Пример #1
extendBy ( const vec3& pt )
	// TODO: This only handles cases where the point is along the "positive" direction
	// of travel.  If it were along the "negative", we should move pos and extend length.
//	vec3 ptDir = pt - pos;
	vec3 ptDir ( pt );
	ptDir -= pos;
	ptDir.normalize ();
	vec3 tDir ( dir );
	tDir.normalize ();

	if ( ! tDir.equal ( ptDir ) )
		return false;

	length = pt.dist ( pos );
	return true;
Пример #2
contains ( const vec3& pt ) const
	// TODO: There are some expensive calls in here.  Find a more optimal means of doing this.
	if ( pt.equal ( pos ) )
		return containsResult::AllIn;

	vec3 endPt ( dir );
	endPt *= length;
	endPt += pos;

	if ( pt.equal ( endPt ) )
		return containsResult::AllIn;

//	vec3 ptDir = pt - pos;
	vec3 ptDir ( pt );
	ptDir -= pos;
	vec3 a = ptDir;
	a.normalize ();

	// Direction vectors the same?
	if ( ! a.equal ( dir ) )
		// Nope.  We're not in/on the segment.
		return containsResult::NoneIn;

	// The direction vectors are the same, so what is our distance from the endpoint?
	if ( ptDir.length () <= length )
		return containsResult::AllIn;

	return containsResult::NoneIn;
void VisitorLandsideBehavior::setDestination( const ARCVector3& p ,MobDir emWalk )
	//destination is equal to current location
	ASSERT(m_pPerson->getType().GetTypeIndex() != 0);
	//carrion that defines relative position should use own relative position
	PaxOnboardBaseBehavior* spCarrionBehavior = m_pPerson->getOnboardBehavior();
	if (!m_pPerson->m_pGroupInfo->IsFollower())
		PaxVisitor* pVisitor = (PaxVisitor*)m_pPerson;
		Passenger* pOwner = pVisitor->GetOwner();
		if (pOwner && pOwner->GetVisitorItemByType(pVisitor->getType().GetTypeIndex()))//does not separate with passenger
			CGroupLeaderInfo* pGroupLeader = (CGroupLeaderInfo*)(m_pPerson->m_pGroupInfo);
			if (pGroupLeader->isInGroup())//separate with group
				LandsideBaseBehavior* spOwnerBehavior = pOwner->getLandsideBehavior();
				ARCVector3 _OwnerPreLocation = spOwnerBehavior->location;
				ARCVector3 OwnerLocation = spOwnerBehavior->m_ptDestination;

				if (_OwnerPreLocation == OwnerLocation && spOwnerBehavior->getState() != EntryLandside)//can not calculate direction of passenger and current location
					m_ptDestination = p;

				ARCVector3 paxDirection(_OwnerPreLocation, OwnerLocation);
				ARCVector3 paxLogPoint = _OwnerPreLocation;

				Point ptDir(paxDirection[VX],paxDirection[VY],paxDirection[VZ]);
				Point ptCenter(paxLogPoint.n[VX],paxLogPoint.n[VY],paxLogPoint.n[VZ]);

				CNonPaxRelativePosSpec* pNonPaxRelPosSpec = pVisitor->GetTerminal()->GetNonPaxRelativePosSpec();
				CPoint2008 ptRelatePos;
				ARCVector4 rotation;
				bool bRes = pNonPaxRelPosSpec->GetNonPaxRelatePosition(ptRelatePos, rotation, pVisitor->getType().GetTypeIndex());
				if (bRes)
					Point vectorLat( ptRelatePos.getX(),ptRelatePos.getY(), 0.0);
					double dAngle = GetRotateAngle(emWalk);
					Point dir(paxDirection.n[VX],paxDirection.n[VY],paxDirection.n[VZ]);
					Point ptRotate(paxLogPoint.n[VX],paxLogPoint.n[VY],paxLogPoint.n[VZ]);
					vectorLat.rotate(dir, ptRotate);
					ARCVector3 vectorPt;
					vectorPt.n[VX] = vectorLat.getX();
					vectorPt.n[VY] = vectorLat.getY();
					vectorPt.n[VZ] = paxLogPoint.n[VZ];

		m_ptDestination = p;

	//separate with passenger or not in group
	m_ptDestination = p;
Пример #4
BOOL scanDir( LPTSTR tDir, List* resList, Item* parentItem, BOOL fstLevel, BOOL dbg )
    TCHAR dirStr[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };

    Item currentItem = { 0 };
    LARGE_INTEGER parentSize = { 0 };
    LARGE_INTEGER currentSize = { 0 };

    // Prepare string for use with FindFile functions.  First, copy the
    // string to a buffer, then append '\*' to the directory name.
    wcscpy_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, tDir );

    if ( dirStr[ wcslen( dirStr ) - 1 ] == TEXT( '\\' ) )
        wcscat_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, TEXT( "*" ) );
        wcscat_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, TEXT( "\\*" ) );

    // Find the first file in the directory.
    hFind = FindFirstFile( dirStr, &currentItem.findInfo );

    // Validate search handle
    if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind )
        // Only report error if different from 'Access Denied'.
        // For example, system symbolic links report 'access denied'.
        // If a handle is obtained and the size is requested,
        // Win32 reports 0 bytes.
        // See results using '..\progsDev\others\TestGetFileSizeEx\'
        if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED )
            ReportError( TEXT( "FindFirstFile failed." ), 0, TRUE );

        // Exit in any case
        return FALSE;

    // List all the files/subdirs in the directory
        // Do not follow symbolic links
        // Symbolic links are listed but,
        // they do not affect dirs nor files count
        // Their size (0 bytes) and date are taken into account
        if ( !( currentItem.findInfo.dwFileAttributes &
            // Subdirectory found ?
            if ( currentItem.findInfo.dwFileAttributes &
                // Dir found

                // Skip '.' or '..'
                if ( ptDir( currentItem.findInfo.cFileName ) )

                // Increment dirs count of parent

                // Prepare the recursive call
                wcscpy_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, tDir );
                wcscat_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, TEXT( "\\" ) );
                wcscat_s( dirStr, MAX_PATH, currentItem.findInfo.cFileName );

                // Debug output
                if ( dbg )
                    wprintf_s( TEXT( "    %s\n" ), dirStr );

                // Scan subdir
                scanDir( dirStr, resList, &currentItem, FALSE, dbg );

                // Update dirs count of parent using found subdirs
                parentItem->dirsCount.QuadPart +=

                // Update files count of parent using found files
                parentItem->filesCount.QuadPart +=
                // File found

                // Increment files count of parent

                // Current item has one file
                currentItem.filesCount.QuadPart = 1;

        // Update last write time information of the parent.
        // Is current item's LastWriteTime later
        // than parent's LastWriteTime ?
        if ( CompareFileTime( &currentItem.findInfo.ftLastWriteTime,
            &parentItem->findInfo.ftLastWriteTime ) == 1 )
            // Parent gets the LastWriteTime from current item
            parentItem->findInfo.ftLastWriteTime =

        // Get size of current found file(s)
        currentSize.LowPart = currentItem.findInfo.nFileSizeLow;
        currentSize.HighPart = currentItem.findInfo.nFileSizeHigh;

        // Get size of parent so far
        parentSize.LowPart = parentItem->findInfo.nFileSizeLow;
        parentSize.HighPart = parentItem->findInfo.nFileSizeHigh;

        // Add current size to parent size (64-bit addition)
        parentSize.QuadPart += currentSize.QuadPart;

        // Update parent file size
        parentItem->findInfo.nFileSizeLow = parentSize.LowPart;
        parentItem->findInfo.nFileSizeHigh = parentSize.HighPart;

        // Update list
        if ( fstLevel )
            // Append current item to results list
            if ( AddItem( currentItem, resList ) == false )
                wprintf_s( TEXT( "Problem allocating memory\n" ) );
                return FALSE;

        // Reset current item
        memset( &currentItem, 0, sizeof( Item ) );

    } while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &currentItem.findInfo ) != 0 );

    // Validate end of search
    if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
        ReportError( TEXT( "\nFindNextFile failed.\n" ), 0, TRUE );
        return FALSE;

    // Close search handle
    FindClose( hFind );

    return TRUE;