Пример #1
bool OntologyParser::parse( const QString& filename, const QString& serializationMimeType )
    Soprano::RdfSerialization serialization = Soprano::SerializationUnknown;
    if( !serializationMimeType.isEmpty() ) {
        serialization = Soprano::mimeTypeToSerialization( serializationMimeType );
    else if ( filename.endsWith( "trig" ) ) {
        serialization = Soprano::SerializationTrig;
    else {
        serialization = Soprano::SerializationRdfXml;

    if ( !( d->rdfParser = Soprano::PluginManager::instance()->discoverParserForSerialization( serialization, serializationMimeType ) ) ) {
        return false;

    if ( !quiet )
        qDebug() << "(OntologyParser) Parsing " << filename << endl;

    Soprano::StatementIterator it = d->rdfParser->parseFile( filename,
                                    serializationMimeType );
    bool success = true;

    while( it.next() ) {
        const Soprano::Statement& s = *it;

        if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::subClassOf() ) {
            ResourceClass* rc = d->getClass( s.subject().uri().toString() );
            rc->setParentResource( d->getClass( s.object().uri().toString() ) );
            rc->addParentResource( d->getClass( s.object().uri().toString() ) );
            rc->setGenerateClass( true );
        else if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDF::type() ) {
            if( s.object().uri().toString().endsWith( "#Class" ) )
                d->getClass( s.subject().uri().toString() )->setGenerateClass( true );
        else if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::domain() ) {
            ResourceClass* rc = d->getClass( s.object().uri().toString() );
            Property* p = d->getProperty( s.subject().uri().toString() );
            p->setDomain( rc );
            if ( !rc->allProperties().contains( p ) )
                rc->addProperty( p );
            rc->setGenerateClass( true );
        else if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::range() ) {
            Property* prop = d->getProperty(s.subject().uri().toString());
            QUrl type = s.object().uri();
            if( type.toString().contains( "XMLSchema" ) ) {
                prop->setLiteralRange( d->xmlSchemaTypes[type] );
            else if( type == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::Literal() ) {
                prop->setLiteralRange( "QString" );
            else {
                prop->setRange( d->getClass(s.object().uri()) );
        else if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::maxCardinality() ||
                 s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::cardinality() ) {
            Property * p = d->getProperty(s.subject().uri());
            int cValue = s.object().literal().toInt();

            p->setIsList( cValue > 1 );
            if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::maxCardinality() )
                p->setMaxCardinality( cValue );
                p->setCardinality( cValue );
        else if( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::comment() ) {
            d->comments[s.subject().uri()] = s.object().literal().toString();
        else if ( s.predicate().uri() == Soprano::Vocabulary::NRL::inverseProperty() ) {
            d->getProperty(s.subject().uri())->setInverseProperty( d->getProperty(s.object().uri()) );
            d->getProperty(s.object().uri())->setInverseProperty( d->getProperty(s.subject().uri()) );

    // determine the reverse properties
    for( QMap<QUrl, Property>::iterator propIt = d->properties.begin();
            propIt != d->properties.end(); ++propIt ) {
        Property& p = propIt.value();
        if( p.range() ) {
            if ( !quiet )
                qDebug() << "Setting reverse property " << p.uri() << " on type " << p.range()->uri() << endl;
            if ( !p.range()->allReverseProperties().contains( &p ) )
                p.range()->addReverseProperty( &p );
        if ( !p.domain() ) {
            p.setDomain( d->getClass(Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::Resource()) );

        Q_ASSERT( d->properties.count( propIt.key() ) == 1 );

    // now assign the comments to resources and properties
    QMapIterator<QUrl, QString> commentsIt( d->comments );
    while( commentsIt.hasNext() ) {
        if( d->resources.contains( commentsIt.key() ) )
            d->resources[commentsIt.key()].setComment( commentsIt.value() );
        else if( d->properties.contains( commentsIt.key() ) )
            d->properties[commentsIt.key()].setComment( commentsIt.value() );

    // testing stuff
    for( QMap<QUrl, ResourceClass>::iterator it = d->resources.begin();
            it != d->resources.end(); ++it ) {
        if( !it->parentClass(false) ) {
            it->setParentResource( d->getClass(Soprano::Vocabulary::RDFS::Resource()) );
        if ( !quiet )
            qDebug() << "Resource: " << (*it).name()
                     << "[" << (*it).uri() << "]"
                     << " (->" << (*it).parentClass(false)->name() << ")"
                     << ( (*it).generateClass() ? " (will be generated)" : " (will not be generated)" )
                     << endl;

        Q_ASSERT( d->resources.count( it.key() ) == 1 );

        QListIterator<const Property*> propIt( (*it).allProperties() );
        while( propIt.hasNext() ) {
            const Property* p = propIt.next();
            if ( !quiet )
                qDebug() << "          " << p->uri() << " (->" << p->typeString() << ")" << ( p->isList() ? QString("+") : QString("1") ) << endl;

    return success;
Пример #2
std::vector<LinearLiteralPropagator::LinearConstraintClause> LinearLiteralPropagator::propagate_true(const ReifiedLinearConstraint& rl)
    const LinearConstraint& l = rl.l;
    std::vector<LinearConstraintClause> ret;
    LinearConstraintClause::itervec clause;
    auto minmax = computeMinMax(l, clause);
    if (minmax.second <= l.getRhs())
        return ret;

    //std::cout << "trying to propagate " << l << std::endl;
    auto views = l.getViews();
    for (std::size_t index=0; index < views.size(); ++index)
        auto& i = views[index];
        auto wholeRange = vs_.getVariableStorage().getRestrictor(i);
        auto r = vs_.getVariableStorage().getCurrentRestrictor(i);
        std::pair<int64,int64> mm;
        mm.first = minmax.first - r.lower();
        mm.second = minmax.second - r.upper();
        //Literal prop = s_.falseLit();
        bool prop = false;
        Restrictor::ViewIterator propIt(wholeRange.begin());
        bool conflict = false;

        int64 up = l.getRhs() - mm.first;
        //// check if this returns the correct literals,
        /// see translatorClauseChecker::add, there is a positive and a negative add
        if (up < wholeRange.lower()) // derive false
            //std::cout << "Constrain View " << i.v << "*" << i.a << "+" << i.c << " with new upper bound " << up << std::endl;
            propIt=wholeRange.begin();//can be removed
            conflict = true;
            if (up < r.upper())
                //std::cout << "Constrain Variable " << i.v << "*" << i.a << "+" << i.c << " with new upper bound " << up << std::endl;
                auto newUpper = std::upper_bound(wholeRange.begin(), wholeRange.end(), up, [](int64 val, int64 it){ return it > val; });
                //assert(newUpper != r.end()); /// should never be able to happen, as up < r.upper().first, so there is something which is smaller, this means we do not need r ?
                if (newUpper==wholeRange.begin())
                    propIt = newUpper;
                    propIt = newUpper;
                    prop = true;
                    //prop = vs_.getVariableCreator().getLiteral(newUpper);
                    conflict = !constrainUpperBound((newUpper+1)); // +1 is needed, as it is an iterator pointing after the element
                    minmax.first = mm.first + r.lower();
                    minmax.second =  mm.second + *newUpper;
                    //minmax = mm + std::minmax(i.second*(int64)r.lower(),i.second*(int64)((*newUpper)));

        if (prop || conflict)
            LinearConstraintClause c(rl);
            LinearConstraintClause::itervec aux(clause);
            aux[index] = propIt;
        if (conflict)
    //When i changed a bound, the reason for the next ones can change, right ? No! only the upper/lower bound is changes, the other bound is used for reason
    return ret;
Пример #3
void LinearLiteralPropagator::propagate_true(const ReifiedLinearConstraint& rl)
    const LinearConstraint& l = rl.l;

    auto minmax = computeMinMax(l, propClause_);
    if (minmax.second <= l.getRhs())

    if (conf_.propStrength<=2)
        if (minmax.first > l.getRhs())

    //std::cout << "trying to propagate " << l << std::endl;
    auto& views = l.getViews();
    for (std::size_t index=0; index < views.size(); ++index)
        auto& i = views[index];
        auto wholeRange = vs_.getVariableStorage().getRestrictor(i);
        auto r = vs_.getVariableStorage().getCurrentRestrictor(i);
        assert(r.begin() < r.end());
        std::pair<int64,int64> mm;
        mm.first = minmax.first - r.lower();
        mm.second = minmax.second - r.upper();

        //Literal prop = s_.falseLit();
        bool prop = false;
        Restrictor::ViewIterator propIt(wholeRange.begin());
        bool conflict = false;

        int64 up = l.getRhs() - mm.first;

        if (up < wholeRange.lower()) // derive false
            //std::cout << "Constrain View " << i.v << "*" << i.a << "+" << i.c << " with new upper bound " << up << std::endl;
            //propIt=wholeRange.begin();//can be removed
            conflict = true;
            if (up < r.upper())
                //std::cout << "Constrain Variable " << i.v << "*" << i.a << "+" << i.c << " with new upper bound " << up << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "This Variable before had domain " << r.lower() << " .. " << r.upper() << std::endl;
                auto newUpper = order::wrap_upper_bound(wholeRange.begin(), r.end(), up);
                //assert(newUpper != r.end()); /// should never be able to happen, as up < r.upper().first, so there is something which is smaller, this means we do not need r ?
                propIt = newUpper;
                if (newUpper==wholeRange.begin())
                    prop = true;
                    //prop = vs_.getVariableCreator().getLiteral(newUpper);
                    //std::cout << "the upper bound not included for this view will be " << *(newUpper+1) << std::endl;
                    conflict = !constrainUpperBound((newUpper+1)); // +1 is needed, as it is an iterator pointing after the element
                    //minmax.first = mm.first + r.lower();
                    minmax.second =  mm.second + *newUpper;
                    //minmax = mm + std::minmax(i.second*(int64)r.lower(),i.second*(int64)((*newUpper)));

        if (prop || conflict)
            itervec aux;
            if (conflict) aux = std::move(propClause_);
            else aux = propClause_;
            aux[index] = propIt;
        if (conflict)
    //When i changed a bound, the reason for the next ones can change, right ? No! only the upper/lower bound is changes, the other bound is used for reason