Пример #1
struct psGfx *psOpen(char *fileName, 
	double userWidth, double userHeight, /* Dimension of image in user's units. */
	double ptWidth, double ptHeight,     /* Dimension of image in points. */
	double ptMargin)                     /* Image margin in points. */
/* Open up a new postscript file.  If ptHeight is 0, it will be
 * calculated to keep pixels square. */
struct psGfx *ps;

/* Allocate structure and open file. */
ps->f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");

/* Save page dimensions and calculate scaling factors. */
ps->userWidth = userWidth;
ps->userHeight = userHeight;
ps->ptWidth = ptWidth;
ps->xScale = (ptWidth - 2*ptMargin)/userWidth;
if (ptHeight != 0.0)
   ps->ptHeight = ptHeight;
   ps->yScale = (ptHeight - 2*ptMargin) / userHeight;
   ps->yScale = ps->xScale;
   ptHeight = ps->ptHeight = userHeight * ps->yScale + 2*ptMargin;
/* 0.5, 0.5 is the center of the pixel in upper-left corner which corresponds to (0,0) */
ps->xOff = ptMargin;
ps->yOff = ptMargin;
ps->fontHeight = 10;

/* Cope with fact y coordinates are bottom to top rather
 * than top to bottom. */
ps->yScale = -ps->yScale;
ps->yOff = ps->ptHeight - ps->yOff;

psWriteHeader(ps->f, ptWidth, ptHeight);

/* adding a gsave here fixes an old ghostview bug with cliprestore */
fprintf(ps->f, "gsave\n");

/* Set initial clipping rectangle. */
psClipRect(ps, 0, 0, ps->userWidth, ps->userHeight);

/* Set line width to a single pixel. */

return ps;
Пример #2
void pscmSetClip(struct pscmGfx *pscm, int x, int y, int width, int height)
/* Set clipping rectangle. */
double x2 = x + width;
double y2 = y + height;
pscm->clipMinX = x;
pscm->clipMinY = y;
pscm->clipMaxX = x2;     /* one beyond actual last pixel */
pscm->clipMaxY = y2;
/* adjust to pixel-centered coordinates */
x2 -= 1;
y2 -= 1;
double x1 = x;
double y1 = y;
/* pad a half-pixel all the way around the box */
x1 -= 0.5;
y1 -= 0.5;
x2 += 0.5;
y2 += 0.5;
psClipRect(pscm->ps, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);