') && onlist)) { /* if moving from buttons to the list, reset and redraw buttons */ if (!onlist) { onlist = 1; button = 0; if (ditems && result) { print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button); print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x, ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button); } else { print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button); print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button); } wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); } if (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice)) i = key - '1'; else if (KEY_IS_UP(key)) { if (!choice) { if (scroll) { /* Scroll list down */ getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current first item before scrolling down */ print_item(list, items[scroll * 3], items[scroll * 3 + 1], status[scroll], 0, FALSE, DREF(ditems, scroll), list_width, item_x, check_x); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, -1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll--; print_item(list, items[scroll*3], items[scroll*3 + 1], status[scroll], 0, TRUE, DREF(ditems, scroll), list_width, item_x, check_x); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice - 1; } else if (KEY_IS_DOWN(key)) { if (choice == max_choice - 1) { if (scroll + choice < item_no - 1) { /* Scroll list up */ getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */ print_item(list, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3], items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, FALSE, DREF(ditems, scroll + max_choice - 1), list_width, item_x, check_x); scrollok(list, TRUE); scroll(list); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll++; print_item(list, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3], items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, TRUE, DREF(ditems, scroll + max_choice - 1), list_width, item_x, check_x); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice + 1; } else if ((key == ' ' || key == '\n' || key == '\r') && onlist) { /* Toggle item status */ char lbra = 0, rbra = 0, mark = 0; getyx(list, old_y, old_x); /* Save cursor position */ if (ditems) { if (ditems[scroll + choice].fire) { int st; WINDOW *save; save = dupwin(newscr); st = ditems[scroll + choice].fire(&ditems[scroll + choice]); /* Call "fire" action */ if (st & DITEM_RESTORE) { touchwin(save); wrefresh(save); } delwin(save); if (st & DITEM_REDRAW) { wclear(list); for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) status[i] = ditems[i].checked ? ditems[i].checked(&ditems[i]) : FALSE; for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item(list, items[(scroll + i) * 3], items[(scroll + i) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + i], i, i == choice, DREF(ditems, scroll + i), list_width, item_x, check_x); } wnoutrefresh(list); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); wrefresh(dialog); } if (st & DITEM_LEAVE_MENU) { /* Allow a fire action to take us out of the menu */ key = ESC; rval = 0; break; } else if (st & DITEM_RECREATE) { delwin(list); delwin(dialog); dialog_clear(); goto draw; } } status[scroll + choice] = ditems[scroll + choice].checked ? ditems[scroll + choice].checked(&ditems[scroll + choice]) : FALSE; lbra = ditems[scroll + choice].lbra; rbra = ditems[scroll + choice].rbra; mark = ditems[scroll + choice].mark; } else status[scroll + choice] = !status[scroll + choice]; wmove(list, choice, check_x); wattrset(list, check_selected_attr); if (!lbra) lbra = '['; if (!rbra) rbra = ']'; if (!mark) mark = 'X'; wprintw(list, "%c%c%c", lbra, status[scroll + choice] ? mark : ' ', rbra); wmove(list, old_y, old_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */ wrefresh(list); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } if (i != choice) { /* De-highlight current item */ getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */ print_item(list, items[(scroll + choice) * 3], items[(scroll + choice) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + choice], choice, FALSE, DREF(ditems, scroll + choice), list_width, item_x, check_x); /* Highlight new item */ choice = i; print_item(list, items[(scroll + choice) * 3], items[(scroll + choice) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + choice], choice, TRUE, DREF(ditems, scroll + choice), list_width, item_x, check_x); wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); /* Restore cursor to previous position */ wrefresh(list); } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case KEY_PPAGE: /* can we go up? */ if (scroll > height - 4) scroll -= (height-4); else scroll = 0; redraw_menu = TRUE; if (!onlist) { onlist = 1; button = 0; } break; case KEY_NPAGE: /* can we go down a full page? */ if (scroll + list_height >= item_no-1 - list_height) { scroll = item_no - list_height; if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0; } else scroll += list_height; redraw_menu = TRUE; if (!onlist) { onlist = 1; button = 0; } break; case KEY_HOME: /* go to the top */ scroll = 0; choice = 0; redraw_menu = TRUE; cursor_reset = TRUE; onlist = 1; break; case KEY_END: /* Go to the bottom */ scroll = item_no - list_height; if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0; choice = max_choice - 1; redraw_menu = TRUE; cursor_reset = TRUE; onlist = 1; break; case TAB: case KEY_BTAB: /* move to next component */ if (onlist) { /* on list, next is ok button */ onlist = 0; if (ditems && result) { print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button); print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x, ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button); ok_space = 1; cancel_space = strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 6; } else { print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button); print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button); ok_space = 3; cancel_space = 15; } if (button) wmove(dialog, y, x + cancel_space); else wmove(dialog, y, x + ok_space); wrefresh(dialog); break; } else if (button) { /* on cancel button, next is list */ button = 0; onlist = 1; redraw_menu = TRUE; break; } /* on ok button, next is cancel button, same as left/right case */ case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: onlist = 0; button = !button; if (ditems && result) { print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button); print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x, ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button); ok_space = 1; cancel_space = strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 6; } else { print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button); print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button); ok_space = 3; cancel_space = 15; } if (button) wmove(dialog, y, x + cancel_space); else wmove(dialog, y, x + ok_space); wrefresh(dialog); break; case ' ': case '\n': case '\r': if (!onlist) { if (ditems) { if (result && ditems[button ? CANCEL_BUTTON : OK_BUTTON].fire) { int st; WINDOW *save = dupwin(newscr); st = ditems[button ? CANCEL_BUTTON : OK_BUTTON].fire(&ditems[button ? CANCEL_BUTTON : OK_BUTTON]); if (st & DITEM_RESTORE) { touchwin(save); wrefresh(save); } delwin(save); if (st == DITEM_FAILURE) continue; } } else if (result) { *result = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { if (status[i]) { strcat(result, items[i*3]); strcat(result, "\n"); } } } rval = button; key = ESC; /* Bail out! */ break; } /* Let me outta here! */ case ESC: rval = -1; break; /* Help! */ case KEY_F(1): case '?': display_helpfile(); break; } if (redraw_menu) { getyx(list, old_y, old_x); wclear(list); /* * Re-draw a box around the list items. It is required * if amount of list items is smaller than height of listbox. * Otherwise un-redrawn field will be filled with default * screen attributes instead of dialog attributes. */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) print_item(list, items[(scroll + i) * 3], items[(scroll + i) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + i], i, i == choice, DREF(ditems, scroll + i), list_width, item_x, check_x); print_arrows(dialog, scroll, list_height, item_no, box_x, box_y, check_x + 4, cur_x, cur_y); /* redraw buttons to fix highlighting */ if (ditems && result) { print_button(dialog, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].prompt, y, x + strlen(ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt) + 5, ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[CANCEL_BUTTON]) : button); print_button(dialog, ditems[OK_BUTTON].prompt, y, x, ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked ? ditems[OK_BUTTON].checked(&ditems[OK_BUTTON]) : !button); } else { print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x + 14, button); print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, !button); } wnoutrefresh(dialog); if (cursor_reset) { wmove(list, choice, check_x+1); cursor_reset = FALSE; } else { wmove(list, old_y, old_x); } wrefresh(list); redraw_menu = FALSE; } } delwin(list); delwin(dialog); return rval; }
/* * Display a menu for choosing among a number of options */ int dialog_menu (const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height, const char *current, int item_no, const char * const * items) { int i, j, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, scroll = 0, choice = 0, first_item = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *menu; FILE *f; max_choice = MIN (menu_height, item_no); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow (stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin (height, width, y, x); keypad (dialog, TRUE); draw_box (dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset (dialog, border_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch (dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); wbkgdset (dialog, dialog_attr & A_COLOR); waddch (dialog, ACS_RTEE); if (title != NULL && strlen(title) >= width-2 ) { /* truncate long title -- mec */ char * title2 = malloc(width-2+1); memcpy( title2, title, width-2 ); title2[width-2] = '\0'; title = title2; } if (title != NULL) { wattrset (dialog, title_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1, ' '); waddstr (dialog, (char *)title); waddch (dialog, ' '); } wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); print_autowrap (dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); menu_width = width - 6; box_y = height - menu_height - 5; box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the menu */ menu = subwin (dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad (menu, TRUE); /* draw a box around the menu items */ draw_box (dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); /* * Find length of longest item in order to center menu. * Set 'choice' to default item. */ item_x = 0; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { item_x = MAX (item_x, MIN(menu_width, strlen (items[i * 2 + 1]) + 2)); if (strcmp(current, items[i*2]) == 0) choice = i; } item_x = (menu_width - item_x) / 2; /* get the scroll info from the temp file */ if ( (f=fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp","r")) != NULL ) { if ( (fscanf(f,"%d\n",&scroll) == 1) && (scroll <= choice) && (scroll+max_choice > choice) && (scroll >= 0) && (scroll+max_choice <= item_no) ) { first_item = scroll; choice = choice - scroll; fclose(f); } else { scroll=0; remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); fclose(f); f=NULL; } } if ( (choice >= max_choice) || (f==NULL && choice >= max_choice/2) ) { if (choice >= item_no-max_choice/2) scroll = first_item = item_no-max_choice; else scroll = first_item = choice - max_choice/2; choice = choice - scroll; } /* Print the menu */ for (i=0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item (menu, items[(first_item + i) * 2 + 1], i, i == choice, (items[(first_item + i)*2][0] != ':')); } wnoutrefresh (menu); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x+item_x+1, menu_height); print_buttons (dialog, height, width, 0); while (key != ESC) { key = wgetch(dialog); if (key < 256 && isalpha(key)) key = tolower(key); if (strchr("ynm", key)) i = max_choice; else { for (i = choice+1; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items[(scroll+i)*2+1], "YyNnMm"); if (key == tolower(items[(scroll+i)*2+1][j])) break; } if (i == max_choice) for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items[(scroll+i)*2+1], "YyNnMm"); if (key == tolower(items[(scroll+i)*2+1][j])) break; } } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+' || key == KEY_PPAGE || key == KEY_NPAGE) { print_item (menu, items[(scroll+choice)*2+1], choice, FALSE, (items[(scroll+choice)*2][0] != ':')); if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (choice < 2 && scroll) { /* Scroll menu down */ scrollok (menu, TRUE); wscrl (menu, -1); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll--; print_item (menu, items[scroll * 2 + 1], 0, FALSE, (items[scroll*2][0] != ':')); } else choice = MAX(choice - 1, 0); } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { print_item (menu, items[(scroll+choice)*2+1], choice, FALSE, (items[(scroll+choice)*2][0] != ':')); if ((choice > max_choice-3) && (scroll + max_choice < item_no) ) { /* Scroll menu up */ scrollok (menu, TRUE); scroll (menu); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll++; print_item (menu, items[(scroll+max_choice-1)*2+1], max_choice-1, FALSE, (items[(scroll+max_choice-1)*2][0] != ':')); } else choice = MIN(choice+1, max_choice-1); } else if (key == KEY_PPAGE) { scrollok (menu, TRUE); for (i=0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll > 0) { wscrl (menu, -1); scroll--; print_item (menu, items[scroll * 2 + 1], 0, FALSE, (items[scroll*2][0] != ':')); } else { if (choice > 0) choice--; } } scrollok (menu, FALSE); } else if (key == KEY_NPAGE) { for (i=0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll+max_choice < item_no) { scrollok (menu, TRUE); scroll(menu); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll++; print_item (menu, items[(scroll+max_choice-1)*2+1], max_choice-1, FALSE, (items[(scroll+max_choice-1)*2][0] != ':')); } else { if (choice+1 < max_choice) choice++; } } } else choice = i; print_item (menu, items[(scroll+choice)*2+1], choice, TRUE, (items[(scroll+choice)*2][0] != ':')); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x+item_x+1, menu_height); wnoutrefresh (menu); wrefresh (dialog); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: case TAB: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 2 : (button > 2 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh (dialog); break; case ' ': case 's': case 'y': case 'n': case 'm': /* save scroll info */ if ( (f=fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp","w")) != NULL ) { fprintf(f,"%d\n",scroll); fclose(f); } delwin (dialog); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2]); switch (key) { case 's': return 3; case 'y': return 3; case 'n': return 4; case 'm': return 5; case ' ': return 6; } return 0; case 'h': case '?': button = 2; case '\n': delwin (dialog); if (button == 2) fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\"\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2], items[(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1] + first_alpha(items[(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1],"")); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2]); remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return button; case 'e': case 'x': key = ESC; case ESC: break; } } delwin (dialog); remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return -1; /* ESC pressed */ }
/* * Display a dialog box with a list of options that can be turned on or off * The `flag' parameter is used to select between radiolist and checklist. */ int dialog_checklist (const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int list_height, int item_no, const char * const * items, int flag) { int i, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0, scroll = 0, max_choice, *status; WINDOW *dialog, *list; checkflag = flag; /* Allocate space for storing item on/off status */ if ((status = malloc (sizeof (int) * item_no)) == NULL) { endwin (); fprintf (stderr, "\nCan't allocate memory in dialog_checklist().\n"); exit (-1); } /* Initializes status */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { status[i] = !strcasecmp (items[i * 3 + 2], "on"); if (!choice && status[i]) choice = i; } max_choice = MIN (list_height, item_no); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow (stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin (height, width, y, x); keypad (dialog, TRUE); draw_box (dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset (dialog, border_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, height-3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch (dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); waddch (dialog, ACS_RTEE); if (title != NULL && strlen(title) >= width-2 ) { /* truncate long title -- mec */ char * title2 = malloc(width-2+1); memcpy( title2, title, width-2 ); title2[width-2] = '\0'; title = title2; } if (title != NULL) { wattrset (dialog, title_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1, ' '); waddstr (dialog, (char *)title); waddch (dialog, ' '); } wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); print_autowrap (dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); list_width = width - 6; box_y = height - list_height - 5; box_x = (width - list_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the list */ list = subwin (dialog, list_height, list_width, y+box_y+1, x+box_x+1); keypad (list, TRUE); /* draw a box around the list items */ draw_box (dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); /* Find length of longest item in order to center checklist */ check_x = 0; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) check_x = MAX (check_x, + strlen (items[i * 3 + 1]) + 4); check_x = (list_width - check_x) / 2; item_x = check_x + 4; if (choice >= list_height) { scroll = choice - list_height + 1; choice -= scroll; } /* Print the list */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item (list, items[(scroll+i) * 3 + 1], status[i+scroll], i, i == choice); } print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); wnoutrefresh (list); wnoutrefresh (dialog); doupdate (); while (key != ESC) { key = wgetch (dialog); for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) if (toupper(key) == toupper(items[(scroll+i)*3+1][0])) break; if ( i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+' || key == '-' ) { if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (!choice) { if (!scroll) continue; /* Scroll list down */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current first item */ print_item (list, items[scroll * 3 + 1], status[scroll], 0, FALSE); scrollok (list, TRUE); wscrl (list, -1); scrollok (list, FALSE); } scroll--; print_item (list, items[scroll * 3 + 1], status[scroll], 0, TRUE); wnoutrefresh (list); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wrefresh (dialog); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice - 1; } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { if (choice == max_choice - 1) { if (scroll + choice >= item_no - 1) continue; /* Scroll list up */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */ print_item (list, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, FALSE); scrollok (list, TRUE); scroll (list); scrollok (list, FALSE); } scroll++; print_item (list, items[(scroll + max_choice - 1) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + max_choice - 1], max_choice - 1, TRUE); wnoutrefresh (list); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wrefresh (dialog); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice + 1; } if (i != choice) { /* De-highlight current item */ print_item (list, items[(scroll + choice) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + choice], choice, FALSE); /* Highlight new item */ choice = i; print_item (list, items[(scroll + choice) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + choice], choice, TRUE); wnoutrefresh (list); wrefresh (dialog); } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case 'H': case 'h': case '?': delwin (dialog); free (status); return 1; case 'S': case 's': case ' ': case '\n': if (!button) { if (flag == FLAG_CHECK) { status[scroll + choice] = !status[scroll + choice]; wmove (list, choice, check_x); wattrset (list, check_selected_attr); wprintw (list, "[%c]", status[scroll + choice] ? 'X' : ' '); } else { if (!status[scroll + choice]) { for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) status[i] = 0; status[scroll + choice] = 1; for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) print_item (list, items[(scroll + i) * 3 + 1], status[scroll + i], i, i == choice); } } wnoutrefresh (list); wrefresh (dialog); for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { if (status[i]) { if (flag == FLAG_CHECK) { fprintf (stderr, "\"%s\" ", items[i * 3]); } else { fprintf (stderr, "%s", items[i * 3]); } } } } delwin (dialog); free (status); return button; case 'X': case 'x': key = ESC; case ESC: break; } /* Now, update everything... */ doupdate (); } delwin (dialog); free (status); return -1; /* ESC pressed */ }
/* * This is an alternate interface to 'checklist' which allows the application * to read the list item states back directly without putting them in the * output buffer. It also provides for more than two states over which the * check/radio box can display. */ int dlg_checklist(const char *title, const char *cprompt, int height, int width, int list_height, int item_no, DIALOG_LISTITEM * items, const char *states, int flag, int *current_item) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static DLG_KEYS_BINDING binding[] = { HELPKEY_BINDINGS, ENTERKEY_BINDINGS, DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, KEY_RIGHT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, TAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_BTAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_LEFT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_FIRST, KEY_HOME ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_LAST, KEY_END ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_LAST, KEY_LL ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_NEXT, '+' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_NEXT, KEY_DOWN ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_NEXT, CHR_NEXT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_PREV, '-' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_PREV, KEY_UP ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_PREV, CHR_PREVIOUS ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_NEXT, KEY_NPAGE ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_NEXT, DLGK_MOUSE(KEY_NPAGE) ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_PREV, KEY_PPAGE ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_PREV, DLGK_MOUSE(KEY_PPAGE) ), END_KEYS_BINDING }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #ifdef KEY_RESIZE int old_height = height; int old_width = width; #endif int i, j, key2, found, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, fkey; int button = dialog_state.visit_items ? -1 : dlg_defaultno_button(); int choice = dlg_default_listitem(items); int scrollamt = 0; int max_choice; int was_mouse; int use_height; int use_width, name_width, text_width; int result = DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN; int num_states; WINDOW *dialog, *list; char *prompt = dlg_strclone(cprompt); const char **buttons = dlg_ok_labels(); dlg_does_output(); dlg_tab_correct_str(prompt); /* * If this is a radiobutton list, ensure that no more than one item is * selected initially. Allow none to be selected, since some users may * wish to provide this flavor. */ if (flag == FLAG_RADIO) { bool first = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { if (items[i].state) { if (first) { first = FALSE; } else { items[i].state = 0; } } } } #ifdef KEY_RESIZE retry: #endif use_height = list_height; if (use_height == 0) { use_width = dlg_calc_list_width(item_no, items) + 10; /* calculate height without items (4) */ dlg_auto_size(title, prompt, &height, &width, MIN_HIGH, MAX(26, use_width)); dlg_calc_listh(&height, &use_height, item_no); } else { dlg_auto_size(title, prompt, &height, &width, MIN_HIGH + use_height, 26); } dlg_button_layout(buttons, &width); dlg_print_size(height, width); dlg_ctl_size(height, width); /* we need at least two states */ if (states == 0 || strlen(states) < 2) states = " *"; num_states = (int) strlen(states); checkflag = flag; x = dlg_box_x_ordinate(width); y = dlg_box_y_ordinate(height); dialog = dlg_new_window(height, width, y, x); dlg_register_window(dialog, "checklist", binding); dlg_register_buttons(dialog, "checklist", buttons); dlg_mouse_setbase(x, y); dlg_draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); dlg_draw_bottom_box(dialog); dlg_draw_title(dialog, title); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); dlg_print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, height, width); list_width = width - 6; getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); box_y = cur_y + 1; box_x = (width - list_width) / 2 - 1; /* * After displaying the prompt, we know how much space we really have. * Limit the list to avoid overwriting the ok-button. */ if (use_height + MIN_HIGH > height - cur_y) use_height = height - MIN_HIGH - cur_y; if (use_height <= 0) use_height = 1; max_choice = MIN(use_height, item_no); /* create new window for the list */ list = dlg_sub_window(dialog, use_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); /* draw a box around the list items */ dlg_draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, use_height + 2 * MARGIN, list_width + 2 * MARGIN, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); text_width = 0; name_width = 0; /* Find length of longest item to center checklist */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { text_width = MAX(text_width, dlg_count_columns(items[i].text)); name_width = MAX(name_width, dlg_count_columns(items[i].name)); } /* If the name+text is wider than the list is allowed, then truncate * one or both of them. If the name is no wider than 1/4 of the list, * leave it intact. */ use_width = (list_width - 6); if (text_width + name_width > use_width) { int need = (int) (0.25 * use_width); if (name_width > need) { int want = (int) (use_width * ((double) name_width) / (text_width + name_width)); name_width = (want > need) ? want : need; } text_width = use_width - name_width; } check_x = (use_width - (text_width + name_width)) / 2; item_x = name_width + check_x + 6; /* ensure we are scrolled to show the current choice */ if (choice >= (max_choice + scrollamt)) { scrollamt = choice - max_choice + 1; choice = max_choice - 1; } /* Print the list */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item(list, &items[i + scrollamt], states, i, i == choice); } (void) wnoutrefresh(list); /* register the new window, along with its borders */ dlg_mouse_mkbigregion(box_y + 1, box_x, use_height, list_width + 2, KEY_MAX, 1, 1, 1 /* by lines */ ); print_arrows(dialog, box_x, box_y, scrollamt, max_choice, item_no, use_height); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); while (result == DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN) { if (button < 0) /* --visit-items */ wmove(dialog, box_y + choice + 1, box_x + check_x + 2); key = dlg_mouse_wgetch(dialog, &fkey); if (dlg_result_key(key, fkey, &result)) break; was_mouse = (fkey && is_DLGK_MOUSE(key)); if (was_mouse) key -= M_EVENT; if (was_mouse && (key >= KEY_MAX)) { getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); i = (key - KEY_MAX); if (i < max_choice) { /* De-highlight current item */ print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + choice], states, choice, FALSE); /* Highlight new item */ choice = (key - KEY_MAX); print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + choice], states, choice, TRUE); (void) wnoutrefresh(list); (void) wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); key = ' '; /* force the selected item to toggle */ } else { beep(); continue; } fkey = FALSE; } else if (was_mouse && key >= KEY_MIN) { key = dlg_lookup_key(dialog, key, &fkey); } /* * A space toggles the item status. We handle either a checklist * (any number of items can be selected) or radio list (zero or one * items can be selected). */ if (key == ' ') { int current = scrollamt + choice; int next = items[current].state + 1; if (next >= num_states) next = 0; getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); if (flag == FLAG_CHECK) { /* checklist? */ items[current].state = next; print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + choice], states, choice, TRUE); } else { /* radiolist */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { if (i != current) { items[i].state = 0; } } if (items[current].state) { items[current].state = next ? next : 1; print_item(list, &items[current], states, choice, TRUE); } else { items[current].state = 1; for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + i], states, i, i == choice); } } (void) wnoutrefresh(list); (void) wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); wrefresh(dialog); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } /* * Check if key pressed matches first character of any item tag in * list. If there is more than one match, we will cycle through * each one as the same key is pressed repeatedly. */ found = FALSE; if (!fkey) { if (button < 0 || !dialog_state.visit_items) { for (j = scrollamt + choice + 1; j < item_no; j++) { if (dlg_match_char(dlg_last_getc(), items[j].name)) { found = TRUE; i = j - scrollamt; break; } } if (!found) { for (j = 0; j <= scrollamt + choice; j++) { if (dlg_match_char(dlg_last_getc(), items[j].name)) { found = TRUE; i = j - scrollamt; break; } } } if (found) dlg_flush_getc(); } else if ((j = dlg_char_to_button(key, buttons)) >= 0) { button = j; ungetch('\n'); continue; } } /* * A single digit (1-9) positions the selection to that line in the * current screen. */ if (!found && (key <= '9') && (key > '0') && (key - '1' < max_choice)) { found = TRUE; i = key - '1'; } if (!found) { if (fkey) { found = TRUE; switch (key) { case DLGK_ITEM_FIRST: i = -scrollamt; break; case DLGK_ITEM_LAST: i = item_no - 1 - scrollamt; break; case DLGK_PAGE_PREV: if (choice) i = 0; else if (scrollamt != 0) i = -MIN(scrollamt, max_choice); else continue; break; case DLGK_PAGE_NEXT: i = MIN(choice + max_choice, item_no - scrollamt - 1); break; case DLGK_ITEM_PREV: i = choice - 1; if (choice == 0 && scrollamt == 0) continue; break; case DLGK_ITEM_NEXT: i = choice + 1; if (scrollamt + choice >= item_no - 1) continue; break; default: found = FALSE; break; } } } if (found) { if (i != choice) { getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); if (i < 0 || i >= max_choice) { #if defined(NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR) && NCURSES_VERSION_MAJOR < 5 /* * Using wscrl to assist ncurses scrolling is not needed * in version 5.x */ if (i == -1) { if (use_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current first item */ print_item(list, &items[scrollamt], states, 0, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, -1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scrollamt--; print_item(list, &items[scrollamt], states, 0, TRUE); } else if (i == max_choice) { if (use_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */ print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + max_choice - 1], states, max_choice - 1, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, 1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scrollamt++; print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + max_choice - 1], states, max_choice - 1, TRUE); } else #endif { if (i < 0) { scrollamt += i; choice = 0; } else { choice = max_choice - 1; scrollamt += (i - max_choice + 1); } for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + i], states, i, i == choice); } } (void) wnoutrefresh(list); print_arrows(dialog, box_x, box_y, scrollamt, max_choice, item_no, use_height); } else { /* De-highlight current item */ print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + choice], states, choice, FALSE); /* Highlight new item */ choice = i; print_item(list, &items[scrollamt + choice], states, choice, TRUE); (void) wnoutrefresh(list); print_arrows(dialog, box_x, box_y, scrollamt, max_choice, item_no, use_height); (void) wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); wrefresh(dialog); } } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } if (fkey) { switch (key) { case DLGK_ENTER: result = dlg_enter_buttoncode(button); break; case DLGK_FIELD_PREV: button = dlg_prev_button(buttons, button); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); break; case DLGK_FIELD_NEXT: button = dlg_next_button(buttons, button); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); break; #ifdef KEY_RESIZE case KEY_RESIZE: /* reset data */ height = old_height; width = old_width; /* repaint */ dlg_clear(); dlg_del_window(dialog); refresh(); dlg_mouse_free_regions(); goto retry; #endif default: if (was_mouse) { if ((key2 = dlg_ok_buttoncode(key)) >= 0) { result = key2; break; } beep(); } } } else { beep(); } } dlg_del_window(dialog); dlg_mouse_free_regions(); free(prompt); *current_item = (scrollamt + choice); return result; }