static void openter(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); Iarg *sp, *bp; unsigned long oframe, nframe; int j, n; sp = areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RSP); bp = areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RBP); push(sp, bp); oframe = ar(bp); nframe = ar(sp); n = ar(i->a2) % 32; if(n > 0){ for(j=1; j<n; j++){ aw(bp, oframe - i->olen*j); push(sp, bp); } push(sp, acon(cpu, i->olen, nframe)); } aw(bp, nframe); aw(sp, nframe - ar(i->a1)); print_func_exit(); }
int32_t devdirread(Chan *c, char *d, int32_t n, Dirtab *tab, int ntab, Devgen *gen) { if (0) print_func_entry(); int32_t m, dsz; Dir dir; for(m=0; m<n; c->dri++) { switch((*gen)(c, nil, tab, ntab, c->dri, &dir)){ case -1: if (0) print_func_exit(); return m; case 0: break; case 1: dsz = convD2M(&dir, (uint8_t*)d, n-m); if(dsz <= BIT16SZ){ /* <= not < because this isn't stat; read is stuck */ if(m == 0) error(Eshort); if (0) print_func_exit(); return m; } m += dsz; d += dsz; break; } } if (0) print_func_exit(); return m; }
void wclosewin(Window *w) { print_func_entry(); int i; w->deleted = TRUE; if(w == input){ input = nil; } if(w == wkeyboard) wkeyboard = nil; for(i=0; i<nhidden; i++) if(hidden[i] == w){ --nhidden; memmove(hidden+i, hidden+i+1, (nhidden-i)*sizeof(hidden[0])); hidden[nhidden] = nil; break; } for(i=0; i<nwindow; i++) if(window[i] == w){ --nwindow; memmove(window+i, window+i+1, (nwindow-i)*sizeof(Window*)); w->deleted = TRUE; print_func_exit(); return; } error("unknown window in closewin"); print_func_exit(); }
void wcurrent(Window *w) { print_func_entry(); if (0) { Window *oi; if(wkeyboard!=nil && w==wkeyboard) { print_func_exit(); return; } oi = input; input = w; if(w != oi){ if(oi){ oi->wctlready = 1; wsendctlmesg(oi, Wakeup, nil); } if(w){ w->wctlready = 1; wsendctlmesg(w, Wakeup, nil); } } } input = w; print_func_exit(); }
/* * the zeroth element of the table MUST be the directory itself for .. */ int devgen(Chan *c, char *name, Dirtab *tab, int ntab, int i, Dir *dp) { if (0) print_func_entry(); if(tab == 0) { if (0) print_func_exit(); return -1; } if(i == DEVDOTDOT){ /* nothing */ }else if(name){ for(i=1; i<ntab; i++) if(strcmp(tab[i].name, name) == 0) break; if(i==ntab) { if (0) print_func_exit(); return -1; } tab += i; }else{ /* skip over the first element, that for . itself */ i++; if(i >= ntab) { if (0) print_func_exit(); return -1; } tab += i; } devdir(c, tab->qid, tab->name, tab->length, eve, tab->perm, dp); if (0) print_func_exit(); return 1; }
void devdir(Chan *c, Qid qid, char *n, int64_t length, char *user, int32_t perm, Dir *db) { if (0) print_func_entry(); db->name = n; if(c->flag&CMSG) qid.type |= QTMOUNT; db->qid = qid; /* * When called via devwalk c->dev is nil * until the walk succeeds. */ if(c->dev != nil) db->type = c->dev->dc; else db->type = -1; db->dev = c->devno; db->mode = perm; db->mode |= qid.type << 24; db->atime = seconds(); db->mtime = kerndate; db->length = length; db->uid = user; db->gid = eve; db->muid = user; if (0) print_func_exit(); }
Chan* devclone(Chan *c) { if (0) print_func_entry(); Chan *nc; if(c->flag & COPEN){ panic("devclone: file of type %C already open\n", c->dev != nil? c->dev->dc: -1); } nc = newchan(); /* * The caller fills dev in if and when necessary. nc->dev = nil; //XDYNXX */ nc->devno = c->devno; nc->mode = c->mode; nc->qid = c->qid; nc->offset = c->offset; nc->umh = nil; nc->aux = c->aux; nc->mqid = c->mqid; nc->mc = c->mc; if (0) print_func_exit(); return nc; }
Chan* devattach(int dc, char *spec) { if (0) print_func_entry(); Chan *c; char *buf; /* * There are no error checks here because * this can only be called from the driver of dc * which pretty much guarantees devtabget will * succeed. */ c = newchan(); mkqid(&c->qid, 0, 0, QTDIR); c->dev = devtabget(dc, 0); if(spec == nil) spec = ""; buf = smalloc(1+UTFmax+strlen(spec)+1); sprint(buf, "#%C%s", dc, spec); c->path = newpath(buf); free(buf); if (0) print_func_exit(); return c; }
static void opcmc(Cpu *cpu, Inst *inst) { print_func_entry(); cpu->reg[RFL] ^= CF; print_func_exit(); }
static void opstd(Cpu *cpu, Inst *inst) { print_func_entry(); cpu->reg[RFL] |= DF; print_func_exit(); }
static void opcli(Cpu *cpu, Inst *inst) { print_func_entry(); cpu->reg[RFL] &= ~IF; print_func_exit(); }
static void oplahf(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); aw(i->a1, cpu->reg[RFL]); print_func_exit(); }
static void oppushf(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); push(areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RSP), areg(cpu, i->olen, RFL)); print_func_exit(); }
Chan* devopen(Chan *c, int omode, Dirtab *tab, int ntab, Devgen *gen) { if (0) print_func_entry(); int i; Dir dir; for(i=0;; i++) { switch((*gen)(c, nil, tab, ntab, i, &dir)){ case -1: goto Return; case 0: break; case 1: if(c->qid.path == dir.qid.path) { devpermcheck(dir.uid, dir.mode, omode); goto Return; } break; } } Return: c->offset = 0; if((c->qid.type & QTDIR) && omode!=OREAD) error(Eperm); c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; if (0) print_func_exit(); return c; }
static void oppop(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); pop(areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RSP), i->a1); print_func_exit(); }
void devpower(int i) { if (0) print_func_entry(); error(Eperm); if (0) print_func_exit(); }
void devremove(Chan* c) { if (0) print_func_entry(); error(Eperm); if (0) print_func_exit(); }
void devcreate(Chan* c, char* d, int i, int n) { if (0) print_func_entry(); error(Eperm); if (0) print_func_exit(); }
int32_t devstat(Chan *c, uint8_t *db, int32_t n, Dirtab *tab, int ntab, Devgen *gen) { if (0) print_func_entry(); int i; Dir dir; char *p, *elem; for(i=0;; i++){ switch((*gen)(c, nil, tab, ntab, i, &dir)){ case -1: if(c->qid.type & QTDIR){ if(c->path == nil) elem = "???"; else if(strcmp(c->path->s, "/") == 0) elem = "/"; else for(elem=p=c->path->s; *p; p++) if(*p == '/') elem = p+1; devdir(c, c->qid, elem, 0, eve, DMDIR|0555, &dir); n = convD2M(&dir, db, n); if(n == 0) error(Ebadarg); if (0) print_func_exit(); return n; } error(Enonexist); case 0: break; case 1: if(c->qid.path == dir.qid.path) { if(c->flag&CMSG) dir.mode |= DMMOUNT; n = convD2M(&dir, db, n); if(n == 0) error(Ebadarg); if (0) print_func_exit(); return n; } break; } } if (0) print_func_exit(); }
static void opint(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); cpu->trap = ar(i->a1); longjmp(cpu->jmp, 1); print_func_exit(); }
Window* wlookid(int id) { print_func_entry(); int i; fprint(2, "%d:", id); for(i=0; i<nwindow; i++) if(window[i]->id == id) { fprint(2, "FOUND @%p", window[i]); print_func_exit(); return window[i]; } fprint(2, "NOT FOUND;"); print_func_exit(); return nil; }
int devconfig(int i, char *c, DevConf *d) { if (0) print_func_entry(); error(Eperm); if (0) print_func_exit(); return 0; }
int32_t devwstat(Chan* c, uint8_t* i, int32_t n) { if (0) print_func_entry(); error(Eperm); if (0) print_func_exit(); return 0; }
void mkqid(Qid *q, int64_t path, uint32_t vers, int type) { if (0) print_func_entry(); q->type = type; q->vers = vers; q->path = path; if (0) print_func_exit(); }
void waddraw(Window *w, Rune *r, int nr) { print_func_entry(); w->raw = runerealloc(w->raw, w->nraw+nr); runemove(w->raw+w->nraw, r, nr); w->nraw += nr; print_func_exit(); }
int wclose(Window *w) { print_func_entry(); int i; i = decref(w); if(i > 0) { print_func_exit(); return 0; } if(i < 0) error("negative ref count"); if(!w->deleted) wclosewin(w); wsendctlmesg(w, Exited, nil); print_func_exit(); return 1; }
void wsendctlmesg(Window *w, int type, Console *image) { print_func_entry(); Wctlmesg wcm; wcm.type = type; send(w->cctl, &wcm); print_func_exit(); }
/* * Need to do this in a separate proc because if process we're interrupting * is dying and trying to print tombstone, kernel is blocked holding p->debug lock. */ void interruptproc(void *v) { print_func_entry(); int *notefd; notefd = v; write(*notefd, "interrupt", 9); free(notefd); print_func_exit(); }
static void pop(Iarg *sp, Iarg *a) { print_func_entry(); Iarg *p; p = amem(sp->cpu, a->len, RSS, ar(sp)); aw(a, ar(p)); aw(sp, p->off + a->len); print_func_exit(); }
static void opleave(Cpu *cpu, Inst *i) { print_func_entry(); Iarg *sp; sp = areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RSP); aw(sp, ar(areg(cpu, cpu->slen, RBP))); pop(sp, areg(cpu, i->olen, RBP)); print_func_exit(); }