/// Interpolates the values at three 2D points to the
    /// location of a third point.
    static double interpolate(double p1X, double p1Y, double val1, double p2X,
                              double p2Y, double val2, double p3X, double p3Y,
                              double val3, double pointX, double pointY) {
        // Fit a plane to three points, using their values as the
        // third dimension.
        q_vec_type p1, p2, p3;
        q_vec_set(p1, p1X, p1Y, val1);
        q_vec_set(p2, p2X, p2Y, val2);
        q_vec_set(p3, p3X, p3Y, val3);

        // The normalized cross product of the vectors from the first
        // point to each of the other two is normal to this plane.
        q_vec_type v1, v2;
        q_vec_subtract(v1, p2, p1);
        q_vec_subtract(v2, p3, p1);
        q_vec_type ABC;
        q_vec_cross_product(ABC, v1, v2);
        if (q_vec_magnitude(ABC) == 0) {
            // We can't get a normal, degenerate points, just return the first
            // value.
            return val1;
        q_vec_normalize(ABC, ABC);

        // Solve for the D associated with the plane by filling back
        // in one of the points.  This is done by taking the dot product
        // of the ABC vector with the first point.  We then solve for D.
        // AX + BY + CZ + D = 0; D = -(AX + BY + CZ)
        double D = -q_vec_dot_product(ABC, p1);

        // Evaluate the plane equations at our input point, which will interpolate
        // or extrapolate our values.
        // We're solving for Z in this case, so we get
        // CZ = -(AX + BY + D); Z = -(AX + BY + D)/C;
        return -(ABC[0] * pointX + ABC[1] * pointY + D) / ABC[2];
Пример #2
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int	    	i, j;
    double  	mag;
    q_vec_type	vec;
    MatrixType	A, B, result;

printf("\nEnter 1st pphigs matrix: \n");
/* 3 rows, 4 columns	*/
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
	scanf("%f", &A[i][j]);

printf("\nEnter 2nd pphigs matrix: \n");
/* 3 rows, 4 columns	*/
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
	scanf("%f", &B[i][j]);

qp_matrix_mult(result, A, B);

/* mag of one axis = mag of all	*/
mag = qp_matrix_3x3_determinant(result);

printf("result determinant = %lf\n", mag);


/* put each row into a qvec	*/
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
    vec[j] = result[0][j];

/* mag of one axis = mag of all	*/
mag = q_vec_magnitude(vec);

printf("result scale = %lf\n", mag);

/* normalize matrix */
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
	result[i][j] /= mag;

printf("normalized result:\n");

/* put each row into a qvec	*/
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
    vec[j] = result[0][j];

/* mag of one axis = mag of all	*/
mag = q_vec_magnitude(vec);

printf("normalized mag = %lf\n", mag);

}	/* main */