Пример #1
int32 psHmacSha2Final(psHmacContext_t *ctx, unsigned char *hash,
						uint32 hashSize)
	psAssert(ctx != NULL);
	if (hash == NULL) {
		psTraceCrypto("NULL hash storage passed to psHmacSha256Final\n");
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;
	if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
#ifdef USE_SHA384
		psSha384Final(&ctx->u.sha512, hash);

		psSha384Update(&ctx->u.sha512, ctx->pad, 128);
		psSha384Update(&ctx->u.sha512, hash, SHA384_HASH_SIZE);
		psSha384Final(&ctx->u.sha512, hash);
	} else {
		psSha256Final(&ctx->u.sha256, hash);

		psSha256Update(&ctx->u.sha256, ctx->pad, 64);
		psSha256Update(&ctx->u.sha256, hash, SHA256_HASH_SIZE);
		psSha256Final(&ctx->u.sha256, hash);

	memset(ctx->pad, 0x0, sizeof(ctx->pad));
	return hashSize;
Пример #2
int32_t psHmacSha256Init(psHmacSha256_t *ctx,
				const unsigned char *key, uint16_t keyLen)
	int32_t		rc, i, padLen = 64;

	psAssert(keyLen <= (uint32)padLen);
	for (i = 0; (uint32)i < keyLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36;
	for (i = keyLen; i < padLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = 0x36;
	if ((rc = psSha256Init(&ctx->sha256)) < 0) {
		return rc;
	psSha256Update(&ctx->sha256, ctx->pad, padLen);
	for (i = 0; (uint32)i < keyLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5c;
	for (i = keyLen; i < padLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = 0x5c;
	return PS_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
void psHmacSha2Init(psHmacContext_t *ctx, unsigned char *key, uint32 keyLen,
				uint32 hashSize)
	int32	i, padLen = 64;

#ifdef USE_SHA384
	if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
		padLen = 128;

	psAssert(keyLen <= (uint32)padLen);

	for (i = 0; (uint32)i < keyLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36;
	for (i = keyLen; i < padLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = 0x36;
	if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
#ifdef USE_SHA384
		psSha384Update(&ctx->u.sha512, ctx->pad, padLen);
	} else {
		psSha256Update(&ctx->u.sha256, ctx->pad, padLen);
	for (i = 0; (uint32)i < keyLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5c;
	for (i = keyLen; i < padLen; i++) {
		ctx->pad[i] = 0x5c;
	Add the given data to the running hash of the handshake messages
int32 sslUpdateHSHash(ssl_t *ssl, unsigned char *in, uint32 len)

#ifdef USE_TLS_1_2
	/* Keep a running total of each for greatest RFC support when it comes
		to the CertificateVerify message.  Although, trying to be smart
		about MD5 and SHA-2 based on protocol version */
	if ((ssl->majVer == 0 && ssl->minVer == 0) ||
			ssl->minVer == TLS_1_2_MIN_VER) {
		psSha256Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashSha256, in, len);
#ifdef USE_SHA384
		psSha384Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashSha384, in, len);
#ifndef USE_ONLY_TLS_1_2
	if (ssl->reqMinVer == 0 || ssl->minVer != TLS_1_2_MIN_VER) {
		psMd5Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashMd5, in, len);
	psSha1Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashSha1, in, len);

	psMd5Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashMd5, in, len);
	psSha1Update(&ssl->sec.msgHashSha1, in, len);

	return 0;
Пример #5
void psHmacSha256Update(psHmacSha256_t *ctx,
				const unsigned char *buf, uint32_t len)
	psAssert(ctx != NULL && buf != NULL);
	psSha256Update(&ctx->sha256, buf, len);
  Add entropy to the PRNG state
  @param in       The data to add
  @param inlen    Length of the data to add
  @param prng     PRNG state to update
int32 psYarrowAddEntropy(unsigned char *in, uint32 inlen, psYarrow_t *prng)
	psDigestContext_t md;
	int32 err;

	if (in == NULL || prng == NULL) {
		return PS_ARG_FAIL;

#ifdef USE_SHA256
	/* start the hash */

	/* hash the current pool */
	psSha256Update(&md, prng->pool, SHA256_HASH_SIZE);

	/* add the new entropy */
	psSha256Update(&md, in, inlen);

	/* store result */
	if ((err = psSha256Final(&md, prng->pool)) != SHA256_HASH_SIZE) {
		return err;
	/* start the hash */

	/* hash the current pool */
	psSha1Update(&md, prng->pool, SHA1_HASH_SIZE);

	/* add the new entropy */
	psSha1Update(&md, in, inlen);

	/* store result */
	if ((err = psSha1Final(&md, prng->pool)) != SHA1_HASH_SIZE) {
		return err;
	return PS_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
void psHmacSha2Update(psHmacContext_t *ctx, const unsigned char *buf,
						uint32 len, uint32 hashSize)
	psAssert(ctx != NULL && buf != NULL);

	if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
#ifdef USE_SHA384
		psSha384Update(&ctx->u.sha512, buf, len);
	} else {
		psSha256Update(&ctx->u.sha256, buf, len);
Пример #8
void psHmacSha256Final(psHmacSha256_t *ctx,
				unsigned char hash[SHA256_HASHLEN])
	int32_t		rc;
	psAssert(ctx != NULL);
	if (hash == NULL) {
		psTraceCrypto("NULL hash storage passed to psHmacSha256Final\n");

	psSha256Final(&ctx->sha256, hash);

	if ((rc = psSha256Init(&ctx->sha256)) < 0) {
		psAssert(rc >= 0);
	psSha256Update(&ctx->sha256, ctx->pad, 64);
	psSha256Update(&ctx->sha256, hash, SHA256_HASHLEN);
	psSha256Final(&ctx->sha256, hash);
	memset(ctx->pad, 0x0, sizeof(ctx->pad));
Пример #9
int32 psHmacSha2(unsigned char *key, uint32 keyLen, const unsigned char *buf,
				uint32 len, unsigned char *hash, unsigned char *hmacKey,
				uint32 *hmacKeyLen, uint32 hashSize)
	psHmacContext_t		ctx;
	psDigestContext_t	sha;
	int32				padLen = 64;

#ifdef USE_SHA384
	if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
		padLen = 128;
	Support for keys larger than hash block size.  In this case, we take the
	hash of the key itself and use that instead.  Inform the caller by
	updating the hmacKey and hmacKeyLen outputs
	if (keyLen > (uint32)padLen) {
		if (hashSize == SHA384_HASH_SIZE) {
#ifdef USE_SHA384
			psSha384Update(&sha, key, keyLen);
			psSha384Final(&sha, hash);
		} else {
			psSha256Update(&sha, key, keyLen);
			psSha256Final(&sha, hash);
		*hmacKeyLen = hashSize;
		memcpy(hmacKey, hash, *hmacKeyLen);
	} else {
		hmacKey = key;
		*hmacKeyLen = keyLen;

	psHmacSha2Init(&ctx, hmacKey, *hmacKeyLen, hashSize);
	psHmacSha2Update(&ctx, buf, len, hashSize);
	return psHmacSha2Final(&ctx, hash, hashSize);
Пример #10
int32_t psHmacSha256(const unsigned char *key, uint16_t keyLen,
				const unsigned char *buf, uint32_t len,
				unsigned char hash[SHA256_HASHLEN],	unsigned char *hmacKey,
				uint16_t *hmacKeyLen)
	int32				rc, padLen;
	union {
		psHmacSha256_t	mac;
		psSha256_t		md;
	} u;
	psHmacSha256_t		*mac = &u.mac;
	psSha256_t			*md = &u.md;

	padLen = 64;

	Support for keys larger than hash block size.  In this case, we take the
	hash of the key itself and use that instead.  Inform the caller by
	updating the hmacKey and hmacKeyLen outputs
	if (keyLen > (uint32)padLen) {
		if ((rc = psSha256Init(md)) < 0) {
			return rc;
		psSha256Update(md, key, keyLen);
		psSha256Final(md, hash);
		memcpy(hmacKey, hash, SHA256_HASHLEN);
		*hmacKeyLen = SHA256_HASHLEN;
	} else {
		hmacKey = (unsigned char *)key; /* @note typecasting from const */
		*hmacKeyLen = keyLen;

	if ((rc = psHmacSha256Init(mac, hmacKey, *hmacKeyLen)) < 0) {
		return rc;
	psHmacSha256Update(mac, buf, len);
	psHmacSha256Final(mac, hash);
	return PS_SUCCESS;
Пример #11
int32_t psHmacSha256(const unsigned char *key, uint16_t keyLen,
                     const unsigned char *buf, uint32_t len,
                     unsigned char hash[SHA256_HASHLEN], unsigned char *hmacKey,
                     uint16_t *hmacKeyLen)
    psSha256_t	sha;

    if (keyLen > 64) {
        psSha256Update(&sha, key, keyLen);
        psSha256Final(&sha, hash);
        *hmacKeyLen = SHA256_HASHLEN;
        memcpy(hmacKey, hash, *hmacKeyLen);
    } else {
        hmacKey = (unsigned char*)key;
        *hmacKeyLen = keyLen;
    if (HMAC(EVP_sha256(), hmacKey, *hmacKeyLen, buf, len, hash, NULL) != NULL) {
        return PS_SUCCESS;
    return PS_FAIL;
Пример #12
void psSha224Update(psDigestContext_t *md, const unsigned char *buf, uint32 len)
	psSha256Update(md, buf, len);
Пример #13
void psSha224Update(psSha256_t *sha256, const unsigned char *buf, uint32 len)
    psSha256Update(sha256, buf, len);
Пример #14
void runDigestTime(psDigestContext_t *ctx, int32 chunk, int32 alg)
	psTime_t			start, end;
	unsigned char		*dataChunk;
	unsigned char		hashout[64];
	int32				bytesSent, bytesToSend, round;
	int32				mod;
	int64				diffu;
	int32				diffm;

	dataChunk = psMalloc(NULL, chunk);
	bytesToSend = (DATABYTES_AMOUNT / chunk) * chunk;
	bytesSent = 0;

	switch (alg) {
#ifdef USE_SHA1
	case SHA1_ALG:
		psGetTime(&start, NULL);
		while (bytesSent < bytesToSend) {
			psSha1Update(&ctx->sha1, dataChunk, chunk);
			bytesSent += chunk;
		psSha1Final(&ctx->sha1, hashout);
		psGetTime(&end, NULL);
#ifdef USE_SHA256
	case SHA256_ALG:
		psGetTime(&start, NULL);
		while (bytesSent < bytesToSend) {
			psSha256Update(&ctx->sha256, dataChunk, chunk);
			bytesSent += chunk;
		psSha256Final(&ctx->sha256, hashout);
		psGetTime(&end, NULL);
#ifdef USE_SHA384
	case SHA384_ALG:
		psGetTime(&start, NULL);
		while (bytesSent < bytesToSend) {
			psSha384Update(&ctx->sha384, dataChunk, chunk);
			bytesSent += chunk;
		psSha384Final(&ctx->sha384, hashout);
		psGetTime(&end, NULL);
#ifdef USE_SHA512
	case SHA512_ALG:
		psGetTime(&start, NULL);
		while (bytesSent < bytesToSend) {
			psSha512Update(&ctx->sha512, dataChunk, chunk);
			bytesSent += chunk;
		psSha512Final(&ctx->sha512, hashout);
		psGetTime(&end, NULL);
#ifdef USE_MD5
	case MD5_ALG:
		psGetTime(&start, NULL);
		while (bytesSent < bytesToSend) {
			psMd5Update(&ctx->md5, dataChunk, chunk);
			bytesSent += chunk;
		psMd5Final(&ctx->md5, hashout);
		psGetTime(&end, NULL);
		printf("Skipping Digest Tests\n");

	diffu = psDiffUsecs(start, end);
	round = (bytesToSend / diffu);
	mod = (bytesToSend % diffu);
	printf("%d byte chunks in %lld usecs total for rate of %d.%d MB/sec\n",
		chunk, (unsigned long long)diffu, round, mod);
	diffm = psDiffMsecs(start, end, NULL);
	round = (bytesToSend / diffm) / 1000;
	printf("%d byte chunks in %d msecs total for rate of %d MB/sec\n",
		chunk, diffm, round);
