Пример #1
/* This function searches for the root of the ART graph. The function
 * scans through the file linearly, looking for an ExpConstDef node
 * which points to an Atom called 'main'. This is (sort of) the root of
 * the graph. It's good enough, anyway
getRootNode( void )
  FileOffset curr, root, atom;
  int err; char tag;
  Ident *atomvariable;

  q_position = 0x10;
  root = 0x00;
  while (root == 0x00) {
    curr = q_position;
    err = q_fread(&tag,sizeof(unsigned char),1,HatFileSeq);
    if (tag == ExpConstDef) {
      q_readFO(); // throw away the parent
      q_readFO(); // throw away the result
      atom = q_readFO();
      atomvariable = readAtomAt(atom); 
      if ( strcmp( atomvariable->idname, "main") == 0 ) {
	root = curr;
  return root;
Пример #2
/* Look for the file node that corresponds to the definition of Main.main */
findMainUse (Bool findUse)
    FileOffset fo;
    FileOffset atom;
    FileOffset def;
    FileOffset use;
    char c;
    char *str;
    // We should find the main module at 0x10
    fseek(HatFileSeq,0x10,SEEK_SET); q_position=0x10;
    assert (lower5(c)==Module, "Module tag");
    str = q_readString();
    assert (!strcmp(str,"Main"),"Module is Main");
    // The next thing shoult be the atom variable belonging to that module
    atom = q_position;
    assert (lower5(c)==AtomVariable, "AtomVariable tag");
    fo = q_readFO();
    assert (fo==0x10, "AtomVariable module is Main");
    {	/* skip defnpos */
        int x;
    {	/* skip defnpos */
        int x;
    {	/* skip fixity */
        char x;
    // Main takes no arguments
    assert (c==0, "AtomVariable has arity 0");
    // Make sure the deffinition is main
    str = q_readString();
    assert (!strcmp(str,"main"),"AtomVariable is main");
    // Make sure there is a constant definition pointing at main
    def = q_position;
    assert (lower5(c)==ExpConstDef, "ExpConstDef tag");
    q_readFO(); q_readFO();
    fo = q_readFO();
    assert (fo==atom, "ExpConstDef points to AtomVariable main");
    // Make sure that main is called
    use = q_position;
    assert (lower5(c)==ExpConstUse, "ExpConstUse tag");
    if (hasSrcPos(c)) q_readFO();
    fo = q_readFO();
    assert(fo==def, "ExpConstUse points to ExpConstDef");
    if (findUse)
        return use;
        return def;
    /* postcondition: q_position points to first node following ExpConstUse */
Пример #3
/* q_oneNode() moves the file pointer past a single node in the file.
 * As a side-effect, if it finds an AtomVariable or AtomConstructor,
 * it adds it to the global structure 'map1'.  If it finds an ExpValueUse
 * or ExpConstDef, it adds an entry in map2 from that usage to the relevant
 * Atom in map1.  If it finds an ExpApp or ExpConstUse, it instead looks
 * up the Atom ptr in map2, then looks up that Atom in map1, and finally
 * increments the usage counter.  However, in the case where an ExpApp
 * is undersaturated (discovered by comparing its arity with the arity
 * stored in map2), rather than incrementing the usage counter, we
 * instead need to add the address of the ExpApp to map2.
q_oneNode (void)
  char c; int err;
  FileOffset node = q_position;
/*fprintf(stdout,"\n0x%x: ",position); fflush(stdout);*/
  err = q_fread(&c,sizeof(char),1,HatFileSeq);
  if (err!=1) return;
  switch (lower5(c)) {	/* lower 5 bits identify the TraceType */
    case ExpApp:
        if (hasSrcPos(c)) { q_readFO(); }
        q_readFO();		/* skip parent */
        { unsigned char size, next, i;
          FileOffset fun, result; defn *def; item *it;
          result = q_readFO();	/* get result */
          fun = q_readFO();	/* keep fun ptr */
          q_fread(&size,sizeof(unsigned char),1,HatFileSeq);	/* get arity */
          for (i=0; i<size; i++) q_readFO();	/* skip args */
          def = (defn*)FM_lookup(map2,(cast)(uintptr_t)fun);
          if (def) {
            defn *def2;
            it = FM_lookup(map1,(cast)(uintptr_t)def->atom);
            if (it) {
              if (size>=def->arity) {
                if (result==Entered) it->pending += 1;
                else if (result==Unevaluated) it->thunks += 1;
                else it->uses += 1;
              } else if (size < def->arity)
                def2 = map2_insert(node,def->atom,size);
            } else {
              fprintf(stderr,"unknown atom in fun at (ExpApp 0x%x)\n",node);
            if (def->next) {
              it = FM_lookup(map1,(cast)(uintptr_t)def->next->atom);
              if (it) {
                if (size>=def->next->arity) {
                  if (result==Entered) it->pending += 1;
                  else if (result==Unevaluated) it->thunks += 1;
                  else it->uses += 1;
                } else if (size < def->next->arity) {
                  def2->next = (defn*)malloc(sizeof(defn));
                  def2->next->atom  = def->next->atom;
                  def2->next->arity = def->next->arity - size;
                  def2->next->next  = (defn*)0;
              } else {
                fprintf(stderr,"unknown atom in CAF fun at (ExpApp 0x%x)\n",node);
          } else {
       //   fprintf(stderr,"unknown fun at (ExpApp 0x%x)\n",node); 
        } break;
    case ExpValueApp:
        if (hasSrcPos(c)) { q_readFO(); }
        q_readFO();		/* skip parent */
        { unsigned char size, next, i;
          FileOffset fun; defn *def; item *it;
          fun = q_readFO();	/* fun ptr is an Atom ref */
          q_fread(&size,sizeof(unsigned char),1,HatFileSeq);	/* get arity */
          for (i=0; i<size; i++) q_readFO();	/* skip args */
          it = FM_lookup(map1,(cast)(uintptr_t)fun);
          if (it) {
            if (size>=it->arity) {
              it->uses += 1;
              HIDE(fprintf(stderr,"0x%x ExpValueApp: incrementing\n",node);)
            } else if (size < it->arity) {
              HIDE(fprintf(stderr,"0x%x ExpValueApp: partial app\n",node);)
          } else {