Пример #1
// This algorithm comes from Sebastian O.H. Madgwick's 2010 paper:
// "An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays"
// https://www.samba.org/tridge/UAV/madgwick_internal_report.pdf
static void _psmove_orientation_fusion_imu_update(
	PSMoveOrientation *orientation_state,
	float delta_t,
	const Eigen::Vector3f &current_omega,
	const Eigen::Vector3f &current_g)
	// Current orientation from earth frame to sensor frame
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEq = orientation_state->quaternion;
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEq_new = SEq;

	// Compute the quaternion derivative measured by gyroscopes
	// Eqn 12) q_dot = 0.5*q*omega
	Eigen::Quaternionf omega = Eigen::Quaternionf(0.f, current_omega.x(), current_omega.y(), current_omega.z());
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEqDot_omega = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs() * 0.5f) *omega;

	if (current_g.isApprox(Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(), k_normal_epsilon))
		// Get the direction of the gravitational fields in the identity pose		
		PSMove_3AxisVector identity_g= psmove_orientation_get_gravity_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
		Eigen::Vector3f k_identity_g_direction = Eigen::Vector3f(identity_g.x, identity_g.y, identity_g.z);

		// Eqn 15) Applied to the gravity vector
		// Fill in the 3x1 objective function matrix f(SEq, Sa) =|f_g|
		Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> f_g;
		psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, current_g, f_g, NULL);

		// Eqn 21) Applied to the gravity vector
		// Fill in the 4x3 objective function Jacobian matrix: J_gb(SEq)= [J_g]
		Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> J_g;
		psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, J_g);

		// Eqn 34) gradient_F= J_g(SEq)*f(SEq, Sa)
		// Compute the gradient of the objective function
		Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 1> gradient_f = J_g * f_g;
		Eigen::Quaternionf SEqHatDot =
			Eigen::Quaternionf(gradient_f(0, 0), gradient_f(1, 0), gradient_f(2, 0), gradient_f(3, 0));

		// normalize the gradient
		psmove_quaternion_normalize_with_default(SEqHatDot, *k_psmove_quaternion_zero);

		// Compute the estimated quaternion rate of change
		// Eqn 43) SEq_est = SEqDot_omega - beta*SEqHatDot
		Eigen::Quaternionf SEqDot_est = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEqDot_omega.coeffs() - SEqHatDot.coeffs()*beta);

		// Compute then integrate the estimated quaternion rate
		// Eqn 42) SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t
		SEq_new = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs() + SEqDot_est.coeffs()*delta_t);
		SEq_new = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs() + SEqDot_omega.coeffs()*delta_t);

	// Make sure the net quaternion is a pure rotation quaternion

	// Save the new quaternion back into the orientation state
	orientation_state->quaternion = SEq_new;
Пример #2
// This algorithm comes from Sebastian O.H. Madgwick's 2010 paper:
// "An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays"
// https://www.samba.org/tridge/UAV/madgwick_internal_report.pdf
static void _psmove_orientation_fusion_imu_update(
    PSMoveOrientation *orientation_state,
    float delta_t,
    const glm::vec3 &current_omega,
    const glm::vec3 &current_g)
    // Current orientation from earth frame to sensor frame
    glm::quat SEq = orientation_state->quaternion;
    glm::quat SEq_new = SEq;

    // Compute the quaternion derivative measured by gyroscopes
    // Eqn 12) q_dot = 0.5*q*omega
    glm::quat omega = glm::quat(0.f, current_omega.x, current_omega.y, current_omega.z);
    glm::quat SEqDot_omega = (SEq * 0.5f) *omega;

    if (is_nearly_equal(glm::dot(current_g, current_g), 0.f, k_normal_epsilon*k_normal_epsilon))
        // Get the direction of the gravitational fields in the identity pose		
        PSMove_3AxisVector identity_g= psmove_orientation_get_gravity_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
        glm::vec3 k_identity_g_direction = glm::vec3(identity_g.x, identity_g.y, identity_g.z);

        // Eqn 15) Applied to the gravity vector
        // Fill in the 3x1 objective function matrix f(SEq, Sa) =|f_g|
        glm::vec3 f_g;
        psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, current_g, f_g, NULL);

        // Eqn 21) Applied to the gravity vector
        // Fill in the 4x3 objective function Jacobian matrix: J_gb(SEq)= [J_g]
        glm::mat3x4 J_g;
        psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, J_g);

        // Eqn 34) gradient_F= J_g(SEq)*f(SEq, Sa)
        // Compute the gradient of the objective function
        glm::vec4 gradient_f = J_g * f_g;
        glm::quat SEqHatDot =
            glm::quat(gradient_f[0], gradient_f[1], gradient_f[2], gradient_f[3]);

        // normalize the gradient
        psmove_quaternion_normalize_with_default(SEqHatDot, *k_psmove_quaternion_zero);

        // Compute the estimated quaternion rate of change
        // Eqn 43) SEq_est = SEqDot_omega - beta*SEqHatDot
        glm::quat SEqDot_est = SEqDot_omega + SEqHatDot*(-beta);

        // Compute then integrate the estimated quaternion rate
        // Eqn 42) SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t
        SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t;
        SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_omega*delta_t;

    // Make sure the net quaternion is a pure rotation quaternion
    SEq_new= glm::normalize(SEq_new);

    // Save the new quaternion back into the orientation state
    orientation_state->quaternion= SEq_new;
Пример #3
	const Eigen::Vector3f* from[2], const Eigen::Vector3f* to[2], const float tolerance, const Eigen::Quaternionf &initial_q,
	Eigen::Quaternionf &out_q)
	bool success = true;

	Eigen::Quaternionf previous_q = initial_q;
	Eigen::Quaternionf q = initial_q;
    //const float tolerance_squared = tolerance*tolerance; //TODO: This variable is unused, but it should be. Need to re-test with this added since the below test should be: error_squared > tolerance_squared
	const int k_max_iterations = 32;
	float previous_error_squared = k_real_max;
	float error_squared = k_real_max;
	float squared_error_delta = k_real_max;
	float gamma = 0.5f;
	bool backtracked = false;

	for (int iteration = 0; 
		iteration < k_max_iterations && // Haven't exceeded iteration limit
		error_squared > tolerance && // Aren't within tolerance of the destination
		squared_error_delta > k_normal_epsilon && // Haven't reached a minima
		gamma > k_normal_epsilon; // Haven't reduced our step size to zero
		// Fill in the 6x1 objective function matrix |f_0|
		//                                           |f_1|
		float error_squared0, error_squared1;

		Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> f_0;
		psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(q, *from[0], *to[0], f_0, &error_squared0);

		Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> f_1;
		psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(q, *from[1], *to[1], f_1, &error_squared1);

		Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> f;
		f.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = f_0;
		f.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = f_1;

		error_squared = error_squared0 + error_squared1;

		// Make sure this new step hasn't made the error worse
		if (error_squared <= previous_error_squared)
			// We won't have a valid error derivative if we had to back track
			squared_error_delta = !backtracked ? fabsf(error_squared - previous_error_squared) : squared_error_delta;
			backtracked = false;

			// This is a good step.
			// Remember it in case the next one makes things worse
			previous_error_squared = error_squared;
			previous_q = q;

			// Fill in the 4x6 objective function Jacobian matrix: [J_0|J_1]
			Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> J_0;
			psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(q, *from[0], J_0);

			Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> J_1;
			psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(q, *from[1], J_1);

			Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 6> J;
			J.block<4, 3>(0, 0) = J_0; J.block<4, 3>(0, 3) = J_1;

			// Compute the gradient of the objective function
			Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 1> gradient_f = J*f;
			Eigen::Quaternionf gradient_q =
				Eigen::Quaternionf(gradient_f(0, 0), gradient_f(1, 0), gradient_f(2, 0), gradient_f(3, 0));

			// The gradient points toward the maximum, so we subtract it off to head toward the minimum.
			// The step scale 'gamma' is just a guess.			
			q = Eigen::Quaternionf(q.coeffs() - gradient_q.coeffs()*gamma); //q-= gradient_q*gamma;
			// The step made the error worse.
			// Return to the previous orientation and half our step size.
			q = previous_q;
			gamma /= 2.f;
			backtracked = true;

	if (error_squared > tolerance)
		// Make sure we didn't fail to converge on the goal
		success = false;

	out_q= q;

	return success;
Пример #4
    const glm::vec3* from[2], const glm::vec3* to[2], const float tolerance, const glm::quat &initial_q,
    glm::quat &out_q)
    bool success = true;

    glm::quat previous_q = initial_q;
    glm::quat q = initial_q;
    //const float tolerance_squared = tolerance*tolerance; //TODO: This variable is unused, but it should be. Need to re-test with this added since the below test should be: error_squared > tolerance_squared
    const int k_max_iterations = 32;
    float previous_error_squared = k_real_max;
    float error_squared = k_real_max;
    float squared_error_delta = k_real_max;
    float gamma = 0.5f;
    bool backtracked = false;

    for (int iteration = 0; 
        iteration < k_max_iterations && // Haven't exceeded iteration limit
        error_squared > tolerance && // Aren't within tolerance of the destination
        squared_error_delta > k_normal_epsilon && // Haven't reached a minima
        gamma > k_normal_epsilon; // Haven't reduced our step size to zero
        // Compute the two 3x1 halves of the 6x1 objective function matrix |f_0|
        //                                                                 |f_1|
        float error_squared0, error_squared1;

        glm::vec3 f_0;
        psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(q, *from[0], *to[0], f_0, &error_squared0);

        glm::vec3 f_1;
        psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(q, *from[1], *to[1], f_1, &error_squared1);

        error_squared = error_squared0 + error_squared1;

        // Make sure this new step hasn't made the error worse
        if (error_squared <= previous_error_squared)
            // We won't have a valid error derivative if we had to back track
            squared_error_delta = !backtracked ? fabsf(error_squared - previous_error_squared) : squared_error_delta;
            backtracked = false;

            // This is a good step.
            // Remember it in case the next one makes things worse
            previous_error_squared = error_squared;
            previous_q = q;

            // Compute the two 4x3 halves of the 4x6 objective function Jacobian matrix: [J_0|J_1]
            glm::mat3x4 J_0;
            psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(q, *from[0], J_0);

            glm::mat3x4 J_1;
            psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(q, *from[1], J_1);

            // Compute the gradient of the objective function
            glm::vec4 gradient_f = J_0*f_0 + J_1*f_1;
            glm::quat gradient_q(gradient_f[0], gradient_f[1], gradient_f[2], gradient_f[3]);

            // The gradient points toward the maximum, so we subtract it off to head toward the minimum.
            // The step scale 'gamma' is just a guess.			
            q = q + gradient_q*(-gamma); //q-= gradient_q*gamma;
            q = glm::normalize(q);
            // The step made the error worse.
            // Return to the previous orientation and half our step size.
            q = previous_q;
            gamma /= 2.f;
            backtracked = true;

    if (error_squared > tolerance)
        // Make sure we didn't fail to converge on the goal
        success = false;

    out_q= q;

    return success;
Пример #5
// This algorithm comes from Sebastian O.H. Madgwick's 2010 paper:
// "An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays"
// https://www.samba.org/tridge/UAV/madgwick_internal_report.pdf
static void 
	PSMoveOrientation *orientation_state,
	float delta_t,
	const Eigen::Vector3f &current_omega,
	const Eigen::Vector3f &current_g,
	const Eigen::Vector3f &current_m)
	// If there isn't a valid magnetometer or accelerometer vector, fall back to the IMU style update
	if (current_g.isZero(k_normal_epsilon) || current_m.isZero(k_normal_epsilon))

	PSMoveMadgwickMARGState *marg_state = &orientation_state->fusion_state.madgwick_marg_state;

	// Current orientation from earth frame to sensor frame
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEq = orientation_state->quaternion;

	// Get the direction of the magnetic fields in the identity pose.	
	// NOTE: In the original paper we converge on this vector over time automatically (See Eqn 45 & 46)
	// but since we've already done the work in calibration to get this vector, let's just use it.
	// This also removes the last assumption in this function about what 
	// the orientation of the identity-pose is (handled by the sensor transform).
	PSMove_3AxisVector identity_m= psmove_orientation_get_magnetometer_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
	Eigen::Vector3f k_identity_m_direction = Eigen::Vector3f(identity_m.x, identity_m.y, identity_m.z);

	// Get the direction of the gravitational fields in the identity pose
	PSMove_3AxisVector identity_g= psmove_orientation_get_gravity_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
	Eigen::Vector3f k_identity_g_direction = Eigen::Vector3f(identity_g.x, identity_g.y, identity_g.z);

	// Eqn 15) Applied to the gravity and magnetometer vectors
	// Fill in the 6x1 objective function matrix f(SEq, Sa, Eb, Sm) =|f_g|
	//                                                               |f_b|
	Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> f_g;
	psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, current_g, f_g, NULL);

	Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> f_m;
	psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_m_direction, current_m, f_m, NULL);

	Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> f_gb;
	f_gb.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = f_g;
	f_gb.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = f_m;

	// Eqn 21) Applied to the gravity and magnetometer vectors
	// Fill in the 4x6 objective function Jacobian matrix: J_gb(SEq, Eb)= [J_g|J_b]
	Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> J_g;
	psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, J_g);

	Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 3> J_m;
	psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_m_direction, J_m);

	Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 6> J_gb;
	J_gb.block<4, 3>(0, 0) = J_g; J_gb.block<4, 3>(0, 3) = J_m;

	// Eqn 34) gradient_F= J_gb(SEq, Eb)*f(SEq, Sa, Eb, Sm)
	// Compute the gradient of the objective function
	Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 1> gradient_f = J_gb*f_gb;
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEqHatDot =
		Eigen::Quaternionf(gradient_f(0, 0), gradient_f(1, 0), gradient_f(2, 0), gradient_f(3, 0));

	// normalize the gradient to estimate direction of the gyroscope error
	psmove_quaternion_normalize_with_default(SEqHatDot, *k_psmove_quaternion_zero);

	// Eqn 47) omega_err= 2*SEq*SEqHatDot
	// compute angular estimated direction of the gyroscope error
	Eigen::Quaternionf omega_err = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs()*2.f) * SEqHatDot;

	// Eqn 48) net_omega_bias+= zeta*omega_err
	// Compute the net accumulated gyroscope bias
	marg_state->omega_bias = Eigen::Quaternionf(marg_state->omega_bias.coeffs() + omega_err.coeffs()*zeta*delta_t);
	marg_state->omega_bias.w() = 0.f; // no bias should accumulate on the w-component

	// Eqn 49) omega_corrected = omega - net_omega_bias
	Eigen::Quaternionf omega = Eigen::Quaternionf(0.f, current_omega.x(), current_omega.y(), current_omega.z());
	Eigen::Quaternionf corrected_omega = Eigen::Quaternionf(omega.coeffs() - marg_state->omega_bias.coeffs());

	// Compute the rate of change of the orientation purely from the gyroscope
	// Eqn 12) q_dot = 0.5*q*omega
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEqDot_omega = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs() * 0.5f) * corrected_omega;

	// Compute the estimated quaternion rate of change
	// Eqn 43) SEq_est = SEqDot_omega - beta*SEqHatDot
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEqDot_est = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEqDot_omega.coeffs() - SEqHatDot.coeffs()*beta);

	// Compute then integrate the estimated quaternion rate
	// Eqn 42) SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t
	Eigen::Quaternionf SEq_new = Eigen::Quaternionf(SEq.coeffs() + SEqDot_est.coeffs()*delta_t);

	// Make sure the net quaternion is a pure rotation quaternion

	// Save the new quaternion back into the orientation state
	orientation_state->quaternion = SEq_new;
Пример #6
// This algorithm comes from Sebastian O.H. Madgwick's 2010 paper:
// "An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays"
// https://www.samba.org/tridge/UAV/madgwick_internal_report.pdf
static void 
    PSMoveOrientation *orientation_state,
    float delta_t,
    const glm::vec3 &current_omega,
    const glm::vec3 &current_g,
    const glm::vec3 &current_m)
    // If there isn't a valid magnetometer or accelerometer vector, fall back to the IMU style update
    if (is_nearly_equal(glm::dot(current_g, current_g), 0.f, k_normal_epsilon*k_normal_epsilon) ||
        is_nearly_equal(glm::dot(current_m, current_m), 0.f, k_normal_epsilon*k_normal_epsilon))

    PSMoveMadgwickMARGState *marg_state = &orientation_state->fusion_state.madgwick_marg_state;

    // Current orientation from earth frame to sensor frame
    glm::quat SEq = orientation_state->quaternion;

    // Get the direction of the magnetic fields in the identity pose.	
    // NOTE: In the original paper we converge on this vector over time automatically (See Eqn 45 & 46)
    // but since we've already done the work in calibration to get this vector, let's just use it.
    // This also removes the last assumption in this function about what 
    // the orientation of the identity-pose is (handled by the sensor transform).
    PSMove_3AxisVector identity_m= psmove_orientation_get_magnetometer_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
    glm::vec3 k_identity_m_direction = glm::vec3(identity_m.x, identity_m.y, identity_m.z);

    // Get the direction of the gravitational fields in the identity pose
    PSMove_3AxisVector identity_g= psmove_orientation_get_gravity_calibration_direction(orientation_state);
    glm::vec3 k_identity_g_direction = glm::vec3(identity_g.x, identity_g.y, identity_g.z);

    // Eqn 15) Applied to the gravity and magnetometer vectors
    // Fill in the 6x1 objective function matrix f(SEq, Sa, Eb, Sm) =|f_g|
    //                                                               |f_b|
    glm::vec3 f_g;
    psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, current_g, f_g, NULL);

    glm::vec3 f_m;
    psmove_alignment_compute_objective_vector(SEq, k_identity_m_direction, current_m, f_m, NULL);

    // Eqn 21) Applied to the gravity and magnetometer vectors
    // Fill in the 4x6 objective function Jacobian matrix: J_gb(SEq, Eb)= [J_g|J_b]
    glm::mat3x4 J_g;
    psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_g_direction, J_g);

    glm::mat3x4 J_m;
    psmove_alignment_compute_objective_jacobian(SEq, k_identity_m_direction, J_m);

    // Eqn 34) gradient_F= J_gb(SEq, Eb)*f(SEq, Sa, Eb, Sm)
    // Compute the gradient of the objective function
    glm::vec4 gradient_f = J_g*f_g + J_m*f_m;
    glm::quat SEqHatDot =
        glm::quat(gradient_f[0], gradient_f[1], gradient_f[2], gradient_f[3]);

    // normalize the gradient to estimate direction of the gyroscope error
    psmove_quaternion_normalize_with_default(SEqHatDot, *k_psmove_quaternion_zero);

    // Eqn 47) omega_err= 2*SEq*SEqHatDot
    // compute angular estimated direction of the gyroscope error
    glm::quat omega_err = (SEq*2.f) * SEqHatDot;

    // Eqn 48) net_omega_bias+= zeta*omega_err
    // Compute the net accumulated gyroscope bias
    glm::quat omega_bias= marg_state->omega_bias;
    omega_bias = omega_bias + omega_err*zeta*delta_t;
    omega_bias.w = 0.f; // no bias should accumulate on the w-component
    marg_state->omega_bias= omega_bias;

    // Eqn 49) omega_corrected = omega - net_omega_bias
    glm::quat omega = glm::quat(0.f, current_omega.x, current_omega.y, current_omega.z);
    glm::quat corrected_omega = omega + (-omega_bias);

    // Compute the rate of change of the orientation purely from the gyroscope
    // Eqn 12) q_dot = 0.5*q*omega
    glm::quat SEqDot_omega = (SEq * 0.5f) * corrected_omega;

    // Compute the estimated quaternion rate of change
    // Eqn 43) SEq_est = SEqDot_omega - beta*SEqHatDot
    glm::quat SEqDot_est = SEqDot_omega + SEqHatDot*(-beta);

    // Compute then integrate the estimated quaternion rate
    // Eqn 42) SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t
    glm::quat SEq_new = SEq + SEqDot_est*delta_t;

    // Make sure the net quaternion is a pure rotation quaternion
    SEq_new= glm::normalize(SEq_new);

    // Save the new quaternion back into the orientation state
    orientation_state->quaternion= SEq_new;