int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { char *ip, *port; get_input(argc, argv, &ip, &port); printf("IP = %s\n", ip); printf("Port = %s\n", port); int sock; sock = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, ip); /* PROTOTIPO de como ENVIA mensagens */ char msg[BUF_SIZE]; strcat(msg, "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: "); strcat(msg, ip); strcat(msg, "\r\n\r\n"); print_request(msg); send_all(sock, msg); /* PROTOTIPO de como RECEBE mensagens */ // int recv(int sockfd, void *buf, int len, int flags); char *buff; size_t by_recv; by_recv = recv_all(sock, &buff, BUF_SIZE); print_response(buff); return 0; }
/******************************************************************************* * this function is called by the client * it takes care that the request is processed by the buffer *******************************************************************************/ int clientrequest(int server, const message_t *request, message_t **response_ptr) { int verbose = 0; if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "clientrequest: server = %d\n", server); if (verbose>0) print_request(request->def); if (server<0) { fprintf(stderr, "clientrequest: invalid value for server (%d)\n", server); return -1; } else if (server==0) { /* use direct memory acces to the buffer */ if (dmarequest(request, response_ptr)!=0) return -2; } else if (server>0) { /* use TCP connection to the buffer */ if (tcprequest(server, request, response_ptr)!=0) return -3; } if (verbose>0) print_response((*response_ptr)->def); /* everything went fine */ return 0; }
static void soup_logger_request_started (SoupSessionFeature *feature, SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, SoupSocket *socket) { SoupLogger *logger = SOUP_LOGGER (feature); gboolean restarted; guint msg_id; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SOCKET (socket)); msg_id = soup_logger_get_id (logger, msg); if (msg_id) restarted = TRUE; else { soup_logger_set_id (logger, msg); restarted = FALSE; } if (!soup_logger_get_id (logger, session)) soup_logger_set_id (logger, session); if (!soup_logger_get_id (logger, socket)) soup_logger_set_id (logger, socket); print_request (logger, msg, session, socket, restarted); soup_logger_print (logger, SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_MINIMAL, ' ', ""); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int server, offset; int n; messagedef_t request, response; event_t event; eventsel_t eventsel; void *buf = NULL; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: application <server_ip> <port>\n"); exit(1); } /* open the TCP socket */ if ((server = open_connection(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]))) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR; failed to create socket\n"); exit(1); } request.version = VERSION; request.command = GET_EVT; request.bufsize = 0; // sizeof(eventsel_t); // eventsel.begevent = 0; // eventsel.endevent = 2; fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); print_request(&request); write(server, &request, sizeof(messagedef_t)); // write(server, &eventsel, sizeof(eventsel_t)); read(server, &response, sizeof(messagedef_t)); fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); print_response(&response); fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); if (response.command==GET_OK) { buf = malloc(response.bufsize); if ((n = bufread(server, buf, response.bufsize)) < response.bufsize) { fprintf(stderr, "problem reading enough bytes (%d)\n", n); } else { n = 0; offset = 0; while (offset<response.bufsize) { event.def = buf+offset; event.buf = buf+offset+sizeof(eventdef_t); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); print_eventdef(event.def); offset += sizeof(eventdef_t) + event.def->bufsize; n++; } } FREE(buf); } close(server); exit(0); }
int buffer_gethdr(int server, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[]) { int verbose = 0; int result = 0; message_t *request = NULL; message_t *response = NULL; /* this is for the Matlab specific output */ const char *field_names[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS] = {"nchans", "nsamples", "nevents", "fsample", "data_type", "bufsize"}; /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */ request = malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; request->def->version = VERSION; request->def->command = GET_HDR; request->def->bufsize = 0; if (verbose) print_request(request->def); result = clientrequest(server, request, &response); if (result == 0) { if (verbose) print_response(response->def); if (response->def->command==GET_OK) { headerdef_t *headerdef = (headerdef_t *) response->buf; if (verbose) print_headerdef(headerdef); plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, field_names); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nchans))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nsamples))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nevents))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->fsample))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 4, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->data_type))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 5, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->bufsize))); addChunksToMatrix(plhs[0], (const char *) response->buf + sizeof(headerdef_t), headerdef->bufsize, headerdef->nchans); } else { result = response->def->command; } } if (response) { FREE(response->def); FREE(response->buf); FREE(response); } if (request) { FREE(request->def); FREE(request->buf); FREE(request); } return result; }
void print_packet(corefs_packet pkt){ dprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); dprintf(stderr,"<header>\n"); dprintf(stderr, "\t| magic[0x%x] | type[0x%x] | sequence[0x%x] | payload_size[0d%u] |\n",pkt.header.magic, pkt.header.type, pkt.header.sequence, pkt.header.payload_size); dprintf(stderr,"<\\header>\n"); dprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------------\n"); if(pkt.header.type == COREFS_REQUEST) print_request(pkt); if(pkt.header.type == COREFS_RESPONSE) print_response(pkt); }
static void send_raw_data (Event_Type et, Object *obj, Any_Type regarg, Any_Type callarg) { Call *call; assert (et == EV_CALL_SEND_RAW_DATA && object_is_call (obj)); call = (Call *) obj; print_request (call); }
int main() { struct sockaddr_in from; socklen_t from_size = (socklen_t)sizeof (from); int cc; int name_length = sizeof (hostname); fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; (void) sysinfo(SI_HOSTNAME, hostname, name_length); for (;;) { tv.tv_sec = MAX_LIFE; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(0, &rfds); if (select(1, &rfds, 0, 0, &tv) <= 0) return (0); cc = recvfrom(0, (char *)&request, sizeof (request), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &from_size); if (cc != sizeof (request)) { if (cc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { print_error("receive"); } } else { if (debug) { (void) printf("Request received : \n"); (void) print_request(&request); } request = swapmsg(request); process_request(&request, &response); if (debug) { (void) printf("Response sent : \n"); print_response(&response); } /* * Can block here, is this what I want? */ cc = sendto(0, (char *)&response, sizeof (response), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&request.ctl_addr, (socklen_t)sizeof (request.ctl_addr)); if (cc != sizeof (response)) { print_error("Send"); } } } }
static CTL_MSG * lookup_request (CTL_MSG * request, int (*comp) (table_t *, CTL_MSG *, time_t *)) { table_t *ptr; time_t now; time (&now); if (debug) print_request ("lookup_request", request); for (ptr = table; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { if (debug) print_request ("comparing against: ", &ptr->request); if ((ptr->time - now) > max_request_ttl) { /* the entry is too old */ if (debug) print_request ("deleting expired entry", &ptr->request); table_delete (ptr); } else { if (comp (ptr, request, &now) == 0) { if (debug) print_request ("found", &ptr->request); return &ptr->request; } } } if (debug) syslog (LOG_DEBUG, "not found"); return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int server; int n; messagedef_t request, response; header_t header; void *buf = NULL; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: application <server_ip> <port>\n"); exit(1); } /* open the TCP socket */ if ((server = open_connection(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]))) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR; failed to create socket\n"); exit(1); } request.version = VERSION; request.command = GET_HDR; request.bufsize = 0; fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); print_request(&request); bufwrite(server, &request, sizeof(messagedef_t)); bufread(server, &response, sizeof(messagedef_t)); fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); print_response(&response); fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------\n"); if (response.command==GET_OK) { buf = malloc(response.bufsize); if ((n = bufread(server, buf, response.bufsize)) < response.bufsize) { fprintf(stderr, "problem reading enough bytes (%d)\n", n); } else { header.def = (headerdef_t *)buf; header.buf = (char *) buf+sizeof(headerdef_t); print_headerdef(header.def); } FREE(buf); } close(server); exit(0); }
void iSLIP_schedule(int *accept,int *request,int *grant,int *ai,int *gi,int *ql,int numPort) { init(accept,request,grant,numPort); send_request(request,ql,numPort); #ifdef DEBUG print_request(request,numPort); #endif do_grant(request,grant,gi,numPort); #ifdef DEBUG print_grant(grant,gi,numPort); #endif do_accept(accept,grant,ai,numPort); update_priorityPointers(grant,accept,gi,numPort); #ifdef DEBUG print_accept(accept,ai,numPort); print_pointers(gi,numPort); #endif }
void buffer_flushdat(char *hostname, int port, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[]) { int server; int verbose = 0; message_t *request = NULL; message_t *response = NULL; header_t *header = NULL; /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */ request = malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; request->def->version = VERSION; request->def->command = FLUSH_DAT; request->def->bufsize = 0; /* open the TCP socket */ if ((server = open_connection(hostname, port)) < 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("ERROR: failed to create socket\n"); } if (verbose) print_request(request->def); clientrequest(server, request, &response); if (verbose) print_response(response->def); close_connection(server); if (response->def->command!=FLUSH_OK) { mexErrMsgTxt("ERROR: the buffer returned an error\n"); } if (request) { FREE(request->def); FREE(request->buf); FREE(request); } if (response) { FREE(response->def); FREE(response->buf); FREE(response); } return; }
int buffer_flushevt(int server, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[]) { int verbose = 0; int result; message_t *request = NULL; message_t *response = NULL; /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */ request = malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; request->def->version = VERSION; request->def->command = FLUSH_EVT; request->def->bufsize = 0; if (verbose) print_request(request->def); result = clientrequest(server, request, &response); if (verbose) print_response(response->def); if (result == 0) { if (response->def->command!=FLUSH_OK) { result = response->def->command; } } if (request) { FREE(request->def); FREE(request->buf); FREE(request); } if (response) { FREE(response->def); FREE(response->buf); FREE(response); } return result; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int retval; PRFileDesc *in_file; FILE *out_file; /* not PRFileDesc until SECU accepts it */ int crequest, dresponse; int prequest, presponse; int ccert, vcert; const char *db_dir, *date_str, *cert_usage_str, *name; const char *responder_name, *responder_url, *signer_name; PRBool add_acceptable_responses, add_service_locator; SECItem *data = NULL; PLOptState *optstate; SECStatus rv; CERTCertDBHandle *handle = NULL; SECCertUsage cert_usage; PRTime verify_time; CERTCertificate *cert = NULL; PRBool ascii = PR_FALSE; retval = -1; /* what we return/exit with on error */ program_name = PL_strrchr(argv[0], '/'); program_name = program_name ? (program_name + 1) : argv[0]; in_file = PR_STDIN; out_file = stdout; crequest = 0; dresponse = 0; prequest = 0; presponse = 0; ccert = 0; vcert = 0; db_dir = NULL; date_str = NULL; cert_usage_str = NULL; name = NULL; responder_name = NULL; responder_url = NULL; signer_name = NULL; add_acceptable_responses = PR_FALSE; add_service_locator = PR_FALSE; optstate = PL_CreateOptState (argc, argv, "AHLPR:S:V:d:l:pr:s:t:u:w:"); if (optstate == NULL) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "PL_CreateOptState failed"); return retval; } while (PL_GetNextOpt (optstate) == PL_OPT_OK) { switch (optstate->option) { case '?': short_usage (program_name); return retval; case 'A': add_acceptable_responses = PR_TRUE; break; case 'H': long_usage (program_name); return retval; case 'L': add_service_locator = PR_TRUE; break; case 'P': presponse = 1; break; case 'R': dresponse = 1; name = optstate->value; break; case 'S': ccert = 1; name = optstate->value; break; case 'V': vcert = 1; name = optstate->value; break; case 'a': ascii = PR_TRUE; break; case 'd': db_dir = optstate->value; break; case 'l': responder_url = optstate->value; break; case 'p': prequest = 1; break; case 'r': crequest = 1; name = optstate->value; break; case 's': signer_name = optstate->value; break; case 't': responder_name = optstate->value; break; case 'u': cert_usage_str = optstate->value; break; case 'w': date_str = optstate->value; break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(optstate); if ((crequest + dresponse + prequest + presponse + ccert + vcert) != 1) { PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s: must specify exactly one command\n\n", program_name); short_usage (program_name); return retval; } if (vcert) { if (cert_usage_str == NULL) { PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s: verification requires cert usage\n\n", program_name); short_usage (program_name); return retval; } rv = cert_usage_from_char (cert_usage_str, &cert_usage); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s: invalid cert usage (\"%s\")\n\n", program_name, cert_usage_str); long_usage (program_name); return retval; } } if (ccert + vcert) { if (responder_url != NULL || responder_name != NULL) { /* * To do a full status check, both the URL and the cert name * of the responder must be specified if either one is. */ if (responder_url == NULL || responder_name == NULL) { if (responder_url == NULL) PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s: must also specify responder location\n\n", program_name); else PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s: must also specify responder name\n\n", program_name); short_usage (program_name); return retval; } } if (date_str != NULL) { rv = DER_AsciiToTime (&verify_time, (char *) date_str); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "error converting time string"); PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "\n"); long_usage (program_name); return retval; } } else { verify_time = PR_Now(); } } retval = -2; /* errors change from usage to runtime */ /* * Initialize the NSPR and Security libraries. */ PR_Init (PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 1); db_dir = SECU_ConfigDirectory (db_dir); rv = NSS_Init (db_dir); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "NSS_Init failed"); goto prdone; } SECU_RegisterDynamicOids(); if (prequest + presponse) { MAKE_FILE_BINARY(stdin); data = read_file_into_item (in_file, siBuffer); if (data == NULL) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "problem reading input"); goto nssdone; } } if (crequest + dresponse + presponse + ccert + vcert) { handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (handle == NULL) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "problem getting certdb handle"); goto nssdone; } /* * It would be fine to do the enable for all of these commands, * but this way we check that everything but an overall verify * can be done without it. That is, that the individual pieces * work on their own. */ if (vcert) { rv = CERT_EnableOCSPChecking (handle); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "error enabling OCSP checking"); goto nssdone; } } if ((ccert + vcert) && (responder_name != NULL)) { rv = CERT_SetOCSPDefaultResponder (handle, responder_url, responder_name); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "error setting default responder"); goto nssdone; } rv = CERT_EnableOCSPDefaultResponder (handle); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "error enabling default responder"); goto nssdone; } } } #define NOTYET(opt) \ { \ PR_fprintf (PR_STDERR, "%s not yet working\n", opt); \ exit (-1); \ } if (name) { cert = find_certificate(handle, name, ascii); } if (crequest) { if (signer_name != NULL) { NOTYET("-s"); } rv = create_request (out_file, handle, cert, add_service_locator, add_acceptable_responses); } else if (dresponse) { if (signer_name != NULL) { NOTYET("-s"); } rv = dump_response (out_file, handle, cert, responder_url); } else if (prequest) { rv = print_request (out_file, data); } else if (presponse) { rv = print_response (out_file, data, handle); } else if (ccert) { if (signer_name != NULL) { NOTYET("-s"); } rv = get_cert_status (out_file, handle, cert, name, verify_time); } else if (vcert) { if (signer_name != NULL) { NOTYET("-s"); } rv = verify_cert (out_file, handle, cert, name, cert_usage, verify_time); } if (rv != SECSuccess) SECU_PrintError (program_name, "error performing requested operation"); else retval = 0; nssdone: if (cert) { CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert); } if (data != NULL) { SECITEM_FreeItem (data, PR_TRUE); } if (handle != NULL) { CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder(handle); CERT_DisableOCSPChecking (handle); } if (NSS_Shutdown () != SECSuccess) { retval = 1; } prdone: PR_Cleanup (); return retval; }
/* * SOCKDGRAM is unreliable, so we must repeat messages if we have * not received an acknowledgement within a reasonable amount * of time */ void TalkConnection::ctl_transact(int type, int id_num) { if (protocol == noProtocol) /** We've been so far, but we still don't know which protocol to use. * Let's check it, the way ktalk does. */ findProtocol(); fd_set read_mask, ctl_mask; int nready=0, cc, size, ok=0; struct timeval wait; struct sockaddr_in daemon_addr; char * msg; if (protocol == talkProtocol) { old_msg.type = type; old_msg.id_num = htonl(id_num); msg = (char *)&old_msg; size = sizeof old_msg; } else { new_msg.type = type; new_msg.id_num = htonl(id_num); msg = (char *)&new_msg; size = sizeof new_msg; print_request("ctl_transact: ",&new_msg); } daemon_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; daemon_addr.sin_addr = his_machine_addr; daemon_addr.sin_port = (protocol == talkProtocol) ? talkDaemonPort : ntalkDaemonPort; FD_ZERO(&ctl_mask); FD_SET(ctl_sockt, &ctl_mask); /* Keep sending the message until a response of * the proper type is obtained. */ do { /* resend message until a response is obtained */ do { cc = sendto(ctl_sockt, msg, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&daemon_addr, sizeof (daemon_addr)); if (cc != size) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; p_error("Error on write to talk daemon"); } read_mask = ctl_mask; wait.tv_sec = CTL_WAIT; wait.tv_usec = 0; nready = ::select(ctl_sockt+1, &read_mask, 0, 0, &wait); if (nready < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; p_error("Error waiting for daemon response"); } if (nready == 0) ktalk_debug("select returned 0 ! "); } while (nready == 0); /* * Keep reading while there are queued messages * (this is not necessary, it just saves extra * request/acknowledgements being sent) */ do { if (protocol == talkProtocol) cc = ::recv(ctl_sockt, (char *)&old_resp, sizeof (old_resp), 0); else cc = ::recv(ctl_sockt, (char *)&new_resp, sizeof (new_resp), 0); if (cc < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; p_error("Error on read from talk daemon"); } read_mask = ctl_mask; /* an immediate poll */ timerclear(&wait); nready = ::select(ctl_sockt+1, &read_mask, 0, 0, &wait); if (protocol == talkProtocol) ok = (old_resp.type == type); else ok = ((new_resp.type == type) && (new_resp.vers == TALK_VERSION)); } while (nready > 0 && (!ok)); } while (!ok); if (protocol == talkProtocol) { old_resp.id_num = ntohl(old_resp.id_num); old_resp.addr.ta_family = ntohs(old_resp.addr.ta_family); } else { new_resp.id_num = ntohl(new_resp.id_num); new_resp.addr.ta_family = ntohs(new_resp.addr.ta_family); } }
void buffer_getdat(char *hostname, int port, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[]) { int server; int verbose = 0; size_t n; double *val; char msg[512]; message_t *request = NULL; message_t *response = NULL; header_t *header = NULL; data_t *data = NULL; datasel_t datasel; /* this is for the Matlab specific output */ const char *field_names[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS] = {"nchans", "nsamples", "data_type", "bufsize", "buf"}; mxArray *datp; /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */ request = malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; request->def->version = VERSION; request->def->command = GET_DAT; request->def->bufsize = 0; if ((prhs[0]!=NULL) && (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0])==2) && (mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) && (!mxIsComplex(prhs[0]))) { /* fprintf(stderr, "args OK\n"); */ val = (double *)mxGetData(prhs[0]); datasel.begsample = (UINT32_T)(val[0]); datasel.endsample = (UINT32_T)(val[1]); if (verbose) print_datasel(&datasel); request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, &datasel, sizeof(datasel_t)); } /* open the TCP socket */ if ((server = open_connection(hostname, port)) < 0) { sprintf(msg, "ERROR: failed to create socket (%d)\n", server); mexErrMsgTxt(msg); } if (verbose) print_request(request->def); clientrequest(server, request, &response); if (verbose) print_response(response->def); close_connection(server); if (response->def->command==GET_OK) { data = malloc(sizeof(data_t)); data->def = response->buf; data->buf = (char *)response->buf + sizeof(datadef_t); if (verbose) print_datadef(data->def); switch (data->def->data_type) { case DATATYPE_INT8: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxINT8_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_INT8); break; case DATATYPE_INT16: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxINT16_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_INT16); break; case DATATYPE_INT32: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_INT32); break; case DATATYPE_INT64: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxINT64_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_INT64); break; case DATATYPE_FLOAT32: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_FLOAT32); break; case DATATYPE_FLOAT64: datp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(data->def->nchans, data->def->nsamples, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPr(datp), data->buf, data->def->nchans*data->def->nsamples*WORDSIZE_FLOAT64); break; default: mexErrMsgTxt("ERROR; unsupported data type\n"); } plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, field_names); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)data->def->nchans)); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(data->def->nsamples))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(data->def->data_type))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(data->def->bufsize))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 4, datp); FREE(data); } else { sprintf(msg, "ERROR: the buffer returned an error (%d)\n", response->def->command); mexErrMsgTxt(msg); } if (request) { FREE(request->def); FREE(request->buf); FREE(request); } if (response) { FREE(response->def); FREE(response->buf); FREE(response); } return; }
void process_request(CTL_MSG *mp, CTL_RESPONSE *rp) { CTL_MSG *ptr; char *s; rp->vers = TALK_VERSION; rp->type = mp->type; rp->id_num = htonl(0); if (mp->vers != TALK_VERSION) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "bad protocol version %d", mp->vers); rp->answer = BADVERSION; return; } mp->id_num = ntohl(mp->id_num); mp->addr.sa_family = ntohs(mp->addr.sa_family); if (mp->addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "bad address, family %d", mp->addr.sa_family); rp->answer = BADADDR; return; } mp->ctl_addr.sa_family = ntohs(mp->ctl_addr.sa_family); if (mp->ctl_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "bad control address, family %d", mp->ctl_addr.sa_family); rp->answer = BADCTLADDR; return; } for (s = mp->l_name; *s; s++) if (!isprint(*s)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "illegal user name. Aborting"); rp->answer = FAILED; return; } mp->pid = ntohl(mp->pid); if (debug) print_request("process_request", mp); switch (mp->type) { case ANNOUNCE: do_announce(mp, rp); break; case LEAVE_INVITE: ptr = find_request(mp); if (ptr != NULL) { rp->id_num = htonl(ptr->id_num); rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else insert_table(mp, rp); break; case LOOK_UP: ptr = find_match(mp); if (ptr != NULL) { rp->id_num = htonl(ptr->id_num); rp->addr = ptr->addr; rp->addr.sa_family = htons(ptr->addr.sa_family); rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else rp->answer = NOT_HERE; break; case DELETE: rp->answer = delete_invite(mp->id_num); break; default: rp->answer = UNKNOWN_REQUEST; break; } if (debug) print_response("process_request", rp); }
/* this function deals with the incoming client request */ void *tcpsocket(void *arg) { int n; int status = 0, verbose = 0; int oldcancelstate, oldcanceltype; #ifdef ENABLE_POLLING struct pollfd fds; #endif // these are used for communication over the TCP socket int client = 0; message_t *request = NULL, *response = NULL; /* the connection to the client has been made by the server */ client = (int)arg; /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexsocketcount); socketcount++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexsocketcount); /* this is to prevent closing the thread at an unwanted moment and memory from leaking */ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &oldcancelstate); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldcanceltype); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_message, &request); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_message, &response) pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_socket, &client); if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: client = %d, socketcount = %d, threadcount = %d\n", client, socketcount, threadcount); /* keep processing messages untill the connection is closed */ while (1) { request = (message_t*)malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = (messagedef_t*)malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_POLLING /* wait for data to become available or until the connection is closed */ /* thohar: i think this is not neccessary as we dont need a timeout. */ /* roboos: we need it to detect when the socket is closed by the client */ while (1) { fds.fd = client; = POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND | POLLPRI | POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM | POLLWRBAND | POLLERR | POLLNVAL; fds.revents = 0; if (poll(&fds, 1, 1)==-1) { perror("poll"); goto cleanup; } if (fds.revents & POLLHUP) goto cleanup; // the connection has been closed else if (fds.revents & POLLERR) goto cleanup; // the connection has been closed else if (fds.revents & POLLIN) break; // data is available, process the message else usleep(POLLSLEEP); // wait for data or closed connection } #endif if ((n = bufread(client, request->def, sizeof(messagedef_t))) != sizeof(messagedef_t)) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: packet size = %d, should be %d\n", n, sizeof(messagedef_t)); goto cleanup; } if (request->def->version!=VERSION) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: incorrect request version\n"); goto cleanup; } if (request->def->bufsize>0) { request->buf = malloc(request->def->bufsize); if ((n = bufread(client, request->buf, request->def->bufsize)) != request->def->bufsize) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: read size = %d, should be %d\n", n, request->def->bufsize); goto cleanup; } } if (verbose>1) print_request(request->def); if (verbose>1) print_buf(request->buf, request->def->bufsize); if ((status = dmarequest(request, &response)) != 0) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: an unexpected error occurred\n"); goto cleanup; } if (verbose>1) print_response(response->def); if (verbose>1) print_buf(request->buf, request->def->bufsize); if ((n = bufwrite(client, response->def, sizeof(messagedef_t)))!=sizeof(messagedef_t)) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: write size = %d, should be %d\n", n, sizeof(messagedef_t)); goto cleanup; } if ((n = bufwrite(client, response->buf, response->def->bufsize))!=response->def->bufsize) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: write size = %d, should be %d\n", n, response->def->bufsize); goto cleanup; } cleanup_message(&request); cleanup_message(&response); request = NULL; response = NULL; } /* while (1) */ cleanup: /* from now on it is safe to cancel the thread */ pthread_setcancelstate(oldcancelstate, NULL); pthread_setcanceltype(oldcanceltype, NULL); pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // request pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // response pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // socket /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexsocketcount); socketcount--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexsocketcount); /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexthreadcount); threadcount--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexthreadcount); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; }
int main(void) { /* enable interrupts (on the CPU) */ init_interrupts(); /* Initialize peripherals */ display_init( res, bit, 2, GAMMA_NONE, ANTIALIAS_RESAMPLE ); console_init(); controller_init(); console_set_render_mode(RENDER_MANUAL); /* Main loop test */ while(1) { console_clear(); /* To do initialize routines */ controller_scan(); int controllers = get_controllers_present(); if( controllers & CONTROLLER_1_INSERTED ) { int accessories = get_accessories_present(); if( (accessories & CONTROLLER_4_INSERTED) && identify_accessory( 3 ) == ACCESSORY_VRU ) { uint8_t out[64]; uint8_t in[64]; // Initial sequence out[0] = 0x00; out[1] = 0x00; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xB, 2, 3, out, in ); print_result( 3, in ); // LODS OF 0x0B out[0] = 0x1E; out[1] = 0x0C; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xD, 2, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x6E; out[1] = 0x07; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xD, 2, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x08; out[1] = 0x0E; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xD, 2, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x56; out[1] = 0x18; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xD, 2, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x03; out[1] = 0x0F; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xD, 2, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); // Some C's and B's out[0] = 0x00; out[1] = 0x00; out[2] = 0x00; out[3] = 0x00; out[4] = 0x01; out[5] = 0x00; print_request( 6, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xC, 6, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x00; out[1] = 0x00; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xB, 2, 3, out, in ); print_result( 3, in ); out[0] = 0x00; out[1] = 0x00; out[2] = 0x02; out[3] = 0x00; out[4] = 0x3B; out[5] = 0x00; print_request( 6, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xC, 6, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); out[0] = 0x00; out[1] = 0x00; print_request( 2, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xB, 2, 3, out, in ); print_result( 3, in ); // Give that A a try memset( out, 0, sizeof( out ) ); print_request( 22, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xA, 22, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); memset( out, 0, sizeof( out ) ); print_request( 22, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xA, 22, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); memset( out, 0, sizeof( out ) ); out[14] = 0x03; out[18] = 0x12; out[20] = 0x08; print_request( 22, out ); execute_raw_command( 3, 0xA, 22, 1, out, in ); print_result( 1, in ); // Render it! console_render(); while(1){;} } else { printf( "Please insert a VRU into slot 4.\n" ); } } else { printf( "Please insert a standard\ncontroller into slot 1.\n" ); } console_render(); } }
void process_request(CTL_MSG *mp, CTL_RESPONSE *rp) { CTL_MSG *ptr; char *s; rp->vers = TALK_VERSION; rp->type = mp->type; rp->id_num = htonl(0); if (mp->vers != TALK_VERSION) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Bad protocol version %d", mp->vers); rp->answer = BADVERSION; return; } mp->id_num = ntohl(mp->id_num); if (ntohs(mp->addr.sa_family) != AF_INET) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Bad address, family %d", ntohs(mp->addr.sa_family)); rp->answer = BADADDR; return; } if (ntohs(mp->ctl_addr.sa_family) != AF_INET) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Bad control address, family %d", ntohs(mp->ctl_addr.sa_family)); rp->answer = BADCTLADDR; return; } for (s = mp->l_name; *s; s++) if (!isprint((unsigned char)*s)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Illegal user name. Aborting"); rp->answer = FAILED; return; } if (memcmp(&satosin(&rp->addr)->sin_addr, &satosin(&mp->ctl_addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) { char buf1[32], buf2[32]; strlcpy(buf1, inet_ntoa(satosin(&rp->addr)->sin_addr), sizeof(buf1)); strlcpy(buf2, inet_ntoa(satosin(&mp->ctl_addr)->sin_addr), sizeof(buf2)); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "addresses are different, %s != %s", buf1, buf2); } rp->addr.sa_family = 0; mp->pid = ntohl(mp->pid); if (debug) print_request("process_request", mp); switch (mp->type) { case ANNOUNCE: do_announce(mp, rp); break; case LEAVE_INVITE: ptr = find_request(mp); if (ptr != (CTL_MSG *)0) { rp->id_num = htonl(ptr->id_num); rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else insert_table(mp, rp); break; case LOOK_UP: ptr = find_match(mp); if (ptr != (CTL_MSG *)0) { rp->id_num = htonl(ptr->id_num); rp->addr = ptr->addr; rp->addr.sa_family = ptr->addr.sa_family; rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else rp->answer = NOT_HERE; break; case DELETE: rp->answer = delete_invite(mp->id_num); break; default: rp->answer = UNKNOWN_REQUEST; break; } if (debug) print_response("process_request", rp); }
/***************************************************************************** * this function handles the direct memory access to the buffer * and copies objects to and from memory *****************************************************************************/ int dmarequest(const message_t *request, message_t **response_ptr) { unsigned int offset; /* int blockrequest = 0; */ int verbose = 0; /* these are used for blocking the read requests */ struct timeval tp; struct timespec ts; /* use a local variable for datasel (in GET_DAT) */ datasel_t datasel; /* these are for typecasting */ headerdef_t *headerdef; datadef_t *datadef; eventdef_t *eventdef; eventsel_t *eventsel; /* this will hold the response */ message_t *response; response = (message_t*)malloc(sizeof(message_t)); /* check for "out of memory" problems */ if (response == NULL) { *response_ptr = NULL; return -1; } response->def = (messagedef_t*)malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); /* check for "out of memory" problems */ if (response->def == NULL) { *response_ptr = NULL; free(response); return -1; } response->buf = NULL; /* the response should be passed to the calling function, where it should be freed */ *response_ptr = response; if (verbose>1) print_request(request->def); switch (request->def->command) { case PUT_HDR: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: PUT_HDR\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexevent); headerdef = (headerdef_t*)request->buf; if (verbose>1) print_headerdef(headerdef); /* delete the old header, data and events */ free_header(); free_data(); free_event(); /* store the header and re-initialize */ header = (header_t*)malloc(sizeof(header_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(header); header->def = (headerdef_t*)malloc(sizeof(headerdef_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(header->def); header->buf = malloc(headerdef->bufsize); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(header->buf); memcpy(header->def, request->buf, sizeof(headerdef_t)); memcpy(header->buf, (char*)request->buf+sizeof(headerdef_t), headerdef->bufsize); header->def->nsamples = 0; header->def->nevents = 0; init_data(); init_event(); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->bufsize = 0; /* check whether memory could indeed be allocated */ if (data!= NULL && data->buf != NULL && data->def != NULL) { response->def->command = PUT_OK; } else { /* let's at least tell the client that something's wrong */ response->def->command = PUT_ERR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexevent); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case PUT_DAT: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: PUT_DAT\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); datadef = (datadef_t*)request->buf; if (verbose>1) print_datadef(datadef); if (verbose>2) print_buf(request->buf, request->def->bufsize); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->bufsize = 0; if (request->def->bufsize < sizeof(datadef_t)) response->def->command = PUT_ERR; else if (header==NULL || data==NULL) response->def->command = PUT_ERR; else if (header->def->nchans != datadef->nchans) response->def->command = PUT_ERR; else if (header->def->data_type != datadef->data_type) response->def->command = PUT_ERR; else if (datadef->nsamples > current_max_num_sample) response->def->command = PUT_ERR; else { unsigned int i; unsigned int wordsize = wordsize_from_type(header->def->data_type); unsigned int datasize = wordsize * datadef->nsamples * datadef->nchans; response->def->command = PUT_OK; if (wordsize == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: unsupported data type (%d)\n", datadef->data_type); response->def->command = PUT_ERR; } else if (datasize > datadef->bufsize || (datadef->bufsize + sizeof(datadef_t)) > request->def->bufsize) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: invalid size definitions in PUT_DAT request\n"); response->def->command = PUT_ERR; } else { /* record the time at which the data was received */ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &putdat_clock) != 0) { perror("clock_gettime"); return -1; } /* number of bytes per sample (all channels) is given by wordsize x number of channels */ unsigned int chansize = wordsize * data->def->nchans; /* request_data points to actual data samples within the request, use char* for convenience */ const char *request_data = (const char *) request->buf + sizeof(datadef_t); char *buffer_data = (char *)data->buf; for (i=0; i<datadef->nsamples; i++) { memcpy(buffer_data+(thissample*chansize), request_data+(i*chansize), chansize); header->def->nsamples++; thissample++; thissample = WRAP(thissample, current_max_num_sample); } /* Signal possibly waiting threads that we have received data */ pthread_cond_broadcast(&getData_cond); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case PUT_EVT: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: PUT_EVT\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexevent); /* record the time at which the event was received */ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &putevt_clock) != 0) { perror("clock_gettime"); return -1; } /* Give an error message if there is no header, or if the given event array is defined badly */ if (header==NULL || event==NULL || check_event_array(request->def->bufsize, request->buf) < 0) { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = PUT_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { /* go over all events and store them one by one */ response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = PUT_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; offset = 0; /* this represents the offset of the event in the buffer */ while (offset<request->def->bufsize) { FREE(event[thisevent].def); FREE(event[thisevent].buf); eventdef = (eventdef_t*)((char*)request->buf+offset); if (verbose>1) print_eventdef(eventdef); event[thisevent].def = (eventdef_t*)malloc(sizeof(eventdef_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(event[thisevent].def); memcpy(event[thisevent].def, (char*)request->buf+offset, sizeof(eventdef_t)); if (event[thisevent].def->sample == EVENT_AUTO_SAMPLE) { /* automatically convert event->def->sample to current sample number */ /* make some fine adjustment of the assigned sample number */ double adjust = (putevt_clock.tv_sec - putdat_clock.tv_sec) + (double)(putevt_clock.tv_nsec - putdat_clock.tv_nsec) / 1000000000L; event[thisevent].def->sample = header->def->nsamples + (int)(header->def->fsample*adjust); } offset += sizeof(eventdef_t); event[thisevent].buf = malloc(eventdef->bufsize); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(event[thisevent].buf); memcpy(event[thisevent].buf, (char*)request->buf+offset, eventdef->bufsize); offset += eventdef->bufsize; if (verbose>1) print_eventdef(event[thisevent].def); thisevent++; thisevent = WRAP(thisevent, MAXNUMEVENT); header->def->nevents++; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexevent); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case GET_HDR: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: GET_HDR\n"); if (header==NULL) { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; break; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; response->def->bufsize = append(&response->buf, response->def->bufsize, header->def, sizeof(headerdef_t)); response->def->bufsize = append(&response->buf, response->def->bufsize, header->buf, header->def->bufsize); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case GET_DAT: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: GET_DAT\n"); if (header==NULL || data==NULL) { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; break; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); if (request->def->bufsize) { /* the selection has been specified */ memcpy(&datasel, request->buf, sizeof(datasel_t)); /* If endsample is -1 read the buffer to the end */ if(datasel.endsample == -1) { datasel.endsample = header->def->nsamples - 1; } } else { /* determine a valid selection */ if (header->def->nsamples>current_max_num_sample) { /* the ringbuffer is completely full */ datasel.begsample = header->def->nsamples - current_max_num_sample; datasel.endsample = header->def->nsamples - 1; } else { /* the ringbuffer is not yet completely full */ datasel.begsample = 0; datasel.endsample = header->def->nsamples - 1; } } /* // if the read should block... if(blockrequest == 1) { // check whether data is available while((datasel.begsample >= (datasel.endsample+1)) || (datasel.endsample > header->def->nsamples - 1)) { // if not unlock all mutexes pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); // wait for the condition to be signaled pthread_mutex_lock(&getData_mutex); gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); ts.tv_sec = tp.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = tp.tv_usec * 1000; ts.tv_sec += 1; pthread_cond_timedwait(&getData_cond, &getData_mutex, &ts); pthread_mutex_unlock(&getData_mutex); // Lock the mutexes again pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); if(datasel.begsample == (datasel.endsample+1)) datasel.endsample = header->def->nsamples - 1; } } */ if (verbose>1) print_headerdef(header->def); if (verbose>1) print_datasel(&datasel); if (datasel.begsample < 0 || datasel.endsample < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err1\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else if (datasel.begsample >= header->def->nsamples || datasel.endsample >= header->def->nsamples) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err2\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else if ((header->def->nsamples - datasel.begsample) > current_max_num_sample) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err3\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { unsigned int wordsize = wordsize_from_type(data->def->data_type); if (wordsize==0) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: unsupported data type (%d)\n", data->def->data_type); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { unsigned int n; response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; /* determine the number of samples to return */ n = datasel.endsample - datasel.begsample + 1; response->buf = malloc(sizeof(datadef_t) + n*data->def->nchans*wordsize); if (response->buf == NULL) { /* not enough space for copying data into response */ fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: out of memory\n"); response->def->command = GET_ERR; } else { /* number of bytes per sample (all channels) */ unsigned int chansize = data->def->nchans * wordsize; /* convenience pointer to start of actual data in response */ char *resp_data = ((char *) response->buf) + sizeof(datadef_t); /* this is the location of begsample within the ringbuffer */ unsigned int start_index = WRAP(datasel.begsample, current_max_num_sample); /* have datadef point into the freshly allocated response buffer and directly fill in the information */ datadef = (datadef_t *) response->buf; datadef->nchans = data->def->nchans; datadef->data_type = data->def->data_type; datadef->nsamples = n; datadef->bufsize = n*chansize; response->def->bufsize = sizeof(datadef_t) + datadef->bufsize; if (start_index + n <= current_max_num_sample) { /* we can copy everything in one go */ memcpy(resp_data, (char*)(data->buf) + start_index*chansize, n*chansize); } else { /* need to wrap around at current_max_num_sample */ unsigned int na = current_max_num_sample - start_index; unsigned int nb = n - na; memcpy(resp_data, (char*)(data->buf) + start_index*chansize, na*chansize); memcpy(resp_data + na*chansize, (char*)(data->buf), nb*chansize); /* printf("Wrapped around!\n"); */ } } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case GET_EVT: if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: GET_EVT\n"); if (header==NULL || event==NULL || header->def->nevents==0) { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; break; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexevent); eventsel = (eventsel_t*)malloc(sizeof(eventsel_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(eventsel); /* determine the selection */ if (request->def->bufsize) { /* the selection has been specified */ memcpy(eventsel, request->buf, sizeof(eventsel_t)); } else { /* determine a valid selection */ if (header->def->nevents>MAXNUMEVENT) { /* the ringbuffer is completely full */ eventsel->begevent = header->def->nevents - MAXNUMEVENT; eventsel->endevent = header->def->nevents - 1; } else { /* the ringbuffer is not yet completely full */ eventsel->begevent = 0; eventsel->endevent = header->def->nevents - 1; } } if (verbose>1) print_headerdef(header->def); if (verbose>1) print_eventsel(eventsel); if (eventsel==NULL) { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else if (eventsel->begevent < 0 || eventsel->endevent < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err1\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else if (eventsel->begevent >= header->def->nevents || eventsel->endevent >= header->def->nevents) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err2\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else if ((header->def->nevents-eventsel->begevent) > MAXNUMEVENT) { fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: err3\n"); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { unsigned int j,n; response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = GET_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; /* determine the number of events to return */ n = eventsel->endevent - eventsel->begevent + 1; for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if (verbose>1) print_eventdef(event[WRAP(eventsel->begevent+j, MAXNUMEVENT)].def); response->def->bufsize = append(&response->buf, response->def->bufsize, event[WRAP(eventsel->begevent+j, MAXNUMEVENT)].def, sizeof(eventdef_t)); response->def->bufsize = append(&response->buf, response->def->bufsize, event[WRAP(eventsel->begevent+j, MAXNUMEVENT)].buf, event[WRAP(eventsel->begevent+j, MAXNUMEVENT)].def->bufsize); } } FREE(eventsel); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexevent); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case FLUSH_HDR: pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexevent); if (header) { free_header(); free_data(); free_event(); response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexevent); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case FLUSH_DAT: pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata); if (header && data) { header->def->nsamples = thissample = 0; response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case FLUSH_EVT: pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexevent); if (header && event) { unsigned int i; header->def->nevents = thisevent = 0; for (i=0; i<MAXNUMEVENT; i++) { FREE(event[i].def); FREE(event[i].buf); } response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_OK; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { response->def->version = VERSION; response->def->command = FLUSH_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexevent); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); break; case WAIT_DAT: /* SK: This request means that the client wants to wait until MORE than waitdef_t.threshold.nsamples samples OR MORE THAN waitdef_t.threshold.nevents events are in the buffer, BUT only for the time given in waitdef_t.milliseconds. The response is just the number of samples and events in the buffer as described by samples_events_t. */ response->def->version = VERSION; if (header==NULL || request->def->bufsize!=sizeof(waitdef_t)) { response->def->command = WAIT_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; } else { int waiterr; waitdef_t *wd = (waitdef_t *) request->buf; samples_events_t *nret = malloc(sizeof(samples_events_t)); UINT32_T nsmp, nevt; if (nret == NULL) { /* highly unlikely, but we cannot allocate a sample_event_t - return an error */ response->def->command = WAIT_ERR; response->def->bufsize = 0; break; } /* Let response->buf point to the new sample_event_t structure */ response->def->command = WAIT_OK; response->def->bufsize = sizeof(samples_events_t); response->buf = nret; /* get current number of samples */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); nsmp = header->def->nsamples; nevt = header->def->nevents; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); if (wd->milliseconds == 0 || nsmp > wd->threshold.nsamples || nevt > wd->threshold.nevents) { /* the client doesn't want to wait, or we're already above the threshold: return immediately */ nret->nsamples = nsmp; nret->nevents = nevt; break; } gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); ts.tv_sec = tp.tv_sec + (wd->milliseconds/1000); ts.tv_nsec = 1000 * (tp.tv_usec + (wd->milliseconds % 1000)*1000); while (ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) { ts.tv_sec++; ts.tv_nsec-=1000000000; } /* FIXME: The getData condition variable is only triggered by incoming data, not events */ do { pthread_mutex_lock(&getData_mutex); waiterr = pthread_cond_timedwait(&getData_cond, &getData_mutex, &ts); pthread_mutex_unlock(&getData_mutex); /* get current number of samples */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexheader); nsmp = header->def->nsamples; nevt = header->def->nevents; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexheader); } while (nsmp <= wd->threshold.nsamples && nevt <= wd->threshold.nevents && waiterr==0); nret->nsamples = nsmp; nret->nevents = nevt; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: unknown command\n"); } if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "dmarequest: thissample = %u, thisevent = %u\n", thissample, thisevent); /* everything went fine */ return 0; }
int process_request (CTL_MSG * msg, struct sockaddr_in *sa_in, CTL_RESPONSE * rp) { CTL_MSG *ptr; if (debug) { print_request ("process_request", msg); } if (acl_match (msg, sa_in)) { syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "dropping request: %s@%s", msg->l_name, inet_ntoa (sa_in->sin_addr)); return 1; } rp->vers = TALK_VERSION; rp->type = msg->type; rp->id_num = htonl (0); if (msg->vers != TALK_VERSION) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "Bad protocol version %d", msg->vers); rp->answer = BADVERSION; return 0; } msg->id_num = ntohl (msg->id_num); msg->addr.sa_family = ntohs (msg->addr.sa_family); if (msg->addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "Bad address, family %d", msg->addr.sa_family); rp->answer = BADADDR; return 0; } msg->ctl_addr.sa_family = ntohs (msg->ctl_addr.sa_family); if (msg->ctl_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { syslog (LOG_WARNING, "Bad control address, family %d", msg->ctl_addr.sa_family); rp->answer = BADCTLADDR; return 0; } /* FIXME: compare address and sa_in? */ msg->pid = ntohl (msg->pid); switch (msg->type) { case ANNOUNCE: do_announce (msg, rp); break; case LEAVE_INVITE: ptr = find_request (msg); if (ptr) { rp->id_num = htonl (ptr->id_num); rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else insert_table (msg, rp); break; case LOOK_UP: ptr = find_match (msg); if (ptr) { rp->id_num = htonl (ptr->id_num); rp->addr = ptr->addr; rp->addr.sa_family = htons (ptr->addr.sa_family); rp->answer = SUCCESS; } else rp->answer = NOT_HERE; break; case DELETE: rp->answer = delete_invite (msg->id_num); break; default: rp->answer = UNKNOWN_REQUEST; break; } if (debug) print_response ("process_request response", rp); return 0; }
/* this function deals with the incoming client request */ void *tcpsocket(void *arg) { int n; int status = 0, verbose = 0; int oldcancelstate, oldcanceltype; #ifdef ENABLE_POLLING struct pollfd fds; #endif /* these are used for communication over the TCP socket */ int client = 0; message_t *request = NULL, *response = NULL; threadlocal_t threadlocal; threadlocal.message = NULL; threadlocal.fd = -1; /* the connection to the client has been made by the server */ client = (int)arg; /* this will be closed at cleanup */ threadlocal.fd = client; pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_tcpsocket, &threadlocal); /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexsocketcount); socketcount++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexsocketcount); if (verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: client = %d, socketcount = %d, threadcount = %d\n", client, socketcount, threadcount); /* keep processing messages untill the connection is closed */ while (1) { int swap = 0; UINT16_T reqCommand; UINT32_T respBufSize; request = (message_t*)malloc(sizeof(message_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(request); request->def = (messagedef_t*)malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(request->def); request->buf = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_POLLING /* wait for data to become available or until the connection is closed */ /* thohar: i think this is not neccessary as we dont need a timeout. */ /* roboos: we need it to detect when the socket is closed by the client */ while (1) { fds.fd = client; = POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND | POLLPRI | POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM | POLLWRBAND | POLLERR | POLLNVAL; fds.revents = 0; if (poll(&fds, 1, 1)==-1) { perror("poll"); goto cleanup; } if (fds.revents & POLLHUP) goto cleanup; /* the connection has been closed */ else if (fds.revents & POLLERR) goto cleanup; /* the connection has been closed */ else if (fds.revents & POLLIN) break; /* data is available, process the message */ else usleep(POLLSLEEP); /* wait for data or closed connection */ } #endif if ((n = bufread(client, request->def, sizeof(messagedef_t))) != sizeof(messagedef_t)) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: packet size = %d, should be %d\n", n, sizeof(messagedef_t)); goto cleanup; } if (request->def->version==VERSION_OE) { swap = 1; ft_swap16(2, &request->def->version); /* version + command */ ft_swap32(1, &request->def->bufsize); reqCommand = request->def->command; } if (request->def->version!=VERSION) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: incorrect request version\n"); goto cleanup; } if (request->def->bufsize>0) { request->buf = malloc(request->def->bufsize); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(request->buf); if ((n = bufread(client, request->buf, request->def->bufsize)) != request->def->bufsize) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: read size = %d, should be %d\n", n, request->def->bufsize); goto cleanup; } } if (swap && request->def->bufsize > 0) ft_swap_buf_to_native(reqCommand, request->def->bufsize, request->buf); if (verbose>1) print_request(request->def); if (verbose>1) print_buf(request->buf, request->def->bufsize); if ((status = dmarequest(request, &response)) != 0) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: an unexpected error occurred\n"); goto cleanup; } DIE_BAD_MALLOC(response); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(response->def); if (verbose>1) print_response(response->def); if (verbose>1) print_buf(request->buf, request->def->bufsize); respBufSize = response->def->bufsize; if (swap) ft_swap_from_native(reqCommand, response); /* we don't need the request anymore */ cleanup_message((void**)&request); request = NULL; /* merge response->def and response->buf if they are small, so we can send it in one go over TCP */ if (respBufSize + sizeof(messagedef_t) <= MERGE_THRESHOLD) { int msize = respBufSize + sizeof(messagedef_t); void *merged = NULL; append(&merged, 0, response->def, sizeof(messagedef_t)); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(merged); append(&merged, sizeof(messagedef_t), response->buf, respBufSize); DIE_BAD_MALLOC(merged); if ((n=bufwrite(client, merged, msize) != msize)) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: write size = %d, should be %d\n", n, msize); FREE(merged); goto cleanup; } FREE(merged); } else { if ((n = bufwrite(client, response->def, sizeof(messagedef_t)))!=sizeof(messagedef_t)) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: write size = %d, should be %d\n", n, sizeof(messagedef_t)); goto cleanup; } if ((n = bufwrite(client, response->buf, respBufSize))!=respBufSize) { if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "tcpsocket: write size = %d, should be %d\n", n, respBufSize); goto cleanup; } } cleanup_message((void**)&response); response = NULL; } /* while (1) */ cleanup: printf(""); /* otherwise the pthread_cleanup_pop won't compile */ if (response!=NULL) cleanup_message((void**)&response); response = NULL; /* SK: prevent double free in following pthread_cleanup_pop */ pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexsocketcount); socketcount--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexsocketcount); /* this is for debugging */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexthreadcount); threadcount--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexthreadcount); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; }
int buffer_getevt(int server, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[]) { int verbose = 0; int i, nevents; int offset; double *val; int result; mxArray *bufptr; message_t *request = NULL; message_t *response = NULL; eventsel_t eventsel; /* this is for the Matlab specific output */ const char *field_names[] = { "type", "value", "sample", "offset", "duration" }; /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */ request = malloc(sizeof(message_t)); request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request->buf = NULL; request->def->version = VERSION; request->def->command = GET_EVT; request->def->bufsize = 0; if ((prhs[0]!=NULL) && (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0])==2) && (mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) && (!mxIsComplex(prhs[0]))) { /* fprintf(stderr, "args OK\n"); */ val = (double *)mxGetData(prhs[0]); eventsel.begevent = (UINT32_T)(val[0]); eventsel.endevent = (UINT32_T)(val[1]); if (verbose) print_eventsel(&eventsel); request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, &eventsel, sizeof(eventsel_t)); } if (verbose) print_request(request->def); result = clientrequest(server, request, &response); if (verbose) print_response(response->def); if (result == 0) { if (response->def->command==GET_OK) { eventdef_t *event_def; /* first count the number of events */ nevents = 0; offset = 0; while (offset<response->def->bufsize) { event_def = (eventdef_t *)((char *)response->buf + offset); /* event_buf = (char *)response->buf + offset + sizeof(eventdef_t); */ if (verbose) print_eventdef(event_def); offset += sizeof(eventdef_t) + event_def->bufsize; nevents++; } /* create a structure array that can hold all events */ plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, nevents, NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, field_names); offset = 0; for (i=0; i<nevents; i++) { char *buf_type,*buf_value; event_def = (eventdef_t *) ((char *)response->buf + offset); buf_type = (char *) response->buf + offset + sizeof(eventdef_t); buf_value = buf_type + event_def->type_numel * wordsize_from_type(event_def->type_type); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 0, matrix_from_ft_type_data(event_def->type_type, 1, event_def->type_numel, buf_type)); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 1, matrix_from_ft_type_data(event_def->value_type, 1, event_def->value_numel, buf_value)); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)event_def->sample+1)); /* 1-based in Matlab, 0-based in protocol */ mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)event_def->offset)); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 4, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)event_def->duration)); offset += sizeof(eventdef_t) + event_def->bufsize; } } else { result = response->def->command; } } if (request) { FREE(request->def); FREE(request->buf); FREE(request); } if (response) { FREE(response->def); FREE(response->buf); FREE(response); } return result; }