Пример #1
// initNetwork() -- Initialize the multicast network
bool NetIO::initNetwork()
    // ---
    // Create the federate unique ambassador
    // ---
    fedAmb = createFederateAmbassador();
    bool ok = (fedAmb != 0);

    // ---
    // join the federation
    // ---
    if (ok) {
        ok = createAndJoinFederation();

    // initialize time constraints, etc.
    //if (getRegulating() || getConstrained())
    //    setLookAhead(deltaTime);
    //    setTimeIncrement(deltaTime);
    //    setFederationTime(0.0);
    //    initializeTimeManagement();
    //    doTick();

    if (ok) {
        ok = publishAndSubscribe();

    return true;
Пример #2
//                                     INSTANCE METHODS
////////////////////////// Main Simulation Method /////////////////////////
void ExampleCPPFederate::runFederate( std::wstring federateName )
	// 1. create the RTIambassador //
	RTIambassadorFactory factory = RTIambassadorFactory();
	this->rtiamb = factory.createRTIambassador().release();

	// 2. connect to the RTI //
	// we need the federate ambassador set up before we can connect
	this->fedamb = new ExampleFedAmb();
		rtiamb->connect( *this->fedamb, HLA_EVOKED );
	catch( ConnectionFailed& connectionFailed )
		wcout << L"Connection failed: " << connectionFailed.what() << endl;
	catch( InvalidLocalSettingsDesignator& settings )
		wcout << L"Connection failed, InvalidLocalSettingsDesignator: " << settings.what() << endl;
	catch( UnsupportedCallbackModel& callbackModel )
		wcout << L"Connection failed, UnsupportedCallbackModel: " << callbackModel.what() << endl;
	catch( AlreadyConnected& connected )
		wcout << L"Connection failed, AlreadyConnected: " << connected.what() << endl;
	catch( RTIinternalError& error )
		wcout << L"Connection failed, Generic Error: " << error.what() << endl;
	// 3. create and join to the federation //
	// create
	// NOTE: some other federate may have already created the federation,
	//       in that case, we'll just try and join it
		vector<wstring> foms;
		foms.push_back( L"testfom.fed" );
		//rtiamb->createFederationExecution( L"ExampleFederation", L"testfom.fed" );
		rtiamb->createFederationExecution( L"ExampleFederation", foms );
		wcout << L"Created Federation" << endl;
	catch( FederationExecutionAlreadyExists& exists )
		wcout << L"Didn't create federation, it already existed" << endl;

	// 4. join the federation //
	rtiamb->joinFederationExecution( federateName, L"Example Federate", L"ExampleFederation" );
	wcout << L"Joined Federation as " << federateName << endl;

	// initialize the handles - have to wait until we are joined

	// 5. announce the sync point //
	// announce a sync point to get everyone on the same page. if the point
	// has already been registered, we'll get a callback saying it failed,
	// but we don't care about that, as long as someone registered it
	VariableLengthData tag( (void*)"", 1 );
	rtiamb->registerFederationSynchronizationPoint( READY_TO_RUN, tag );
	while( fedamb->isAnnounced == false )
		rtiamb->evokeMultipleCallbacks( 0.1, 1.0 );

	// So that there is time to add other federates, we will wait until the
	// user hits enter before proceeding. That was, you have time to start
	// other federates.

	// 6. achieve the point and wait for synchronization //
	// tell the RTI we are ready to move past the sync point and then wait
	// until the federation has synchronized on
	rtiamb->synchronizationPointAchieved( READY_TO_RUN );
	wcout << L"Achieved sync point: " << READY_TO_RUN << L", waiting for federation..." << endl;
	while( fedamb->isReadyToRun == false )
		rtiamb->evokeMultipleCallbacks( 0.1, 1.0 );

	// 7. enable time policies //
	// in this section we enable/disable all time policies
	// note that this step is optional!
	wcout << L"Time Policy Enabled" << endl;

	// 8. publish and subscribe //
	// in this section we tell the RTI of all the data we are going to
	// produce, and all the data we want to know about
	wcout << L"Published and Subscribed" << endl;

	// 9. register an object to update //
	ObjectInstanceHandle objectHandle = registerObject();
	wcout << L"Registered Object, handle=" << objectHandle << endl;

	// 10. do the main simulation loop //
	// here is where we do the meat of our work. in each iteration, we will
	// update the attribute values of the object we registered, and will
	// send an interaction.
	int i;
	for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
		// 9.1 update the attribute values of the instance //
		updateAttributeValues( objectHandle );

		// 9.2 send an interaction

		// 9.3 request a time advance and wait until we get it
		advanceTime( 1.0 );
		wcout << L"Time Advanced to " << fedamb->federateTime << endl;

	// 11. delete the object we created //
	deleteObject( objectHandle );
	wcout << L"Deleted Object, handle=" << objectHandle << endl;

	// 12. resign from the federation //
	rtiamb->resignFederationExecution( NO_ACTION );
	wcout << L"Resigned from Federation" << endl;

	// 13. try and destroy the federation //
	// NOTE: we won't die if we can't do this because other federates
	//       remain. in that case we'll leave it for them to clean up
		rtiamb->destroyFederationExecution( L"ExampleFederation" );
		wcout << L"Destroyed Federation" << endl;
	catch( FederationExecutionDoesNotExist& dne )
		wcout << L"No need to destroy federation, it doesn't exist" << endl;
	catch( FederatesCurrentlyJoined& fcj )
		wcout << L"Didn't destroy federation, federates still joined" << endl;

	// 14. disconnect from the RTI //
	// disconnect from the RTI

	// 15. clean up //
	delete this->rtiamb;