void CtrlrMIDIBuffer::resized() { //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here.. //[/UserPreResize] documentEditor->setBounds (0, 88, getWidth() - 0, getHeight() - 104); bufferSource->setBounds (8, 8, proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 24); label->setBounds (8, 40, 32, 16); prefixLengthLabel->setBounds (8, 56, 32, 24); nameLengthLabel->setBounds (80, 56, 32, 24); dataOffsetLabel->setBounds (120, 56, 32, 24); suffixLengthLabel->setBounds (192, 56, 32, 24); label7->setBounds (48, 40, 64, 16); label8->setBounds (120, 40, 64, 16); label9->setBounds (192, 40, 32, 16); nameOffsetLabel->setBounds (48, 56, 32, 24); dataLengthLabel->setBounds (152, 56, 32, 24); reloadButton->setBounds (8 + proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 8, proportionOfWidth (0.1537f), 24); status->setBounds (0, getHeight() - 16, getWidth() - 0, 16); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. const int columnsVisible = documentEditor->getNumColumnsOnScreen(); if (lastNumberOfColumns != columnsVisible) { lastNumberOfColumns = columnsVisible; colorize(); } //[/UserResized] }
//============================================================================== void Ambix_binauralAudioProcessorEditor::paint (Graphics& g) { //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //[/UserPrePaint] g.fillAll (Colours::white); g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xff4e4e4e), static_cast<float> (proportionOfWidth (0.6400f)), static_cast<float> (proportionOfHeight (0.6933f)), Colours::black, static_cast<float> (proportionOfWidth (0.1143f)), static_cast<float> (proportionOfHeight (0.0800f)), true)); g.fillRect (0, 0, 350, 300); g.setColour (Colours::black); g.drawRect (0, 0, 350, 300, 1); g.setColour (Colour (0x410000ff)); g.fillRoundedRectangle (18.0f, 100.0f, 222.0f, 76.0f, 10.000f); g.setColour (Colours::white); g.setFont (Font (17.20f, Font::bold)); g.drawText (TRANS("AMBIX-BINAURAL-DECODER"), 1, 4, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); g.setColour (Colours::white); g.setFont (Font (12.40f, Font::plain)); g.drawText (TRANS("listening to Ambisonics with headphones"), 1, 28, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //[/UserPaint] }
void ControlPanelComponent::resized() { thresholdSlider->setBounds (25, proportionOfHeight (0.3975f), proportionOfWidth (0.8483f), 16); thresholdLabel->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.3675f), 80, 17); calcSimButton->setBounds (262 - 86, proportionOfHeight (0.2075f), 86, 20); rmsFeatureToggle->setBounds (96, proportionOfHeight (0.1775f), 50, 24); scFeatureToggle->setBounds (24, proportionOfHeight (0.2275f), 50, 24); mfccFeatureToggle->setBounds (24, proportionOfHeight (0.1775f), 50, 24); stickynessLabel->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.4275f), 72, 18); presetComboBox->setBounds (96, proportionOfHeight (0.1200f), 100, 24); presetsLabel->setBounds (21, proportionOfHeight (0.1175f), 60, 24); stickynessSlider->setBounds (25, proportionOfHeight (0.4575f), proportionOfWidth (0.8483f), 16); widthLabel->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.5250f), 80, 24); widthSlider->setBounds (25, proportionOfHeight (0.5550f), proportionOfWidth (0.8483f), 16); header2->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.3175f), 150, 24); header1->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.0700f), 150, 24); zcrFeatureToggle->setBounds (96, proportionOfHeight (0.2275f), 50, 24); invertRegionsToggle->setBounds (24, proportionOfHeight (0.6250f), 120, 24); exportSeparateButton->setBounds (24, proportionOfHeight (0.9125f), 104, 24); regionDescriptionLabel->setBounds (176, proportionOfHeight (0.6250f), 72, 24); regionCountLabel->setBounds ((176) + 72, proportionOfHeight (0.6250f), 30, 25); saveSingleFileToggleButton->setBounds ((24) + 0, proportionOfHeight (0.9525f), 112, 24); widthMinLabel->setBounds ((25) + 0, (proportionOfHeight (0.5550f)) + 17, 56, 24); widthMaxLabel->setBounds ((25) + roundFloatToInt ((proportionOfWidth (0.8483f)) * 0.9018f), (proportionOfHeight (0.5550f)) + 17, 48, 24); numRegionsComboBox->setBounds ((16) + 8, proportionOfHeight (0.7850f), 120, 24); header3->setBounds (16, proportionOfHeight (0.7250f), 120, 24); searchPercentComboBox->setBounds ((16) + 144, proportionOfHeight (0.7850f), 104, 24); searchButton->setBounds (24, proportionOfHeight (0.8425f), 96, 24); widthFilterSearchToggle->setBounds ((16) + 136, proportionOfHeight (0.7250f), 120, 24); exportTxtButton->setBounds ((24) + 152, proportionOfHeight (0.9125f), 104, 24); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void PanelEngine::resizeAlgoDrawableImage() { float left = proportionOfWidth (0.15f); float top = proportionOfHeight (0.007f); float width = proportionOfWidth (0.32f); float height = proportionOfHeight(0.31f); juce::Rectangle<float> rect = juce::Rectangle<float>(left, top, width, height); algoDrawableImage->setTransformToFit(rect, RectanglePlacement::centred | RectanglePlacement::onlyReduceInSize); }
void MidiMsgTypeIOComponent::resized() { noteToggleButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5800f) - 38, 0, 38, getHeight()); ccToggleButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.8200f) - 38, 0, 38, getHeight()); ScopedPointer<Font> f(new Font(midiIODeviceName->getFont ()) ); int width = f->getStringWidth(midiIODeviceName->getText() ); midiIODeviceName->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0000f), 0, width + 10, getHeight()); }
void RxSettings::resized() { swapButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0418f), proportionOfHeight (0.0399f), 150, 24); RxBalance->setBounds (128, 72, proportionOfWidth (0.7387f), 24); labelRxBalance->setBounds (16, 72, 96, 24); label->setBounds (16, 120, 104, 24); sliderCwPitch->setBounds (128, 120, proportionOfWidth (0.7387f), 24); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
//============================================================================== void Ambix_converterAudioProcessorEditor::paint (Graphics& g) { //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //[/UserPrePaint] g.fillAll (Colours::white); g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xff4e4e4e), (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.6400f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.6933f)), Colours::black, (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.1143f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0800f)), true)); g.fillRect (0, 0, 410, 310); g.setColour (Colours::black); g.drawRect (0, 0, 410, 310, 1); g.setColour (Colours::cadetblue); g.fillRoundedRectangle (272.0f, 110.0f, 133.0f, 106.0f, 10.0000f); g.setColour (Colours::grey); g.fillRoundedRectangle (128.0f, 110.0f, 133.0f, 106.0f, 10.0000f); g.setColour (Colours::azure); g.setFont (Font (17.2000f, Font::bold)); g.drawText ("AMBIX-CONVERTER", 11, 6, 380, 30, Justification::centred, true); g.setColour (Colours::azure); g.setFont (Font (12.4000f, Font::plain)); g.drawText ("convert between Ambisonics formats", 8, 28, 380, 30, Justification::centred, true); g.setColour (Colour (0xdc000000)); g.fillRoundedRectangle (11.0f, 271.0f, 195.0f, 24.0f, 10.0000f); g.setColour (Colour (0xff2b1d69)); g.fillRoundedRectangle (216.0f, 223.0f, 184.0f, 73.0f, 10.0000f); /* Version text */ g.setColour (Colours::white); g.setFont (Font (10.00f, Font::plain)); String version_string; version_string << "v" << QUOTE(VERSION); g.drawText (version_string, getWidth()-51, getHeight()-11, 50, 10, Justification::bottomRight, true); //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //getParamsFromHost(); //[/UserPaint] }
//============================================================================== void CtrlrAbout::paint (Graphics& g) { //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //[/UserPrePaint] g.setColour (Colour (0xff4c4c4c)); g.fillRect (proportionOfWidth (0.0200f), 163, proportionOfWidth (0.9600f), 2); //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here.. //[/UserPaint] }
void GuitarNeckComponent::getFretPos (int fret, int& x, int& w) const { if (fret==0) { w = nutWidth; x = nutWidth; } else { x = proportionOfWidth(fretPosition[fret]/fretPosition[numFrets]); w = proportionOfWidth((fretPosition[fret] - fretPosition[fret-1])/fretPosition[numFrets]); } }
void UIFileWatcherLeds::resized() { readLed->setBounds (0, 0, proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); writeLed->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), 0, proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); metaLed->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 0, proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); ledFileCreated->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.6000f), 0, proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); ledFileDeleted->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.8000f), 0, proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void PlayContentComponent::resized() { waveformLiveScroller->setBounds(0, 0, proportionOfWidth (0.5000f), proportionOfHeight (0.2000f)); spectrumLiveScroller->setBounds(proportionOfWidth (0.5000f), 0, proportionOfWidth (0.5000f), proportionOfHeight (0.2000f)); #if JUCE_MAC || JUCE_WINDOWS || JUCE_LINUX toolBarControls->setBounds(10, proportionOfHeight (0.2000f) + 44, 152, 420); #elif JUCE_IOS || JUCE_ANDROID toolBarControls->setBounds(5, proportionOfHeight (0.2000f), 120, 210); #endif shapeButtonArray->setBounds(getWidth()/2 - getHeight()/4, getHeight()/2 - getHeight()/4 + 30, getHeight()/2, getHeight()/2); metroDisplay->setBounds(getWidth()/2 - (getHeight()/4 + 10), getHeight()/2 - getHeight()/4 + 20, getHeight()/2 + 20, getHeight()/2 + 20); }
void FilterAudioProcessorEditor::resized() { //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here.. //[/UserPreResize] label->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.4179f), proportionOfHeight (0.0000f), proportionOfWidth (0.3224f), proportionOfHeight (1.0000f)); filterTypeSelector->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0597f), proportionOfHeight (0.8000f), proportionOfWidth (0.3105f), proportionOfHeight (0.0967f)); frequencySlider->setBounds (0, 40, 136, 144); resonanceSlider->setBounds (144, 40, 128, 144); label2->setBounds (136, 192, 151, 28); label3->setBounds (-8, 192, 144, 30); meterChild->setBounds (496, 0, 216, 328); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void DrawableButton::resized() { Button::resized(); if (currentImage != nullptr) { if (style == ImageRaw) { currentImage->setOriginWithOriginalSize (Point<float>()); } else { Rectangle<int> imageSpace; if (style == ImageOnButtonBackground) { imageSpace = getLocalBounds().reduced (getWidth() / 4, getHeight() / 4); } else { const int textH = (style == ImageAboveTextLabel) ? jmin (16, proportionOfHeight (0.25f)) : 0; const int indentX = jmin (edgeIndent, proportionOfWidth (0.3f)); const int indentY = jmin (edgeIndent, proportionOfHeight (0.3f)); imageSpace.setBounds (indentX, indentY, getWidth() - indentX * 2, getHeight() - indentY * 2 - textH); } currentImage->setTransformToFit (imageSpace.toFloat(), RectanglePlacement::centred); } } }
void CtrlrLuaMethodDebuggerPrompt::resized() { debuggerOutput->setBounds (0, 32, proportionOfWidth (0.7000f), getHeight() - 50); debuggerInput->setBounds (0, getHeight() - 18, getWidth() - 0, 18); debugContinue->setBounds (0, 0, 32, 32); debugStepOver->setBounds (40, 0, 32, 32); debugStepInto->setBounds (80, 0, 32, 32); debuggerInfo->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.7000f), 32, proportionOfWidth (0.3000f), getHeight() - 50); debugStepOut->setBounds (120, 0, 32, 32); debugRestart->setBounds (160, 0, 32, 32); debugStop->setBounds (200, 0, 32, 32); clearOutput->setBounds (240, 0, 32, 32); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. Component* comps[] = { debuggerOutput, resizer, debuggerInfo }; layoutManager.layOutComponents (comps, 3, 0, 32, getWidth(), getHeight() - 50, false, true); //[/UserResized] }
void resized() { Font font = csPlayerLabel->getFont(); int width = font.getStringWidth(csPlayerLabel->getText()); const int offset = 5, fontOffset = 2; csPlayerLabel->setBounds(proportionOfWidth(0.17f), proportionOfWidth(0.04f), width, (int)font.getHeight() ); font.setHeight(16.0000f); csPlayerSite->setBounds(0, csPlayerLabel->getHeight() + 20, getWidth(), font.getHeight() + fontOffset); csPlayerSource->setBounds(0, csPlayerLabel->getHeight() + 20 + csPlayerSite->getHeight(), getWidth(), font.getHeight() + fontOffset); int height = csPlayerLabel->getHeight() + 25 + csPlayerSite->getHeight() + (offset*2); csPlayerGroupComponent->setBounds(0, height, getWidth(), 90); csPlayerDetailTE->setBounds(fontOffset, height + offset + fontOffset, getWidth() - offset, 80); csTeamgroupComponent->setBounds(0, height + 90, getWidth(), 90); csTeamTE->setBounds(fontOffset, height + 90 + offset + fontOffset, getWidth() - offset, 80); csLicencegroupComponent->setBounds(0, height + 180, getWidth(), 90); csLicenceTE->setBounds(fontOffset, height + 180 + offset + fontOffset, getWidth() - offset, 80); }
int GuitarNeckComponent::getFretPos (int fret) const { if (fret==0) { return nutWidth; } else { return proportionOfWidth(fretPosition[fret]/fretPosition[numFrets]); } }
int GuitarNeckComponent::getFretWidth (int fret) const { if (fret==0) { return 40; } else { return proportionOfWidth((fretPosition[fret] - fretPosition[fret-1])/fretPosition[numFrets]); } }
void NotificationWindow::resized() { Rectangle<int> bounds ( getLocalBounds()); Rectangle<int> rightSide (bounds.removeFromRight( proportionOfWidth(0.25))); messageLabel->setBounds(bounds.reduced(10)); if ( cancel->isVisible() ) cancel->setBounds(rightSide.removeFromTop( proportionOfHeight(0.5) )); ok->setBounds(rightSide); }
//============================================================================== void Ambix_binauralAudioProcessorEditor::paint (Graphics& g) { g.fillAll (Colours::white); g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xff4e4e4e), (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.6400f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.6933f)), Colours::black, (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.1143f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0800f)), true)); g.fillRect (0, 0, 350 + _width, 300); g.setColour (Colours::black); g.drawRect (0, 0, 350, 300, 1); g.setColour (Colour (0x410000ff)); g.fillRoundedRectangle (18.0f, 100.0f, 222.0f, 76.0f, 10.0000f); g.setColour (Colours::white); g.setFont (Font (17.2000f, Font::bold)); #if BINAURAL_DECODER g.drawText ("AMBIX-BINAURAL-DECODER", 1, 4, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); g.setFont (Font (12.4000f, Font::plain)); g.drawText ("listening to Ambisonics with headphones", 1, 28, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); #else g.drawText ("AMBIX-DECODER", 1, 4, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); g.setFont (Font (12.4000f, Font::plain)); g.drawText ("playback Ambisonics with loudspeakers", 1, 28, 343, 30, Justification::centred, true); #endif }
void FileChooserDialogBox::ContentComponent::resized() { getLookAndFeel().createFileChooserHeaderText (getName(), instructions, text, getWidth()); float left, top, right, bottom; text.getBoundingBox (0, text.getNumGlyphs(), left, top, right, bottom, false); const int y = roundToInt (bottom) + 10; const int buttonHeight = 26; const int buttonY = getHeight() - buttonHeight - 8; chooserComponent->setBounds (0, y, getWidth(), buttonY - y - 20); okButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.25f), buttonY, proportionOfWidth (0.2f), buttonHeight); cancelButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.55f), buttonY, proportionOfWidth (0.2f), buttonHeight); }
void resized() override { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { CornerDragger* d = draggers.getUnchecked(i); d->setCentrePosition (proportionOfWidth (d->relativePos.x), proportionOfHeight (d->relativePos.y)); } }
void WittersrodaAudioProcessorEditor::resized() { //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here.. //[/UserPreResize] component->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2535f), proportionOfHeight (0.4574f), proportionOfWidth (0.3027f), proportionOfHeight (0.2503f)); component2->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0058f), proportionOfHeight (0.5092f), proportionOfWidth (0.2410f), proportionOfHeight (0.4660f)); component3->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5605f), proportionOfHeight (0.5264f), proportionOfWidth (0.2936f), proportionOfHeight (0.4509f)); component4->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2535f), proportionOfHeight (0.7163f), proportionOfWidth (0.3002f), proportionOfHeight (0.2600f)); component5->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0058f), proportionOfHeight (0.0162f), proportionOfWidth (0.2344f), proportionOfHeight (0.4757f)); component6->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5671f), proportionOfHeight (0.0173f), proportionOfWidth (0.2877f), proportionOfHeight (0.4962f)); component7->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2469f), proportionOfHeight (0.0173f), proportionOfWidth (0.3103f), proportionOfHeight (0.4229f)); component8->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.8607f), proportionOfHeight (0.0173f), proportionOfWidth (0.1251f), proportionOfHeight (0.9579f)); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void CtrlrMethodEditorTabCloseButton::paintButton (Graphics& g, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown) { if (isButtonDown) { g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xff9e9e9e), (float) ((getWidth() / 2)), (float) ((getHeight() / 2)), Colour (0xffe0e0e0), (float) (getWidth()), 0.0f, true)); g.fillEllipse ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.0500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0500f)), (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.9000f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.9000f))); g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath5); g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath6); } else if (isMouseOverButton) { g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colour (0xffdbdbdb), (float) ((getWidth() / 2)), (float) ((getHeight() / 2)), Colour (0xffcfcfcf), (float) (getWidth()), 0.0f, true)); g.fillEllipse ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.0500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0500f)), (float) (proportionOfWidth (0.9000f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.9000f))); g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath3); g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath4); } else { g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath1); g.setColour (Colour (0xcf000000)); g.fillPath (internalPath2); } }
void CtrlrComponentRuntimeConfig::resized() { //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here.. //[/UserPreResize] groupComponent->setBounds (0, 56, getWidth() - 0, 144); componentName->setBounds (4, 8, proportionOfWidth (0.5813f), 24); modulatorNumericValue->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.6000f), 8, proportionOfWidth (0.4000f), 24); viewRealtimeEvents->setBounds (176, 80, 64, 16); realtimeEventsList->setBounds (8, 80, proportionOfWidth (0.5000f), getHeight() - 88); mapToSelected->setBounds (248, 80, 63, 16); mappingFormula->setBounds (176, 176, 136, 16); label2->setBounds (176, 160, 136, 16); currentMIDIType->setBounds (176, 116, 136, 16); currentMIDINumber->setBounds (232, 136, 80, 16); label3->setBounds (176, 100, 136, 16); label4->setBounds (176, 136, 56, 16); currentMidiMessage->setBounds (4, 36, proportionOfWidth (0.9625f), 16); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
//============================================================================== void ImagePreviewComponent::getThumbSize (int& w, int& h) const { const int availableW = proportionOfWidth (0.97f); const int availableH = getHeight() - 13 * 4; const double scale = jmin (1.0, availableW / (double) w, availableH / (double) h); w = roundToInt (scale * w); h = roundToInt (scale * h); }
void Node::resized () { /** Figure out distances between the pins based on the number of them */ float x = getWidth() / (float)(inputs.size() + 1); /** put pins in correct location */ for (auto i = 0; i < (int)inputs.size (); ++i) { inputs[i]->setBounds((int)((i+1 * x) - 5.0f), 0, inputs[i]->getWidth(), inputs[i]->getHeight()); } x = getWidth() / (float)(outputs.size() + 1); for (auto i = 0; i < (int)outputs.size (); ++i) { outputs[i]->setBounds((int)((i+1 * x) - 5.0f), getHeight() - 10, outputs[i]->getWidth(), outputs[i]->getHeight()); } if (midiIn != nullptr) { midiIn->setBounds (0, (getHeight() / 2) - (midiIn->getHeight() / 2), midiIn->getWidth(), midiIn->getHeight()); } if (midiOut != nullptr) { midiOut->setBounds (getWidth() - 10, (getHeight() / 2) - (midiOut->getHeight() / 2), midiOut->getWidth(), midiOut->getHeight()); } for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents (); ++i) { Pin* const pin = dynamic_cast<Pin*>(getChildComponent (i)); if (pin != nullptr) { const int total = pin->IsInput ? numIns : numOuts; const int index = (pin->Index == Pin::midi_num) ? (total - 1) : pin->Index; pin->setBounds ((int)(proportionOfWidth ((1 + index) / (total + 1.0f)) - 5 / 2.f), pin->IsInput ? 0: (getHeight () - 5), 5, 5); } } }
void MappingsDialog::resized() { mappingsList->setBounds (8, 40, getWidth() - 16, getHeight() - 79); addMidiButton->setBounds (8, getHeight() - 31, 80, 24); addOscButton->setBounds (96, getHeight() - 31, 72, 24); deleteButton->setBounds (getWidth() - 70, getHeight() - 31, 62, 24); overrideMidiButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5000f) - ((282) / 2), getHeight() - 31, 282, 24); oscMidiAddressLabel->setBounds (8, 8, 136, 24); oscMidiAddress->setBounds (136, 8, getWidth() - 498, 24); oscHintLabel->setBounds (getWidth() - 362, 8, 360, 24); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void widgetBox::resized() { groupComponent->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0267f), proportionOfHeight (0.1600f), proportionOfWidth (0.9467f), proportionOfHeight (0.8000f)); comboBox->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.6933f), proportionOfHeight (0.0800f), proportionOfWidth (0.2500f), proportionOfHeight (0.0600f)); horizontalSlider->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (0.3600f), proportionOfWidth (0.2667f), proportionOfHeight (0.1000f)); rotarySlider->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.2000f), proportionOfHeight (0.6400f), proportionOfWidth (0.2533f), proportionOfHeight (0.1400f)); toggleButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5867f), proportionOfHeight (0.3800f), proportionOfWidth (0.2500f), proportionOfHeight (0.0600f)); textButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.5867f), proportionOfHeight (0.6800f), proportionOfWidth (0.2267f), proportionOfHeight (0.0600f)); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. //[/UserResized] }
void TargetFileComponent::resized() { viewport->setBounds (5, 5, getWidth() - 10, getHeight() - 10); container->setBounds (5, 5, 849, getHeight() - 10); playButton->setBounds (153, 16, 75, 24); stopButton->setBounds (235, 16, 75, 24); loadFileButton->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.0254f), 16, 100, 24); zoomLabel->setBounds (getWidth() - 251, 16, 48, 24); zoomSlider->setBounds (getWidth() - 203, 16, 160, 24); //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here.. container->setSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); //[/UserResized] }
//============================================================================== void DrawablePad::resized() { hexpath.clear(); hexpath.startNewSubPath ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.0100f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.5000f))); hexpath.lineTo ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.2500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0100f))); hexpath.lineTo ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.7500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.0100f))); hexpath.lineTo ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.9900f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.5000f))); hexpath.lineTo ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.7500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.9900f))); hexpath.lineTo ((float) (proportionOfWidth (0.2500f)), (float) (proportionOfHeight (0.9900f))); hexpath.closeSubPath(); }