Пример #1
int vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(void)
    // Construct a loopback connection to be used by all of our objects.
    vrpn_Connection *c = vrpn_create_server_connection("loopback:");

    // Create a tracker server to be the initator and a dead-reckoning
    // rotation tracker to use it as a base; have it predict 1 second
    // into the future.
    vrpn_Tracker_Server *t0 = new vrpn_Tracker_Server("Tracker0", c, 2);
    vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation *t1 =
        new vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation("Tracker1", c, "*Tracker0", 2, 1);

    // Create a remote tracker to listen to t1 and set up its callbacks for
    // position and velocity reports.  They will fill in the static structures
    // listed above with whatever values they receive.
    vrpn_Tracker_Remote *tr = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote("Tracker1", c);
    tr->register_change_handler(&poseResponse, handle_test_tracker_report);
    tr->register_change_handler(&velResponse, handle_test_tracker_velocity_report);

    // Set up the values in the pose and velocity responses with incorrect values
    // so that things will fail if the class does not perform as expected.
    q_vec_set(poseResponse.pos, 1, 1, 1);
    q_make(poseResponse.quat, 0, 0, 1, 0);
    poseResponse.time.tv_sec = 0;
    poseResponse.time.tv_usec = 0;
    poseResponse.sensor = -1;

    // Send a pose report from sensors 0 and 1 on the original tracker that places
    // them at (1,1,1) and with the identity rotation.  We should get a response for
    // each of them so we should end up with the sensor-1 response matching what we
    // sent, with no change in position or orientation.
    q_vec_type pos = { 1, 1, 1 };
    q_type quat = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
    struct timeval firstSent;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&firstSent, NULL);
    t0->report_pose(0, firstSent, pos, quat);
    t0->report_pose(1, firstSent, pos, quat);


    if ( (poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstSent.tv_sec + 1)
        || (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
        || (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
        || (poseResponse.quat[Q_W] != 1)
        std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
            << " initial response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
            << poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
            << " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
            << " at time " << poseResponse.time.tv_sec << ":" << poseResponse.time.tv_usec
            << std::endl;
        delete tr;
        delete t1;
        delete t0;
        return 1;
    // Send a second tracker report for sensor 0 coming 0.4 seconds later that has
    // translated to position (2,1,1) and rotated by 0.4 * 90 degrees around Z.
    // This should cause a prediction for one second later than this new pose
    // message that has rotated by very close to 1.4 * 90 degrees.
    q_vec_type pos2 = { 2, 1, 1 };
    q_type quat2;
    double angle2 = 0.4 * 90 * M_PI / 180.0;
    q_from_axis_angle(quat2, 0, 0, 1, angle2);
    struct timeval p4Second = { 0, 400000 };
    struct timeval firstPlusP4 = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstSent, p4Second);
    t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusP4, pos2, quat2);


    double x, y, z, angle;
    q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
    if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusP4.tv_sec + 1)
        || (poseResponse.sensor != 0)
        || (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos2) > 1e-10)
        || !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(y, 0) || !isClose(z, 1)
        || !isClose(angle, 1.4 * 90 * M_PI / 180.0)
        std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
            << " predicted pose response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
            << poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
            << " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
            << std::endl;
        delete tr;
        delete t1;
        delete t0;
        return 2;

    // Send a velocity report for sensor 1 that has has translation by (1,0,0)
    // and rotating by 0.4 * 90 degrees per 0.4 of a second around Z.
    // This should cause a prediction for one second later than the first
    // report that has rotated by very close to 90 degrees.  The translation
    // should be ignored, so the position should be the original position.
    q_vec_type vel = { 0, 0, 0 };
    t0->report_pose_velocity(1, firstPlusP4, vel, quat2, 0.4);


    q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
    if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstSent.tv_sec + 1)
        || (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
        || (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
        || !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(y, 0) || !isClose(z, 1)
        || !isClose(angle, 90 * M_PI / 180.0)
        std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
            << " predicted velocity response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
            << poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
            << " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
            << std::endl;
        delete tr;
        delete t1;
        delete t0;
        return 3;

    // To test the behavior of the prediction code when we're moving around more
    // than one axis, and when we're starting from a non-identity orientation,
    // set sensor 1 to be rotated 180 degrees around X.  Then send a velocity
    // report that will produce a rotation of 180 degrees around Z.  The result
    // should match a prediction of 180 degrees around Y (plus or minus 180, plus
    // or minus Y axis are all equivalent).
    struct timeval oneSecond = { 1, 0 };
    struct timeval firstPlusOne = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstSent, oneSecond);
    q_type quat3;
    q_from_axis_angle(quat3, 1, 0, 0, M_PI);
    t0->report_pose(1, firstPlusOne, pos, quat3);
    q_type quat4;
    q_from_axis_angle(quat4, 0, 0, 1, M_PI);
    t0->report_pose_velocity(1, firstPlusOne, vel, quat4, 1.0);


    q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
    if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusOne.tv_sec + 1)
        || (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
        || (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
        || !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(fabs(y), 1) || !isClose(z, 0)
        || !isClose(fabs(angle), M_PI)
        std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
            << " predicted pose + velocity response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
            << poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
            << " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
            << std::endl;
        delete tr;
        delete t1;
        delete t0;
        return 4;

    // To test the behavior of the prediction code when we're moving around more
    // than one axis, and when we're starting from a non-identity orientation,
    // set sensor 0 to start out at identity.  Then in one second it will be
    // rotated 180 degrees around X.  Then in another second it will be rotated
    // additionally by 90 degrees around Z; the prediction should be another
    // 90 degrees around Z, which should turn out to compose to +/-180 degrees
    // around +/- Y, as in the velocity case above.
    // To make this work, we send a sequence of three poses, one second apart,
    // starting at the original time.  We do this on sensor 0, which has never
    // had a velocity report, so that it will be using the pose-only prediction.
    struct timeval firstPlusTwo = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstPlusOne, oneSecond);
    q_from_axis_angle(quat3, 1, 0, 0, M_PI);
    t0->report_pose(0, firstSent, pos, quat);
    t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusOne, pos, quat3);
    q_from_axis_angle(quat4, 0, 0, 1, M_PI / 2);
    q_type quat5;
    q_mult(quat5, quat4, quat3);
    t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusTwo, pos, quat5);


    q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
    if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusTwo.tv_sec + 1)
        || (poseResponse.sensor != 0)
        || (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
        || !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(fabs(y), 1.0) || !isClose(z, 0)
        || !isClose(fabs(angle), M_PI)
        std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
            << " predicted pose + pose response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
            << poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
            << poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
            << " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
            << "; axis = (" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << "), angle = "
            << angle
            << std::endl;
        delete tr;
        delete t1;
        delete t0;
        return 5;

    // Done; delete our objects and return 0 to indicate that
    // everything worked.
    delete tr;
    delete t1;
    delete t0;
    return 0;
Пример #2
void dSolverNode::dumpRigidBodyArray(MObject &node)
   // std::cout << "dSolverNode::dumpRigidBodyArray" << std::endl;

    MFnDagNode fnDagNode(node);
    rigidBodyArrayNode *rbaNode = static_cast<rigidBodyArrayNode*>(fnDagNode.userNode());

    MPlug plgFiles(node, rigidBodyArrayNode::ia_fioFiles);
  //  MPlug plgPositionAttribute(node, rigidBodyArrayNode::ia_fioPositionAttribute);
   // MPlug plgRotationAttribute(node, rigidBodyArrayNode::ia_fioRotationAttribute);

    MString mstr;
    std::string expr(mstr.asChar());
    std::string base_path, extension;
    if(!expandFileExpression(expr, base_path, extension)) {
        std::cout << "dSolverNode::dumpRigidBodyArray: syntax error in file expression: " << std::endl <<
            expr << std::endl;
    if(extension != "pdb") {
        std::cout << "dSolverNode::dumpRigidBodyArray: only pdb files are supported" << std::endl;
    std::string file_name = base_path + "." + extension;

    std::vector<rigid_body_t::pointer>& rbs = rbaNode->rigid_bodies();
    pdb_io_t pdb_io;
    pdb_io.m_num_particles = rbs.size();
    pdb_io.m_time = m_prevTime.value();
    pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_num_elements = 1;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_name = ATTR_POSITION;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_type = pdb_io_t::kVector;

    //rotation angle (in degrees)
    pdb_io.m_attributes[1].m_num_elements = 1;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[1].m_name = ATTR_IN_RANGLE;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[1].m_type = pdb_io_t::kReal;

    //rotation vector
    pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_num_elements = 1;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_name = ATTR_IN_RAXIS;
    pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_type = pdb_io_t::kVector;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < rbs.size(); ++i) {
        vec3f pos;
        quatf rot;
        rbs[i]->get_transform(pos, rot);
        pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_vector_data[i].x = pos[0];
        pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_vector_data[i].y = pos[1];
        pdb_io.m_attributes[0].m_vector_data[i].z = pos[2];

        vec3f axis;
        float angle;
        q_to_axis_angle(rot, axis, angle);
        pdb_io.m_attributes[1].m_real_data[i] = rad2deg(angle);

        pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_vector_data[i].x = axis[0];
        pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_vector_data[i].y = axis[1];
        pdb_io.m_attributes[2].m_vector_data[i].z = axis[2];

    std::ofstream out(file_name.c_str());