Пример #1
void prot_login_verify( struct qqclient* qq )
    qqpacket* p = packetmgr_new_send( qq, QQ_CMD_LOGIN_VERIFY );
    if( !p ) return;
    bytebuffer *buf = p->buf;
    bytebuffer *verify_data;
    NEW( verify_data, sizeof(bytebuffer) );
    if( !verify_data ) {
        packetmgr_del_packet( &qq->packetmgr, p );
    verify_data->size = PACKET_SIZE;
    put_int( verify_data, rand2() );	//random??
    put_word( verify_data, 0x0001 );
    put_int( verify_data, qq->number );
    put_data( verify_data, qq->data.version_spec, sizeof(qq->data.version_spec) );
    put_byte( verify_data, 00 );
    put_word( verify_data, 00 );	//0x0001 什么来的?
    put_data( verify_data, qq->md5_pass1, 16 );
    put_int( verify_data, qq->server_time );
    verify_data->pos += 13;
    put_int( verify_data, qq->server_ip );
    put_int( verify_data, 0 );
    put_int( verify_data, 0 );
    put_word( verify_data, 0x0010 );
    put_data( verify_data, qq->data.verify_key1, 0x10 );
    put_data( verify_data, qq->data.verify_key2, 0x10 );
    put_word( buf, 0x00CA );	//sub cmd??
    put_word( buf, 0x0001 );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.locale, sizeof(qq->data.locale) );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.version_spec, sizeof(qq->data.version_spec) );
    put_word( buf, qq->data.token_c.len );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.token_c.data, qq->data.token_c.len );
    if( verify_data->pos != 104 ) {
        DBG("wrong pos!!!");

    int out_len = 120;
    uchar encrypted[120+10];
    qqencrypt( verify_data->data, verify_data->pos, qq->md5_pass2, encrypted, &out_len );
    put_word( buf, out_len );
    put_data( buf, encrypted, out_len );

    put_word( buf, 0x0000 );
    put_word( buf, 0x018B );
    put_byte( buf, 0x2E );	//length of the following info
    static uchar unknown6[] = {0xE9,0xC4,0xD6,0x5C,0x4D,0x9D,
    static uchar unknown7[] = {0xCB,0x8D,0xA4,0xE2,0x61,0xC2,
    randkey( unknown6 );
    randkey( unknown7 );
    put_byte( buf, 0x01 );
    put_int( buf, rand2()  );
//	put_int( buf, 0x0741E9748  );
    put_word( buf, sizeof(unknown6) );
    put_data( buf, unknown6, sizeof(unknown6) );
    put_byte( buf, 0x02 );
    put_int( buf, rand2()  );
//	put_int( buf, 0x8BED382E  );
    put_word( buf, sizeof(unknown7) );
    put_data( buf, unknown7, sizeof(unknown7) );
    buf->pos += 0x015C;	//395 zeros?  348

    DEL( verify_data );
    post_packet( qq, p, RANDOM_KEY );
Пример #2
static void read_buffer(void)
	char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
	unsigned int ptr, current, *last;


	ptr = 0;
	while (fgetl(line, sizeof(line), fpInput)) {
		char LM_Buf[8];
		if (LM) {
			if (strlen(line) > 7) {
				strncpy(LM_Buf, &line[7], 7);
				LM_Buf[7] = 0;
				*LM_Buf = 0;
			line[7] = 0;
		} else if (cut_len) line[cut_len] = 0;
		last = &buffer.hash[line_hash(line)];
		current = *last;
		current = get_int(last);
		while (current != ENTRY_END_HASH) {
			if (!strcmp(line, &buffer.data[current + 4])) break;
			last = (unsigned int *)&buffer.data[current];
			current = get_int(last);
		if (current != ENTRY_END_HASH) {
			if (LM && *LM_Buf)
				goto DoExtraLM;

		put_int(last, ptr);

		put_data(ptr, ENTRY_END_HASH);
		ptr += 4;

		strcpy(&buffer.data[ptr], line);
		ptr += strlen(line) + 1;

		if (ptr > vUNIQUE_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(line) - 8) break;

		if (LM && *LM_Buf) {
			last = &buffer.hash[line_hash(LM_Buf)];
			current = *last;
			current = get_int(last);
			while (current != ENTRY_END_HASH) {
				if (!strcmp(LM_Buf, &buffer.data[current + 4])) break;
				last = (unsigned int *)&buffer.data[current];
				current = get_int(last);
			if (current != ENTRY_END_HASH) continue;

			put_int(last, ptr);

			put_data(ptr, ENTRY_END_HASH);
			ptr += 4;

			strcpy(&buffer.data[ptr], LM_Buf);
			ptr += strlen(LM_Buf) + 1;

			if (ptr > vUNIQUE_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(line) - 8) break;

	if (ferror(fpInput)) pexit("fgets");

	put_data(ptr, ENTRY_END_LIST);
Пример #3
int  dist_prec(atmos_data_struct   *atmos,
               dist_prcp_struct    *prcp,
               soil_con_struct     *soil_con,
               veg_con_struct      *veg_con,
	       lake_con_struct     *lake_con,
               dmy_struct          *dmy,
               global_param_struct *global_param,
               filep_struct        *filep,
               out_data_file_struct *out_data_files,
               out_data_struct     *out_data,
               save_data_struct    *save_data,
               int                  rec,
               int                  cellnum,
               char                 NEWCELL,
               char                 LASTREC,
	       char                *init_STILL_STORM,
	       int                 *init_DRY_TIME) {
  dist_prec		Keith Cherkauer		October 9, 1997

  This subroutine calls the solution routines for a single grid cell
  for one time step.  It also controls the distribution of precipitation
  and reassembles grid cell data for output.

  The fractional coverage of precipitation over an area or grid cell, 
  mu, is estimated using the equation from Fan et. al. (1996).  The 
  coefficient, 0.6, was selected for the Arkansas - Red River Basin and
  was found using precipitation records on a 100km x 100km area.  It
  may not be applicable to all regions, please check the reference


  11-30-98 Added counter to assure that a storm has been stopped
           for at least one day, before allowing the model to 
	   average soil moisture when a new precipitation event
	   arrives.                                             KAC
  03-05-01 Fixed error in which distributed precipitation accounting
           variables (DRY_TIME, STILL_STORM, ANY_SNOW) were used 
           within the vegetation loop, but did not store separate
           values for each vegetation type.                     KAC
  03-12-03 Modifed to add AboveTreeLine to soil_con_struct so that
           the model can make use of the computed treeline.     KAC
  03-27-03 Modified calculation of DRY_TIME.  Originally the check
           to see if a new storm was warranted checked if DRY_TIME
           was greater than 24/dt.  However, DRY_TIME is incremented
           by dt, so it was checking hours against time steps.  The
           division by dt has been removed, so a new storm starts if
           the cell has been drying for a full 24 hours.     RS & KAC
  04-10-03 Modified to store STILL_STORM and DRY_TIME in the model
           statefile, so that full conditions will be preserved.  KAC
  01-Nov-04 Added support for state files containing SPATIAL_FROST and
	    LAKE_MODEL state variables.					TJB
  02-Feb-05 Modified to save state file at the end of the final timestep
	    of the date indicated by STATEYEAR, STATEMONTH, and STATEDAY
	    in the global parameter file.				TJB
  2005-Mar-24 Modified parameter list of put_data() to accomodate support
	      for ALMA variables.					TJB
  2006-Sep-23 Implemented flexible output configuration; uses new out_data,
	      out_data_files, and save_data structures.			TJB
  2006-Oct-16 Merged infiles and outfiles structs into filep_struct.	TJB
  2006-Nov-07 Removed LAKE_MODEL option.				TJB
  2007-Apr-04 Modified to handle grid cell errors by returning to the
              main subroutine, rather than ending the simulation.	GCT/KAC
  2008-Oct-23 Modified call to put_data() to store ErrorFlag.		TJB
  2009-Mar-03 Modified routine to store put_data() error in ErrorFlag2 and 
	      return a single ERROR value if an error occurs.		KAC via TJB
  2009-Jun-19 Added T flag to indicate whether TFALLBACK occurred.	TJB
  2009-Sep-28 Added logic for initial (pre-simulation) call to put_data.TJB


  extern option_struct   options;
  extern veg_lib_struct *veg_lib; 
  extern debug_struct debug;

  static char STILL_STORM[MAX_VEG];
  static int  DRY_TIME[MAX_VEG];

  char    ANY_SNOW[MAX_VEG];
  int     veg, i;
  int     month;
  int     ErrorFlag, ErrorFlag2;
  double  Wdmax;
  double  NEW_MU;

    If rec < 0, initialize the storage terms for water and energy balances
  if (rec < 0) {
    ErrorFlag2 = put_data(prcp, atmos, soil_con, veg_con,
			  lake_con, out_data_files, out_data, save_data,
			  &dmy[0], rec);
    if ( ErrorFlag2 == ERROR ) ErrorFlag = ERROR;
    return (0);

    If rec >= 0, proceed with simulation
  // check if state file has been used to initialize storm tracking
  if ( init_DRY_TIME >= 0 ) {
    // initialize storm tracking
    for ( veg = 0; veg <= veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; veg++ ) {
      DRY_TIME[veg] = init_DRY_TIME[veg];
      STILL_STORM[veg] = init_STILL_STORM[veg];

  if(options.DIST_PRCP) {

      Controls Distributed Precipitation Model
    NEW_MU = 1.0 - exp(-options.PREC_EXPT*atmos->prec[NR]);
    for ( veg = 0; veg <= veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; veg++ ) {
      ANY_SNOW[veg] = FALSE;
      for ( i = 0; i < options.SNOW_BAND; i++ )
        /* Check for snow on ground or falling */
	if ( prcp->snow[veg][i].swq > 0 
	     || prcp->snow[veg][i].snow_canopy > 0. ) 
	  ANY_SNOW[veg] = TRUE;
      if ( ANY_SNOW[veg] || atmos->snowflag[NR] ) {
        /* If snow present, mu must be set to 1. */
	NEW_MU = 1.;
	if ( rec == 0 ) {
          /* Set model variables if first time step */
	  prcp->mu[veg] = NEW_MU;
	  if ( atmos->prec[NR] > 0 ) 
	    STILL_STORM[veg] = TRUE;
	    STILL_STORM[veg] = FALSE;
          DRY_TIME[veg] = 0;
	ANY_SNOW[veg] = TRUE;
      else {
	if ( rec == 0 ) {
	  if ( atmos->prec[NR] == 0 ) {
	    /* If first time step has no rain, than set mu to 1. */
	    prcp->mu[veg]    = 1.;
	    NEW_MU           = 1.;
	    STILL_STORM[veg] = TRUE;
	    DRY_TIME[veg]    = 24;
	  else {
	    /* If first time step has rain, then set mu based on intensity */
	    prcp->mu[veg]    = NEW_MU;
	    STILL_STORM[veg] = TRUE;
	    DRY_TIME[veg]    = 0;
	else if(atmos->prec[NR] == 0 && DRY_TIME[veg] >= 24.) {
          /* Check if storm has ended */
	  NEW_MU           = prcp->mu[veg];
          DRY_TIME[veg]    = 0;
        else if ( atmos->prec[NR] == 0 ) {
	  /* May be pause in storm, keep track of pause length */
	  NEW_MU         = prcp->mu[veg];
	  DRY_TIME[veg] += global_param->dt;

      if ( !STILL_STORM[veg] && (atmos->prec[NR] > STORM_THRES 
				 || ANY_SNOW[veg] ) ) {
	/** Average soil moisture before a new storm **/
	ErrorFlag = initialize_new_storm(prcp->cell,prcp->veg_var,
        if ( ErrorFlag == ERROR ) return ( ERROR );

	prcp->mu[veg]    = NEW_MU;
      else if ( NEW_MU != prcp->mu[veg] && STILL_STORM[veg] ) {
	/** Redistribute soil moisture during the storm if mu changes **/
	if ( dmy[rec].day == 1 && dmy[rec].hour == 0 ) {
	  month = dmy[rec].month - 2;
	  if ( month < 0 ) month = 11;
	else month = dmy[rec].month - 1;
	if (veg < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num) 
	  Wdmax = veg_lib[veg_con[veg].veg_class].Wdmax[month];
	  Wdmax = 0;
	redistribute_during_storm(prcp->cell, prcp->veg_var, veg, 
				  veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, rec, Wdmax, 
				  prcp->mu[veg], NEW_MU, soil_con->max_moist);
	prcp->mu[veg] = NEW_MU;

    /** Solve model time step **/
    ErrorFlag = full_energy(NEWCELL, cellnum, rec, atmos, prcp, dmy, global_param, 
		lake_con, soil_con, veg_con);


  else {

      Controls Grid Cell Averaged Precipitation Model

    ErrorFlag = full_energy(NEWCELL, cellnum, rec, atmos, prcp, dmy, global_param, 
		lake_con, soil_con, veg_con);


    Write cell average values for current time step

  ErrorFlag2 = put_data(prcp, atmos, soil_con, veg_con,
			lake_con, out_data_files, out_data, save_data,
			&dmy[rec], rec);
  if ( ErrorFlag2 == ERROR ) ErrorFlag = ERROR;

    Save model state at assigned date
    (after the final time step of the assigned date)

  if ( filep->statefile != NULL
       &&  ( dmy[rec].year == global_param->stateyear
	     && dmy[rec].month == global_param->statemonth 
	     && dmy[rec].day == global_param->stateday
	     && ( rec+1 == global_param->nrecs
		  || dmy[rec+1].day != global_param->stateday ) ) )
    write_model_state(prcp, global_param, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, 
		      soil_con->gridcel, filep, soil_con,
		      STILL_STORM, DRY_TIME, *lake_con);

  return ( ErrorFlag );

Пример #4
savestate(string file)
    stream str;

    str = stropen(file, "a");			/* open state output file   */
    fseek(str, 0L, 0);				/* rewind stream to origin  */
    put_string(str, "program", getargv0());
    put_string(str, "version", getparam("VERSION"));
    put_string(str, "headline", headline);	/* save control parameters  */
    put_data(str, "freq", RealType, &freq, 0);
    put_data(str, "tol", RealType, &tol, 0);
    put_data(str, "eps", RealType, &eps, 0);
    put_data(str, "fcells", RealType, &fcells, 0);
    put_string(str, "options", options);
    put_data(str, "tstop", RealType, &tstop, 0);
    put_data(str, "freqout", RealType, &freqout, 0);
    put_data(str, "minor_freqout", RealType, &minor_freqout, 0);
    put_data(str, "tnow", RealType, &tnow, 0);	/* save state variables     */
    put_data(str, "tout", RealType, &tout, 0);
    put_data(str, "minor_tout", RealType, &minor_tout, 0);
    put_data(str, "nstep", IntType, &nstep, 0);
    put_data(str, "rmin", RealType, rmin, NDIM, 0);
    put_data(str, "rsize", RealType, &rsize, 0);
    put_data(str, "nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
    put_data(str, "bodytab", AnyType, bodytab, nbody, sizeof(body), 0);
Пример #5
/* ------------------infinite loop to handle client requests------------
int command_loop()
	reply smesg;
	char  repstr[1024];
	int   filefd;

	for(;;) {
		if (get_command(sconn, &smesg) <= 0 ) {
			return 0;

		switch(smesg.code) {
		case USER :
			sprintf(repstr, "331 Password required for %s.\n",
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case PASS :
			if (check_user(username, smesg.text)) {
				sprintf(repstr, "230 User %s logged in.\n",
				send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
				status = LOGGED_IN;
			else {
				sprintf(repstr, "530 login failed.\n");
				send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case PORT :
			if (!loggedin())
			get_data_connection_info(smesg.text, cip, &cport);
			sprintf(repstr, "200 port command succesfull.\n");
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case LIST :
			if (!loggedin())
			if (open_sock_connection(cip, cport, &data_conn) < 0) {
				sprintf(repstr, "425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused.\n");
				send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
			sprintf(repstr, "150 Opening data connection.\n");
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
			put_local_ls(data_conn.sock, smesg.text);
			sprintf(repstr, "226 Transfer complete.\n");
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case RETR :
			if (!loggedin())
        		if ( (filefd = open(smesg.text, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
				sprintf(repstr, "550 %s\n",strerror(errno));
                                send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
                        if (open_sock_connection(cip, cport, &data_conn) < 0) {
                                sprintf(repstr, "425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused.\n");
                                send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
                        sprintf(repstr, "150 Opening data connection.\n");
                        send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
			put_data(data_conn, filefd);
                        sprintf(repstr, "226 Transfer complete.\n");
                        send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case STOR :
			if (!loggedin())
                        if ( (filefd = open(smesg.text, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,
					    S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) {
                                sprintf(repstr, "550 %s\n",strerror(errno));
                                send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
                        if (open_sock_connection(cip, cport, &data_conn) < 0) {
                                sprintf(repstr, "425 Can't build data connection
: Connection refused.\n");
                                send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
                        sprintf(repstr, "150 Opening data connection.\n");
                        send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
			get_data(data_conn, filefd);
                        sprintf(repstr, "226 Transfer complete.\n");
                        send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		case QUIT :
			sprintf(repstr, "221 GoodBye.\n");
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
		default :
			strcpy(repstr, "500 command not understood\n");
			send_request(sconn, repstr, strlen(repstr));
Пример #6
/* output the resources into a .o file */
void output_res_o_file( DLLSPEC *spec )
    unsigned int i;
    char *res_file = NULL;
    int fd;
    struct strarray *args;

    if (!spec->nb_resources) fatal_error( "--resources mode needs at least one resource file as input\n" );
    if (!output_file_name) fatal_error( "No output file name specified\n" );

    qsort( spec->resources, spec->nb_resources, sizeof(*spec->resources), cmp_res );
    remove_duplicate_resources( spec );

    byte_swapped = 0;

    put_dword( 0 );      /* ResSize */
    put_dword( 32 );     /* HeaderSize */
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResType */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResName */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_dword( 0 );      /* DataVersion */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Memory options */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Language */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Version */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Characteristics */

    for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_resources; i++)
        unsigned int header_size = get_resource_header_size( &spec->resources[i] );

        put_dword( spec->resources[i].data_size );
        put_dword( (header_size + 3) & ~3 );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].type );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].name );
        align_output( 4 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].mem_options );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].lang );
        put_dword( spec->resources[i].version );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_data( spec->resources[i].data, spec->resources[i].data_size );
        align_output( 4 );

    /* if the output file name is a .res too, don't run the results through windres */
    if (strendswith( output_file_name, ".res"))

    res_file = get_temp_file_name( output_file_name, ".res" );
    if ((fd = open( res_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0600 )) == -1)
        fatal_error( "Cannot create %s\n", res_file );
    if (write( fd, output_buffer, output_buffer_pos ) != output_buffer_pos)
        fatal_error( "Error writing to %s\n", res_file );
    close( fd );
    free( output_buffer );

    args = strarray_init();
    strarray_add( args, find_tool( "windres", NULL ), "-i", res_file, "-o", output_file_name, NULL );
    spawn( args );
    strarray_free( args );

    output_file_name = NULL;  /* so we don't try to assemble it */
Пример #7
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    MyIos<char, std::char_traits<char> >       nio;
    MyStreambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > nsb;
    nio.rdbuf (&nsb);

    MyIos<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >       wio;
    MyStreambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > wsb;
    wio.rdbuf (&wsb);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = RW_COUNT_OF (locales);

    for (const char *name = locale_list;
         name += std::strlen (name) + 1) {

        const std::size_t inx = nlocales;
        locales [inx] = name;

        // fill in the value and results for this locale
        MyNumData& data = my_num_data [nlocales];
        data.locale_name_ = name;

        try {
            const std::locale loc (data.locale_name_);

            data.value_ = nlocales & 1 ? -1 * nlocales : nlocales;
            data.type_ = MyNumData::PutId (nlocales % MyNumData::put_max);

            // format data into buffers
            const std::num_put<char> &np =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<char> >(loc);

            nio.imbue (loc);
            nsb.pubsetp (data.ncs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.ncs_));

            put_data (data, np, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(&nsb),
                      nio, ' ', '\0');

            rw_fatal (!nio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "num_put<char>::put(...) failed for locale(%#s)",


            const std::num_put<wchar_t> &wp =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<wchar_t> >(loc);

            wio.imbue (loc);
            wsb.pubsetp (data.wcs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.wcs_));

            put_data (data, wp, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(&wsb),
                      wio, L' ', L'\0');

            rw_fatal (!wio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "num_put<wchar_t>::put(...) failed for locale(%#s)",

#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

            if (opt_shared_locale)
                data.locale_ = loc;

            nlocales += 1;
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (!rw_opt_locales, 0, __LINE__,
                     "failed to create locale(%#s)", name);

        if (nlocales == maxinx || nlocales == std::size_t (opt_nlocales))

    // avoid divide by zero in thread if there are no locales to test
    rw_fatal (nlocales != 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "failed to create one or more usable locales!");

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::num_put<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::num_put<char>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = false;

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    int result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);


    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::num_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = false;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

    // exercise both the char and the wchar_t specializations
    // at the same time

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "exercising both std::num_put<char> and std::num_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    return result;
Пример #8
Error StreamPeerBuffer::put_partial_data(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_bytes, int &r_sent) {

	r_sent = p_bytes;
	return put_data(p_data, p_bytes);
Пример #9
void add_to_commasep(strbuf *buf, const char *data)
    if (buf->len > 0)
        put_byte(buf, ',');
    put_data(buf, data, strlen(data));
Пример #10
void StreamPeer::put_8(int8_t p_val) {

	put_data((const uint8_t *)&p_val, 1);
Пример #11
void StreamPeer::put_utf8_string(const String &p_string) {

	CharString cs = p_string.utf8();
	put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.length());
Пример #12
//encypt data
int post_packet( struct qqclient* qq, qqpacket* p, int key_type )
	bytebuffer* buf = p->buf;
	unsigned char* encrypted;
	int head_len = qq->network==TCP || qq->network==PROXY_HTTP ? 24 : 22;
	static uchar unknown_packet_flags[] = {0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x64,0x70};
	if( qq->log_packet ){
		if( p->command == QQ_CMD_QUN_CMD )
			DBG("[%d] send packet cmd: %x subcmd: %x  seq: %x", qq->number, p->command, (int)p->buf->data[0], p->seqno );
			DBG("[%d] send packet cmd: %x  seq: %x", qq->number, p->command, p->seqno );
		hex_dump( buf->data, buf->pos );
	switch( key_type )//use this key to enrypt data
		case NO_KEY:
			if( buf->pos+head_len+1 <= buf->size ){
				memmove( buf->data+head_len, buf->data, buf->pos );
				buf->pos += head_len;
		case RANDOM_KEY:
			int out_len = PACKET_SIZE;
			NEW( encrypted, PACKET_SIZE, unsigned char );
			if( !encrypted ) {
				DBG("Error: encrypted not allocated.");
				return -1;
			qqencrypt( buf->data, buf->pos, p->key, encrypted, &out_len );
			//for tcp
			if( p->command == QQ_CMD_LOGIN_SEND_INFO || p->command == QQ_CMD_LOGIN_GET_INFO ||
				p->command == QQ_CMD_LOGIN_GET_LIST || p->command == QQ_CMD_LOGIN_A4 ){
				if( out_len+head_len+1+(2+qq->data.login_info_magic.len) <= buf->size ){
					*(ushort*)(buf->data+head_len) = htons( qq->data.login_info_magic.len );
					memcpy( buf->data+head_len+2, qq->data.login_info_magic.data, qq->data.login_info_magic.len );
					memcpy( buf->data+qq->data.login_info_magic.len+head_len+2, encrypted, out_len );
					buf->pos = out_len+qq->data.login_info_magic.len+head_len+2;
					DBG("encrypted data is too large to store in the packet.");
				if( out_len+16+head_len+1 <= buf->size ){
					memcpy( buf->data+head_len, p->key, 16 );
					memcpy( buf->data+16+head_len, encrypted, out_len );
					buf->pos = out_len+16+head_len;
					DBG("encrypted data is too large to store in the packet.");
			DEL( encrypted );
			int out_len = PACKET_SIZE;
			NEW( encrypted, PACKET_SIZE, unsigned char );
			if( !encrypted ) {
				DBG("Error: encrypted not allocated.");
				return -2;
			qqencrypt( buf->data, buf->pos, qq->data.session_key, encrypted, &out_len );
			//for tcp
			if( out_len+head_len+1 <= buf->size ){
				memcpy( buf->data+head_len, encrypted, out_len );
				buf->pos = out_len+head_len;
				DBG("encrypted data is too large to store in the packet.");
			DEL( encrypted );
	//end the packet
	put_byte( buf, p->tail );
	buf->len = buf->pos;
	buf->pos = 0;
	//basic information
	if( qq->network == TCP || qq->network==PROXY_HTTP )
		put_word( buf, buf->len );
	put_byte( buf, p->head );
	put_word( buf, p->version );
	put_word( buf, p->command );
	put_word( buf, p->seqno );
	put_int( buf, qq->number );
	put_data( buf, unknown_packet_flags, 11 );
	p->key_type = key_type;
	return packetmgr_put( qq, p );
Пример #13
 *         output_fake_module
 * Build a fake binary module from a spec file.
void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
    static const unsigned char dll_code_section[] = { 0x31, 0xc0,          /* xor %eax,%eax */
                                                      0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00 };  /* ret $12 */

    static const unsigned char exe_code_section[] = { 0xb8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  /* movl $1,%eax */
                                                      0xc2, 0x04, 0x00 };            /* ret $4 */

    static const char fakedll_signature[] = "Wine placeholder DLL";
    const unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();
    const unsigned int section_align = page_size;
    const unsigned int file_align = 0x200;
    const unsigned int reloc_size = 8;
    const unsigned int lfanew = (0x40 + sizeof(fakedll_signature) + 15) & ~15;
    const unsigned int nb_sections = 2 + (spec->nb_resources != 0);
    const unsigned int text_size = (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ?
                                    sizeof(dll_code_section) : sizeof(exe_code_section);
    unsigned char *resources;
    unsigned int resources_size;
    unsigned int image_size = 3 * section_align;

    resolve_imports( spec );
    output_bin_resources( spec, 3 * section_align );
    resources = output_buffer;
    resources_size = output_buffer_pos;
    if (resources_size) image_size += (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1);


    put_word( 0x5a4d );       /* e_magic */
    put_word( 0x40 );         /* e_cblp */
    put_word( 0x01 );         /* e_cp */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_crlc */
    put_word( lfanew / 16 );  /* e_cparhdr */
    put_word( 0x0000 );       /* e_minalloc */
    put_word( 0xffff );       /* e_maxalloc */
    put_word( 0x0000 );       /* e_ss */
    put_word( 0x00b8 );       /* e_sp */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_csum */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_ip */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_cs */
    put_word( lfanew );       /* e_lfarlc */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_ovno */
    put_dword( 0 );           /* e_res */
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_oemid */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_oeminfo */
    put_dword( 0 );           /* e_res2 */
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( lfanew );

    put_data( fakedll_signature, sizeof(fakedll_signature) );
    align_output( 16 );

    put_dword( 0x4550 );                             /* Signature */
    case CPU_x86:     put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ); break;
    case CPU_x86_64:  put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ); break;
    case CPU_POWERPC: put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC ); break;
    case CPU_ARM:     put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT ); break;
    case CPU_ARM64:   put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 ); break;
    put_word( nb_sections );                         /* NumberOfSections */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* TimeDateStamp */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* PointerToSymbolTable */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* NumberOfSymbols */
    put_word( get_ptr_size() == 8 ?
              IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL32_HEADER );   /* SizeOfOptionalHeader */
    put_word( spec->characteristics );               /* Characteristics */
    put_word( get_ptr_size() == 8 ?
              IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC );       /* Magic */
    put_byte(  0 );                                  /* MajorLinkerVersion */
    put_byte(  0 );                                  /* MinorLinkerVersion */
    put_dword( text_size );                          /* SizeOfCode */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* SizeOfInitializedData */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* SizeOfUninitializedData */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* BaseOfCode */
    if (get_ptr_size() == 4) put_dword( 0 );         /* BaseOfData */
    put_pword( 0x10000000 );                         /* ImageBase */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* SectionAlignment */
    put_dword( file_align );                         /* FileAlignment */
    put_word( 1 );                                   /* MajorOperatingSystemVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MinorOperatingSystemVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MajorImageVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MinorImageVersion */
    put_word( spec->subsystem_major );               /* MajorSubsystemVersion */
    put_word( spec->subsystem_minor );               /* MinorSubsystemVersion */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* Win32VersionValue */
    put_dword( image_size );                         /* SizeOfImage */
    put_dword( file_align );                         /* SizeOfHeaders */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* CheckSum */
    put_word( spec->subsystem );                     /* Subsystem */
    put_word( spec->dll_characteristics );           /* DllCharacteristics */
    put_pword( (spec->stack_size ? spec->stack_size : 1024) * 1024 ); /* SizeOfStackReserve */
    put_pword( page_size );                          /* SizeOfStackCommit */
    put_pword( (spec->heap_size ? spec->heap_size : 1024) * 1024 );   /* SizeOfHeapReserve */
    put_pword( page_size );                          /* SizeOfHeapCommit */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* LoaderFlags */
    put_dword( 16 );                                 /* NumberOfRvaAndSizes */

    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT] */
    if (resources_size)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
        put_dword( 3 * section_align );
        put_dword( resources_size );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_dword( 0 );

    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY] */
    put_dword( 2 * section_align );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC] */
    put_dword( reloc_size );
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[15] */

    /* .text section */
    put_data( ".text\0\0", 8 );    /* Name */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualSize */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( text_size );        /* SizeOfRawData */
    put_dword( file_align );       /* PointerToRawData */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
    put_dword( 0x60000020 /* CNT_CODE|MEM_EXECUTE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics  */

    /* .reloc section */
    put_data( ".reloc\0", 8 );     /* Name */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualSize */
    put_dword( 2 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( reloc_size );       /* SizeOfRawData */
    put_dword( 2 * file_align );   /* PointerToRawData */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
    put_dword( 0x42000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_DISCARDABLE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */

    /* .rsrc section */
    if (resources_size)
        put_data( ".rsrc\0\0", 8 );    /* Name */
        put_dword( (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1) ); /* VirtualSize */
        put_dword( 3 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
        put_dword( resources_size );   /* SizeOfRawData */
        put_dword( 3 * file_align );   /* PointerToRawData */
        put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
        put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
        put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
        put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
        put_dword( 0x40000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */

    /* .text contents */
    align_output( file_align );
    if (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL)
        put_data( dll_code_section, sizeof(dll_code_section) );
        put_data( exe_code_section, sizeof(exe_code_section) );

    /* .reloc contents */
    align_output( file_align );
    put_dword( 0 );   /* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( 0 );   /* SizeOfBlock */

    /* .rsrc contents */
    if (resources_size)
        align_output( file_align );
        put_data( resources, resources_size );
Пример #14
void put_image_data(struct data_entry *entry, struct image_data *data)
	if (data->ops->dtor)
	put_data(entry, &data->up);
Пример #15
void prot_login_send_info( struct qqclient* qq )
    static uchar unknown5[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
    static uchar unknown6[] = {0xE9,0xC4,0xD6,0x5C,0x4D,0x9D,
    static uchar unknown7[] = {0xCB,0x8D,0xA4,0xE2,0x61,0xC2,

    qqpacket* p = packetmgr_new_send( qq, QQ_CMD_LOGIN_SEND_INFO );
    if( !p ) return;
    bytebuffer *buf = p->buf;
    //prepare sth.
    randkey( unknown6 );
    randkey( unknown7 );

    put_word( buf, 0x0001 );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.version_spec, sizeof(qq->data.version_spec) );
    put_int( buf, qq->data.login_info_unknown2 );
    put_int( buf, qq->server_time );
    put_int( buf, qq->client_ip );
    put_int( buf, 00000000 );
    put_word( buf, qq->data.login_info_large.len );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.login_info_large.data, qq->data.login_info_large.len );
    buf->pos += 35;
    put_data( buf, qq->data.exe_hash, sizeof(qq->data.exe_hash) );
    put_byte( buf, rand2() );	//unknown important byte
    put_byte( buf, qq->mode );
    put_data( buf, unknown5, sizeof(unknown5) );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.server_data, sizeof(qq->data.server_data) );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.locale, sizeof(qq->data.locale) );
    buf->pos += 16; //16 zeros
    put_word( buf, qq->data.token_c.len );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.token_c.data, qq->data.token_c.len );
    put_int( buf, 0x00000007 );
    put_int( buf, 0x00000000 );
    put_int( buf, 0x08041801 );
    put_byte( buf, 0x40 );	//length of the following
    put_byte( buf, 0x01 );
    put_int( buf, rand2()  );
//	put_int( buf, 0x0741E9748  );
    put_word( buf, sizeof(unknown6) );
    put_data( buf, unknown6, sizeof(unknown6) );
    put_data( buf, unknown5, sizeof(unknown5) );
    put_data( buf, qq->data.server_data, sizeof(qq->data.server_data) );
    put_byte( buf, 0x02 );
    put_int( buf, rand2()  );
//	put_int( buf, 0x8BED382E  );
    put_word( buf, sizeof(unknown7) );
    put_data( buf, unknown7, sizeof(unknown7) );
    buf->pos += 249;	//all zeros
    memcpy( p->key, qq->data.login_info_key1, sizeof(qq->data.login_info_key1) );
    post_packet( qq, p, RANDOM_KEY );
Пример #16
static void*
thread_func (void*)
    char               ncs [MyNumData::BufferSize];
    MyIos<char, std::char_traits<char> >       nio;
    MyStreambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > nsb;
    nio.rdbuf (&nsb);

    wchar_t                  wcs [MyNumData::BufferSize];
    MyIos<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >       wio;
    MyStreambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > wsb;
    wio.rdbuf (&wsb);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    for (int i = 0; i != opt_nloops; ++i) {

        // fill in the value and results for this locale
        const MyNumData& data = my_num_data [i % nlocales];

        // construct a named locale and imbue it in the ios object
        // so that the locale is used not only by the num_put facet
        const std::locale loc =
            opt_shared_locale ? data.locale_
                                 : std::locale (data.locale_name_);

        if (test_char) {
            // exercise the narrow char specialization of the facet

            const std::num_put<char> &np =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<char> >(loc);

            nio.imbue (loc);
            nsb.pubsetp (ncs, RW_COUNT_OF (ncs));

            put_data (data, np, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(&nsb),
                      nio, ' ', '\0');

            RW_ASSERT (!nio.fail ()); 
            RW_ASSERT (!rw_strncmp (ncs, data.ncs_));

        // both specializations may be tested at the same time

        if (test_wchar) {
            // exercise the wide char specialization of the facet


            const std::num_put<wchar_t> &wp =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<wchar_t> >(loc);

            wio.imbue (loc);
            wsb.pubsetp (wcs, RW_COUNT_OF (wcs));

            put_data (data, wp, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(&wsb),
                      wio, L' ', L'\0');

            RW_ASSERT (!wio.fail ()); 
            RW_ASSERT (!rw_strncmp (wcs, data.wcs_));

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T


    return 0;
Пример #17
int main()
    pid_t child;
   	unsigned long long orig_eax, eax;
    unsigned long long params[3];
    int insyscall = 0;
    int status;
	struct user_regs_struct regs;

    child = fork();
    if(child == 0) 
        ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, NULL);
        execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);
			unsigned long offset = offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, orig_rax);	
        	orig_eax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, offset, NULL);
			if (orig_eax < 0)
        	//printf("The child made asystem call %ld\n", orig_eax);
        	//ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, child, NULL, NULL);
			if(orig_eax == SYS_write) 
				if(insyscall == 0) 
                	/* Syscall entry */
                	insyscall = 1;
					//ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, child, NULL, &regs);
                	//printf("Write called with %llu, %llu, %llu\n", regs.rdi, regs.rsi, regs.rdx);
					unsigned long offset = offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, rdi);	
                	params[0] = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, offset, NULL);
					offset = offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, rsi);	
                	params[1] = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, offset, NULL);
					offset = offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, rdx);	
                	params[2] = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, offset, NULL);

					char *str = malloc(params[2]);
					get_data(child, params[1], params[2], str);
                	printf("Write called with %llu, %llu, %llu\n", params[0], params[1], params[2]);
					printf("write contens:%s", str);
					put_data(child, params[1], params[2], str);
					/* Syscall exit */
					unsigned long offset = offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, rax);	
                	eax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, offset, NULL);
                    printf("Write returned with %llu\n", eax);
                    insyscall = 0;
			ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, child, NULL, NULL);
Пример #18
/* output the resource definitions in binary format */
void output_bin_resources( DLLSPEC *spec, unsigned int start_rva )
    int k, nb_id_types;
    unsigned int i, n, data_offset;
    struct res_tree *tree;
    struct res_type *type;
    struct res_name *name;
    const struct resource *res;

    if (!spec->nb_resources) return;

    tree = build_resource_tree( spec, &data_offset );

    /* output the resource directories */

    for (i = nb_id_types = 0, type = tree->types; i < tree->nb_types; i++, type++)
        if (!type->type->str) nb_id_types++;

    output_bin_res_dir( tree->nb_types - nb_id_types, nb_id_types );

    /* dump the type directory */

    for (i = 0, type = tree->types; i < tree->nb_types; i++, type++)
        put_dword( type->name_offset );
        put_dword( type->dir_offset | 0x80000000 );

    /* dump the names and languages directories */

    for (i = 0, type = tree->types; i < tree->nb_types; i++, type++)
        output_bin_res_dir( type->nb_names - type->nb_id_names, type->nb_id_names );
        for (n = 0, name = type->names; n < type->nb_names; n++, name++)
            put_dword( name->name_offset );
            put_dword( name->dir_offset | 0x80000000 );

        for (n = 0, name = type->names; n < type->nb_names; n++, name++)
            output_bin_res_dir( 0, name->nb_languages );
            for (k = 0, res = name->res; k < name->nb_languages; k++, res++)
                put_dword( res->lang );
                put_dword( res->data_offset );

    /* dump the resource data entries */

    for (i = 0, res = spec->resources; i < spec->nb_resources; i++, res++)
        put_dword( data_offset + start_rva );
        put_dword( (res->data_size + 3) & ~3 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        data_offset += (res->data_size + 3) & ~3;

    /* dump the name strings */

    for (i = 0, type = tree->types; i < tree->nb_types; i++, type++)
        if (type->type->str) output_bin_string( type->type->str );
        for (n = 0, name = type->names; n < type->nb_names; n++, name++)
            if (name->name->str) output_bin_string( name->name->str );

    /* resource data */

    align_output( 4 );
    for (i = 0, res = spec->resources; i < spec->nb_resources; i++, res++)
        put_data( res->data, res->data_size );
        align_output( 4 );

    free_resource_tree( tree );