Пример #1
static void revertToDefaultBufsize(ssl_t *ssl, uint16 inOrOut)
	int32			defaultSize;
	unsigned char	*p;

	if (inOrOut == SSL_INBUF) {		
		defaultSize = SSL_DEFAULT_IN_BUF_SIZE;
		if (ssl->insize > defaultSize && ssl->inlen < defaultSize) {
			/* It's not fatal if we can't realloc it smaller */
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->inbuf, defaultSize)) != NULL) {
				ssl->inbuf = p;
				ssl->insize	 = defaultSize;
	} else {
		if (ssl->outsize > defaultSize && ssl->outlen < defaultSize) {
			/* It's not fatal if we can't realloc it smaller */
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, defaultSize)) != NULL) {
				ssl->outbuf = p;
				ssl->outsize = defaultSize;
Пример #2
static void revertToDefaultBufsize(ssl_t *ssl, uint16 inOrOut)
	int32			defaultSize;
	unsigned char	*p;

	if (inOrOut == SSL_INBUF) {
#ifdef USE_DTLS
		if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_DTLS) {
			defaultSize = matrixDtlsGetPmtu();
		} else {
			defaultSize = SSL_DEFAULT_IN_BUF_SIZE;
		defaultSize = SSL_DEFAULT_IN_BUF_SIZE;
		if (ssl->insize > defaultSize && ssl->inlen < defaultSize) {
			/* It's not fatal if we can't realloc it smaller */
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->inbuf, defaultSize, ssl->bufferPool))
					!= NULL) {
				ssl->inbuf = p;
				ssl->insize	 = defaultSize;
	} else {
#ifdef USE_DTLS
		if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_DTLS) {
			defaultSize = matrixDtlsGetPmtu();
		} else {
			defaultSize = SSL_DEFAULT_OUT_BUF_SIZE;
		if (ssl->outsize > defaultSize && ssl->outlen < defaultSize) {
			/* It's not fatal if we can't realloc it smaller */
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, defaultSize, ssl->bufferPool))
					!= NULL) {
				ssl->outbuf = p;
				ssl->outsize = defaultSize;
Пример #3
/* If the required size is known, grow the buffer here so the caller doesn't
	have to go through the REQUEST_RECV logic of matrixSslReceivedData

	The return value MAY be larger than the requested size if the inbuf
	is already larger than what was requested.
int32 matrixSslGetReadbufOfSize(ssl_t *ssl, int32 size, unsigned char **buf)
	unsigned char *p;

	if (!ssl || !buf) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	psAssert(ssl && ssl->insize > 0 && ssl->inbuf != NULL);

	if ((ssl->insize - ssl->inlen) >= size) {
		/* Already enough room in current buffer */
		return matrixSslGetReadbuf(ssl, buf);

	/* Going to have to grow... but do we have to realloc to save data? */
	if (ssl->inlen == 0) {
		/* buffer is empty anyway so can free before alloc and help keep high
			water mark down */
		psFree(ssl->inbuf, ssl->bufferPool);
		ssl->inbuf = NULL;
		if ((ssl->inbuf = psMalloc(ssl->bufferPool, size)) == NULL) {
			ssl->insize = 0;
			return PS_MEM_FAIL;
		ssl->insize = size;
		*buf = ssl->inbuf;
		return ssl->insize;
	} else {
		/* realloc with: total size = current size + requested size */
		if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->inbuf, ssl->inlen + size, ssl->bufferPool))
				== NULL) {
			ssl->inbuf = NULL; ssl->insize = 0; ssl->inlen = 0;
			return PS_MEM_FAIL;
		ssl->inbuf = p;
		ssl->insize = ssl->inlen + size;
		*buf = ssl->inbuf + ssl->inlen;
		return size;
	return PS_FAILURE; /* can't hit */
Пример #4
	Returns < 0 on error
int32 matrixSslEncodeClosureAlert(ssl_t *ssl)
	sslBuf_t		sbuf;
	int32			rc;
	uint32			reqLen, newLen;
	unsigned char	*p;
	if (!ssl) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	psAssert(ssl->outsize > 0 && ssl->outbuf != NULL);
	Only encode the closure alert if we aren't already flagged for close
	If we are flagged, we do not want to send any more data
	newLen = 0;
	if (!(ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_CLOSE_AFTER_SENT)) {
		ssl->bFlags |= BFLAG_CLOSE_AFTER_SENT;
		sbuf.buf = sbuf.start = sbuf.end = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen;
		sbuf.size = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
		rc = sslEncodeClosureAlert(ssl, &sbuf, &reqLen);
		if (rc == SSL_FULL && newLen == 0) {
			newLen = ssl->outlen + reqLen;
			if (newLen > SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, newLen)) == NULL) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			ssl->outbuf = p;
			ssl->outsize = newLen;
			goto L_CLOSUREALERT; /* Try one more time */
		} else if (rc != PS_SUCCESS) {
			return rc;
		ssl->outlen += sbuf.end - sbuf.start;
Пример #5
	Caller has received data from the network and is notifying the SSL layer
int32 matrixSslReceivedData(ssl_t *ssl, uint32 bytes, unsigned char **ptbuf,
							uint32 *ptlen)
	unsigned char	*buf, *prevBuf;
	int32			rc, decodeRet, size, sanity, decodeErr;
	uint32			processed, start, len, reqLen;
	unsigned char	alertLevel, alertDesc;
	unsigned char	*p;

	if (!ssl || !ptbuf || !ptlen) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;

	psAssert(ssl->outsize > 0 && ssl->outbuf != NULL);
	psAssert(ssl->insize > 0 && ssl->inbuf != NULL);
	*ptbuf = NULL;
	*ptlen = 0;
	ssl->inlen += bytes;
	if (ssl->inlen == 0) {
		return PS_SUCCESS; /* Nothing to do.  Basically a poll */
	/* This is outside the loop b/c we may want to parse within inbuf later */
	buf = ssl->inbuf;
	/* Parameterized sanity check to avoid infinite loops */
	if (matrixSslHandshakeIsComplete(ssl)) {
		/* Minimum possible record size once negotiated */
		sanity = ssl->inlen / (SSL3_HEADER_LEN + MD5_HASH_SIZE);
	} else {
		/* Even with an SSLv2 hello, the sanity check will let 1 pass through */
		sanity = ssl->inlen / (SSL3_HEADER_LEN + SSL3_HANDSHAKE_HEADER_LEN);
	if (sanity-- < 0) {
		return PS_PROTOCOL_FAIL;	/* We've tried to decode too many times */
	len = ssl->inlen;
	size = ssl->insize - (buf - ssl->inbuf);
	prevBuf = buf;
	decodeRet = matrixSslDecode(ssl, &buf, &len, size, &start, &reqLen,
						 &decodeErr, &alertLevel, &alertDesc);

	Convenience for the cases that expect buf to have moved
		- calculate the number of encoded bytes that were decoded
	processed = buf - prevBuf;
	switch (decodeRet) {


		ssl->inlen -= processed;
		if (ssl->inlen > 0) {
			psAssert(buf > ssl->inbuf);
			Pack ssl->inbuf so there is immediate maximum room for potential
			outgoing data that needs to be written
			memmove(ssl->inbuf, buf, ssl->inlen);
			buf = ssl->inbuf;
			goto DECODE_MORE;	/* More data in buffer to process */
		In this case, we've parsed a finished message and no additional data is
		available to parse. We let the client know the handshake is complete,
		which can be used as a trigger to begin for example a HTTP request.
		if (!(ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_HS_COMPLETE)) {
			if (matrixSslHandshakeIsComplete(ssl)) {
				ssl->bFlags |= BFLAG_HS_COMPLETE;
				matrixSslGetSessionId(ssl, ssl->sid);
#endif /* USE_CLIENT_SIDE_SSL */
			} else {
				rc = MATRIXSSL_REQUEST_RECV; /* Need to recv more handshake data */
		} else {
#ifdef USE_DTLS
			/* This is an error - we shouldn't get here */

#ifdef USE_DTLS
		/* Only request a resend if last record in buffer */
		ssl->inlen -= processed;
		if (ssl->inlen > 0) {
			psAssert(buf > ssl->inbuf);
			Pack ssl->inbuf so there is immediate maximum room for potential
			outgoing data that needs to be written
			memmove(ssl->inbuf, buf, ssl->inlen);
			buf = ssl->inbuf;
			goto DECODE_MORE;	/* More data in buffer to process */

		/* Flight will be rebuilt when matrixDtlsGetOutdata is called while
		outbuf is empty.  This is the return case where we are actually
		seeing a repeat handshake message so we know something was lost in
		flight. */

			If FALSE START is supported, there may be APPLICATION_DATA directly
			following the FINISHED message, even though we haven't sent our
			CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC or FINISHED message. This is signalled by buf
			having been moved forward, and our response being put directly into
			ssl->outbuf, rather than in buf (ssl->inbuf). Return a REQUEST_SEND
			so that the data in outbuf is flushed before the remaining data in
			ssl->inbuf is parsed.
		if ((ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_FALSE_START) && buf != prevBuf) {
			ssl->inlen -= processed;
			psAssert(ssl->inlen > 0);
			psAssert((uint32)ssl->inlen == start);
			psAssert(buf > ssl->inbuf);
			memmove(ssl->inbuf, buf, ssl->inlen);	/* Pack ssl->inbuf */
			buf = ssl->inbuf;
			This must be handshake data (or alert) or we'd be in PROCESS_DATA
			so there is no way there is anything left inside inbuf to process.
			...so processed isn't valid because the output params are outbuf
			related and we simply reset inlen
		ssl->inlen = 0;

		/* If alert, close connection after sending */
		if (alertDesc != SSL_ALERT_NONE) {
			ssl->bFlags |= BFLAG_CLOSE_AFTER_SENT;
		psAssert(prevBuf == buf);
		psAssert(ssl->insize >= (int32)len);
		psAssert(start == 0);
		psAssert(buf == ssl->inbuf);
		if (ssl->outlen > 0) {
			/* If data's in outbuf, append inbuf.  This is a corner case that
				can happen if application data is queued but then incoming data
				is processed and discovered to be a re-handshake request.
				matrixSslDecode will have constructed the response flight but
				we don't want to forget about the app data we haven't sent */
			if (ssl->outlen + (int32)len > ssl->outsize) {
				if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, ssl->outlen + len,
						ssl->bufferPool)) == NULL) {
					return PS_MEM_FAIL;
				ssl->outbuf = p;
				ssl->outsize = ssl->outlen + len;
			memcpy(ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen, ssl->inbuf, len);
			ssl->outlen += len;
		} else { /* otherwise, swap inbuf and outbuf */
			buf = ssl->outbuf; ssl->outbuf = ssl->inbuf; ssl->inbuf = buf;
			ssl->outlen = len;
			len = ssl->outsize; ssl->outsize = ssl->insize; ssl->insize = len;
			buf = ssl->inbuf;
			len = ssl->outlen;
		rc = MATRIXSSL_REQUEST_SEND;	/* We queued data to send out */

		if (decodeErr >= 0) {
		return decodeErr; /* Will be a negative value */

	case SSL_ALERT:
		if (alertLevel == SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL) {
			psTraceIntInfo("Received FATAL alert %d.\n", alertDesc);
		} else {
			/* Closure notify is the normal case */
			if (alertDesc == SSL_ALERT_CLOSE_NOTIFY) {
				psTraceInfo("Normal SSL closure alert\n");
			} else {
				psTraceIntInfo("Received WARNING alert %d\n", alertDesc);
		/* Let caller access the 2 data bytes (severity and description) */
#ifdef USE_TLS_1_1
		/* Been ignoring the explicit IV up to this final return point. */
		if ((ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_READ_SECURE) &&
				(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_TLS_1_1) &&	(ssl->enBlockSize > 1)) {
			prevBuf += ssl->enBlockSize;
#endif /* USE_TLS_1_1 */
		psAssert(len == 2);
		*ptbuf = prevBuf;
		*ptlen = len;
		ssl->inlen -= processed;

		if (reqLen > SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
			return PS_MEM_FAIL;
		if (reqLen > (uint32)ssl->insize) {
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->inbuf, reqLen, ssl->bufferPool)) == NULL) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			ssl->inbuf = p;
			ssl->insize = reqLen;
			buf = ssl->inbuf;
			/* Don't need to change inlen */

		rc = MATRIXSSL_REQUEST_RECV;	/* Expecting more data */

	/* We've got outgoing data that's larger than our buffer */
	case SSL_FULL:
		if (reqLen > SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
			return PS_MEM_FAIL;
		/* We balk if we get a large handshake message */
		if (reqLen > SSL_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LEN &&
				!matrixSslHandshakeIsComplete(ssl)) {
			if (reqLen > SSL_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LEN) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			Can't envision any possible case where there is remaining data
			in inbuf to process and are getting SSL_FULL.
		ssl->inlen = 0;

		/* Grow inbuf */
		if (reqLen > (uint32)ssl->insize) {
			len = ssl->inbuf - buf;
			if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->inbuf, reqLen, ssl->bufferPool)) == NULL) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			ssl->inbuf = p;
			ssl->insize = reqLen;
			buf = ssl->inbuf + len;
			/* Note we leave inlen untouched here */
		} else {
			psTraceInfo("Encoding error. Possible wrong flight messagSize\n");
			return PS_PROTOCOL_FAIL;	/* error in our encoding */

		Possible we received a finished message and app data in the same
		flight. In this case, the caller is not notified that the handshake
		is complete, but rather is notified that there is application data to
		if (!(ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_HS_COMPLETE) &&
			matrixSslHandshakeIsComplete(ssl)) {
			ssl->bFlags |= BFLAG_HS_COMPLETE;
			matrixSslGetSessionId(ssl, ssl->sid);
#endif /* USE_CLIENT_SIDE_SSL */
		 .	prevbuf points to start of unencrypted data
		 .	buf points to start of any remaining unencrypted data
		 .	start is length of remaining encrypted data yet to decode
		 .	len is length of unencrypted data ready for user processing
		ssl->inlen -= processed;
		psAssert((uint32)ssl->inlen == start);

		/* Call user plaintext data handler */
#ifdef USE_TLS_1_1
		/* Been ignoring the explicit IV up to this final return point. */
		/* NOTE: This test has been on enBlockSize for a very long time but
			it looks like it should be on deBlockSize since this a decryption.
			Changed and added an assert to see if these ever don't match */
		psAssert(ssl->enBlockSize == ssl->deBlockSize);
		if ((ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_READ_SECURE) &&
				(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_TLS_1_1) &&	(ssl->deBlockSize > 1)) {
			len -= ssl->deBlockSize;
			prevBuf += ssl->deBlockSize;
		/* END enBlockSize to deBlockSize change */
#endif /* USE_TLS_1_1 */
		*ptbuf = prevBuf;
		*ptlen = len;
#ifdef USE_DTLS
		This flag is used in conjuction with flightDone in the buffer
		management API set to determine whether we are still in a handshake
		state for attempting flight resends. If we are getting app data we
		know for certain we are out of the hs states. Testing HandshakeComplete
		is not enough because you never know if the other side got FINISHED.
		if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_DTLS) {
			ssl->appDataExch = 1;
		if (ssl->compression > 0) {
	} /* switch decodeRet */

	if (ssl->inlen > 0 && (buf != ssl->inbuf)) {
	Shrink inbuf to default size once inlen < default size, and we aren't
	expecting any more data in the buffer. If SSL_PARTIAL, don't shrink the
	buffer, since we expect to fill it up shortly.
	if (decodeRet != SSL_PARTIAL) {
		revertToDefaultBufsize(ssl, SSL_INBUF);

	return rc;
Пример #6
int32_t matrixSslNewClientSession(ssl_t **ssl, const sslKeys_t *keys,
				sslSessionId_t *sid,
				const uint16_t cipherSpec[], uint8_t cipherSpecLen,
				sslCertCb_t certCb,
				const char *expectedName, tlsExtension_t *extensions,
				sslExtCb_t extCb,
				sslSessOpts_t *options)
	ssl_t		*lssl;
	psBuf_t		tmp;
	uint32		len;
	int32		rc, i;

	if (!ssl) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (cipherSpecLen > 0 && (cipherSpec == NULL || cipherSpec[0] == 0)) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (options == NULL) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;

	*ssl = NULL;
	lssl = NULL;

	/* Give priority to cipher suite if session id is provided and doesn't match */
	if (cipherSpec != NULL && cipherSpec[0] != 0 && sid != NULL &&
			sid->cipherId != 0) {
		rc = 1;
		for (i = 0; i < cipherSpecLen; i++) {
			if (cipherSpec[i] == sid->cipherId) {
				rc = 0;
		if (rc) {
			psTraceInfo("Explicit cipher suite will override session cache\n");
			memset(sid->id, 0, SSL_MAX_SESSION_ID_SIZE);
			memset(sid->masterSecret, 0, SSL_HS_MASTER_SIZE);
			sid->cipherId = 0;

	if ((rc = matrixSslNewSession(&lssl, keys, sid, options)) < 0) {
		return rc;
	lssl->userPtr = options->userPtr;

	if (expectedName) {
		if (psX509ValidateGeneralName((char*)expectedName) < 0) {
			return rc;
		rc = strlen(expectedName);
		lssl->expectedName = psMalloc(lssl->sPool, rc + 1);
		strcpy(lssl->expectedName, expectedName);
	if (certCb) {
		matrixSslSetCertValidator(lssl, certCb);
	if (extCb) {
		lssl->extCb = extCb;
	tmp.size = lssl->outsize;
	tmp.buf = tmp.start = tmp.end = lssl->outbuf;
	if ((rc = matrixSslEncodeClientHello(lssl, &tmp, cipherSpec, cipherSpecLen,
			&len, extensions, options)) < 0) {
		if (rc == SSL_FULL) {
			if ((tmp.buf = psRealloc(lssl->outbuf, len, lssl->bufferPool))
					== NULL) {
				return PS_MEM_FAIL;
			lssl->outbuf = tmp.buf;
			lssl->outsize = len;
			goto RETRY_HELLO;
		} else {
			return rc;
	psAssert(tmp.start == tmp.buf);
	lssl->outlen = tmp.end - tmp.start;
	*ssl = lssl;
Пример #7
	Caller is asking for an allocated buffer to write plaintext into.
		That plaintext will then be encoded when the caller subsequently calls

	This is also explicitly called by matrixSslEncodeToOutdata

	ssl		SSL session context

	buf		The data storage to write into will be populated here on success

	requestedLen	The amount of buffer space the caller would like to use

	Return	> 0, success returns # bytes available for plaintext at buf
			PS_MEM_FAIL if requiredLen too large for current memory
			<= 0 on error
int32 matrixSslGetWritebuf(ssl_t *ssl, unsigned char **buf, uint32 requestedLen)
	uint32			requiredLen, sz, overhead;
#ifdef USE_DTLS
	int32			pmtu;
	unsigned char	*p;

	if (!ssl || !buf) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	psAssert(ssl->outsize > 0 && ssl->outbuf != NULL);

	/* This is a client-only feature */
	if (!(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER)) {
		/* Not a problem at all beginning in TLS 1.1 (version 3.2) and never
			a problem on stream ciphers */
		if ((ssl->majVer == SSL3_MAJ_VER) && (ssl->minVer <= TLS_MIN_VER)
				&& (ssl->enBlockSize > 1) && (requestedLen > 1) &&
				!(ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_STOP_BEAST)) {
			ssl->bFlags |= BFLAG_STOP_BEAST;

	First thing is to ensure under the maximum allowed plaintext len according
	to the SSL specification (or the negotiated max).  If not, set it to the
	max for the calculations and make sure that exact max is returned to the
	caller.  The responsibilty for fragmenting the message is left to them
	if (requestedLen > (uint32)ssl->maxPtFrag) {
		requestedLen = ssl->maxPtFrag;

	What is the total encoded size for a plaintext requestedLen.  The overhead
	includes leading header as well as trailing MAC and pad
	We want to tweak the overhead an extra block to account for a
	padding miscalculation in matrixSslGetEncodedSize.  If that call was
	made on an exact-sized message and the user decides to use a
	different record size than requested, we'll need to make sure
	there is enough available room for any potential padding length.
	requiredLen = matrixSslGetEncodedSize(ssl, requestedLen + ssl->enBlockSize);
	psAssert(requiredLen >= requestedLen);
	overhead = requiredLen - requestedLen;

#ifdef USE_DTLS
	if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_DTLS) {
		pmtu = matrixDtlsGetPmtu();
		if (requiredLen > (uint32)pmtu) {
			overhead = matrixSslGetEncodedSize(ssl, 0) + ssl->enBlockSize;
			requiredLen = matrixSslGetEncodedSize(ssl, pmtu - overhead);

	Get current available space in outbuf
	if (ssl->outsize < ssl->outlen) {
		return PS_FAILURE;
	sz = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;

	If not enough free space for requiredLen, grow the buffer
	if (sz < requiredLen) {
		if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, ssl->outsize +
				(requiredLen - sz), ssl->bufferPool)) == NULL) {
			return PS_MEM_FAIL;
		ssl->outbuf = p;
		ssl->outsize = ssl->outsize + (requiredLen - sz);
		Recalculate available free space
		if (ssl->outsize < ssl->outlen) {
			return PS_FAILURE;
		sz = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
	Now that requiredLen has been confirmed/created, return number of available
	plaintext bytes
	if (requestedLen < (uint32)ssl->maxPtFrag) {
		requestedLen = sz - overhead;
		if (requestedLen > (uint32)ssl->maxPtFrag) {
			requestedLen = ssl->maxPtFrag;

	Now return the pointer that has skipped past the record header
#ifdef USE_TLS_1_1
	If a block cipher is being used TLS 1.1 requires the use
	of an explicit IV.  This is an extra random block of data
	prepended to the plaintext before encryption.  Account for
	that extra length here.
	if ((ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_WRITE_SECURE) &&
			(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_TLS_1_1) &&	(ssl->enBlockSize > 1)) {
		*buf = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen + ssl->recordHeadLen + ssl->enBlockSize;
		return requestedLen; /* may not be what was passed in */
	/* GCM mode will need to save room for the nonce */
	if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_AEAD_W) {
		*buf = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen + ssl->recordHeadLen +
		return requestedLen; /* may not be what was passed in */
#endif /* USE_TLS_1_1 */

	if (ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_STOP_BEAST) {
		/* The reserved space accounts for a full encoding of a 1 byte record.
			The final -1 is so that when the second encrypt arrives it will
			land as an in-situ */
		overhead = ((ssl->enMacSize + 1) % ssl->enBlockSize) ?
			ssl->enBlockSize : 0;
		*buf = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen + (2 * ssl->recordHeadLen) + overhead +
			(ssl->enBlockSize * ((ssl->enMacSize + 1)/ssl->enBlockSize)) - 1;
	} else {
		*buf = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen + ssl->recordHeadLen;
	*buf = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen + ssl->recordHeadLen;
	return requestedLen; /* may not be what was passed in */
Пример #8
	Encode a CLIENT_HELLO or HELLO_REQUEST to re-handshake an existing

	Can't "downgrade" the re-handshake.  This means if keys or certCb are
	NULL we stick with whatever the session already has loaded.

	keys should be NULL if no change in key material is being made

	cipherSpec is only used by clients
int32_t matrixSslEncodeRehandshake(ssl_t *ssl, sslKeys_t *keys,
				int32 (*certCb)(ssl_t *ssl, psX509Cert_t *cert, int32 alert),
				uint32 sessionOption,
				const uint16_t cipherSpec[], uint8_t cipherSpecLen)
	sslBuf_t		sbuf;
	int32			rc, i;
	uint32			reqLen, newLen;
	unsigned char	*p;
	sslSessOpts_t	options;

	/* Clear extFlags for rehandshakes */
	ssl->extFlags.truncated_hmac = 0;
	ssl->extFlags.sni = 0;
	if (!ssl) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (cipherSpecLen > 0 && (cipherSpec == NULL || cipherSpec[0] == 0)) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_CLOSE_AFTER_SENT) {
	psAssert(ssl->outsize > 0 && ssl->outbuf != NULL);


	/* Re-handshakes are not currently supported for compressed sessions. */
	if (ssl->compression > 0) {
		psTraceInfo("Re-handshakes not supported for compressed sessions\n");
	The only explicit option that can be passsed in is
	SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE to indicate no resumption is allowed
	if (sessionOption == SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE) {
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, sessionOption, NULL);
	If the key material or cert callback are provided we have to assume it
	was intentional to "upgrade" the re-handshake and we force full handshake
	No big overhead calling SetSessionOption with FULL_HS multiple times.
	if (keys != NULL) {
		ssl->keys = keys;
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);

	if (certCb != NULL) {
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);
#if defined(USE_CLIENT_AUTH) || defined(USE_CLIENT_SIDE_SSL)
		matrixSslSetCertValidator(ssl, certCb);
#if defined(USE_CLIENT_AUTH) && defined(USE_SERVER_SIDE_SSL)
		If server, a certCb is an explicit flag to set client auth just as
		it is in matrixSslNewServerSession
		if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER) {
			matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_ENABLE_CLIENT_AUTH, NULL);

	If cipher spec is explicitly different from current, force a full handshake
	if (!(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER)) {
		rc = 0;
		if (cipherSpecLen > 0) {
			rc = 1;
			for (i = 0; i < cipherSpecLen; i++) {
				if (cipherSpec[i] == ssl->cipher->ident) {
					rc = 0;
		if (rc) {
			matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);
#ifdef USE_DTLS
	if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_DTLS) {
		/* Resend epoch should be brought up-to-date with new epoch */
		ssl->resendEpoch[0] = ssl->epoch[0];
		ssl->resendEpoch[1] = ssl->epoch[1];

		ssl->msn = ssl->resendMsn = 0;
#endif /* USE_DTLS */
	Options are set.  Encode the HELLO message
	newLen = 0;
	if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER) {
		sbuf.buf = sbuf.start = sbuf.end = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen;
		sbuf.size = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
		if ((rc = matrixSslEncodeHelloRequest(ssl, &sbuf, &reqLen)) < 0) {
			if (rc == SSL_FULL && newLen == 0) {
				newLen = ssl->outlen + reqLen;
				if (newLen < SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
					if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, newLen, ssl->bufferPool))
							== NULL){
						return PS_MEM_FAIL;
					ssl->outbuf = p;
					ssl->outsize = newLen;
					goto L_REHANDSHAKE;
			return rc;
	} else {
		sbuf.buf = sbuf.start = sbuf.end = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen;
		sbuf.size = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
		memset(&options, 0x0, sizeof(sslSessOpts_t));
		options.ecFlags = ssl->ecInfo.ecFlags;
		/* Use extended master secret if original connection used it */
		if (ssl->extFlags.extended_master_secret == 1) {
			options.extendedMasterSecret = 1;
			ssl->extFlags.extended_master_secret = 0;
		} else {
			options.extendedMasterSecret = -1;
		if ((rc = matrixSslEncodeClientHello(ssl, &sbuf, cipherSpec,
				cipherSpecLen, &reqLen, NULL, &options)) < 0) {
			if (rc == SSL_FULL && newLen == 0) {
				newLen = ssl->outlen + reqLen;
				if (newLen < SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
					if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, newLen, ssl->bufferPool))
							== NULL) {
						return PS_MEM_FAIL;
					ssl->outbuf = p;
					ssl->outsize = newLen;
					goto L_REHANDSHAKE;
			return rc;
	ssl->outlen += sbuf.end - sbuf.start;
Пример #9
	Encode a CLIENT_HELLO or HELLO_REQUEST to re-handshake an existing
	Can't "downgrade" the re-handshake.  This means if keys or certCb are
	NULL we stick with whatever the session already has loaded.
	keys should be NULL if no change in key material is being made
	cipherSpec is only used by clients
int32 matrixSslEncodeRehandshake(ssl_t *ssl, sslKeys_t *keys,
				int32 (*certCb)(ssl_t *ssl, psX509Cert_t *cert, int32 alert),
				uint32 sessionOption, uint32 cipherSpec[], uint16 cipherSpecLen)
	sslBuf_t		sbuf;
	int32			rc, i;
	uint32			reqLen, newLen;
	unsigned char	*p;
	if (!ssl) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (cipherSpecLen > 0 && (cipherSpec == NULL || cipherSpec[0] == 0)) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (ssl->bFlags & BFLAG_CLOSE_AFTER_SENT) {
	psAssert(ssl->outsize > 0 && ssl->outbuf != NULL);
	/* Re-handshakes are not currently supported for compressed sessions. */
	if (ssl->compression > 0) {
		psTraceInfo("Re-handshakes not supported for compressed sessions\n");
	The only explicit option that can be passsed in is
	SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE to indicate no resumption is allowed
	if (sessionOption == SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE) {
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, sessionOption, NULL);
	If the key material or cert callback are provided we have to assume it
	was intentional to "upgrade" the re-handshake and we force full handshake
	No big overhead calling SetSessionOption with FULL_HS multiple times.
	if (keys != NULL) {
		ssl->keys = keys;
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);

	if (certCb != NULL) { 	
		matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);
#if defined(USE_CLIENT_AUTH) || defined(USE_CLIENT_SIDE_SSL)
		matrixSslSetCertValidator(ssl, (sslCertCb_t)certCb);
#if defined(USE_CLIENT_AUTH) && defined(USE_SERVER_SIDE_SSL) 		
		If server, a certCb is an explicit flag to set client auth just as
		it is in matrixSslNewServerSession
		if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER) {
			matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_ENABLE_CLIENT_AUTH, NULL);
	If cipher spec is explicitly different from current, force a full handshake
	if (!(ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER)) {
		rc = 0;
		if (cipherSpecLen > 0) {
			rc = 1;
			for (i = 0; i < cipherSpecLen; i++) {
				if (cipherSpec[i] == ssl->cipher->ident) {
					rc = 0;
		if (rc) {
			matrixSslSetSessionOption(ssl, SSL_OPTION_FULL_HANDSHAKE, NULL);
	Options are set.  Encode the HELLO message
	newLen = 0;
	if (ssl->flags & SSL_FLAGS_SERVER) {
		sbuf.buf = sbuf.start = sbuf.end = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen;
		sbuf.size = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
		if ((rc = matrixSslEncodeHelloRequest(ssl, &sbuf, &reqLen)) < 0) {
			if (rc == SSL_FULL && newLen == 0) {
				newLen = ssl->outlen + reqLen;
				if (newLen < SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
					if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, newLen)) == NULL){
						return PS_MEM_FAIL;
					ssl->outbuf = p;
					ssl->outsize = newLen;
					goto L_REHANDSHAKE;
			return rc;
	} else {
		sbuf.buf = sbuf.start = sbuf.end = ssl->outbuf + ssl->outlen;
		sbuf.size = ssl->outsize - ssl->outlen;
		if ((rc = matrixSslEncodeClientHello(ssl, &sbuf, cipherSpec,
				cipherSpecLen, &reqLen, NULL)) < 0) {
			if (rc == SSL_FULL && newLen == 0) {
				newLen = ssl->outlen + reqLen;
				if (newLen < SSL_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
					if ((p = psRealloc(ssl->outbuf, newLen)) == NULL) {
						return PS_MEM_FAIL;
					ssl->outbuf = p;
					ssl->outsize = newLen;
					goto L_REHANDSHAKE;
			return rc;
	ssl->outlen += sbuf.end - sbuf.start;