void XmlPropertyReader::parseGameObjectFile(Ogre::DataStreamPtr &stream, const Ogre::String &groupName)

    XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMDocument* doc = loadDocument(stream);

    DOMNodeList* godefsXml = doc->getDocumentElement()->getElementsByTagName(AutoXMLCh("gameobjectclass").data());
    for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < godefsXml->getLength(); idx++)
		PropertyRecordPtr ps(new PropertyRecord());
		DOMElement* curNode = static_cast<DOMElement*>(godefsXml->item(idx));
		const DOMNamedNodeMap* godefAttrs = curNode->getAttributes();
		for (XMLSize_t attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < godefAttrs->getLength(); attrIdx++)
			PropertyEntry entry = processProperty(static_cast<DOMAttr*>(godefAttrs->item(attrIdx)));
            if (entry.first != "")
                ps->setProperty(entry.first, entry.second);

        DOMNodeList* godefChildren = curNode->getChildNodes();
        for (XMLSize_t childIdx = 0; childIdx < godefChildren->getLength(); childIdx++)
            DOMNode* curChild = godefChildren->item(childIdx);
            if (curChild->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
                PropertyEntry entry = processProperty(static_cast<DOMElement*>(curChild));
                if (entry.first != "")
                    ps->setProperty(entry.first, entry.second);
PropertyRecordPtr XmlPropertyReader::getPropertiesAsRecord(DOMElement *parent)
    PropertyRecordPtr ps(new PropertyRecord());

    DOMNodeList* propertyDefChildren = parent->getChildNodes();
    for (XMLSize_t childIdx = 0; childIdx < propertyDefChildren->getLength(); childIdx++)
        DOMNode* curChild = propertyDefChildren->item(childIdx);
        if (curChild->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
            PropertyEntry entry = processProperty(static_cast<DOMElement*>(curChild));
            if (entry.first != "")
                ps->setProperty(entry.first, entry.second);
    return ps;
Пример #3
		bool AgentInitializer::parsePropertySpec( TiXmlElement * node ) {
			if ( node->ValueStr() == "Property" ) {
				const char * cName = node->Attribute( "name" );
				if ( cName == 0x0 ) {
					logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "AgentSet Property tag specified on line " << node->Row() << " without a \"name\" attribute.";
					return false;
				::std::string propName( cName );
				return processProperty( propName, node ) != FAILURE;
			} else if ( VERBOSE ) {
				logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Unexpected tag when looking for a property of an AgentSet parameter set: " << node->ValueStr() << "\n";
				TiXmlAttribute * attr;
				for ( attr = node->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next() ) {
					if ( setFromXMLAttribute( attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr() ) == FAILURE ) {
						return false;
			// Unexpected tags are ignored
			return true;
Пример #4
CIMInstance ObjectNormalizer::processInstance(
    const CIMInstance& cimInstance) const
    // pre-checks
    if (!_enableNormalization || _cimClass.isUninitialized())
        // do nothing
        return cimInstance;

    // ATTN: moving similar logic to the response handlers because this
    // type of error should be checked regardless with or without
    // normalization enabled.
    if (cimInstance.isUninitialized())
        throw CIMException(CIM_ERR_FAILED, "unintialized instance object.");

    CIMInstance normalizedInstance(_cimClass.getClassName());

    // proces object path

    // process instance qualifiers
    if (_includeQualifiers)
        // propagate class qualifiers
        for (Uint32 i = 0, n = _cimClass.getQualifierCount(); i < n; i++)
            CIMConstQualifier referenceQualifier = _cimClass.getQualifier(i);

            Uint32 pos =

            // update value if qualifier is present in the specified property
            if (pos != PEG_NOT_FOUND)
                CIMConstQualifier cimQualifier = cimInstance.getQualifier(pos);

                CIMQualifier normalizedQualifier =


    // check property names and types. any properties in the class but not
    // in the instance are implicitly dropped.
    for (Uint32 i = 0, n = cimInstance.getPropertyCount(); i < n; i++)
        CIMConstProperty instProperty = cimInstance.getProperty(i);

        Uint32 pos = _cimClass.findProperty(instProperty.getName());

        if (pos != PEG_NOT_FOUND)
            CIMConstProperty cimProperty = _cimClass.getProperty(pos);

            CIMProperty normalizedProperty =


    return normalizedInstance;
Пример #5
	bool ZoneProcessor::processNode(const TiXmlElement* zonesElem, const Ogre::String& resourceGroup, bool loadGameObjects)
		if (zonesElem == NULL)
			return false; // no zones

        for (const TiXmlNode* cur = zonesElem->FirstChild(); cur != NULL; cur = cur->NextSibling())
            if (cur->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT
				&& hasNodeName(cur, "zone"))
            	const TiXmlElement* curZoneElem = cur->ToElement();
				if (hasAttribute(curZoneElem, "name"))
					Ogre::String name = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curZoneElem, "name");
                    Zone* zone = NULL;
                    if (name == "default")
                        zone = ZoneManager::getSingleton().getDefaultZone();
                        // get the zone with that name or create one
                        zone = ZoneManager::getSingleton().getZone(name);
                        if (!zone)
                            zone = ZoneManager::getSingleton().createZone(name, false);

                        // multiple areas
                        for (const TiXmlNode* curArea = cur->FirstChild(); curArea != NULL; curArea = curArea->NextSibling())
                            if (curArea->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT
                                && hasNodeName(curArea, "area"))
                            	const TiXmlElement *curAreaElem = curArea->ToElement();
                                if (hasAttribute(curAreaElem, "type"))
                                    // type
                                    Ogre::String type;
                                    type = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curAreaElem, "type");

                                    // add or subtract?
                                    bool subtract = false;
                                    if (hasAttribute(curAreaElem, "subtract"))
                                        subtract = getAttributeValueAsBool(curAreaElem, "subtract");

                                    // position
                                    Vector3 position = Vector3::ZERO;
                                    const TiXmlElement* positionElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "position");
                                    if (positionElem)
                                        position = getValueAsVector3(positionElem);

                                    //scale, rotation, offset
                                    Vector3 scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE;
                                    const TiXmlElement* scaleElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "scale");
                                    if (!scaleElem)
                                        scaleElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "size");
                                    if (scaleElem)
                                        scale = getValueAsVector3(scaleElem);

                                    Vector3 offset = Vector3::ZERO;
                                    const TiXmlElement* offsetElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "offset");
                                    if (offsetElem)
                                        offset = getValueAsVector3(offsetElem);

                                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion::IDENTITY;
                                    const TiXmlElement* rotationElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "rotation");
                                    if (rotationElem)
                                        rotation = getValueAsQuaternion(rotationElem);

                                    //transition distance
                                    Real transitionDistance = 0;
                                    const TiXmlElement* transitionElem = getChildNamed(curAreaElem, "transition_distance");
                                    if (transitionElem)
                                        transitionDistance = getValueAsReal(transitionElem);
                                    if (type == "mesh")
                                        Ogre::String meshName;
                                        if (hasAttribute(curAreaElem, "meshfile"))
                                            meshName = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curAreaElem, "meshfile");
                                            if (subtract)
                                                    meshName, GT_CONVEXHULL, position, scale, offset, rotation, transitionDistance, QUERYFLAG_PLAYER);
                                                    meshName, GT_CONVEXHULL, position, scale, offset, rotation, transitionDistance, QUERYFLAG_PLAYER);
                                            LOG_ERROR(Logger::SCRIPT, "an <area> element with type=\"mesh\" must have attribute 'meshfile'");
                                        GeometryType geom = GT_NONE;
                                        if (type == "sphere")
                                            geom = GT_SPHERE;
                                        else if (type == "box")
                                            geom = GT_BOX;
                                        else if (type == "ellipsoid")
                                            geom = GT_ELLIPSOID;
                                        else if (type == "pyramid")
                                            geom = GT_PYRAMID;
                                        else if (type == "capsule")
                                            geom = GT_CAPSULE;
                                            LOG_ERROR(Logger::SCRIPT, "Unknown area type '" + type + "' !");
                                        if ( geom != GT_NONE)
                                            Ogre::AxisAlignedBox aabb;
                                            aabb.setMinimum( - scale / 2.0f);
                                            aabb.setMaximum( + scale / 2.0f);

                                            if (subtract)
                                                    aabb, geom, position, offset, rotation, transitionDistance, QUERYFLAG_PLAYER);
                                                    aabb, geom, position, offset, rotation, transitionDistance, QUERYFLAG_PLAYER);
                                    LOG_ERROR(Logger::SCRIPT, "<area> elemt must have attribute 'type'");

					if (zone)
						for (const TiXmlNode* cur = curZoneElem->FirstChild(); cur != NULL; cur = cur->NextSibling())
							if (cur->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
								const TiXmlElement* curElem = cur->ToElement();
								if (hasNodeName(curElem, "light"))
									Ogre::String name = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curElem, "name");
								else if (hasNodeName(curElem, "sound"))
									Ogre::String name = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curElem, "name");
								else if (hasNodeName(curElem, "trigger"))
									Ogre::String classname =
										getAttributeValueAsStdString(curElem, "classname");

									Ogre::String name =
										getAttributeValueAsStdString(curElem, "name");

									Trigger* trigger = ScriptSubsystem::getSingleton().getTriggerFactory()
										->createTrigger(classname, name);

                                    // add trigger properties
                                    for (const TiXmlNode* curProperty = cur->FirstChild(); curProperty != NULL; curProperty = curProperty->NextSibling())
                                        if (hasNodeName(curProperty, "property"))
                                            PropertyEntry propEntry = processProperty(curProperty->ToElement());
                                            if (propEntry.first != "")
                                                trigger->setProperty(propEntry.first, propEntry.second);

                                else if (hasNodeName(curElem, "eaxpreset"))
									Ogre::String name = getAttributeValueAsStdString(curElem, "name");
						LOG_ERROR(Logger::SCRIPT, "Zone named '"+name+"' could not be processes.");
					LOG_ERROR(Logger::SCRIPT, "<zone> element must have attribute 'name'.");

		return true;
PropertyEntry XmlPropertyReader::processProperty(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMElement* domElem) const
    if (!hasAttribute(domElem, "type"))
        return std::make_pair("", Property(0));

    Ogre::String key = "";
	if (hasAttribute(domElem, "name"))
		key = getAttributeValueAsStdString(domElem, "name");
	Ogre::String type = getAttributeValueAsStdString(domElem, "type");
    CeGuiString value = "";
    if (hasAttribute(domElem, "data"))
        value = getAttributeValueAsString(domElem, "data");

    Property prop;
    if (type == "STRING")
        prop = Property(value);
    else if (type == "INT")
        const int intVal = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToInt(value);
        prop = Property(intVal);
    else if (type == "REAL" || type == "FLOAT")
        const Ogre::Real realVal = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value);
        prop = Property(realVal);
    else if (type == "VECTOR3")
        CeGuiString::size_type comma1 = value.find(",");
        CeGuiString::size_type comma2 = value.find(",", comma1 + 1);

        Ogre::Vector3 vec(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO);
        if (comma1 != CeGuiString::npos && comma2 != CeGuiString::npos)
            vec.x = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(0, comma1));
            vec.y = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1));
            vec.z = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma2 + 1));
        prop = Property(vec);
    else if (type == "QUATERNION")
        CeGuiString::size_type comma1 = value.find(",");
        CeGuiString::size_type comma2 = value.find(",", comma1 + 1);
        CeGuiString::size_type comma3 = value.find(",", comma2 + 1);

        Ogre::Quaternion quat(Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY);
        if (comma1 != CeGuiString::npos 
            && comma2 != CeGuiString::npos 
            && comma3 != CeGuiString::npos)
            quat.w = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(0, comma1));
            quat.x = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1));
            quat.y = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma2 + 1, comma3 - comma2 - 1));
            quat.z = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma3 + 1));
        else if (comma1 != CeGuiString::npos 
            && comma2 != CeGuiString::npos 
            && comma3 == CeGuiString::npos)
            Quaternion rotX, rotY, rotZ;

			    Ogre::Degree(CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(0, comma1))), 
			    Ogre::Degree(CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1))), 
			    Ogre::Degree(CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma2 + 1))), 

            quat = rotX * rotY * rotZ;
        prop = Property(quat);
    else if (type == "BOOL")
        const bool boolVal = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToBool(value);
        prop = Property(boolVal);
	else if (type == "ARRAY")
		std::vector<Property> vecVal;
		for (DOMNode* curChild  = domElem->getFirstChild(); curChild != NULL;
			curChild = curChild->getNextSibling())
			if (curChild->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
				PropertyEntry entry = processProperty(static_cast<DOMElement*>(curChild));
		prop = Property(vecVal);
	else if (type == "INTPAIR")
        CeGuiString::size_type comma1 = value.find(",");

		std::pair<int,int> intpairVal = std::make_pair(0, 0);
        if (comma1 != CeGuiString::npos)
			intpairVal = std::make_pair(
				CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToInt(value.substr(0, comma1)),
				CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToInt(value.substr(comma1 + 1)));
        prop = Property(intpairVal);
    else if (type == "INTTRIPLE")
        CeGuiString::size_type comma1 = value.find(",");
        CeGuiString::size_type comma2 = value.find(",", comma1 + 1);

        Tripel<int> intTripel(0,0,0);
        if (comma1 != CeGuiString::npos && comma2 != CeGuiString::npos)
            intTripel.first = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(0, comma1));
            intTripel.second = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1));
            intTripel.third = CEGUI::PropertyHelper::stringToFloat(value.substr(comma2 + 1));
        prop = Property(intTripel);
	else if (type == "MAP")
		PropertyMap mapVal;
		for (DOMNode* curChild  = domElem->getFirstChild(); curChild != NULL;
			curChild = curChild->getNextSibling())
			if (curChild->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
				DOMElement* curElem = static_cast<DOMElement*>(curChild);
				CeGuiString key = getAttributeValueAsString(curElem, "name");
				PropertyEntry entry = processProperty(curElem);
				mapVal[key] = entry.second;
		prop = Property(mapVal);

    return std::make_pair(key, prop);