Пример #1
// Display the player's word list, the list of words not found, and the running stats
void results(void)
    int col, row;
    int denom1, denom2;

    move(LIST_LINE, LIST_COL);
    printw("Words you found (%d):", npwords);
    move(LIST_LINE + 1, LIST_COL);
    prtable(pword, npwords, 0, ncols, prword, prwidth);

    getyx(stdscr, row, col);
    move(row + 1, col);
    printw("Words you missed (%d):", nmwords);
    move(row + 2, col);
    prtable(mword, nmwords, 0, ncols, prword, prwidth);

    denom1 = npwords + nmwords;
    denom2 = tnpwords + tnmwords;

    printw("Percentage: %0.2f%% (%0.2f%% over %d game%s)\n", denom1 ? (100.0 * npwords) / (double) (npwords + nmwords) : 0.0, denom2 ? (100.0 * tnpwords) / (double) (tnpwords + tnmwords) : 0.0, ngames, ngames > 1 ? "s" : "");
Пример #2
mktables(state_t *state, const char *defvalue, int useprefix)
  char prefix[1024];
  int char_count;
  int i;

  /* make the character map */
  map = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 256);
  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    map[i] = 0;

  char_count = mkmap(state);

  prtable("int", "map", map, 256);

  /* make the accept state table */
  accepttbl = (const char **)malloc(sizeof(const char *) * state_count);
  for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++)
    accepttbl[i] = NULL;

  mkaccept(state, defvalue);

  /* print the accept state table */
  printf("  static int accepttbl[%d] =\n", state_count);
  printf("  {\n");

  for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++)
    printf("    %s,\n", accepttbl[i]);

  printf("  };\n\n");

  /* make the prefix table */
  if (useprefix) {
    prefixtbl = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * state_count);
    for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++)
      prefixtbl[i] = NULL;

    mkprefix(state, prefix, 0);

    /* print the prefix table */
    printf("  static const char *prefixtbl[%d] =\n", state_count);
    printf("  {\n");

    for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++)
      printf("    \"%s\",\n", prefixtbl[i]);

    printf("  };\n\n");

  /* make the state transition tables */

  basetbl  = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * state_count);
  nexttbl  = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (state_count + char_count));
  checktbl = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (state_count + char_count));

  for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++) {
    basetbl[i] = -1;

  for (i = 0; i < (state_count + char_count); i++) {
    nexttbl[i]  = 0;
    checktbl[i] = -1;


  prtable("int", "basetbl", basetbl, state_count);
  prtable("int", "nexttbl", nexttbl, state_count + char_count);
  prtable("int", "checktbl", checktbl, state_count + char_count);
Пример #3
peg(bool mycrib)
	static CARD ch[CINHAND], ph[CINHAND];
	int i, j, k;
	int l;
	int cnum, pnum, sum;
	bool myturn, mego, ugo, last, played;
	CARD crd;

	played = FALSE;
	cnum = pnum = CINHAND;
	for (i = 0; i < CINHAND; i++) {	/* make copies of hands */
		ch[i] = chand[i];
		ph[i] = phand[i];
	Tcnt = 0;		/* index to table of cards played */
	sum = 0;		/* sum of cards played */
	mego = ugo = FALSE;
	myturn = !mycrib;
	for (;;) {
		last = TRUE;	/* enable last flag */
		prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
		prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE);
		if (myturn) {
			if (!anymove(ch, cnum, sum)) {	/* if no card to play */
				if (!mego && cnum) {	/* go for comp? */
					mego = TRUE;
							/* can player move? */
				if (anymove(ph, pnum, sum))
					myturn = !myturn;
				else {			/* give him his point */
					msg(quiet ? "You get one" :
					    "You get one point");
					if (chkscr(&pscore, 1))
						return TRUE;
					sum = 0;
					mego = ugo = FALSE;
					Tcnt = 0;
			} else {
				played = TRUE;
				j = -1;
				k = 0;
							/* maximize score */
				for (i = 0; i < cnum; i++) {
					l = pegscore(ch[i], Table, Tcnt, sum);
					if (l > k) {
						k = l;
						j = i;
				if (j < 0)		/* if nothing scores */
					j = cchose(ch, cnum, sum);
				crd = ch[j];
				cremove(crd, ch, cnum--);
				sum += VAL(crd.rank);
				Table[Tcnt++] = crd;
				if (k > 0) {
					addmsg(quiet ? "I get %d playing " :
					    "I get %d points playing ", k);
					msgcard(crd, FALSE);
					prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
					prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE);
					if (chkscr(&cscore, k))
						return TRUE;
				myturn = !myturn;
		} else {
			if (!anymove(ph, pnum, sum)) {	/* can player move? */
				if (!ugo && pnum) {	/* go for player */
					msg("You have a GO");
					ugo = TRUE;
							/* can computer play? */
				if (anymove(ch, cnum, sum))
					myturn = !myturn;
				else {
					msg(quiet ? "I get one" :
					    "I get one point");
					prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
					prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE);
					if (chkscr(&cscore, 1))
						return TRUE;
					sum = 0;
					mego = ugo = FALSE;
					Tcnt = 0;
			} else {			/* player plays */
				played = FALSE;
				if (pnum == 1) {
					crd = ph[0];
					msg("You play your last card");
				} else
					for (;;) {
						    pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
						crd = ph[infrom(ph,
						    pnum, "Your play: ")];
						if (sum + VAL(crd.rank) <= 31)
					msg("Total > 31 -- try again");
				makeknown(&crd, 1);
				cremove(crd, ph, pnum--);
				i = pegscore(crd, Table, Tcnt, sum);
				sum += VAL(crd.rank);
				Table[Tcnt++] = crd;
				if (i > 0) {
					msg(quiet ? "You got %d" :
					    "You got %d points", i);
					if (pnum == 0)
					prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
					prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE);
					if (chkscr(&pscore, i))
						return TRUE;
				myturn = !myturn;
		if (sum >= 31) {
			if (!myturn)
			sum = 0;
			mego = ugo = FALSE;
			Tcnt = 0;
			last = FALSE;			/* disable last flag */
		if (!pnum && !cnum)
			break;				/* both done */
	prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE);
	prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE);
	if (last) {
		if (played) {
			msg(quiet ? "I get one for last" :
			    "I get one point for last");
			if (chkscr(&cscore, 1))
				return TRUE;
		} else {
			msg(quiet ? "You get one for last" :
			    "You get one point for last");
			if (chkscr(&pscore, 1))
				return TRUE;
	return (FALSE);