static void ps_boxit(double tlo, double thi, double jlo, double jhi, double zlo, double zhi, char *sx, char *sy, char *sb, int type) { char str[100]; int i = ps_scale.linewid; float mx = ps_scale.letx; float z = ps_scale.linecol; float dx = ps_scale.xmax - ps_scale.xmin; float dy = ps_scale.ymax - ps_scale.ymin; float xlo = .15 * dx, ylo = .05 * dy, xhi = .95 * dx, yhi = .85 * dy; /* plintf(" %g %g %g %g %g %g \n",xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,dx,dy); */ mx = (yhi - ylo) * .25 / 5.6; ps_setline(0.0, 10); ps_rect(xlo, ylo, .8 * dx, .8 * dy); ps_setline(z, i); ps_text2(sx, xhi + .01 * dx, .5 * (yhi + ylo), 1); ps_text2(sy, .5 * (xhi + xlo), yhi + .01 * dy, 2); sprintf(str, "%g", tlo); ps_text2(str, xhi - .01 * dx, yhi + .01 * dy, 2); sprintf(str, "%g", thi); ps_text2(str, xlo, yhi + .01 * dy, 2); sprintf(str, "%g", jlo); ps_text2(str, xhi + .01 * dx, yhi, 0); sprintf(str, "%g", jhi); ps_text2(str, xhi + .01 * dx, ylo + .01, 2); ps_col_scale(yhi - .15 * dy, xlo - .1 * dx, .025 * dy, .05 * dx, 20, zlo, zhi, type, mx); ps_text2(sb, xlo - .035 * dx, .5 * (yhi + ylo), 1); }
static void ps_begin(double xlo, double ylo, double xhi, double yhi, double sx, double sy) { float x0, y0, x1, y1; ps_scale.xmin = xlo; ps_scale.ymin = ylo; ps_scale.ymax = yhi; ps_scale.xmax = xhi; ps_scale.xoff = 300; ps_scale.yoff = 300; ps_scale.angle = -90.; ps_scale.xscale = 1800. * sx * .2 / (xhi - xlo); ps_scale.yscale = 1800. * sy * .2 / (yhi - ylo); ps_set_text(-90., 0.0, 18.0, 18.0); ps_scale.letx = ps_scale.tx / ps_scale.xscale; ps_scale.lety = ps_scale.ty / ps_scale.yscale; ps_convert(xlo, ylo, &x0, &y0); ps_convert(xhi, yhi, &x1, &y1); fprintf(my_plot_file, "%s\n", "%!"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "%s %g %g %g %g\n", "%%BoundingBox: ", .2 * x0, .2 * y0, .2 * x1, .2 * y1); fprintf(my_plot_file, "20 dict begin\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "gsave\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/m {moveto} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/l {lineto} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/Cshow { currentpoint stroke moveto\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, " dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift rmoveto show } def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/Lshow { currentpoint stroke moveto\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, " 0 vshift rmoveto show } def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/Rshow { currentpoint stroke moveto\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, " dup stringwidth pop neg vshift rmoveto show } def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/C {setrgbcolor} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/G {setgray} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/S {stroke} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/HSB {sethsbcolor} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/RGB {setrgbcolor} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/FS {fill stroke} def\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "630 -20 translate\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "90 rotate\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, ".2 .2 scale\n"); fprintf(my_plot_file, "/basefont /Times-Roman findfont def\n"); ps_setline(0.0, 4); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char program_name[] = "MBPS"; char help_message[] = "MBPS reads a swath bathymetry data file and creates a postscript 3-d mesh plot"; char usage_message[] = "mbps [-Iinfile -Fformat -Nnpings -Ppings\n\t-Byr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -Eyr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc \n\t-Aalpha -Keta -Dviewdir -Xvertexag \n\t-T\"title\" -Wmetersperinch \n\t-Sspeedmin -Ggap -Ydisplay_stats \n\t-Zdisplay_scales -V -H]"; extern char *optarg; int errflg = 0; int c; int help = 0; int flag = 0; /*ALBERTO definitions */ int gap=1; double *xp, *yp; double xl[4], yl[4]; double alpha = ALPHA_DEF; double eta = ETA_DEF; double ve = VE_DEF; char viewdir = VIEWDIR_DEF; int display_stats = MB_YES; int display_scales = MB_YES; double sin_eta, cos_eta; double sin_alpha, cos_alpha; double track_length, xscale, zscale, zscale_inch; double mean_xp=0.0, mean_yp=0.0, min_xp, max_xp, min_yp, max_yp; double scaling, x_off, y_off; double min_z, max_z, range_z, meters_per_inch=(-1.0); double mean_lat=0.0; double mean_lon=0.0; double mean_latmin; double mean_lonmin; double mean_hdg=0.0; int done, mean_knt=0; int orient; char label[100]; int a, b, rotate; double x, y, z; /* MBIO status variables */ int status = MB_SUCCESS; int verbose = 0; int error = MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR; char *message; /* MBIO read control parameters */ int format; int lonflip; double bounds[4]; int btime_i[7]; int etime_i[7]; double btime_d; double etime_d; double speedmin; double timegap; char file[MB_PATH_MAXLINE]; int pings = 1; int beams_bath; int beams_amp; int pixels_ss; int num_pings_max = MBPS_MAXPINGS; /* MBIO read values */ void *mbio_ptr = NULL; int kind; struct ping data[MBPS_MAXPINGS+3]; int time_i[7]; double time_d; double navlon; double navlat; double speed; double heading; double distance; double altitude; double sonardepth; char *beamflag; double *bath = NULL; double *bathacrosstrack = NULL; double *bathalongtrack = NULL; double *amp = NULL; double *ss = NULL; double *ssacrosstrack = NULL; double *ssalongtrack = NULL; char comment[MB_COMMENT_MAXLINE]; int timbeg_i[7]; int timend_i[7]; double distot = 0.0; int nread; char title[MB_COMMENT_MAXLINE]; int forward; double xx, yy, zz; double heading_start, dheading, dheadingx, dheadingy; int i, j, jj, k; void Polygon_Fill(); void Good_Polygon(); /* initialize some time variables */ for (i=0;i<7;i++) { timbeg_i[i] = 0; timend_i[i] = 0; } /* get current default values */ status = mb_defaults(verbose,&format,&pings,&lonflip,bounds, btime_i,etime_i,&speedmin,&timegap); /* set default input to stdin */ strcpy (file, "stdin"); /* process argument list */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "VvHhF:f:B:b:E:e:S:s:T:t:I:i:A:a:X:x:K:k:D:d:N:n:P:p:W:w:G:g:YyZz")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'H': case 'h': help++; break; case 'V': case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'A': case 'a': sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &alpha); flag++; break; case 'B': case 'b': sscanf (optarg,"%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d", &btime_i[0],&btime_i[1],&btime_i[2], &btime_i[3],&btime_i[4],&btime_i[5]); btime_i[6] = 0; flag++; break; case 'D': case 'd': sscanf (optarg, "%c", &viewdir); flag++; break; case 'E': case 'e': sscanf (optarg,"%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d", &etime_i[0],&etime_i[1],&etime_i[2], &etime_i[3],&etime_i[4],&etime_i[5]); etime_i[6] = 0; flag++; break; case 'F': case 'f': sscanf (optarg,"%d", &format); flag++; break; case 'G': case 'g': sscanf (optarg, "%d", &gap); flag++; break; case 'I': case 'i': sscanf (optarg,"%s", file); flag++; break; case 'K': case 'k': sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &eta); flag++; break; case 'N': case 'n': sscanf (optarg, "%d", &num_pings_max); if (num_pings_max < 2 || num_pings_max > MBPS_MAXPINGS) num_pings_max = MBPS_MAXPINGS; flag++; break; case 'P': case 'p': sscanf (optarg, "%d", &pings); flag++; break; case 'S': case 's': sscanf (optarg,"%lf", &speedmin); flag++; break; case 'T': case 't': sscanf (optarg,"%s", title); flag++; break; case 'X': case 'x': sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &ve); flag++; break; case 'W': case 'w': sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &meters_per_inch); flag++; break; case 'Y': case 'y': display_stats = MB_NO; flag++; break; case 'Z': case 'z': display_scales = MB_NO; flag++; break; case '?': errflg++; break; } /* switch */ /* Process the title of the plot */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-'&& ((argv[i][1]=='T')||(argv[i][1]=='t')) ) { strcpy(title,argv[i]); title[0]=' '; title[1]=' '; } } /* check that otions are allowed */ if ((viewdir!='P') && (viewdir!='S') && (viewdir!='B') && (viewdir!='p') && (viewdir!='s') && (viewdir!='b')) { fprintf(stderr,"viewdir must be either P/p (port) S/s (stbd) or B/b (back)\n"); errflg++; } /* if error flagged then print it and exit */ if (errflg) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s\n", usage_message); fprintf(stderr,"\nProgram <%s> Terminated\n", program_name); error = MB_ERROR_BAD_USAGE; exit(error); } /* print starting message */ if (verbose == 1 || help) { fprintf(stderr,"\nProgram %s\n",program_name); fprintf(stderr,"MB-system Version %s\n",MB_VERSION); } /* print starting debug statements */ if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2 Program <%s>\n",program_name); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 MB-system Version %s\n",MB_VERSION); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 Control Parameters:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 verbose: %d\n",verbose); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 help: %d\n",help); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 format: %d\n",format); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[0]: %d\n",btime_i[0]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[1]: %d\n",btime_i[1]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[2]: %d\n",btime_i[2]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[3]: %d\n",btime_i[3]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[4]: %d\n",btime_i[4]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[5]: %d\n",btime_i[5]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 btime_i[6]: %d\n",btime_i[6]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[0]: %d\n",etime_i[0]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[1]: %d\n",etime_i[1]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[2]: %d\n",etime_i[2]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[3]: %d\n",etime_i[3]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[4]: %d\n",etime_i[4]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[5]: %d\n",etime_i[5]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 etime_i[6]: %d\n",etime_i[6]); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 speedmin: %f\n",speedmin); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 file: %s\n",file); } /* if help desired then print it and exit */ if (help) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",help_message); fprintf(stderr,"\nusage: %s\n", usage_message); exit(error); } /* get format if required */ if (format == 0) mb_get_format(verbose,file,NULL,&format,&error); /* initialize reading the swath file */ if ((status = mb_read_init( verbose,file,format,pings,lonflip,bounds, btime_i,etime_i,speedmin,timegap, &mbio_ptr,&btime_d,&etime_d, &beams_bath,&beams_amp,&pixels_ss,&error)) != MB_SUCCESS) { mb_error(verbose,error,&message); fprintf(stderr,"\nMBIO Error returned from function <mb_read_init>:\n%s\n",message); fprintf(stderr,"\nMultibeam File <%s> not initialized for reading\n",file); fprintf(stderr,"\nProgram <%s> Terminated\n", program_name); exit(error); } /* initialize values */ sin_alpha = sin(alpha*DTR); cos_alpha = cos(alpha*DTR); sin_eta = sin(eta*DTR); cos_eta = cos(eta*DTR); min_z = 0.0; max_z = -9999.0; /* allocate memory for data arrays */ beamflag = NULL; bath = NULL; bathacrosstrack = NULL; bathalongtrack = NULL; amp = NULL; ss = NULL; ssacrosstrack = NULL; ssalongtrack = NULL; if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_BATHYMETRY, sizeof(char), (void **)&beamflag, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_BATHYMETRY, sizeof(double), (void **)&bath, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_BATHYMETRY, sizeof(double), (void **)&bathacrosstrack, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_BATHYMETRY, sizeof(double), (void **)&bathalongtrack, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_AMPLITUDE, sizeof(double), (void **)&, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_SIDESCAN, sizeof(double), (void **)&ss, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_SIDESCAN, sizeof(double), (void **)&ssacrosstrack, &error); if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) status = mb_register_array(verbose, mbio_ptr, MB_MEM_TYPE_SIDESCAN, sizeof(double), (void **)&ssalongtrack, &error); for (i=0;i<num_pings_max+3;i++) { data[i].beams_bath = 0; data[i].beamflag = NULL; data[i].bath = NULL; data[i].bathacrosstrack = NULL; data[i].bathalongtrack = NULL; data[i].xp = NULL; data[i].yp = NULL; } /* if error initializing memory then quit */ if (error != MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mb_error(verbose,error,&message); fprintf(stderr,"\nMBIO Error allocating data arrays:\n%s\n",message); fprintf(stderr,"\nProgram <%s> Terminated\n", program_name); exit(error); } /* read and process data */ nread = 0; done = MB_NO; error = MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR; while (done == MB_NO && error <= MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { /* read a ping of data */ status = mb_get(verbose,mbio_ptr,&kind,&pings, time_i,&time_d, &navlon,&navlat, &speed,&heading, &distance,&altitude,&sonardepth, &beams_bath,&beams_amp,&pixels_ss, beamflag,bath,amp, bathacrosstrack, bathalongtrack, ss, ssacrosstrack, ssalongtrack, comment,&error); /* only work with survey data */ if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR && kind == MB_DATA_DATA) { /* allocate arrays */ data[nread].beams_bath = beams_bath; status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(char), (void **)&(data[nread].beamflag), &error); status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(double), (void **)&(data[nread].bath), &error); status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(double), (void **)&(data[nread].bathacrosstrack), &error); status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(double), (void **)&(data[nread].bathalongtrack), &error); status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(double), (void **)&(data[nread].xp), &error); status = mb_mallocd(verbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, beams_bath*sizeof(double), (void **)&(data[nread].yp), &error); /* copy data to storage arrays */ for (i=0;i<beams_bath;i++) { data[nread].beamflag[i] = beamflag[i]; data[nread].bath[i] = bath[i]; data[nread].bathacrosstrack[i] = bathacrosstrack[i]; data[nread].bathalongtrack[i] = bathalongtrack[i]; data[nread].xp[i] = BAD; data[nread].yp[i] = BAD; } /* ignore time gaps */ if (error == MB_ERROR_TIME_GAP) { error = MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR; status = MB_SUCCESS; } /* output error messages */ if (error == MB_ERROR_COMMENT) { /* do nothing */ } else if (verbose >= 1 && error < MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR && error >= MB_ERROR_OTHER) { mb_error(verbose,error,&message); fprintf(stderr,"\nNonfatal MBIO Error:\n%s\n", message); fprintf(stderr,"Time: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", time_i[0],time_i[1],time_i[2], time_i[3],time_i[4],time_i[5], time_i[6]); } else if (verbose >= 1 && error < MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mb_error(verbose,error,&message); fprintf(stderr,"\nNonfatal MBIO Error:\n%s\n", message); fprintf(stderr,"Number of good records so far: %d\n",nread); } else if (verbose >= 1 && error > MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR && error != MB_ERROR_EOF) { mb_error(verbose,error,&message); fprintf(stderr,"\nFatal MBIO Error:\n%s\n", message); fprintf(stderr,"Last Good Time: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", time_i[0],time_i[1],time_i[2], time_i[3],time_i[4],time_i[5], time_i[6]); } /* calculate raw x,y locations for each beam */ if (status == MB_SUCCESS) { /* set initial heading */ if (nread == 0) heading_start = heading; /* get heading x and y components */ dheading = heading - heading_start; if (dheading > 360.0) dheading -= 360.0; else if (dheading < 0.0) dheading += 360.0; dheadingx = sin(DTR * dheading); dheadingy = cos(DTR * dheading); /* get alongtrack distance in nav */ distot += distance * 1000.0; /* distance in meters */ /* loop over the beams */ for (j=0; j<beams_bath; j++) { if (j >= data[nread].beams_bath) { data[nread].beamflag[j] = MB_FLAG_NULL; data[nread].xp[j] = BAD; data[nread].yp[j] = BAD; } else if (mb_beam_ok(beamflag[j])) { xx = dheadingy * bathacrosstrack[j] + dheadingx * bathalongtrack[j]; yy = distot - dheadingx * bathacrosstrack[j] + dheadingy * bathalongtrack[j]; zz = -bath[j]; if (viewdir=='S' || viewdir=='s') { data[nread].xp[j] = yy + xx * sin_eta * cos_alpha; data[nread].yp[j] = zz * cos_eta * ve - xx * sin_eta * sin_alpha; } else if (viewdir=='P' || viewdir=='p') { data[nread].xp[j]= -yy - xx * sin_eta * cos_alpha; data[nread].yp[j]= zz * cos_eta * ve + xx * sin_eta * sin_alpha; } else if (viewdir=='B' || viewdir=='b') { data[nread].xp[j] = xx + yy * sin_eta * cos_alpha; data[nread].yp[j]= zz * cos_eta * ve + yy * sin_eta * sin_alpha; } mean_lat += navlat; mean_lon += navlon; mean_hdg += heading; mean_xp += data[nread].xp[j]; mean_yp += data[nread].yp[j]; mean_knt++; if (-data[nread].bath[j] < min_z) min_z= -data[nread].bath[j]; if (-data[nread].bath[j] > max_z) max_z= -data[nread].bath[j]; } else { data[nread].xp[j] = BAD; data[nread].yp[j] = BAD; } } /* for j=0 ... */ if (nread == 0) { for (k=0; k<7; k++) timbeg_i[k] = time_i[k]; } else { for (k=0; k<7; k++) timend_i[k]=time_i[k]; } } /* if status==MB_SUCCESS */ /* increment counters */ if (error == MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { nread++; } } /* print debug statements */ if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2 Reading loop finished in program <%s>\n", program_name); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 status: %d\n",status); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 error: %d\n",error); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 nread: %d\n",nread); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 pings: %d\n",pings); } /* test if done */ if (nread >= num_pings_max && verbose >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Maximum number of pings [%d] read before end of file reached...\n", program_name, num_pings_max); done = MB_YES; } if (nread >= num_pings_max || error > MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { done = MB_YES; } } /* end of processing data, 1'st while under read/process data */ /* close the swath file */ status = mb_close(verbose,&mbio_ptr,&error); /* print debug statements */ if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2 Reading loop finished in program <%s>\n", program_name); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 status: %d\n",status); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 error: %d\n",error); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 nread: %d\n",nread); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 pings: %d\n",pings); } /* total track length in m */ track_length = distot; mean_lat /= mean_knt; mean_latmin = fabs(mean_lat - (int) mean_lat) * 60.0; mean_lon /= mean_knt; mean_lonmin = fabs(mean_lon - (int) mean_lon) * 60.0; mean_hdg /= mean_knt; mean_xp /= mean_knt; mean_yp /= mean_knt; /* rescale xp[],yp[] to zero mean; get min and max */ max_yp = min_yp = max_xp = min_xp = 0.0; for (i=0; i<nread; i++) { beamflag = data[i].beamflag; xp = data[i].xp; yp = data[i].yp; for (j=0; j<data[i].beams_bath; j++) { if (mb_beam_ok(beamflag[j])) { yp[j] -= mean_yp; xp[j] -= mean_xp; min_xp = MIN(min_xp, xp[j]); max_xp = MAX(max_xp, xp[j]); min_yp = MIN(min_yp, yp[j]); max_yp = MAX(max_yp, yp[j]); } /* if yp[][] */ } /* for j */ } /* for i */ /* get page orientation, scaling(in/m) factor and startup plot */ if ((viewdir=='P') || (viewdir=='S') || (viewdir=='p') || (viewdir=='s')) { /* Landscape */ orient = 0; if (meters_per_inch > 0.0) { scaling = 1.0 / meters_per_inch; x_off = 11. / 2; y_off = 8.5 / 2.; } else { if ( (5.2 / (max_yp - min_yp)) < (8.5 / (max_xp - min_xp)) ) scaling = (5.2 / (max_yp - min_yp)); else scaling = (8.5 / (max_xp - min_xp)); x_off=(-(max_xp + min_xp) * scaling / 2.0) + (11. / 2); y_off=(-(max_yp + min_yp) * scaling / 2.0) + (8.5 / 2) - .2; } } else { /* Portrait */ orient = 1; if (meters_per_inch > 0.0) { scaling = 1.0 / meters_per_inch; x_off = 8.5 / 2.0; y_off = 11. / 2.0; } else { if ( (8./(max_yp-min_yp))<(6.5/(max_xp-min_xp)) ) scaling = (8./(max_yp-min_yp)); else scaling = (6.5/(max_xp-min_xp)); x_off=(-(max_xp+min_xp)*scaling/2.0)+(8.5/2); y_off=(-(max_yp+min_yp)*scaling/2.0)+(11./2)-.2; } } /* initialize the Postscript plotting */ #ifdef GMT_MINOR_VERSION ps_plotinit_hires(NULL,0,orient,x_off,y_off,1.0,1.0,1,300,1, gmtdefs.paper_width, gmtdefs.page_rgb,, GMT_epsinfo (argv[0])); #else ps_plotinit(NULL,0,orient,x_off,y_off,1.0,1.0,1,300,1, gmtdefs.paper_width, gmtdefs.page_rgb,, GMT_epsinfo (argv[0])); #endif GMT_echo_command (argc, argv); /* now loop over the data in the appropriate order laying down white filled boxes with black outlines wherever the data is good */ if ((viewdir=='S') || (viewdir=='s')) forward = MB_YES; else if ((viewdir=='P') || (viewdir=='p')) forward = MB_NO; else if ((viewdir=='B') || (viewdir=='b')) { if (alpha < 90.0) forward = MB_YES; else forward = MB_NO; } for (j=0;j<beams_bath-1;j++) { for (i=0;i<nread-1;i++) { if (forward == MB_YES) jj = j; else jj = beams_bath - 2 - j; /* make box */ if (mb_beam_ok(data[i].beamflag[jj]) && mb_beam_ok(data[i+1].beamflag[jj]) && mb_beam_ok(data[i].beamflag[jj+1]) && mb_beam_ok(data[i+1].beamflag[jj+1])) { xl[0] = scaling * data[i].xp[jj]; yl[0] = scaling * data[i].yp[jj]; xl[1] = scaling * data[i+1].xp[jj]; yl[1] = scaling * data[i+1].yp[jj]; xl[2] = scaling * data[i+1].xp[jj+1]; yl[2] = scaling * data[i+1].yp[jj+1]; xl[3] = scaling * data[i].xp[jj+1]; yl[3] = scaling * data[i].yp[jj+1]; ps_polygon(xl,yl,4,rgb_white,1); } } } /* titles and such */ ps_setline(2); /* set line width */ if (display_stats == MB_NO) { /* plot a title */ xl[0]=0; yl[0]=max_yp*scaling+.6; sprintf(label,"%s",title); ps_text(xl[0],yl[0],20.,label,0.,6,0); } else { /* plot a title */ xl[0]=0; yl[0]=max_yp*scaling+1.3; sprintf(label,"%s",title); ps_text(xl[0],yl[0],20.,label,0.,6,0); /*xl[0]-=3.25;*/ yl[0]-=0.3; sprintf(label,"Mean Lat.: %3d@+o@+ %4.1f' Mean Lon.: %4d@+o @+%4.1f' Heading: %.1lf@+o @+",(int)mean_lat, mean_latmin, (int)mean_lon, mean_lonmin, mean_hdg); ps_text(xl[0],yl[0],15.,label,0.,6,0); yl[0]-=0.3; sprintf(label,"View Angle: %.1lf@+o @+ V.E.: %.1lfX Scale: %.0lf m/inch Track Length: %.1lf km",eta,ve,1.0/scaling,track_length/1000.0); ps_text(xl[0],yl[0],15.,label,0.,6,0); yl[0]-=0.3; sprintf(label, "From %.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d to %.4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", timbeg_i[0],timbeg_i[1],timbeg_i[2],timbeg_i[3], timbeg_i[4],timbeg_i[5],timend_i[0],timend_i[1], timend_i[2],timend_i[3],timend_i[4],timend_i[5]); ps_text(xl[0],yl[0],15.,label,0.,6,0); } /* else after if display_stats */ if (display_scales == MB_YES) { /* plot the x-scale */ xscale=10000; /* x scale in m */ if (track_length < 50000) xscale=5000; if (track_length < 20000) xscale=2000; if (track_length < 10000) xscale=1000; xl[0]=xl[1]= (-xscale*scaling/2.0); xl[2]=xl[3]= (-xl[0]); xl[0]+=2.;xl[1]+=2.;xl[2]+=2.;xl[3]+=2.; yl[1]=yl[2]= min_yp*scaling-1.; yl[0]=yl[3]= yl[1]+0.1; #ifdef GMT_MINOR_VERSION ps_line(xl,yl,4,3,0); #else ps_line(xl,yl,4,3,0,0); #endif sprintf(label,"%.0f km",xscale/1000.0); ps_text(xl[0]+.5,yl[0]+.05,15.,label,0.,6,0); /* plot the z-scale */ range_z=(max_z-min_z); zscale=2000; /* z scale in m */ if (range_z < 3000) zscale=1000; if (range_z < 1000) zscale=500; if (range_z < 500) zscale=200; if (range_z < 250) zscale=100; zscale_inch= zscale*scaling*cos_eta*ve; xl[1]=xl[2]+0.5; xl[2]=xl[1]; xl[0]=xl[3]= xl[1]+.1; yl[0]=yl[1]= min_yp*scaling-1.; yl[2]=yl[3]= yl[0]+zscale_inch; #ifdef GMT_MINOR_VERSION ps_line(xl,yl,4,3,0); #else ps_line(xl,yl,4,3,0,0); #endif sprintf(label,"%.0f m",zscale); ps_text(xl[0]+0.3,yl[0]+zscale_inch/2.0,15.,label,0.,6,0); /* plot an arrow in the ship's direction */ a=0; b=beams_bath/2; while (!mb_beam_ok(data[a++].beamflag[b])) {} xl[0] = data[--a].xp[b]; yl[0] = data[a].yp[b]; a = nread - 1; while (!mb_beam_ok(data[a--].beamflag[b])) {} xl[1] = data[++a].xp[b]; yl[1] = data[a].yp[b]; xl[1] = ((xl[1]-xl[0])/distot/2)+.6; yl[1] = ((yl[1]-yl[0])/distot/2) + min_yp*scaling-1.; xl[0] = 0.+.6; yl[0] = 0.+min_yp*scaling-0.85; ps_vector(xl[0],yl[0],xl[1],yl[1], 0.01,0.25,0.1,1.0,rgb_black,0); ps_text(xl[0]-1.7,yl[0]+.2,15.,"ship heading",0.,1,0); ps_text(xl[0]-1.7,yl[0],15.,"direction",0.,1,0); /* plot the three axes */ for (i=0;i<3;i++) { xl[0]=0.; /* point in center of page */ yl[0]=0.; rotate=0; /* set to 1 if arrow is rotated below */ if (i==0) { /* x-axis */ x=1.; y=0; z=0; } else if (i==1) { /* y-axis */ x=0; y=1.; z=0; } else if (i==2) { /* z-axis */ x=0; y=0; z=-1.; } if (viewdir=='P' || viewdir=='p') { xl[1]=-y-x*sin_eta*cos_alpha+xl[0]; yl[1]= -z*cos_eta+x*sin_eta*sin_alpha+yl[0]; } else if (viewdir=='B' || viewdir=='b') { xl[1]=(x+y*sin_eta*cos_alpha)+xl[0]; yl[1]=-z*cos_eta+y*sin_eta*sin_alpha+yl[0]; } else if (viewdir=='S' || viewdir=='s') { xl[1]=y+x*sin_eta*cos_alpha+xl[0]; yl[1]=z*cos_eta-x*sin_eta*sin_alpha+yl[0]; } if (yl[1]<yl[0]) { /* rotate arrows 180 if facing downward */ xl[1]=-xl[1]; yl[1]=-yl[1]; rotate=1; } xl[0]=(-3.); /* move arrows from center to lower left corner */ yl[0]=(min_yp*scaling-1.); xl[1]=xl[0]+xl[1]; yl[1]=yl[0]+yl[1]; ps_vector(xl[0],yl[0],xl[1],yl[1], 0.01,0.25,0.1,1.0,rgb_black,0); if (i==0&&rotate==0) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"x",0.,6,0); else if (i==1&&rotate==0) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"y",0.,6,0); else if (i==2&&rotate==0) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"z",0.,6,0); else if (i==0&&rotate==1) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"-x",0.,6,0); else if (i==1&&rotate==1) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"-y",0.,6,0); else if (i==2&&rotate==1) ps_text(xl[1],yl[1]+.15,15.,"z",0.,6,0); } /* (i=0;i<3;i++) */ } /* if display_scales */ /* end the postscript file */ ps_plotend(1); /* deallocate arrays */ for (i=0;i<nread;i++) { mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].beams_bath), &error); mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].bath), &error); mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].bathacrosstrack), &error); mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].bathalongtrack), &error); mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].xp), &error); mb_freed(verbose,__FILE__, __LINE__, (void **)&(data[i].yp), &error); } /* check memory */ if (verbose >= 4) status = mb_memory_list(verbose,&error); /* print output debug statements */ if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2 Program <%s> completed\n", program_name); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 Ending status:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"dbg2 status: %d\n",status); } /* end it all */ exit(error); } /* main */