bool SubdirsMetaMakefileGenerator::write(const QString &oldpwd) { bool ret = true; const QString &pwd = qmake_getpwd(); const QString &output_dir = Option::output_dir; const QString &output_name = Option::output.fileName(); for(int i = 0; ret && i < subs.count(); i++) { const Subdir *sub =; qmake_setpwd(>input_dir); Option::output_dir = QFileInfo(>output_dir).absoluteFilePath(); if( != QLatin1Char('/')) Option::output_dir += QLatin1Char('/'); Option::output.setFileName(>output_file); if(i != subs.count()-1) { for (int ind = 0; ind < sub->indent; ++ind) printf(" "); printf("Writing %s\n", QDir::cleanPath(Option::output_dir+"/"+ Option::output.fileName()).toLatin1().constData()); } QString writepwd = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(qmake_getpwd()); if(!writepwd.startsWith(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(oldpwd))) writepwd = oldpwd; if(!(ret =>makefile->write(writepwd))) break; //restore because I'm paranoid qmake_setpwd(pwd); Option::output.setFileName(output_name); Option::output_dir = output_dir; } return ret; }
void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeIncPart(QTextStream &t) { t << "INCPATH = "; if (!project->isActiveConfig("no_include_pwd")) { QString pwd = escapeFilePath(fileFixify(qmake_getpwd())); if (pwd.isEmpty()) pwd = "."; t << "-I" << pwd << " "; } QString isystem = var("QMAKE_CFLAGS_ISYSTEM"); const ProStringList &incs = project->values("INCLUDEPATH"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator incit = incs.begin(); incit != incs.end(); ++incit) { QString inc = (*incit).toQString(); inc.replace(QRegExp("\\\\$"), ""); inc.replace(QRegExp("\""), ""); if (!isystem.isEmpty() && isSystemInclude(inc)) t << isystem << ' '; else t << "-I"; t << quote << inc << quote << " "; } t << "-I" << quote << specdir() << quote << endl; }
bool ProjectGenerator::addFile(QString file) { file = fileFixify(file, qmake_getpwd()); QString dir; int s = file.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(s != -1) dir = file.left(s+1); if(file.mid(dir.length(), Option::h_moc_mod.length()) == Option::h_moc_mod) return false; QString where; for(int cppit = 0; cppit < Option::cpp_ext.size(); ++cppit) { if(file.endsWith(Option::cpp_ext[cppit])) { where = "SOURCES"; break; } } if(where.isEmpty()) { for(int hit = 0; hit < Option::h_ext.size(); ++hit) if(file.endsWith( { where = "HEADERS"; break; } } if(where.isEmpty()) { for(int cit = 0; cit < Option::c_ext.size(); ++cit) { if(file.endsWith(Option::c_ext[cit])) { where = "SOURCES"; break; } } } if(where.isEmpty()) { if(file.endsWith(Option::ui_ext)) where = "FORMS"; else if(file.endsWith(Option::lex_ext)) where = "LEXSOURCES"; else if(file.endsWith(Option::yacc_ext)) where = "YACCSOURCES"; else if(file.endsWith(".ts")) where = "TRANSLATIONS"; else if(file.endsWith(".qrc")) where = "RESOURCES"; } QString newfile = fixPathToQmake(fileFixify(file)); QStringList &endList = project->variables()[where]; if(!endList.contains(newfile, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { endList += newfile; return true; } return false; }
bool ProjectGenerator::openOutput(QFile &file, const QString &build) const { QString outdir; if(!file.fileName().isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(file.fileName())); if(fi.isDir()) outdir = fi.path() + QDir::separator(); } if(!outdir.isEmpty() || file.fileName().isEmpty()) { QString dir = qmake_getpwd(); int s = dir.lastIndexOf('/'); if(s != -1) dir = dir.right(dir.length() - (s + 1)); file.setFileName(outdir + dir + Option::pro_ext); } return MakefileGenerator::openOutput(file, build); }
bool GBuildMakefileGenerator::openOutput(QFile &file, const QString &build) const { Q_UNUSED(build) debug_msg(1, "file is %s", file.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); QFileInfo fi(file); if (fi.filePath().isEmpty()) file.setFileName(qmake_getpwd() + QDir::separator() + file.fileName()); if (!file.fileName().endsWith(projectSuffix())) { QString outputName(file.fileName()); outputName += QDir::separator(); outputName += fileInfo(project->projectFile()).baseName(); outputName += projectSuffix(); file.setFileName(outputName); } debug_msg(1, "file is %s", file.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); bool ret = MakefileGenerator::openOutput(file, QString()); return ret; }
int runQMake(int argc, char **argv) { // parse command line int ret = Option::init(argc, argv); if(ret != Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS) { if ((ret & Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_ERROR) != 0) return 1; return 0; } // report Qt usage for commercial customers with a "metered license" (currently experimental) #if QT_EDITION != QT_EDITION_OPENSOURCE QString reporterPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + QDir::separator() + "qtusagereporter"; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) reporterPath += ".exe"; #endif if (QFile::exists(reporterPath)) system(qPrintable(reporterPath + " qmake")); #endif QString oldpwd = qmake_getpwd(); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if(!(oldpwd.length() == 3 && oldpwd[0].isLetter() && oldpwd.endsWith(":/"))) #endif { if(oldpwd.right(1) != QString(QChar(QDir::separator()))) oldpwd += QDir::separator(); } Option::output_dir = oldpwd; //for now this is the output dir if(Option::output.fileName() != "-") { QFileInfo fi(Option::output); QString dir; if(fi.isDir()) { dir = fi.filePath(); } else { QString tmp_dir = fi.path(); if(!tmp_dir.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(tmp_dir)) dir = tmp_dir; } if(!dir.isNull() && dir != ".") Option::output_dir = dir; if(QDir::isRelativePath(Option::output_dir)) Option::output_dir.prepend(oldpwd); Option::output_dir = QDir::cleanPath(Option::output_dir); } QMakeProperty prop; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_QUERY_PROPERTY || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_SET_PROPERTY) return prop.exec() ? 0 : 101; QMakeProject project(&prop); int exit_val = 0; QStringList files; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) files << "(*hack*)"; //we don't even use files, but we do the for() body once else files = Option::mkfile::project_files; for(QStringList::Iterator pfile = files.begin(); pfile != files.end(); pfile++) { if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) { QString fn = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*pfile)); if(!QFile::exists(fn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find file: %s.\n", fn.toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 2; continue; } //setup pwd properly debug_msg(1, "Resetting dir to: %s", oldpwd.toLatin1().constData()); qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); //reset the old pwd int di = fn.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(di != -1) { debug_msg(1, "Changing dir to: %s", fn.left(di).toLatin1().constData()); if(!qmake_setpwd(fn.left(di))) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find directory: %s\n", fn.left(di).toLatin1().constData()); fn = fn.right(fn.length() - di - 1); } // read project.. if(! { fprintf(stderr, "Error processing project file: %s\n", fn == "-" ? "(stdin)" : (*pfile).toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 3; continue; } if(Option::mkfile::do_preprocess) //no need to create makefile continue; } MetaMakefileGenerator *mkfile = MetaMakefileGenerator::createMetaGenerator(&project, QString(), false); if(mkfile && !mkfile->write(oldpwd)) { if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate project file.\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate makefile for: %s\n", (*pfile).toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 5; } delete mkfile; mkfile = NULL; } qmakeClearCaches(); return exit_val; }
bool SubdirsMetaMakefileGenerator::init() { if(init_flag) return false; init_flag = true; if(Option::recursive) { QString old_output_dir = QDir::cleanPath(Option::output_dir); if(!old_output_dir.endsWith('/')) old_output_dir += '/'; QString old_output = Option::output.fileName(); QString oldpwd = QDir::cleanPath(qmake_getpwd()); if(!oldpwd.endsWith('/')) oldpwd += '/'; const QStringList &subdirs = project->values("SUBDIRS"); static int recurseDepth = -1; ++recurseDepth; for(int i = 0; i < subdirs.size(); ++i) { Subdir *sub = new Subdir; sub->indent = recurseDepth; QFileInfo subdir(; if(!project->isEmpty( + ".file")) subdir = project->first( + ".file"); else if(!project->isEmpty( + ".subdir")) subdir = project->first( + ".subdir"); QString sub_name; if(subdir.isDir()) subdir = QFileInfo(subdir.filePath() + "/" + subdir.fileName() + Option::pro_ext); else sub_name = subdir.baseName(); if(!subdir.isRelative()) { //we can try to make it relative QString subdir_path = subdir.filePath(); if(subdir_path.startsWith(oldpwd)) subdir = QFileInfo(subdir_path.mid(oldpwd.length())); } //handle sub project QMakeProject *sub_proj = new QMakeProject(project->properties()); for (int ind = 0; ind < sub->indent; ++ind) printf(" "); sub->input_dir = subdir.absolutePath(); if(subdir.isRelative() && old_output_dir != oldpwd) { sub->output_dir = old_output_dir + "/" + subdir.path(); printf("Reading %s [%s]\n", subdir.absoluteFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), sub->output_dir.toLatin1().constData()); } else { //what about shadow builds? sub->output_dir = sub->input_dir; printf("Reading %s\n", subdir.absoluteFilePath().toLatin1().constData()); } qmake_setpwd(sub->input_dir); Option::output_dir = sub->output_dir; if( != QLatin1Char('/')) Option::output_dir += QLatin1Char('/'); sub_proj->read(subdir.fileName()); if(!sub_proj->variables()["QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS"].isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Project file(%s) not recursed because all requirements not met:\n\t%s\n", subdir.fileName().toLatin1().constData(), sub_proj->values("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS").join(" ").toLatin1().constData()); delete sub; delete sub_proj; continue; } sub->makefile = MetaMakefileGenerator::createMetaGenerator(sub_proj, sub_name); if(0 && sub->makefile->type() == SUBDIRSMETATYPE) { subs.append(sub); } else { const QString output_name = Option::output.fileName(); Option::output.setFileName(sub->output_file); sub->makefile->write(sub->output_dir); delete sub; qmakeClearCaches(); sub = 0; Option::output.setFileName(output_name); } Option::output_dir = old_output_dir; qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); } --recurseDepth; Option::output.setFileName(old_output); Option::output_dir = old_output_dir; qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); } Subdir *self = new Subdir; self->input_dir = qmake_getpwd(); self->output_dir = Option::output_dir; if(!Option::recursive || (!Option::output.fileName().endsWith(Option::dir_sep) && !QFileInfo(Option::output).isDir())) self->output_file = Option::output.fileName(); self->makefile = new BuildsMetaMakefileGenerator(project, name, false); self->makefile->init(); subs.append(self); return true; }
bool BuildsMetaMakefileGenerator::write(const QString &oldpwd) { Build *glue = 0; if(!makefiles.isEmpty() && !makefiles.first()->build.isNull()) { glue = new Build; glue->name = name; glue->makefile = createMakefileGenerator(project, true); makefiles += glue; } bool ret = true; const QString &output_name = Option::output.fileName(); for(int i = 0; ret && i < makefiles.count(); i++) { Option::output.setFileName(output_name); Build *build = makefiles[i]; bool using_stdout = false; if(build->makefile && (Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) && (!build->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds() || (build->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds() && (!glue || build == glue)))) { //open output if(!(Option::output.isOpen())) { if(Option::output.fileName() == "-") { Option::output.setFileName(""); Option::output_dir = qmake_getpwd();, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); using_stdout = true; } else { if(Option::output.fileName().isEmpty() && Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE) Option::output.setFileName(project->first("QMAKE_MAKEFILE")); Option::output_dir = oldpwd; QString build_name = build->name; if(!build->build.isEmpty()) { if(!build_name.isEmpty()) build_name += "."; build_name += build->build; } if(!build->makefile->openOutput(Option::output, build_name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure to open file: %s\n", Option::output.fileName().isEmpty() ? "(stdout)" : Option::output.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } } } else { using_stdout = true; //kind of.. } if(!build->makefile) { ret = false; } else if(build == glue) { ret = build->makefile->writeProjectMakefile(); } else { ret = build->makefile->write(); if (glue && glue->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds()) ret = glue->makefile->mergeBuildProject(build->makefile); } if(!using_stdout) { Option::output.close(); if(!ret) Option::output.remove(); } // debugging if(Option::debug_level) { QMap<QString, QStringList> &vars = project->variables(); for(QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { if(!it.key().startsWith(".") && !it.value().isEmpty()) debug_msg(1, "%s === %s", it.key().toLatin1().constData(), it.value().join(" :: ").toLatin1().constData()); } } } return ret; }
bool QMakeMetaInfo::readLibtoolFile(const QString &f) { /* I can just run the .la through the .pro parser since they are compatible.. */ QMakeProject proj; if(!, QMakeProject::ReadProFile)) return false; QString dirf = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(f).section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -2); if(dirf == f) dirf = ""; else if(!dirf.isEmpty() && !dirf.endsWith(Option::output_dir)) dirf += Option::dir_sep; QMap<QString, QStringList> &v = proj.variables(); for(QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { QStringList lst = it.value(); if(lst.count() == 1 && (lst.first().startsWith("'") || lst.first().startsWith("\"")) && lst.first().endsWith(QString(lst.first()[0]))) lst = QStringList(lst.first().mid(1, lst.first().length() - 2)); if(!vars.contains("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET") && (it.key() == "dlname" || it.key() == "library_names" || it.key() == "old_library")) { QString dir = v["libdir"].first(); if((dir.startsWith("'") || dir.startsWith("\"")) && dir.endsWith(QString(dir[0]))) dir = dir.mid(1, dir.length() - 2); dir = dir.trimmed(); if(!dir.isEmpty() && !dir.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) dir += Option::dir_sep; if(lst.count() == 1) lst = lst.first().split(" "); for(QStringList::Iterator lst_it = lst.begin(); lst_it != lst.end(); ++lst_it) { bool found = false; QString dirs[] = { "", dir, dirf, dirf + ".libs" + QDir::separator(), "(term)" }; for(int i = 0; !found && dirs[i] != "(term)"; i++) { if(QFile::exists(dirs[i] + (*lst_it))) { QString targ = dirs[i] + (*lst_it); if(QDir::isRelativePath(targ)) targ.prepend(qmake_getpwd() + QDir::separator()); vars["QMAKE_PRL_TARGET"] << targ; found = true; } } if(found) break; } } else if(it.key() == "dependency_libs") { if(lst.count() == 1) { QString dep = lst.first(); if((dep.startsWith("'") || dep.startsWith("\"")) && dep.endsWith(QString(dep[0]))) dep = dep.mid(1, dep.length() - 2); lst = dep.trimmed().split(" "); } QMakeProject *conf = NULL; for(QStringList::Iterator lit = lst.begin(); lit != lst.end(); ++lit) { if((*lit).startsWith("-R")) { if(!conf) { conf = new QMakeProject; conf->read(QMakeProject::ReadAll ^ QMakeProject::ReadProFile); } if(!conf->isEmpty("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH")) (*lit) = conf->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH") + (*lit).mid(2); } } if(conf) delete conf; vars["QMAKE_PRL_LIBS"] += lst; } } return true; }
int Option::init(int argc, char **argv) { Option::prf_ext = ".prf"; Option::pro_ext = ".pro"; Option::field_sep = ' '; if(argc && argv) { QString argv0 = argv[0]; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_NOTHING) Option::qmake_mode = default_mode(argv0); if(!argv0.isEmpty() && !QFileInfo(argv0).isRelative()) { globals->qmake_abslocation = argv0; } else if (argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('/')) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN || argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('\\')) #endif ) { //relative PWD globals->qmake_abslocation = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(argv0); } else { //in the PATH QByteArray pEnv = qgetenv("PATH"); QDir currentDir = QDir::current(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(";")); paths.prepend(QLatin1String(".")); #else QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(":")); #endif for (QStringList::const_iterator p = paths.constBegin(); p != paths.constEnd(); ++p) { if ((*p).isEmpty()) continue; QString candidate = currentDir.absoluteFilePath(*p + QLatin1Char('/') + argv0); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!candidate.endsWith(QLatin1String(".exe"))) candidate += QLatin1String(".exe"); #endif if (QFile::exists(candidate)) { globals->qmake_abslocation = candidate; break; } } } if (!globals->qmake_abslocation.isNull()) globals->qmake_abslocation = QDir::cleanPath(globals->qmake_abslocation); else // This is rather unlikely to ever happen on a modern system ... globals->qmake_abslocation = QLibraryInfo::rawLocation(QLibraryInfo::HostBinariesPath, QLibraryInfo::EffectivePaths) + #ifdef Q_OS_WIN "/qmake.exe"; #else "/qmake"; #endif } else { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE; } QMakeCmdLineParserState cmdstate(QDir::currentPath()); const QByteArray envflags = qgetenv("QMAKEFLAGS"); if (!envflags.isNull()) { QStringList args; QByteArray buf = ""; char quote = 0; bool hasWord = false; for (int i = 0; i < envflags.size(); ++i) { char c =; if (!quote && (c == '\'' || c == '"')) { quote = c; } else if (c == quote) { quote = 0; } else if (!quote && c == ' ') { if (hasWord) { args << QString::fromLocal8Bit(buf); hasWord = false; buf = ""; } } else { buf += c; hasWord = true; } } if (hasWord) args << QString::fromLocal8Bit(buf); parseCommandLine(args, cmdstate); cmdstate.flush(); } if(argc && argv) { QStringList args; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) args << QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]); while (!args.isEmpty()) { QString opt =; if (opt == "-project") { Option::recursive = true; Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT; } else if (opt == "-prl") { Option::mkfile::do_deps = false; Option::mkfile::do_mocs = false; Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PRL; } else if (opt == "-set") { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_SET_PROPERTY; } else if (opt == "-unset") { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_UNSET_PROPERTY; } else if (opt == "-query") { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_QUERY_PROPERTY; } else if (opt == "-makefile") { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE; } else { break; } args.takeFirst(); break; } int ret = parseCommandLine(args, cmdstate); if(ret != Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS) { if ((ret & Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SHOW_USAGE) != 0) usage(argv[0]); return ret; //return ret == QMAKE_CMDLINE_SHOW_USAGE ? usage(argv[0]) : false; } globals->qmake_args = args; } globals->commitCommandLineArguments(cmdstate); globals->debugLevel = Option::debug_level; //last chance for defaults if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) { globals->useEnvironment(); //try REALLY hard to do it for them, lazy.. if(Option::mkfile::project_files.isEmpty()) { QString proj = detectProjectFile(qmake_getpwd()); if(!proj.isNull()) Option::mkfile::project_files.append(proj); #ifndef QT_BUILD_QMAKE_LIBRARY if(Option::mkfile::project_files.isEmpty()) { usage(argv[0]); return Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_ERROR; } #endif } } return QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS; }
int runQMake(int argc, char **argv) { // stderr is unbuffered by default, but stdout buffering depends on whether // there is a terminal attached. Buffering can make output from stderr and stdout // appear out of sync, so force stdout to be unbuffered as well. // This is particularly important for things like QtCreator and scripted builds. setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0); // parse command line int ret = Option::init(argc, argv); if(ret != Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS) { if ((ret & Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_ERROR) != 0) return 1; return 0; } QString oldpwd = qmake_getpwd(); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if(!(oldpwd.length() == 3 && oldpwd[0].isLetter() && oldpwd.endsWith(":/"))) #endif { if(oldpwd.right(1) != QString(QChar(QDir::separator()))) oldpwd += QDir::separator(); } Option::output_dir = oldpwd; //for now this is the output dir if(Option::output.fileName() != "-") { QFileInfo fi(Option::output); QString dir; if(fi.isDir()) { dir = fi.filePath(); } else { QString tmp_dir = fi.path(); if(!tmp_dir.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(tmp_dir)) dir = tmp_dir; } if(!dir.isNull() && dir != ".") Option::output_dir = dir; if(QDir::isRelativePath(Option::output_dir)) Option::output_dir.prepend(oldpwd); Option::output_dir = QDir::cleanPath(Option::output_dir); } QMakeProperty prop; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_QUERY_PROPERTY || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_SET_PROPERTY || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_UNSET_PROPERTY) return prop.exec() ? 0 : 101; QMakeProject project(&prop); int exit_val = 0; QStringList files; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) files << "(*hack*)"; //we don't even use files, but we do the for() body once else files = Option::mkfile::project_files; for(QStringList::Iterator pfile = files.begin(); pfile != files.end(); pfile++) { if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) { QString fn = Option::fixPathToLocalOS((*pfile)); if(!QFile::exists(fn)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find file: %s.\n", fn.toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 2; continue; } //setup pwd properly debug_msg(1, "Resetting dir to: %s", oldpwd.toLatin1().constData()); qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); //reset the old pwd int di = fn.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()); if(di != -1) { debug_msg(1, "Changing dir to: %s", fn.left(di).toLatin1().constData()); if(!qmake_setpwd(fn.left(di))) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find directory: %s\n", fn.left(di).toLatin1().constData()); fn = fn.right(fn.length() - di - 1); } // read project.. if(! { fprintf(stderr, "Error processing project file: %s\n", fn == "-" ? "(stdin)" : (*pfile).toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 3; continue; } if(Option::mkfile::do_preprocess) //no need to create makefile continue; } bool success = true; MetaMakefileGenerator *mkfile = MetaMakefileGenerator::createMetaGenerator(&project, QString(), false, &success); if (!success) exit_val = 3; if(mkfile && !mkfile->write(oldpwd)) { if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate project file.\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate makefile for: %s\n", (*pfile).toLatin1().constData()); exit_val = 5; } delete mkfile; mkfile = NULL; } qmakeClearCaches(); return exit_val; }
void ProjectGenerator::init() { if(init_flag) return; int file_count = 0; init_flag = true; verifyCompilers(); project->read(QMakeProject::ReadFeatures); project->variables()["CONFIG"].clear(); QMap<QString, QStringList> &v = project->variables(); QString templ = Option::user_template.isEmpty() ? QString("app") : Option::user_template; if(!Option::user_template_prefix.isEmpty()) templ.prepend(Option::user_template_prefix); v["TEMPLATE_ASSIGN"] += templ; //figure out target if(Option::output.fileName() == "-") v["TARGET_ASSIGN"] = QStringList("unknown"); else v["TARGET_ASSIGN"] = QStringList(QFileInfo(Option::output).baseName()); //the scary stuff if(project->first("TEMPLATE_ASSIGN") != "subdirs") { QString builtin_regex = project_builtin_regx(); QStringList dirs = Option::projfile::project_dirs; if(Option::projfile::do_pwd) { if(!v["INCLUDEPATH"].contains(".")) v["INCLUDEPATH"] += "."; dirs.prepend(qmake_getpwd()); } for(int i = 0; i < dirs.count(); ++i) { QString dir, regex, pd =; bool add_depend = false; if(exists(pd)) { QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(pd)); if(fi.isDir()) { dir = pd; add_depend = true; if(dir.right(1) != Option::dir_sep) dir += Option::dir_sep; if(Option::recursive) { QStringList files = QDir(dir).entryList(QDir::Files); for(int i = 0; i < (int)files.count(); i++) { if(files[i] != "." && files[i] != "..") dirs.append(dir + files[i] + QDir::separator() + builtin_regex); } } regex = builtin_regex; } else { QString file = pd; int s = file.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(s != -1) dir = file.left(s+1); if(addFile(file)) { add_depend = true; file_count++; } } } else { //regexp regex = pd; } if(!regex.isEmpty()) { int s = regex.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(s != -1) { dir = regex.left(s+1); regex = regex.right(regex.length() - (s+1)); } if(Option::recursive) { QStringList entries = QDir(dir).entryList(QDir::Dirs); for(int i = 0; i < (int)entries.count(); i++) { if(entries[i] != "." && entries[i] != "..") { dirs.append(dir + entries[i] + QDir::separator() + regex); } } } QStringList files = QDir(dir).entryList(QDir::nameFiltersFromString(regex)); for(int i = 0; i < (int)files.count(); i++) { QString file = dir + files[i]; if (addFile(file)) { add_depend = true; file_count++; } } } if(add_depend && !dir.isEmpty() && !v["DEPENDPATH"].contains(dir, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(dir)); if(fi.absoluteFilePath() != qmake_getpwd()) v["DEPENDPATH"] += fileFixify(dir); } } } if(!file_count) { //shall we try a subdir? QStringList knownDirs = Option::projfile::project_dirs; if(Option::projfile::do_pwd) knownDirs.prepend("."); const QString out_file = fileFixify(Option::output.fileName()); for(int i = 0; i < knownDirs.count(); ++i) { QString pd =; if(exists(pd)) { QString newdir = pd; QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(newdir)); if(fi.isDir()) { newdir = fileFixify(newdir); QStringList &subdirs = v["SUBDIRS"]; if(exists(fi.filePath() + QDir::separator() + fi.fileName() + Option::pro_ext) && !subdirs.contains(newdir, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { subdirs.append(newdir); } else { QStringList profiles = QDir(newdir).entryList(QStringList("*" + Option::pro_ext), QDir::Files); for(int i = 0; i < (int)profiles.count(); i++) { QString nd = newdir; if(nd == ".") nd = ""; else if(!nd.isEmpty() && !nd.endsWith(QString(QChar(QDir::separator())))) nd += QDir::separator(); nd += profiles[i]; fileFixify(nd); if(profiles[i] != "." && profiles[i] != ".." && !subdirs.contains(nd, Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !out_file.endsWith(nd)) subdirs.append(nd); } } if(Option::recursive) { QStringList dirs = QDir(newdir).entryList(QDir::Dirs); for(int i = 0; i < (int)dirs.count(); i++) { QString nd = fileFixify(newdir + QDir::separator() + dirs[i]); if(dirs[i] != "." && dirs[i] != ".." && !knownDirs.contains(nd, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) knownDirs.append(nd); } } } } else { //regexp QString regx = pd, dir; int s = regx.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(s != -1) { dir = regx.left(s+1); regx = regx.right(regx.length() - (s+1)); } QStringList files = QDir(dir).entryList(QDir::nameFiltersFromString(regx), QDir::Dirs); QStringList &subdirs = v["SUBDIRS"]; for(int i = 0; i < (int)files.count(); i++) { QString newdir(dir + files[i]); QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(newdir)); if(fi.fileName() != "." && fi.fileName() != "..") { newdir = fileFixify(newdir); if(exists(fi.filePath() + QDir::separator() + fi.fileName() + Option::pro_ext) && !subdirs.contains(newdir)) { subdirs.append(newdir); } else { QStringList profiles = QDir(newdir).entryList(QStringList("*" + Option::pro_ext), QDir::Files); for(int i = 0; i < (int)profiles.count(); i++) { QString nd = newdir + QDir::separator() + files[i]; fileFixify(nd); if(files[i] != "." && files[i] != ".." && !subdirs.contains(nd, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if(newdir + files[i] != Option::output_dir + Option::output.fileName()) subdirs.append(nd); } } } if(Option::recursive && !knownDirs.contains(newdir, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) knownDirs.append(newdir); } } } } v["TEMPLATE_ASSIGN"] = QStringList("subdirs"); return; } //setup deplist QList<QMakeLocalFileName> deplist; { const QStringList &d = v["DEPENDPATH"]; for(int i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i) deplist.append(QMakeLocalFileName(d[i])); } setDependencyPaths(deplist); QStringList &h = v["HEADERS"]; bool no_qt_files = true; QString srcs[] = { "SOURCES", "YACCSOURCES", "LEXSOURCES", "FORMS", QString() }; for(int i = 0; !srcs[i].isNull(); i++) { const QStringList &l = v[srcs[i]]; QMakeSourceFileInfo::SourceFileType type = QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_C; QMakeSourceFileInfo::addSourceFiles(l, QMakeSourceFileInfo::SEEK_DEPS, type); for(int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) { QStringList tmp = QMakeSourceFileInfo::dependencies(l[i]); if(!tmp.isEmpty()) { for(int dep_it = 0; dep_it < tmp.size(); ++dep_it) { QString dep = tmp[dep_it]; dep = fixPathToQmake(dep); QString file_dir = dep.section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -2), file_no_path = dep.section(Option::dir_sep, -1); if(!file_dir.isEmpty()) { for(int inc_it = 0; inc_it < deplist.size(); ++inc_it) { QMakeLocalFileName inc = deplist[inc_it]; if(inc.local() == file_dir && !v["INCLUDEPATH"].contains(inc.real(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) v["INCLUDEPATH"] += inc.real(); } } if(no_qt_files && file_no_path.indexOf(QRegExp("^q[a-z_0-9].h$")) != -1) no_qt_files = false; QString h_ext; for(int hit = 0; hit < Option::h_ext.size(); ++hit) { if(dep.endsWith( { h_ext =; break; } } if(!h_ext.isEmpty()) { for(int cppit = 0; cppit < Option::cpp_ext.size(); ++cppit) { QString src(dep.left(dep.length() - h_ext.length()) +; if(exists(src)) { QStringList &srcl = v["SOURCES"]; if(!srcl.contains(src, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) srcl.append(src); } } } else if(dep.endsWith(Option::lex_ext) && file_no_path.startsWith(Option::lex_mod)) { addConfig("lex_included"); } if(!h.contains(dep, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) h += dep; } } } } //strip out files that are actually output from internal compilers (ie temporary files) const QStringList &quc = project->variables()["QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS"]; for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = quc.begin(); it != quc.end(); ++it) { QString tmp_out = project->variables()[(*it) + ".output"].first(); if(tmp_out.isEmpty()) continue; QStringList var_out = project->variables()[(*it) + ".variable_out"]; bool defaults = var_out.isEmpty(); for(int i = 0; i < var_out.size(); ++i) { QString v =; if(v.startsWith("GENERATED_")) { defaults = true; break; } } if(defaults) { var_out << "SOURCES"; var_out << "HEADERS"; var_out << "FORMS"; } const QStringList &tmp = project->variables()[(*it) + ".input"]; for(QStringList::ConstIterator it2 = tmp.begin(); it2 != tmp.end(); ++it2) { QStringList &inputs = project->variables()[(*it2)]; for(QStringList::Iterator input = inputs.begin(); input != inputs.end(); ++input) { QString path = replaceExtraCompilerVariables(tmp_out, (*input), QString()); path = fixPathToQmake(path).section('/', -1); for(int i = 0; i < var_out.size(); ++i) { QString v =; QStringList &list = project->variables()[v]; for(int src = 0; src < list.size(); ) { if(list[src] == path || list[src].endsWith("/" + path)) list.removeAt(src); else ++src; } } } } } }
int Option::init(int argc, char **argv) { Option::application_argv0 = 0; Option::cpp_moc_mod = ""; Option::h_moc_mod = "moc_"; Option::lex_mod = "_lex"; Option::yacc_mod = "_yacc"; Option::prl_ext = ".prl"; Option::libtool_ext = ".la"; Option::pkgcfg_ext = ".pc"; Option::prf_ext = ".prf"; Option::js_ext = ".js"; Option::ui_ext = ".ui"; Option::h_ext << ".h" << ".hpp" << ".hh" << ".hxx"; Option::c_ext << ".c"; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN Option::h_ext << ".H"; #endif Option::cpp_moc_ext = ".moc"; Option::h_moc_ext = ".cpp"; Option::cpp_ext << ".cpp" << ".cc" << ".cxx"; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN Option::cpp_ext << ".C"; #endif Option::lex_ext = ".l"; Option::yacc_ext = ".y"; Option::pro_ext = ".pro"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Option::dirlist_sep = ";"; Option::shellPath = detectShellPath(); #else Option::dirlist_sep = ":"; #endif Option::sysenv_mod = "QMAKE_ENV_"; Option::field_sep = ' '; if(argc && argv) { Option::application_argv0 = argv[0]; QString argv0 = argv[0]; if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_NOTHING) Option::qmake_mode = default_mode(argv0); if(!argv0.isEmpty() && !QFileInfo(argv0).isRelative()) { Option::qmake_abslocation = argv0; } else if (argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('/')) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN || argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('\\')) #endif ) { //relative PWD Option::qmake_abslocation = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(argv0); } else { //in the PATH QByteArray pEnv = qgetenv("PATH"); QDir currentDir = QDir::current(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(";")); #else QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(":")); #endif for (QStringList::const_iterator p = paths.constBegin(); p != paths.constEnd(); ++p) { if ((*p).isEmpty()) continue; QString candidate = currentDir.absoluteFilePath(*p + QLatin1Char('/') + argv0); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN candidate += ".exe"; #endif if (QFile::exists(candidate)) { Option::qmake_abslocation = candidate; break; } } } if(!Option::qmake_abslocation.isNull()) Option::qmake_abslocation = QDir::cleanPath(Option::qmake_abslocation); } else { Option::qmake_mode = Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE; } const QByteArray envflags = qgetenv("QMAKEFLAGS"); if (!envflags.isNull()) { int env_argc = 0, env_size = 0, currlen=0; char quote = 0, **env_argv = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < envflags.size(); ++i) { if (!quote && ( == '\'' || == '"')) { quote =; } else if ( == quote) { quote = 0; } else if (!quote && == ' ') { if (currlen && env_argv && env_argv[env_argc]) { env_argv[env_argc][currlen] = '\0'; currlen = 0; env_argc++; } } else { if(!env_argv || env_argc > env_size) { env_argv = (char **)realloc(env_argv, sizeof(char *)*(env_size+=10)); for(int i2 = env_argc; i2 < env_size; i2++) env_argv[i2] = NULL; } if(!env_argv[env_argc]) { currlen = 0; env_argv[env_argc] = (char*)malloc(255); } if(currlen < 255) env_argv[env_argc][currlen++] =; } } if(env_argv) { if(env_argv[env_argc]) { env_argv[env_argc][currlen] = '\0'; currlen = 0; env_argc++; } parseCommandLine(env_argc, env_argv); for(int i2 = 0; i2 < env_size; i2++) { if(env_argv[i2]) free(env_argv[i2]); } free(env_argv); } } if(argc && argv) { int ret = parseCommandLine(argc, argv, 1); if(ret != Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS) { if ((ret & Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_SHOW_USAGE) != 0) usage(argv[0]); return ret; //return ret == QMAKE_CMDLINE_SHOW_USAGE ? usage(argv[0]) : false; } } //last chance for defaults if(Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PRL) { if(Option::mkfile::qmakespec.isNull() || Option::mkfile::qmakespec.isEmpty()) Option::mkfile::qmakespec = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("QMAKESPEC").constData()); //try REALLY hard to do it for them, lazy.. if(Option::mkfile::project_files.isEmpty()) { QString pwd = qmake_getpwd(), proj = pwd + "/" + pwd.right(pwd.length() - (pwd.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) + Option::pro_ext; if(QFile::exists(proj)) { Option::mkfile::project_files.append(proj); } else { //last try.. QStringList profiles = QDir(pwd).entryList(QStringList("*" + Option::pro_ext)); if(profiles.count() == 1) Option::mkfile::project_files.append(pwd + "/" + profiles[0]); } #ifndef QT_BUILD_QMAKE_LIBRARY if(Option::mkfile::project_files.isEmpty()) { usage(argv[0]); return Option::QMAKE_CMDLINE_ERROR; } #endif } } //defaults for globals if(Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_WIN_MODE) { Option::dir_sep = "\\"; Option::obj_ext = ".obj"; Option::res_ext = ".res"; } else { if(Option::target_mode == Option::TARG_MAC9_MODE) Option::dir_sep = ":"; else Option::dir_sep = "/"; Option::obj_ext = ".o"; } Option::qmake_abslocation = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(Option::qmake_abslocation); return QMAKE_CMDLINE_SUCCESS; }
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::findDeps(SourceFile *file) { if(file->dep_checked || file->type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) return true; files_changed = true; file->dep_checked = true; struct stat fst; char *buffer = 0; int buffer_len = 0; { int fd; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 if (_sopen_s(&fd, fixPathForFile(file->file, true).local().toLatin1().constData(), _O_RDONLY, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD) != 0) fd = -1; #else fd = open(fixPathForFile(file->file, true).local().toLatin1().constData(), O_RDONLY); #endif if(fd == -1 || fstat(fd, &fst) || S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode)) return false; buffer = getBuffer(fst.st_size); for(int have_read = 0; (have_read = QT_READ(fd, buffer + buffer_len, fst.st_size - buffer_len)); buffer_len += have_read); QT_CLOSE(fd); } if(!buffer) return false; if(!file->deps) file->deps = new SourceDependChildren; int line_count = 1; for(int x = 0; x < buffer_len; ++x) { bool try_local = true; char *inc = 0; if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_UI) { // skip whitespaces while(x < buffer_len && (*(buffer+x) == ' ' || *(buffer+x) == '\t')) ++x; if(*(buffer + x) == '<') { ++x; if(buffer_len >= x + 12 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "includehint", 11) && (*(buffer + x + 11) == ' ' || *(buffer + x + 11) == '>')) { for(x += 11; *(buffer + x) != '>'; ++x); int inc_len = 0; for(x += 1 ; *(buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; ++inc_len); *(buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0'; inc = buffer + x; } else if(buffer_len >= x + 13 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "customwidget", 12) && (*(buffer + x + 12) == ' ' || *(buffer + x + 12) == '>')) { for(x += 13; *(buffer + x) != '>'; ++x); //skip up to > while(x < buffer_len) { for(x++; *(buffer + x) != '<'; ++x); //skip up to < x++; if(buffer_len >= x + 7 && !strncmp(buffer+x, "header", 6) && (*(buffer + x + 6) == ' ' || *(buffer + x + 6) == '>')) { for(x += 7; *(buffer + x) != '>'; ++x); //skip up to > int inc_len = 0; for(x += 1 ; *(buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; ++inc_len); *(buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0'; inc = buffer + x; break; } else if(buffer_len >= x + 14 && !strncmp(buffer+x, "/customwidget", 13) && (*(buffer + x + 13) == ' ' || *(buffer + x + 13) == '>')) { x += 14; break; } } } else if(buffer_len >= x + 8 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "include", 7) && (*(buffer + x + 7) == ' ' || *(buffer + x + 7) == '>')) { for(x += 8; *(buffer + x) != '>'; ++x) { if(buffer_len >= x + 9 && *(buffer + x) == 'i' && !strncmp(buffer + x, "impldecl", 8)) { for(x += 8; *(buffer + x) != '='; ++x); if(*(buffer + x) != '=') continue; for(++x; *(buffer+x) == '\t' || *(buffer+x) == ' '; ++x); char quote = 0; if(*(buffer+x) == '\'' || *(buffer+x) == '"') { quote = *(buffer + x); ++x; } int val_len; for(val_len = 0; true; ++val_len) { if(quote) { if(*(buffer+x+val_len) == quote) break; } else if(*(buffer + x + val_len) == '>' || *(buffer + x + val_len) == ' ') { break; } } //? char saved = *(buffer + x + val_len); *(buffer + x + val_len) = '\0'; if(!strcmp(buffer+x, "in implementation")) { //### do this } } } int inc_len = 0; for(x += 1 ; *(buffer + x + inc_len) != '<'; ++inc_len); *(buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0'; inc = buffer + x; } } //read past new line now.. for(; x < buffer_len && !qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer + x)); ++x); ++line_count; } else if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_QRC) { } else if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_C) { for(int beginning=1; x < buffer_len; ++x) { // whitespace comments and line-endings for(; x < buffer_len; ++x) { if(*(buffer+x) == ' ' || *(buffer+x) == '\t') { // keep going } else if(*(buffer+x) == '/') { ++x; if(buffer_len >= x) { if(*(buffer+x) == '/') { //c++ style comment for(; x < buffer_len && !qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer + x)); ++x); beginning = 1; } else if(*(buffer+x) == '*') { //c style comment for(++x; x < buffer_len; ++x) { if(*(buffer+x) == '*') { if(x < buffer_len-1 && *(buffer + (x+1)) == '/') { ++x; break; } } else if(qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer+x))) { ++line_count; } } } } } else if(qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer+x))) { ++line_count; beginning = 1; } else { break; } } if(x >= buffer_len) break; // preprocessor directive if(beginning && *(buffer+x) == '#') break; // quoted strings if(*(buffer+x) == '\'' || *(buffer+x) == '"') { const char term = *(buffer+(x++)); for(; x < buffer_len; ++x) { if(*(buffer+x) == term) { ++x; break; } else if(*(buffer+x) == '\\') { ++x; } else if(qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer+x))) { ++line_count; } } } beginning = 0; } if(x >= buffer_len) break; //got a preprocessor symbol ++x; while(x < buffer_len) { if(*(buffer+x) != ' ' && *(buffer+x) != '\t') break; ++x; } int keyword_len = 0; const char *keyword = buffer+x; while(x+keyword_len < buffer_len) { if(((*(buffer+x+keyword_len) < 'a' || *(buffer+x+keyword_len) > 'z')) && *(buffer+x+keyword_len) != '_') { for(x+=keyword_len; //skip spaces after keyword x < buffer_len && (*(buffer+x) == ' ' || *(buffer+x) == '\t'); x++); break; } else if(qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer+x+keyword_len))) { x += keyword_len-1; keyword_len = 0; break; } keyword_len++; } if(keyword_len == 7 && !strncmp(keyword, "include", keyword_len)) { char term = *(buffer + x); if(term == '<') { try_local = false; term = '>'; } else if(term != '"') { //wtf? continue; } x++; int inc_len; for(inc_len = 0; *(buffer + x + inc_len) != term && !qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer + x + inc_len)); ++inc_len); *(buffer + x + inc_len) = '\0'; inc = buffer + x; x += inc_len; } else if(keyword_len == 13 && !strncmp(keyword, "qmake_warning", keyword_len)) { char term = 0; if(*(buffer + x) == '"') term = '"'; if(*(buffer + x) == '\'') term = '\''; if(term) x++; int msg_len; for(msg_len = 0; (term && *(buffer + x + msg_len) != term) && !qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer + x + msg_len)); ++msg_len); *(buffer + x + msg_len) = '\0'; debug_msg(0, "%s:%d %s -- %s", file->file.local().toLatin1().constData(), line_count, keyword, buffer+x); x += msg_len; } else if(*(buffer+x) == '\'' || *(buffer+x) == '"') { const char term = *(buffer+(x++)); while(x < buffer_len) { if(*(buffer+x) == term) break; if(*(buffer+x) == '\\') { x+=2; } else { if(qmake_endOfLine(*(buffer+x))) ++line_count; ++x; } } } else { --x; } } if(inc) { if(!includes) includes = new SourceFiles; SourceFile *dep = includes->lookupFile(inc); if(!dep) { bool exists = false; QMakeLocalFileName lfn(inc); if(QDir::isRelativePath(lfn.real())) { if(try_local) { QString dir = findFileInfo(file->file).path(); if(QDir::isRelativePath(dir)) dir.prepend(qmake_getpwd() + "/"); if(!dir.endsWith("/")) dir += "/"; QMakeLocalFileName f(dir + lfn.local()); if(findFileInfo(f).exists()) { lfn = fixPathForFile(f); exists = true; } } if(!exists) { //path lookup for(QList<QMakeLocalFileName>::Iterator it = depdirs.begin(); it != depdirs.end(); ++it) { QMakeLocalFileName f((*it).real() + Option::dir_sep + lfn.real()); QFileInfo fi(findFileInfo(f)); if(fi.exists() && !fi.isDir()) { lfn = fixPathForFile(f); exists = true; break; } } } if(!exists) { //heuristic lookup lfn = findFileForDep(QMakeLocalFileName(inc), file->file); if((exists = !lfn.isNull())) lfn = fixPathForFile(lfn); } } else { exists = QFile::exists(lfn.real()); } if(!lfn.isNull()) { dep = files->lookupFile(lfn); if(!dep) { dep = new SourceFile; dep->file = lfn; dep->type = QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_C; files->addFile(dep); includes->addFile(dep, inc, false); } dep->exists = exists; } } if(dep && dep->file != file->file) { dep->included_count++; if(dep->exists) { debug_msg(5, "%s:%d Found dependency to %s", file->file.real().toLatin1().constData(), line_count, dep->file.local().toLatin1().constData()); file->deps->addChild(dep); } } } } if(dependencyMode() == Recursive) { //done last because buffer is shared for(int i = 0; i < file->deps->used_nodes; i++) { if(!file->deps->children[i]->deps) findDeps(file->deps->children[i]); } } return true; }
bool QMakeMetaInfo::readLibtoolFile(const QString &f) { /* I can just run the .la through the .pro parser since they are compatible.. */ QMakeProject proj; QString nf = Option::normalizePath(f); if (!, QMakeEvaluator::LoadProOnly)) return false; QString dirf = nf.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 0, -2); if(dirf == nf) dirf = ""; else if(!dirf.isEmpty() && !dirf.endsWith(Option::output_dir)) dirf += QLatin1Char('/'); const ProValueMap &v = proj.variables(); for (ProValueMap::ConstIterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { ProStringList lst = it.value(); if(lst.count() == 1 && (lst.first().startsWith("'") || lst.first().startsWith("\"")) && lst.first().endsWith(QString(lst.first().at(0)))) lst = ProStringList(lst.first().mid(1, lst.first().length() - 2)); if(!vars.contains("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET") && (it.key() == "dlname" || it.key() == "library_names" || it.key() == "old_library")) { ProString dir = v["libdir"].first(); if ((dir.startsWith('\'') || dir.startsWith('"')) && dir.endsWith( dir = dir.mid(1, dir.length() - 2); dir = dir.trimmed(); if(!dir.isEmpty() && !dir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) dir += QLatin1Char('/'); if(lst.count() == 1) lst = ProStringList(lst.first().toQString().split(" ")); for (ProStringList::Iterator lst_it = lst.begin(); lst_it != lst.end(); ++lst_it) { bool found = false; QString dirs[] = { "", dir.toQString(), dirf, dirf + ".libs/", "(term)" }; for(int i = 0; !found && dirs[i] != "(term)"; i++) { if(QFile::exists(dirs[i] + (*lst_it))) { QString targ = dirs[i] + (*lst_it); if(QDir::isRelativePath(targ)) targ.prepend(qmake_getpwd() + QLatin1Char('/')); vars["QMAKE_PRL_TARGET"] << targ; found = true; } } if(found) break; } } else if(it.key() == "dependency_libs") { if(lst.count() == 1) { ProString dep = lst.first(); if ((dep.startsWith('\'') || dep.startsWith('"')) && dep.endsWith( dep = dep.mid(1, dep.length() - 2); lst = ProStringList(dep.trimmed().toQString().split(" ")); } for (ProStringList::Iterator lit = lst.begin(); lit != lst.end(); ++lit) { if((*lit).startsWith("-R")) { if(!conf->isEmpty("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH")) (*lit) = conf->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH") + (*lit).mid(2); } } vars["QMAKE_PRL_LIBS"] += lst; } } return true; }
bool GBuildMakefileGenerator::write() { QStringList tmp; QString filename(Option::output.fileName()); QString pathtoremove(qmake_getpwd()); QString relpath(pathtoremove); QString strtarget(project->first("TARGET").toQString()); bool isnativebin = nativebins.contains(strtarget); relpath.replace(Option::output_dir, ""); /* correct output for non-prl, non-recursive case */ QString outname(qmake_getpwd()); outname += QDir::separator(); outname += fileInfo(Option::output.fileName()).baseName(); outname += projectSuffix(); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(outname); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); if (strtarget != fileInfo(project->projectFile()).baseName()) { QString gpjname(strtarget); QString outputName(qmake_getpwd()); outputName += QDir::separator(); outputName += fileInfo(project->projectFile()).baseName(); outputName += projectSuffix(); QFile f(outputName); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream t(&f); t << "#!gbuild\n"; t << "[Project]\n"; t << gpjname << projectSuffix() << "\n"; if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") && project->isActiveConfig("shared")) t << gpjname << "_shared" << projectSuffix() << "\n"; t.flush(); gpjname += projectSuffix(); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(gpjname); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); } if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") && (!isnativebin)) { QTextStream t(&Option::output); QString intname(strtarget); intname += ".int"; /* this is for bulding an INTEGRITY application. * generate the .int integrate file and the .gpj INTEGRITY Application * project file, then go on with regular files */ t << "#!gbuild\n"; t << "[INTEGRITY Application]\n"; t << "\t:binDirRelative=.\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "\n"; t << intname << "\n"; t << strtarget << "_app" << projectSuffix() << "\n"; t.flush(); /* generate integrate file */ QFile f(intname); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream ti(&f); ti << "# This is a file automatically generated by qmake\n"; ti << "# Modifications will be lost next time you run qmake\n"; ti << "Kernel\n"; ti << "\tFilename\tDynamicDownload\n"; ti << "EndKernel\n\n"; ti << "AddressSpace\n"; ti << "\tName\t" << strtarget << "\n"; ti << "\tFilename\t" << strtarget << "_app\n"; ti << "\tMemoryPoolSize\t0x100000\n"; ti << "\tLanguage\tC++\n"; /* FIXME : heap size is huge to be big enough for every example * it should probably be tailored for each example, btu there is no * good way to guess that */ ti << "\tHeapSize\t0x00D00000\n"; ti << "\tTask\tInitial\n"; ti << "\t\tStackSize\t0x30000\n"; ti << "\tEndTask\n"; ti << "EndAddressSpace\n"; ti.flush(); /* change current project file to <projectname>_app.gpj and continue * generation */ filename.insert(filename.lastIndexOf("."), "_app"); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(filename); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); } else if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") && project->isActiveConfig("shared")) { QString gpjname(strtarget); gpjname += "_shared"; gpjname += projectSuffix(); QFile f(gpjname); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream t(&f); t << "#!gbuild\n" "[Program]\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-e __ghsbegin_text\n" "\t-startfile=-\n" "\t:syslibraries=-\n" "\t-Onolink\n"; t << "\t-o lib" << strtarget << ".so\n"; t << "\t-l" << strtarget << "\n"; t << "\t-extractall=-l" << strtarget << "\n"; t << "\t:outputDir=work/" << filename.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -1).remove(".gpj") << "\n"; t << strtarget << "_shared.ld\n"; t << "$(__OS_DIR)/intlib/sharedobjbssinit.c\n"; t.flush(); QFile fl(strtarget + "_shared.ld"); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream tl(&fl); tl << "CONSTANTS {\n" " __INTEGRITY_MinPageAlign = 16K\n" " __INTEGRITY_MaxPageAlign = 16K\n" " __INTEGRITY_LibCBaseAddress = \n"; tl << dllbase << "\n"; tl << "}\n" "-sec\n" "{\n" " .picbase __INTEGRITY_LibCBaseAddress :\n" " .text :\n" " .syscall :\n" " .intercall :\n" " .interfunc :\n" " .secinfo :\n" " .rodata align(16) :\n" " .fixaddr :\n" " .fixtype :\n" " .rombeg :\n" " .textchecksum :\n" " // The above sections may be large. Leave a bigger gap for large pages.\n" " .pidbase align(__INTEGRITY_MaxPageAlign) :\n" " .sdabase :\n" " .data :\n" " .toc :\n" " .opd :\n" " .datachecksum :\n" " .bss align(__INTEGRITY_MinPageAlign) :\n" " .heap :\n" "}\n"; tl.flush(); dllbase += DLLOFFSET; } QTextStream t(&Option::output); QString primaryTarget(project->values("QMAKE_CXX").at(0).toQString()); pathtoremove += QDir::separator(); filename.remove(qmake_getpwd()); //HEADER t << "#!gbuild\n"; /* find the architecture out of the compiler name */ if (filename.endsWith("projects.gpj")) { primaryTarget.remove(0, 5); t << "macro QT_BUILD_DIR=%expand_path(.)\n"; t << "macro __OS_DIR=" << project->values("INTEGRITY_DIR").first() << "\n"; t << "primaryTarget=" << primaryTarget << "_integrity.tgt\n"; t << "customization=util/integrity/qt.bod\n"; } /* project type */ if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { t << "[Program]\n"; if (isnativebin) { t << "\t:binDir=bin\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "\n"; } else { t << "\t:binDirRelative=.\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "_app\n"; } } else if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { t << "[Library]\n"; t << "\t:binDir=lib\n"; t << "\t-o lib" << strtarget << ".a\n"; } else if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") t << "[Project]\n"; else t << project->first("TEMPLATE") << "\n"; /* compilations options */ t << "\t:sourceDir=.\n"; t << "\t:outputDir=work" << relpath << "\n"; if (filename.endsWith("projects.gpj")) { t << "\t:sourceDir=work\n"; t << "\t-Iwork\n"; t << "\t-Llib\n"; t << "\t"; const ProStringList &l = project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).startsWith("-")) t << "\n\t" << (*it); else t << " " << (*it); } t << "\n"; } t << "\n"; t << varGlue("DEFINES", "\t-D", "\n\t-D", "\n"); t << "\t-I.\n\t-I" << specdir() << "\n"; t << varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "\t-I", "\n\t-I", "\n"); t << "\t--cxx_include_directory .\n\t--cxx_include_directory " << specdir() << "\n"; t << varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "\t--cxx_include_directory ", "\n\t--cxx_include_directory ", "\n"); if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { /* include linker flags if it's an application */ static const char * const src[] = { "QMAKE_LFLAGS", "QMAKE_LIBS", "LIBS", 0 }; for (int i = 0; src[i]; i++) { /* skip target libraries for native tools */ if (isnativebin && (i == 0)) continue; t << "\t"; const ProStringList &l = project->values(src[i]); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).startsWith("-")) t << "\n\t" << (*it); else t << " " << (*it); } t << "\n"; } } /* first subdirectories/subprojects */ { const ProStringList &l = project->values("SUBDIRS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString gpjname((*it).toQString()); /* avoid native tools */ if (nativebins.contains(gpjname.section("_", -1))) continue; const ProKey skey(*it + ".subdir"); if (!project->first(skey).isEmpty()) gpjname = project->first(skey).toQString(); else gpjname.replace("_", QDir::separator()); gpjname += QDir::separator() + gpjname.section(QDir::separator(), -1); gpjname += projectSuffix(); /* make relative */ if (!project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").isEmpty()) { gpjname.replace(project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").first() + QDir::separator(), ""); } t << gpjname << "\n"; } } { const ProStringList &l = project->values("RESOURCES"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString tmpstr((*it).toQString()); tmpstr.remove(pathtoremove); t << tmpstr << "\t[Qt Resource]\n"; tmpstr = tmpstr.section(".", -2, -1).section(QDir::separator(), -1); tmpstr.remove(".qrc"); t << "\t-name " << tmpstr << "\n"; tmpstr.insert(tmpstr.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) + 1, "qrc_"); tmpstr.append(".cpp"); t << "\t-o work/" << tmpstr << "\n"; } } { const ProStringList &l = project->values("FORMS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString tmpstr((*it).toQString()); tmpstr.remove(pathtoremove); t << tmpstr << "\t[Qt Dialog]\n"; tmpstr = tmpstr.section(".", 0, 0).section(QDir::separator(), -1); tmpstr.insert(tmpstr.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) + 1, "ui_"); tmpstr.remove(".ui"); tmpstr.append(".h"); t << "\t-o work/" << tmpstr << "\n"; } } /* source files for this project */ static const char * const src[] = { "HEADERS", "SOURCES", 0 }; for (int i = 0; src[i]; i++) { const ProStringList &l = project->values(src[i]); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).isEmpty()) continue; /* native tools aren't preprocessed */ if (!isnativebin) t << writeOne((*it).toQString(), pathtoremove); else t << (*it).toQString().remove(pathtoremove) << "\n"; } } t << "\n"; { const ProStringList &l = project->values("GENERATED_SOURCES"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { t << "work/" << (*it).toQString().section(QDir::separator(), -1) << "\n"; } } return true; }
bool BuildsMetaMakefileGenerator::write() { Build *glue = 0; if(!makefiles.isEmpty() && !makefiles.first()->build.isNull()) { glue = new Build; glue->name = name; glue->makefile = createMakefileGenerator(project, true); makefiles += glue; } bool ret = true; const QString &output_name = Option::output.fileName(); for(int i = 0; ret && i < makefiles.count(); i++) { Option::output.setFileName(output_name); Build *build = makefiles[i]; bool using_stdout = false; if(build->makefile && (Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE || Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_PROJECT) && (!build->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds() || (build->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds() && (!glue || build == glue)))) { //open output if(!(Option::output.isOpen())) { if(Option::output.fileName() == "-") { Option::output.setFileName(""); Option::output_dir = qmake_getpwd();, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); using_stdout = true; } else { if(Option::output.fileName().isEmpty() && Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_MAKEFILE) Option::output.setFileName(project->first("QMAKE_MAKEFILE").toQString()); QString build_name = build->name; if(!build->build.isEmpty()) { if(!build_name.isEmpty()) build_name += "."; build_name += build->build; } if(!build->makefile->openOutput(Option::output, build_name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure to open file: %s\n", Option::output.fileName().isEmpty() ? "(stdout)" : Option::output.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } } } else { using_stdout = true; //kind of.. } if(!build->makefile) { ret = false; } else if(build == glue) { ret = build->makefile->writeProjectMakefile(); } else { ret = build->makefile->write(); if (glue && glue->makefile->supportsMergedBuilds()) ret = glue->makefile->mergeBuildProject(build->makefile); } if(!using_stdout) { Option::output.close(); if(!ret) Option::output.remove(); } } return ret; }
void Win32MakefileGenerator::processRcFileVar() { if (Option::qmake_mode == Option::QMAKE_GENERATE_NOTHING) return; if (((!project->values("VERSION").isEmpty()) && project->values("RC_FILE").isEmpty() && project->values("RES_FILE").isEmpty() && !project->isActiveConfig("no_generated_target_info") && (project->isActiveConfig("shared") || !project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty())) || !project->values("QMAKE_WRITE_DEFAULT_RC").isEmpty()){ QByteArray rcString; QTextStream ts(&rcString, QFile::WriteOnly); QStringList vers = project->values("VERSION").first().split("."); for (int i = vers.size(); i < 4; i++) vers += "0"; QString versionString = vers.join("."); QString companyName; if (!project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY").isEmpty()) companyName = project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY").join(" "); QString description; if (!project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION").isEmpty()) description = project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION").join(" "); QString copyright; if (!project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT").isEmpty()) copyright = project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT").join(" "); QString productName; if (!project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT").isEmpty()) productName = project->values("QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT").join(" "); else productName = project->values("TARGET").first(); QString originalName = project->values("TARGET").first() + project->values("TARGET_EXT").first(); int rcLang = project->intValue("RC_LANG", 1033); // default: English(USA) int rcCodePage = project->intValue("RC_CODEPAGE", 1200); // default: Unicode ts << "# if defined(UNDER_CE)" << endl; ts << "# include <winbase.h>" << endl; ts << "# else" << endl; ts << "# include <winver.h>" << endl; ts << "# endif" << endl; ts << endl; ts << "VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO" << endl; ts << "\tFILEVERSION " << QString(versionString).replace(".", ",") << endl; ts << "\tPRODUCTVERSION " << QString(versionString).replace(".", ",") << endl; ts << "\tFILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL" << endl; ts << "#ifdef _DEBUG" << endl; ts << "\tFILEFLAGS VS_FF_DEBUG" << endl; ts << "#else" << endl; ts << "\tFILEFLAGS 0x0L" << endl; ts << "#endif" << endl; ts << "\tFILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32" << endl; if (project->isActiveConfig("shared")) ts << "\tFILETYPE VFT_DLL" << endl; else ts << "\tFILETYPE VFT_APP" << endl; ts << "\tFILESUBTYPE 0x0L" << endl; ts << "\tBEGIN" << endl; ts << "\t\tBLOCK \"StringFileInfo\"" << endl; ts << "\t\tBEGIN" << endl; ts << "\t\t\tBLOCK \"" << QString("%1%2").arg(rcLang, 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(rcCodePage, 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) << "\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\tBEGIN" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"CompanyName\", \"" << companyName << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"FileDescription\", \"" << description << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"FileVersion\", \"" << versionString << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"LegalCopyright\", \"" << copyright << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"OriginalFilename\", \"" << originalName << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\t\tVALUE \"ProductName\", \"" << productName << "\\0\"" << endl; ts << "\t\t\tEND" << endl; ts << "\t\tEND" << endl; ts << "\t\tBLOCK \"VarFileInfo\"" << endl; ts << "\t\tBEGIN" << endl; ts << "\t\t\tVALUE \"Translation\", " << QString("0x%1").arg(rcLang, 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) << ", " << QString("%1").arg(rcCodePage, 4) << endl; ts << "\t\tEND" << endl; ts << "\tEND" << endl; ts << "/* End of Version info */" << endl; ts << endl; ts.flush(); QString rcFilename = project->values("OUT_PWD").first() + "/" + project->values("TARGET").first() + "_resource" + ".rc"; QFile rcFile(QDir::cleanPath(rcFilename)); bool writeRcFile = true; if (rcFile.exists() && { writeRcFile = rcFile.readAll() != rcString; rcFile.close(); } if (writeRcFile) { bool ok; ok =; if (!ok) { // The file can't be opened... try creating the containing // directory first (needed for clean shadow builds) QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(rcFile).path()); ok =; } if (!ok) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open for writing: %s", rcFile.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); ::exit(1); } rcFile.write(rcString); rcFile.close(); } if (project->values("QMAKE_WRITE_DEFAULT_RC").isEmpty()) project->values("RC_FILE").insert(0, rcFile.fileName()); } if (!project->values("RC_FILE").isEmpty()) { if (!project->values("RES_FILE").isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Both rc and res file specified.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please specify one of them, not both."); exit(1); } QString resFile = project->values("RC_FILE").first(); // if this is a shadow build then use the absolute path of the rc file if (Option::output_dir != qmake_getpwd()) { QFileInfo fi(resFile); project->values("RC_FILE").first() = fi.absoluteFilePath(); } resFile.replace(".rc", Option::res_ext); project->values("RES_FILE").prepend(fileInfo(resFile).fileName()); if (!project->values("OBJECTS_DIR").isEmpty()) { QString resDestDir; if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) resDestDir = fileInfo(project->first("DESTDIR")).absoluteFilePath(); else resDestDir = project->first("OBJECTS_DIR"); resDestDir.append(Option::dir_sep); project->values("RES_FILE").first().prepend(resDestDir); } project->values("RES_FILE").first() = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(project->values("RES_FILE").first(), false, false); project->values("POST_TARGETDEPS") += project->values("RES_FILE"); project->values("CLEAN_FILES") += project->values("RES_FILE"); } }
bool SubdirsMetaMakefileGenerator::init() { if(init_flag) return false; init_flag = true; bool hasError = false; // It might make sense to bequeath the CONFIG option to the recursed // projects. OTOH, one would most likely have it in all projects anyway - // either through a qmakespec, a .qmake.cache or explicitly - as otherwise // running qmake in a subdirectory would have a different auto-recurse // setting than in parent directories. bool recurse = Option::recursive == Option::QMAKE_RECURSIVE_YES || (Option::recursive == Option::QMAKE_RECURSIVE_DEFAULT && project->isRecursive()); if(recurse) { QString old_output_dir = Option::output_dir; QString old_output = Option::output.fileName(); QString oldpwd = qmake_getpwd(); QString thispwd = oldpwd; if(!thispwd.endsWith('/')) thispwd += '/'; const QStringList &subdirs = project->values("SUBDIRS"); static int recurseDepth = -1; ++recurseDepth; for(int i = 0; i < subdirs.size(); ++i) { Subdir *sub = new Subdir; sub->indent = recurseDepth; QFileInfo subdir(; if(!project->isEmpty( + ".file")) subdir = project->first( + ".file"); else if(!project->isEmpty( + ".subdir")) subdir = project->first( + ".subdir"); QString sub_name; if(subdir.isDir()) subdir = QFileInfo(subdir.filePath() + "/" + subdir.fileName() + Option::pro_ext); else sub_name = subdir.baseName(); if(!subdir.isRelative()) { //we can try to make it relative QString subdir_path = subdir.filePath(); if(subdir_path.startsWith(thispwd)) subdir = QFileInfo(subdir_path.mid(thispwd.length())); } //handle sub project QMakeProject *sub_proj = new QMakeProject(project->properties()); for (int ind = 0; ind < sub->indent; ++ind) printf(" "); sub->input_dir = subdir.absolutePath(); if(subdir.isRelative() && old_output_dir != oldpwd) { sub->output_dir = old_output_dir + "/" + subdir.path(); printf("Reading %s [%s]\n", subdir.absoluteFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), sub->output_dir.toLatin1().constData()); } else { //what about shadow builds? sub->output_dir = sub->input_dir; printf("Reading %s\n", subdir.absoluteFilePath().toLatin1().constData()); } qmake_setpwd(sub->input_dir); Option::output_dir = sub->output_dir; bool tmpError = !sub_proj->read(subdir.fileName()); if(!sub_proj->variables()["QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS"].isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Project file(%s) not recursed because all requirements not met:\n\t%s\n", subdir.fileName().toLatin1().constData(), sub_proj->values("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS").join(" ").toLatin1().constData()); delete sub; delete sub_proj; Option::output_dir = old_output_dir; qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); continue; } else { hasError |= tmpError; } sub->makefile = MetaMakefileGenerator::createMetaGenerator(sub_proj, sub_name); if(0 && sub->makefile->type() == SUBDIRSMETATYPE) { subs.append(sub); } else { const QString output_name = Option::output.fileName(); Option::output.setFileName(sub->output_file); hasError |= !sub->makefile->write(sub->output_dir); delete sub; qmakeClearCaches(); sub = 0; Option::output.setFileName(output_name); } Option::output_dir = old_output_dir; qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); } --recurseDepth; Option::output.setFileName(old_output); Option::output_dir = old_output_dir; qmake_setpwd(oldpwd); } Subdir *self = new Subdir; self->input_dir = qmake_getpwd(); self->output_dir = Option::output_dir; if(!recurse || (!Option::output.fileName().endsWith(Option::dir_sep) && !QFileInfo(Option::output).isDir())) self->output_file = Option::output.fileName(); self->makefile = new BuildsMetaMakefileGenerator(project, name, false); self->makefile->init(); subs.append(self); return !hasError; }