Пример #1
void isoFile::Open( const wxString& srcfile )
	m_filename = srcfile;

	m_parts[0].handle = new wxFileInputStream( m_filename );
	pxStream_OpenCheck( *m_parts[0].handle, m_filename, L"reading" );

	m_numparts		= 1;
	m_parts[0].slsn = 0;
	// elsn is unknown at this time, but is also unused when m_numparts == 1.
	// (and if numparts is incremented, elsn will get assigned accordingly)
	if (!Detect())
		throw Exception::BadStream()
			.SetUserMsg(_("Unrecognized ISO image file format"))
			.SetDiagMsg(L"ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type.");

	if (!(m_flags & ISOFLAGS_BLOCKDUMP_V2))
		m_blocks = m_parts[0].CalculateBlocks( 0, m_blocksize );
		if (m_numparts > 1)
			Console.WriteLn( Color_Blue, "isoFile: multi-part ISO detected.  %u parts found." );

	const char* isotypename = NULL;
        case ISOTYPE_CD:	isotypename = "CD";			break;
        case ISOTYPE_DVD:	isotypename = "DVD";		break;
        case ISOTYPE_AUDIO:	isotypename = "Audio CD";	break;

        case ISOTYPE_DVDDL:
			isotypename = "DVD9 (dual-layer)";

        case ISOTYPE_ILLEGAL:
			isotypename = "illegal media";

	Console.WriteLn(Color_StrongBlue, L"isoFile open ok: %s", m_filename.c_str());

	ConsoleIndentScope indent;
	Console.WriteLn("Image type  = %s", isotypename); 
	Console.WriteLn("Fileparts   = %u", m_numparts);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blocks      = %u", m_blocks);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("offset      = %d", m_offset);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blocksize   = %u", m_blocksize);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blockoffset = %d", m_blockofs);
Пример #2
// multi-part ISO support is provided for FAT32 compatibility; so that large 4GB+ isos
// can be split into multiple smaller files.
// Returns TRUE if multiple parts for the ISO are found.  Returns FALSE if only one
// part is found.
void isoFile::FindParts()
	wxFileName nameparts( m_filename );
	wxString curext( nameparts.GetExt() );
	wxChar prefixch = wxTolower(curext[0]);

	// Multi-part rules!
	//  * The first part can either be the proper extension (ISO, MDF, etc) or the numerical
	//    extension (I00, I01, M00, M01, etc).
	//  * Numerical extensions MUST begin at 00 (I00 etc), regardless of if the first part
	//    is proper or numerical.

	uint i = 0;

	if ((curext.Length() == 3) && (curext[1] == L'0') && (curext[2] == L'0'))
		// First file is an OO, so skip 0 in the loop below:
		i = 1;

	FastFormatUnicode extbuf;

	extbuf.Write( L"%c%02u", prefixch, i );
	nameparts.SetExt( extbuf );
	if (!pxFileExists_WithExt(nameparts, extbuf)) return;

	DevCon.WriteLn( Color_Blue, "isoFile: multi-part %s detected...", curext.Upper().c_str() );
	ConsoleIndentScope indent;

	for (; i < MaxSplits; ++i)
		extbuf.Write( L"%c%02u", prefixch, i );
		if (!pxFileExists_WithExt(nameparts, extbuf)) break;

		_IsoPart& thispart( m_parts[m_numparts] );

		thispart.handle = new wxFileInputStream( nameparts.GetFullPath() );
		pxStream_OpenCheck( *thispart.handle, nameparts.GetFullPath(), L"reading" );

		m_blocks += thispart.CalculateBlocks( m_blocks, m_blocksize );

		DevCon.WriteLn( Color_Blue, L"\tblocks %u - %u in: %s",
			thispart.slsn, thispart.elsn,

	//Console.WriteLn( Color_Blue, "isoFile: multi-part ISO loaded (%u parts found)", m_numparts );
Пример #3
void isoFile::Create(const wxString& filename, int flags)
	m_filename = filename;

	m_flags		= flags;
	m_offset	= 0;
	m_blockofs	= 24;
	m_blocksize	= 2048;

	m_outstream = new wxFileOutputStream( m_filename );
	pxStream_OpenCheck( *m_outstream, m_filename, L"writing" );

	Console.WriteLn("isoFile create ok: %s ", m_filename.c_str());
Пример #4
void OutputIsoFile::Create(const wxString& filename, int version)
	m_filename = filename;

	m_version	= version;
	m_offset	= 0;
	m_blockofs	= 24;
	m_blocksize	= 2048;

	m_outstream = std::make_unique<wxFileOutputStream>(m_filename);
	pxStream_OpenCheck( *m_outstream, m_filename, L"writing" );

	Console.WriteLn("isoFile create ok: %s ", WX_STR(m_filename));
Пример #5
// Tests the specified filename to see if it is a supported ISO type.  This function typically
// executes faster than isoFile::Open since it does not do the following:
//  * check for multi-part ISOs.  I tests for header info in the main/root ISO only.
//  * load blockdump indexes.
// Note that this is a member method, and that it will clobber any existing ISO state.
// (assertions are generated in debug mode if the object state is not already closed).
bool isoFile::Test( const wxString& srcfile )
	pxAssertMsg( !m_parts[0].handle, "Warning!  isoFile::Test is about to clobber whatever existing iso bound to this isoFile object!" );

	m_filename = srcfile;

	m_parts[0].handle = new wxFileInputStream( m_filename );
	pxStream_OpenCheck( *m_parts[0].handle, m_filename, L"reading" );

	m_numparts		= 1;
	m_parts[0].slsn = 0;

	// elsn is unknown at this time, but is also unused when m_numparts == 1.
	// (and if numparts is incremented, elsn will get assigned accordingly)

	return Detect( false );