Пример #1
  This function may print out any debugging information you choose. This
  function will be called by the simulator after every call the simulator
  makes to your scheduler.
  In our provided output, we have implemented this function to list the jobs in the order they are to be scheduled. Furthermore, we have also listed the current state of the job (either running on a given core or idle). For example, if we have a non-preemptive algorithm and job(id=4) has began running, job(id=2) arrives with a higher priority, and job(id=1) arrives with a lower priority, the output in our sample output will be:

    2(-1) 4(0) 1(-1)  
  This function is not required and will not be graded. You may leave it
  blank if you do not find it useful.
void scheduler_show_queue()
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<priqueue_size(ugh->thing); i++)
		printf("%d(%d) ", ( (job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, i))->job_number, ( (job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, i))->core);

Пример #2
  Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.

  @param q a pointer to an instance of the priqueue_t data structure
  @param ptr a pointer to the data to be inserted into the priority queue
  @return The zero-based index where ptr is stored in the priority queue, where 0 indicates that ptr was stored at the front of the priority queue.
int priqueue_offer(priqueue_t *q, void *ptr)
	struct node *temp;
	struct node *previous;
	struct node *insert = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

	insert->data = ptr;
	insert->next = NULL;

	//check for other nodes
	if (q->head == NULL) {
		q->head = insert;
	//compare the new node to the first node
	else if(q->cmp(insert->data, q->head->data) < 0) {
		insert->next = q->head;
		q->head = insert;
	else {
		previous = q->head;
		temp = q->head->next;

		//determine where the new node needs to be inserted 
		while(temp != NULL && q->cmp(insert->data, temp->data) > 0)
			previous = temp;
			temp = temp->next;

		//insert the node at the position
		if(temp == NULL)
			previous->next = insert;
			insert->next = temp;
			previous->next = insert;

	return priqueue_size(q)-1;
Пример #3
int main()
	priqueue_t q, q2;

	priqueue_init(&q, compare1);
	priqueue_init(&q2, compare2);

	/* Pupulate some data... */
	int *values = malloc(100 * sizeof(int));

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		values[i] = i;

	/* Add 5 values, 3 unique. */
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[13]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[14]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 5).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	int val_removed = *((int *)priqueue_remove_at(&q, 4));
	printf("Element removed: %d (expected 14).\n", val_removed);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 4).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	int val = *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q));
	printf("Top element: %d (expected 12).\n", val);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 3).\n", priqueue_size(&q));
	int vals_removed = priqueue_remove(&q, &values[12]);
	printf("Elements removed: %d (expected 2).\n", vals_removed);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 1).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[10]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[30]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[20]);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 4).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[10]);
	priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[30]);
	priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[20]);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 3).\n", priqueue_size(&q2));

	printf("Elements in order queue (expected 10 13 20 30): ");
	for (i = 0; i < priqueue_size(&q); i++)
		printf("%d ", *((int *)priqueue_at(&q, i)) );

	printf("Elements in reverse order queue (expected 30 20 10): ");
	for (i = 0; i < priqueue_size(&q2); i++)
		printf("%d ", *((int *)priqueue_at(&q2, i)) );

	printf("Total elements q: %d (expected 0).\n", priqueue_size(&q));
	printf("Total elements q2: %d (expected 0).\n", priqueue_size(&q2));


	return 0;
Пример #4
int scheduler_new_job(int job_number, int time, int running_time, int priority)

  job_t *job = (job_t *) malloc(sizeof(job_t));
  job->job_number = job_number;
  job->priority = priority;
  job->running_time = running_time;
  job->time = time; 
  job->start_time = -1;
  job->first_time = -1;
  job->is_running =
  job->firsty =
  job->response_time =
  job->waiting_time = 0;
  job->when_preempted = time;

  job->core = -1; //no core has been assigned to it yet

  priqueue_offer(ugh->thing, job); 

  //Look for an idle core
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<ugh->num_cores; i++)
    if(!ugh->corelist[i]) {
      ugh->corelist[i] = 1; //The core is now in use
      job->is_running = 1; //is being performed
      job->firsty = 1;
      job->start_time = time;
      job->first_time = time;
      job->response_time = 0;//time - job->time + 1;
      return job->core = i; //The id of the core to which job has been assigned.

    if(ugh->sch/3 + ugh->sch%3 < 2 || ugh->sch == RR) return -1; //returns if nonpreemptive or RR
     * If there be no idle cores, use the power of preemption.
     * (Nonpreemptive jobs return -1 at the end of this function.)

    //rt = REMAINING time, not running time; pt = priority
    int index, rt, lrt = -1, thindex = -1, pt, mpt = -1;
    job_t *curr;

     * This will preempt the job that is running with the largest
     * remaining time, if that time be greteater than the running
     * time for this job. It will additionally reschedule the 
     * preempted job with updated running time.
     * One must remember that these schemes are like the nonpreemptive
     * ones insomuch as there be no conflicts with jobs that are running.
    if(ugh->sch == PSJF) {
         * Finding the largest remaining time of a running job and the index of the job
         * to which it belongs.
	    for(index = 0; index < priqueue_size(ugh->thing); index++)
            if( ((job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, index))->is_running) {
                curr = (job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, index);
				if(lrt < (rt = curr->running_time - time + curr->start_time)) {
                    lrt = rt;
                    thindex = index;
     * Similar to PSJF, except the basis for preemption is priority.
    else if(ugh->sch == PPRI) {
         * Finding the largest priority number or lowest priority of a running job 
         * and the index of the job to which it belongs.
        for(index = 0; index < priqueue_size(ugh->thing); index++)
            if( ((job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, index))->is_running) {
                curr = (job_t *) priqueue_at(ugh->thing, index);
                if(mpt <= (pt = curr->priority)) {
                    lrt = curr->running_time - time + curr->start_time;
                    mpt = pt;
                    thindex = index;

     * thindex is the index of the job with the largest remaining time/priority number
     * that is currently running. It is this job that the new job must
     * attempt to preempt.

    curr = priqueue_at(ugh->thing, thindex);

    if( (ugh->sch == PSJF && job->running_time < lrt) ||
        (ugh->sch == PPRI && job->priority < mpt) ) {
        job->core = curr->core; //assign job to run on the preempted job's core
        priqueue_remove_at(ugh->thing, thindex); //remove curr from the queue in order to fix its stats
        curr->running_time = lrt; //change its running time to be the remaining time
        curr->is_running = 0; //remember that it is no longer running
        job->is_running = job->firsty = 1;
        job->response_time = 0; //time - job->time + 1;
        curr->core = -1; //it is not running on any cores
        curr->when_preempted = time;
        if(curr->first_time == time) {
            curr->start_time = -1;
            curr->firsty = 0;
        job->start_time = time;
        priqueue_offer(ugh->thing, curr); //put it back into the priority queue
        return job->core; //return the core on which job is to be run
    return -1; //job needs to wait in line like everyone else

Пример #5
int main()
	priqueue_t q, q2;

	priqueue_init(&q, compare1);
	priqueue_init(&q2, compare2);

	/* Pupulate some data... */
	int *values = malloc(100 * sizeof(int));

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		values[i] = i;

	/* Add 5 values, 3 unique. */
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
  	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[13]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[14]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[12]);
        //priqueue_offer(&q, &values[15]);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 5).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

     	int val = *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q));
	printf("Top element: %d (expected 12).\n", val);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 4).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	int val2 = *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q));
	printf("Top element: %d (expected 12).\n", val2);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 3).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

    int val3 = *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q));
	printf("Top element: %d (expected 12).\n", val3);
	printf("Total elements: %d (expected 2).\n", priqueue_size(&q));

	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[10]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[30]);
	priqueue_offer(&q, &values[20]);
       /* priqueue_offer(&q, &values[15]);
        priqueue_offer(&q, &values[23]);
        priqueue_offer(&q, &values[31]);
	*/priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[10]);
	priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[30]);
	priqueue_offer(&q2, &values[20]);

	printf("Elements in order queue (expected 10 13 14 20 30): ");
	 while ( priqueue_size(&q) )
		printf("%d ", *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q)) );
          printf("Elements in order queue (expected 30 20 10): ");
          while ( priqueue_size(&q2) )
                  printf("%d ", *((int *)priqueue_poll(&q2)) );


	return 0;