Пример #1
 void deref() {
   if( d ) {
     bool ref = d->refCount.deref();
     qcDebugMsg(2,QString("SafePtr: -refcount = %1").arg(d->refCount));
     if( !ref ) {
       qcDebugMsg(2,"SafePtr: unreferenced!");
       delete d;
Пример #2
int QcTreeWidget::Item::finalize( VMGlobals *g, PyrObject *obj )
  qcDebugMsg(1,"finalizing QTreeViewItem!");
  if( IsPtr( obj->slots+0 ) ) {
    QcTreeWidget::ItemPtr *ptr = static_cast<QcTreeWidget::ItemPtr*>( slotRawPtr(obj->slots+0) );
    delete ptr;
  return errNone;
Пример #3
void QtCollider::lockLang()
  qcDebugMsg(2,"locking lang!");

#ifdef QC_DEBUG
  QString msg;

  while( pthread_mutex_trylock (&gLangMutex) ) {
#ifdef QC_DEBUG
    msg += QChar('.');
    /* FIXME Dangerous! This sends to all QObjects. no matter what thread they
      live in */
    QApplication::sendPostedEvents( 0, QtCollider::Event_Sync );

#ifdef QC_DEBUG
  msg += "locked";
Пример #4
void QcWaveform::load( const QString& filename )
  qcDebugMsg( 1, "QcWaveform::load( filename )" );

  SF_INFO new_info;
  memset( &new_info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO) );

  SNDFILE *new_sf = sf_open( filename.toStdString().c_str(), SFM_READ, &new_info );

  if( !new_sf ) {
    qcErrorMsg(QString("Could not open soundfile: ") + filename);

  doLoad( new_sf, new_info, 0, new_info.frames );
Пример #5
void QcWaveform::load( const QVector<double> & data, int offset, int ch, int sr )
  qcDebugMsg( 1, "QcWaveform::load( data, offset, channels )" );

  if( ch < 1 ) {
    qcWarningMsg( "QSoundFileView: invalid number of channels!" );

  int ns = data.count();
  int nf = ns / ch;

  if( nf * ch != ns ) {
    qcWarningMsg( "QSoundFileView: size of data not a multiple of channel count!" );

  if( offset < 0 || nf - offset < 1 ) {
    qcWarningMsg( "QSoundFileView: invalid range of data!" );

  delete _cache;
  if( sf ) sf_close( sf );
  sf = 0;

  SF_INFO new_info;
  memset( &new_info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO) );
  new_info.channels = ch;
  new_info.samplerate = sr;
  sfInfo = new_info;

  _beg = _rangeBeg = 0;
  _dur = _rangeDur = _rangeEnd = nf - offset;


  _cache = new SoundCacheStream();
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SIGNAL(loadingDone()) );
  connect( _cache, SIGNAL(loadingDone()), this, SLOT(redraw()) );

  _cache->load( data, _rangeDur, offset, ch );
Пример #6
void QcWaveform::draw( QPixmap *pix, int x, int width, double f_beg, double f_dur )
  // FIXME anomaly: when _fpp reaching 1.0 rms can go outside min-max!

  pix->fill( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

  QPainter p( pix );

  if( !_cache || !_cache->ready() ) return;

  // check for sane situation:
  if( f_beg < _rangeBeg || f_beg + f_dur > _rangeEnd ) return;

  // data indexes
  sf_count_t i_beg = floor(f_beg); // data beginning;
  sf_count_t i_count = ceil( f_beg + f_dur ) - i_beg; // data count;
  bool haveOneMore;
  if( i_beg + i_count < _rangeEnd ) {
    haveOneMore = true;
  else {
    haveOneMore = false;

  // data source - choose according to horiz. zoom (data-display resolution)
  bool canUseCache = _fpp < 1.0 ? _cache->fpu() == 1.0 : _fpp >= _cache->fpu();

  SoundStream *soundStream;
  SoundFileStream sfStream;

  if( canUseCache ) {
    qcDebugMsg( 2, QString("using cache") );
    soundStream = _cache;
  else if( sf ) {
    qcDebugMsg( 2, QString("using file") );
    soundStream = &sfStream;
    sfStream.load( sf, sfInfo, i_beg, i_count );
  else {
    qcWarningMsg( "QSoundFileView: can't paint waveform: view resolution exceeds data cache resolution,"
                  " and soundfile is not given." );

  // geometry
  float spacing = pix->height() * 0.15f / (sfInfo.channels + 1);
  float chHeight = pix->height() * 0.85f / (float) sfInfo.channels;
  float yScale = -chHeight / 65535.f * _yZoom;
  //spacing /= yscale;

  // initial painter setup
  QPen minMaxPen;
  QPen rmsPen;

  float halfChH = chHeight * 0.5;
  p.translate( 0.f, halfChH + spacing );

  int waveColorN = _waveColors.count();
  int ch;
  for( ch = 0; ch < soundStream->channels(); ++ch ) {

    if( ch < waveColorN && _waveColors[ch].isValid() ) {
      QColor clr( _waveColors[ch] );
      rmsPen.setColor( clr );
      minMaxPen.setColor( clr.darker( 140 ) );
    else {
      rmsPen.setColor( _rmsColor );
      minMaxPen.setColor( _peakColor );

    // draw center line
    p.setPen( QColor(90,90,90) );
    p.drawLine( x, 0, x + width, 0 );

    // draw bounding lines
    p.setPen( QColor(100,100,100) );
    p.drawLine( x, halfChH, x+width, halfChH );
    p.drawLine( x, -halfChH, x+width, -halfChH );


    p.setClipRect( x, -halfChH, x+width, chHeight );
    p.scale( 1.f, yScale );

    if( _fpp > 1.0 ) {

      // draw min-max regions and RMS

      short minBuffer[width];
      short maxBuffer[width];
      short minRMS[width];
      short maxRMS[width];

      bool ok = soundStream->displayData( ch, f_beg, f_dur,
                                        minBuffer, maxBuffer,
                                        minRMS, maxRMS,
                                        width );
//    printf("integration ok: %i\n", ok);
      Q_ASSERT( ok );

      int i;
      for( i = 0; i < width; ++i ) {
        short min = minBuffer[i];
        short max = maxBuffer[i];
        if( max != min ) {
          p.setPen( minMaxPen );
          p.drawLine( x + i, min, x + i, max );
        else {
          p.setPen( minMaxPen );
          p.drawPoint( x + i, min );
        p.setPen( rmsPen );
        p.drawLine( x + i, minRMS[i], x + i, maxRMS[i] );
    else {

      // draw lines between actual values

      qreal ppf = 1.0 / _fpp;
      qreal dx = (i_beg - f_beg) * ppf;

      bool interleaved = false;
      short *data = soundStream->rawFrames( ch, i_beg, i_count, &interleaved );
      //printf("got raw frames ok: %i\n", data != 0 );
      Q_ASSERT( data != 0 );
      int step = interleaved ? soundStream->channels() : 1;

      QPainterPath path;

      if( i_count ) {
        QPointF pt( dx, (qreal) *data );
        path.moveTo( pt );
      int f; // frame
      for( f = 1; f < i_count; ++f ) {
        data += step;
        QPointF pt( f * ppf + dx, (qreal) *data );
        path.lineTo( pt );
      if( i_count && !haveOneMore ) {
        path.lineTo( QPointF( f * ppf + dx, (qreal)*data ) );

      p.setPen( rmsPen );
      p.drawPath( path );


    p.translate( 0.f, chHeight + spacing );
Пример #7
 void ref() {
   if( d ) {
     qcDebugMsg(2,QString("SafePtr: +refcount = %1").arg(d->refCount));
Пример #8
 void invalidate() { qcDebugMsg(2,"SafePtr: invalidating"); if(d) d->ptr = 0; }