void NoSpacesProcessor::processText() { QFile file(m_filename); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit error(tr("Could not open file %1").arg(m_filename)); return; } const int totalLineCount = detectLineCount(); int lineNumber(1); while(!file.atEnd()) { emit progress(lineNumber,totalLineCount,tr("Parsing text with no spaces")); QByteArray line = file.readLine(); emit lineFound(line, lineNumber); line = line.simplified(); if(line.isEmpty()) { ++lineNumber; continue; } for(int pos=0;pos<line.count();++pos) { emit progress(pos,line.count(),tr("Line %1 of %2").arg(lineNumber).arg(totalLineCount)); for(int len=1;len<14;++len) { emit combinationFound(processorName(),line.mid(pos,len),lineNumber); } } //emit combinationFound(processorName(), word,lineNumber); ++lineNumber; } file.close(); }
void BatchProcessing::ThreadHandler(void *args) { SetThreadName("orka:batch"); CStdString debug; CStdString logMsg; CStdString processorName("BatchProcessing"); TapeProcessorRef batchProcessing = TapeProcessorRegistry::instance()->GetNewTapeProcessor(processorName); if(batchProcessing.get() == NULL) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Could not instanciate BatchProcessing"); return; } BatchProcessing* pBatchProcessing = (BatchProcessing*)(batchProcessing->Instanciate().get()); pBatchProcessing->SetQueueSize(CONFIG.m_batchProcessingQueueSize); int threadId = 0; { MutexSentinel sentinel(pBatchProcessing->m_mutex); threadId = pBatchProcessing->m_threadCount++; } CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); debug.Format("thread Th%s starting - queue size:%d", threadIdString, CONFIG.m_batchProcessingQueueSize); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, debug); bool stop = false; for(;stop == false;) { AudioFileRef fileRef; AudioFileRef outFileRef, outFileSecondaryRef; AudioTapeRef audioTapeRef; CStdString trackingId = "[no-trk]"; try { audioTapeRef = pBatchProcessing->m_audioTapeQueue.pop(); if(audioTapeRef.get() == NULL) { if(Daemon::Singleton()->IsStopping()) { stop = true; } if(Daemon::Singleton()->GetShortLived()) { Daemon::Singleton()->Stop(); } } else { fileRef = audioTapeRef->GetAudioFileRef(); trackingId = audioTapeRef->m_trackingId; audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath; // Let's work on the tape we have pulled //CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " processing " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + " localside:" + CaptureEvent::LocalSideToString(audioTapeRef->m_localSide) + " audiokeepdirection:" + CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionToString(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum)); if(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionInvalid) { LOG4CXX_WARN(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " invalid audiokeepdirection:" + IntToString(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum)); } //fileRef->MoveOrig(); // #### could do this only when original and output file have the same extension. Irrelevant for now as everything is captured as mcf file fileRef->Open(AudioFile::READ); AudioChunkRef chunkRef; AudioChunkRef tmpChunkRef, tmpChunkSecondaryRef; unsigned int frameSleepCounter; frameSleepCounter = 0; switch(CONFIG.m_storageAudioFormat) { case FfUlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ULAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfAlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ALAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfGsm: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_GSM610 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfPcmWav: default: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); } if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { outFileRef->SetNumOutputChannels(2); } FilterRef rtpMixer, rtpMixerSecondary; FilterRef decoder1; FilterRef decoder2; FilterRef decoder; FilterRef audiogain; std::bitset<RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX> seenRtpPayloadTypes; std::vector<FilterRef> decoders1; std::vector<FilterRef> decoders2; for(int pt=0; pt<RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX; pt++) { decoder1 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(pt); decoders1.push_back(decoder1); decoder2 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(pt); decoders2.push_back(decoder2); } bool firstChunk = true; bool voIpSession = false; size_t numSamplesS1 = 0; size_t numSamplesS2 = 0; size_t numSamplesOut = 0; CStdString filterName("AudioGain"); audiogain = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(audiogain.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate AudioGain rtpMixer"; throw(debug); } bool forceChannel1 = false; while(fileRef->ReadChunkMono(chunkRef)) { // ############ HACK //ACE_Time_Value yield; //yield.set(0,1); //ACE_OS::sleep(yield); // ############ HACK AudioChunkDetails details = *chunkRef->GetDetails(); int channelToSkip = 0; if(CONFIG.m_directionLookBack == true) //if DirectionLookBack is not enable, DirectionSelector Tape should have taken care everything { if(BatchProcessing::SkipChunk(audioTapeRef, chunkRef, channelToSkip) == true) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " skipping chunk of channel:" + IntToString(details.m_channel)); if(forceChannel1 == false) { if(channelToSkip == 1) { forceChannel1 = true; } } continue; } } if(forceChannel1 == true) { details.m_channel = 1; chunkRef->SetDetails(&details); } decoder.reset(); if(details.m_rtpPayloadType < -1 || details.m_rtpPayloadType >= RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX) { logMsg.Format("RTP payload type out of bound:%d", details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); continue; } // Instanciate any decoder we might need during a VoIP session if(details.m_rtpPayloadType != -1) { voIpSession = true; if(details.m_channel == 2) { decoder2 = decoders2.at(details.m_rtpPayloadType); decoder = decoder2; } else { decoder1 = decoders1.at(details.m_rtpPayloadType); decoder = decoder1; } bool ptAlreadySeen = seenRtpPayloadTypes.test(details.m_rtpPayloadType); seenRtpPayloadTypes.set(details.m_rtpPayloadType); if(decoder.get() == NULL) { if(ptAlreadySeen == false) { // First time we see a particular unsupported payload type in this session, log it CStdString rtpPayloadType = IntToString(details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " unsupported RTP payload type:" + rtpPayloadType); } // We cannot decode this chunk due to unknown codec, go to next chunk continue; } else if(ptAlreadySeen == false) { // First time we see a particular supported payload type in this session, log it CStdString rtpPayloadType = IntToString(details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " RTP payload type:" + rtpPayloadType); } } if(!voIpSession || (firstChunk && decoder.get())) { firstChunk = false; // At this point, we know we have a working codec, create an RTP mixer and open the output file if(voIpSession) { CStdString filterName("RtpMixer"); rtpMixer = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(rtpMixer.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate RTP mixer"; throw(debug); } if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { rtpMixer->SetNumOutputChannels(2); } rtpMixer->SetSessionInfo(trackingId); //create another rtpmixer to store stereo audio if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { outFileSecondaryRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); outFileSecondaryRef->SetNumOutputChannels(2); rtpMixerSecondary = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate RTP mixer"; throw(debug); } rtpMixerSecondary->SetNumOutputChannels(2); rtpMixerSecondary->SetSessionInfo(trackingId); } } CStdString path = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); FileRecursiveMkdir(path, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath); CStdString file = path + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); outFileRef->Open(file, AudioFile::WRITE, false, fileRef->GetSampleRate()); if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { path = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); FileRecursiveMkdir(path, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary); CStdString storageFile = path + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); outFileSecondaryRef->Open(storageFile, AudioFile::WRITE, false, fileRef->GetSampleRate()); } } if(voIpSession) { if(details.m_channel == 2) { decoder2->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder2->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesS2 += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { decoder2->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } else { decoder1->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder1->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesS1 += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { decoder1->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } audiogain->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); audiogain->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); rtpMixer->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } else { audiogain->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); audiogain->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } outFileRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { outFileSecondaryRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesOut += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(CONFIG.m_batchProcessingEnhancePriority == false) { // Give up CPU between every audio buffer to make sure the actual recording always has priority //ACE_Time_Value yield; //yield.set(0,1); // 1 us //ACE_OS::sleep(yield); // Use this instead, even if it still seems this holds the whole process under Linux instead of this thread only. struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 1; ACE_OS::nanosleep (&ts, NULL); } if(CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepEveryNumFrames > 0 && CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepUs > 0) { if(frameSleepCounter >= (unsigned int)CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepEveryNumFrames) { frameSleepCounter = 0; struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepUs*1000; ACE_OS::nanosleep (&ts, NULL); } else { frameSleepCounter += 1; } } } if(voIpSession && !firstChunk) { // Flush the RTP mixer AudioChunkRef stopChunk(new AudioChunk()); stopChunk->GetDetails()->m_marker = MEDIA_CHUNK_EOS_MARKER; rtpMixer->AudioChunkIn(stopChunk); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } while(tmpChunkRef.get()) { outFileRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkRef); numSamplesOut += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } while(tmpChunkSecondaryRef.get()) { outFileSecondaryRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } fileRef->Close(); outFileRef->Close(); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { outFileSecondaryRef->Close(); } logMsg.Format("[%s] Th%s stop: num samples: s1:%u s2:%u out:%u queueSize:%d", trackingId, threadIdString, numSamplesS1, numSamplesS2, numSamplesOut, pBatchProcessing->m_audioTapeQueue.numElements()); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, logMsg); CStdString audioFilePath = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); CStdString audioFileName; CStdString storageFilePath, storageFileName; if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { storageFilePath = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); storageFileName = storageFilePath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + outFileRef->GetExtension(); } audioFileName = audioFilePath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + outFileRef->GetExtension(); if(CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions) { if(FileSetPermissions(audioFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions)) { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Error setting permissions of %s to %o: %s", audioFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } if(storageFileName.length() > 5) { if(FileSetPermissions(storageFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions)) { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Error setting permissions of %s to %o: %s", storageFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } } } if(CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup.size() && CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner.size()) { if(FileSetOwnership(audioFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup)) { logMsg.Format("Error setting ownership and group of %s to %s:%s: %s", audioFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } if(storageFileName.length() > 5) { if(FileSetOwnership(storageFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup)) { logMsg.Format("Error setting ownership and group of %s to %s:%s: %s", storageFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } } } if(CONFIG.m_deleteNativeFile && numSamplesOut) { fileRef->Delete(); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); } else if(CONFIG.m_deleteFailedCaptureFile) { fileRef->Delete(); if(outFileRef.get()) { outFileRef->Close(); outFileRef->Delete(); } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native that could not be transcoded: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); } // Finished processing the tape, pass on to next processor if(numSamplesOut) { pBatchProcessing->RunNextProcessor(audioTapeRef); } } } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + e); if(fileRef.get()) {fileRef->Close();} if(outFileRef.get()) {outFileRef->Close();} if(CONFIG.m_deleteFailedCaptureFile && fileRef.get() != NULL) { LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native and transcoded"); if(fileRef.get()) {fileRef->Delete();} if(outFileRef.get()) {outFileRef->Delete();} } } //catch(...) //{ // LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("unknown exception")); //} } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Exiting thread Th" + threadIdString)); }
// the exposed libscalpel API // NOTE: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the // libscalpel_* functions instead. // TODO make the driver in scalpel_exec.c use this (minor refactoring needed) // TODO add support for the remaining options avail from cmd-line // returns SCALPEL_OK on no error, can throw runtime_error exception on errors int scalpel_carveSingleInput(ScalpelInputReader * const reader, const char * const confFilePath, const char * const outDir, const unsigned char generateFooterDb, const unsigned char handleEmbedded, const unsigned char organizeSubdirs, const unsigned char previewMode, const unsigned char carveWithMissingFooters, const unsigned char noSearchOverlap) throw (std::runtime_error) { if (!reader || ! confFilePath || ! outDir) { //invalid args throw std::runtime_error("Invalid empty arguments"); } if (!reader->dataSource || !reader->id) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid empty input reader arguments"); } //check fns if (!reader->open || !reader->read || !reader->seeko || !reader->tello || !reader->close || !reader->getError || !reader->getSize) { throw std::runtime_error("Reader callbacks not setup"); } struct scalpelState state; std::string processorName ("scalpel_carveSingleInput()"); char * args[5]; args[0] = const_cast<char*> ( processorName.c_str()); args[1] = reader->id; args[2] = const_cast<char*> (confFilePath); args[3] = const_cast<char*> (outDir); args[4] = 0; initializeState(args, &state); //setup input state.inReader = reader; //setup options const size_t outDirLen = strlen(outDir); strncpy(state.outputdirectory, outDir, outDirLen); state.outputdirectory[outDirLen] = 0; const size_t confFilePathLen = strlen(confFilePath); strncpy(state.conffile, confFilePath, confFilePathLen); state.conffile[confFilePathLen] = 0; state.generateHeaderFooterDatabase = generateFooterDb; state.handleEmbedded = handleEmbedded; state.organizeSubdirectories = organizeSubdirs; state.previewMode = previewMode; state.carveWithMissingFooters = carveWithMissingFooters; state.noSearchOverlap = noSearchOverlap; convertFileNames(&state); // read configuration file int err; if ((err = readSearchSpecFile(&state))) { // problem with config file handleError(&state, err); //can throw freeState(&state); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error reading spec file, error code: " << err; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } // prepare audit file and make sure output directory is empty. if ((err = openAuditFile(&state))) { handleError(&state, err); //can throw freeState(&state); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error opening audit file, error code: " << err; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } // Initialize the backing store of buffer to read-in, process image data. init_store(); // Initialize threading model for cpu or gpu search. init_threading_model(&state); if ((err = digImageFile(&state))) { handleError(&state, err); //can throw closeAuditFile(state.auditFile); destroyStore(); freeState(&state); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error digging file, error code: " << err; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } if ((err = carveImageFile(&state))) { handleError(&state, err); //can throw closeAuditFile(state.auditFile); destroy_threading_model(&state); destroyStore(); freeState(&state); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error carving file, error code: " << err; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } closeAuditFile(state.auditFile); destroy_threading_model(&state); destroyStore(); freeState(&state); return SCALPEL_OK; }
void DirectionSelector::ThreadHandler(void *args) { SetThreadName("orka:ds"); CStdString debug; CStdString logMsg; CStdString processorName("DirectionSelector"); TapeProcessorRef directionSelector = TapeProcessorRegistry::instance()->GetNewTapeProcessor(processorName); if(directionSelector.get() == NULL) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.directionSelectorLog, "Could not instanciate DirectionSelector"); return; } DirectionSelector* pDirectionSelector = (DirectionSelector*)(directionSelector->Instanciate().get()); pDirectionSelector->SetQueueSize(CONFIG.m_directionSelectorQueueSize); int threadId = 0; { MutexSentinel sentinel(pDirectionSelector->m_mutex); threadId = pDirectionSelector->m_threadCount++; } CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); debug.Format("thread Th%s starting - queue size:%d", threadIdString, CONFIG.m_directionSelectorQueueSize); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.directionSelectorLog, debug); pDirectionSelector->LoadAreaCodesMap(); bool stop = false; for(;stop == false;) { AudioFileRef fileRef; oreka::shared_ptr<MediaChunkFile> outFile (new MediaChunkFile()); AudioTapeRef audioTapeRef; CStdString trackingId = "[no-trk]"; int numSamplesOutv = 0; AudioChunkRef chunkRef; try { audioTapeRef = pDirectionSelector->m_audioTapeQueue.pop(); if(audioTapeRef.get() == NULL) { if(Daemon::Singleton()->IsStopping()) { stop = true; } if(Daemon::Singleton()->GetShortLived()) { Daemon::Singleton()->Stop(); } } else { //Iterating through area codes map to check which side will be retain bool found = false; int foundPos = -1; CStdString side; std::map<CStdString, CStdString>::iterator it; for(it = pDirectionSelector->m_areaCodesMap.begin(); it!= pDirectionSelector->m_areaCodesMap.end() && found == false; it++) { //For now, we dont consider local party which has nothing to do with area codes // foundPos = audioTapeRef->m_localParty.find(it->first); // if(foundPos == 0) // { // side = it->second; // found = true; // break; // } foundPos = audioTapeRef->m_remoteParty.find(it->first); if(foundPos == 0) { side = it->second; found = true; break; } } if(found == true) { AudioDirectionMarksRef defaultKeptSide(new AudioDirectionMarks()); defaultKeptSide->m_timestamp = 1; //make sure it the first event in the chain of event in term of timestamp if(audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.size() > 0) { std::vector<AudioDirectionMarksRef>::iterator it; it = audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.begin(); defaultKeptSide->m_nextTimestampMark = (*it)->m_timestamp; //next mark, will be the first api called, if any } defaultKeptSide->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum = (CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionEnum)CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionToEnum(side); audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.insert(audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.begin(),defaultKeptSide); } CStdString mcfExt, tmpExt, tmpFileName, origFileName, origFileNameWoExt; mcfExt = ".mcf"; tmpExt = ".tmp"; audioTapeRef->SetExtension(mcfExt); //the real extension at this point origFileName = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/"+ audioTapeRef->GetFilename(); origFileNameWoExt = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath() + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); //copy a temporary file for processing audioTapeRef->SetExtension(tmpExt); tmpFileName = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/"+ audioTapeRef->GetFilename(); if(ACE_OS::rename((PCSTR)origFileName, (PCSTR)tmpFileName) != 0){ LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.directionSelectorLog, "Can not rename audio file for processing"); } fileRef = audioTapeRef->GetAudioFileRef(); trackingId = audioTapeRef->m_trackingId; fileRef->SetFilename(tmpFileName); //audioTapeRef->SetExtension(fullfilename) does not take affect on audiofileRef, fileRef->Open(AudioFile::READ); outFile->Open(origFileNameWoExt, AudioFile::WRITE); while(fileRef->ReadChunkMono(chunkRef)) { AudioChunkDetails details = *chunkRef->GetDetails(); std::vector<AudioDirectionMarksRef>::iterator it; for(it = audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.begin(); it != audioTapeRef->m_audioDirectionMarks.end(); it++) { if(((*it)->m_timestamp == 0)) { continue; } if((details.m_arrivalTimestamp >= (*it)->m_timestamp) && ((details.m_arrivalTimestamp < (*it)->m_nextTimestampMark) || ((*it)->m_nextTimestampMark == 0))) //this audio chunk is in between 2 kept-direction reports marks { if(audioTapeRef->m_localSide == CaptureEvent::LocalSideSide1) { if(((*it)->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionLocal) && (details.m_channel == 2)) { memset(chunkRef->m_pBuffer, 0, details.m_numBytes); //blank side 2 } else if(((*it)->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionRemote) && (details.m_channel == 1)) { memset(chunkRef->m_pBuffer, 0, details.m_numBytes); //blank side 1 } } else if(audioTapeRef->m_localSide == CaptureEvent::LocalSideSide2) { if(((*it)->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionLocal) && (details.m_channel == 1)) { memset(chunkRef->m_pBuffer, 0, details.m_numBytes); } else if(((*it)->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionRemote) && (details.m_channel == 2)) { memset(chunkRef->m_pBuffer, 0, details.m_numBytes); } } } } outFile->WriteChunk(chunkRef); } outFile->Close(); ACE_OS::unlink((PCSTR)tmpFileName); fileRef->Close(); audioTapeRef->SetExtension(mcfExt); //return back to mcf ext fileRef->SetFilename(origFileName); // weird here, but it needs to be done, otherwise audioTapeRef will associate with tmp File pDirectionSelector->RunNextProcessor(audioTapeRef); } } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.directionSelectorLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + e); if(fileRef.get()) {fileRef->Close();} } } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.directionSelectorLog, CStdString("Exiting thread Th" + threadIdString)); }