Пример #1
static void whittle2 (Array acf, Array Aold, Array Bold, int lag,
		      char *direction, Array A, Array K, Array E)

    int d, i, nser=DIM(acf)[1];
    const void *vmax;
    Array beta, tmp, id;

    d = strcmp(direction, "forward") == 0;

    vmax = vmaxget();

    beta = make_zero_matrix(nser,nser);
    tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    id = make_identity_matrix(nser);

    copy_array(id, subarray(A,0));

    for(i = 0; i < lag; i++) {
       matrix_prod(subarray(acf,lag - i), subarray(Aold,i), d, 1, tmp);
       array_op(beta, tmp, '+', beta);
       matrix_prod(subarray(acf,i), subarray(Bold,i), d, 1, tmp);
       array_op(E, tmp, '+', E);
    qr_solve(E, beta, K);
    for (i = 1; i <= lag; i++) {
	matrix_prod(K, subarray(Bold,lag - i), 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(subarray(Aold,i), tmp, '-', subarray(A,i));

Пример #2
double *pwl_approx_1d ( int nd, double xd[], double yd[], int nc, double xc[] )


    PWL_APPROX_1D determines the control values for a PWL approximant.


    The piecewise linear approximant is defined by NC control pairs 
    (XC(I),YC(I)) and approximates ND data pairs (XD(I),YD(I)).


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    10 October 2012


    John Burkardt


    Input, int ND, the number of data points.
    ND must be at least 1.

    Input, double XD[ND], the data points.

    Input, double YD[ND], the data values.

    Input, int NC, the number of control points.
    NC must be at least 1.

    Input, double XC[NC], the control points.  Set these with a
    command like 
      xc = r8vec_linspace_new ( nc, xmin, xmax );

    Output, double PWL_APPROX_1D[NC], the control values.
  double *a;
  double *yc;
  Define the NDxNC linear system that determines the control values.
  a = pwl_approx_1d_matrix ( nd, xd, yd, nc, xc );
  Solve the system.
  yc = qr_solve ( nd, nc, a, yd );

  free ( a );

  return yc;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int n, m;
    double A[MAX][MAX];
    double b[MAX];
    int map[MAX];
    double sigma[MAX];
    int rank;
    readMatrix(A, b, &n, &m);
    getColNorms(A, sigma, n, m);
    //printVector(sigma, m);
    rank = qr(A, b, sigma, map, n, m);
    printf("posto: %d\n", rank);
    //printVector(b, n);
    qr_solve(A, b, sigma, m, rank);
    printf("residuo: %lf\n", findResidual(b, n, rank));
    remap(b, map, m);

    printVector(b, m);
    plotSolution(m, b);
    return 0;
Пример #4
void test02 ( )


    TEST02 tests QR_SOLVE.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    11 September 2012


    John Burkardt
  double *a;
  double *b;
  double b_norm;
  int i;
  int m;
  int n;
  int prob;
  int prob_num;
  double *r1;
  double r1_norm;
  double *r2;
  double r2_norm;
  double x_diff_norm;
  double *x1;
  double x1_norm;
  double *x2;
  double x2_norm;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  QR_SOLVE is a function with a simple interface which\n" );
  printf ( "  solves a linear system A*x = b in the least squares sense.\n" );
  printf ( "  Compare a tabulated solution X1 to the QR_SOLVE result X2.\n" );

  prob_num = p00_prob_num ( );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Number of problems = %d\n", prob_num );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Index     M     N     ||B||         ||X1 - X2||   ||X1||       ||X2||        ||R1||        ||R2||\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );

  for ( prob = 1; prob <= prob_num; prob++ )
  Get problem size.
    m = p00_m ( prob );
    n = p00_n ( prob );
  Retrieve problem data.
    a = p00_a ( prob, m, n );
    b = p00_b ( prob, m );
    x1 = p00_x ( prob, n );

    b_norm = r8vec_norm ( m, b );
    x1_norm = r8vec_norm ( n, x1 );
    r1 = r8mat_mv_new ( m, n, a, x1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
      r1[i] = r1[i] - b[i];
    r1_norm = r8vec_norm ( m, r1 );
  Use QR_SOLVE on the problem.
    x2 = qr_solve ( m, n, a, b );

    x2_norm = r8vec_norm ( n, x2 );
    r2 = r8mat_mv_new ( m, n, a, x2 );
    for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
      r2[i] = r2[i] - b[i];
    r2_norm = r8vec_norm ( m, r2 );
  Compare tabulated and computed solutions.
    x_diff_norm = r8vec_norm_affine ( n, x1, x2 );
  Report results for this problem.
    printf ( "  %5d  %4d  %4d  %12g  %12g  %12g  %12g  %12g  %12g\n",
      prob, m, n, b_norm, x_diff_norm, x1_norm, x2_norm, r1_norm, r2_norm );
  Deallocate memory.
    free ( a );
    free ( b );
    free ( r1 );
    free ( r2 );
    free ( x1 );
    free ( x2 );
Пример #5
	DLLEXPORT lapack_int z_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, lapack_complex_double a[], lapack_complex_double b[], lapack_complex_double x[])
		return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, LAPACKE_zgels);
Пример #6
	DLLEXPORT lapack_int c_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, lapack_complex_float a[], lapack_complex_float b[], lapack_complex_float x[])
		return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, LAPACKE_cgels);
Пример #7
	DLLEXPORT lapack_int d_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, double a[], double b[], double x[])
		return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, LAPACKE_dgels);
Пример #8
	DLLEXPORT lapack_int s_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, float a[], float b[], float x[])
		return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, LAPACKE_sgels);
double *vandermonde_approx_2d_coef ( int n, int m, double x[], double y[], 
  double z[] )


    VANDERMONDE_APPROX_2D_COEF computes a 2D polynomial approximant.


    We assume the approximating function has the form of a polynomial
    in X and Y of total degree M.

      p(x,y) = c00 
             + c10 * x                + c01 *  y
             + c20 * x^2   + c11 * xy + c02 * y^2
             + ...
             + cm0 * x^(m) + ...      + c0m * y^m.

    If we let T(K) = the K-th triangular number 
            = sum ( 1 <= I <= K ) I
    then the number of coefficients in the above polynomial is T(M+1).

    We have n data locations (x(i),y(i)) and values z(i) to approximate:

      p(x(i),y(i)) = z(i)

    This can be cast as an NxT(M+1) linear system for the polynomial

      [ 1 x1 y1  x1^2 ... y1^m ] [ c00 ] = [  z1 ]
      [ 1 x2 y2  x2^2 ... y2^m ] [ c10 ] = [  z2 ]
      [ 1 x3 y3  x3^2 ... y3^m ] [ c01 ] = [  z3 ]
      [ ...................... ] [ ... ] = [ ... ]
      [ 1 xn yn  xn^2 ... yn^m ] [ c0m ] = [  zn ]

    In the typical case, N is greater than T(M+1) (we have more data and 
    equations than degrees of freedom) and so a least squares solution is 
    appropriate, in which case the computed polynomial will be a least squares
    approximant to the data.

    The polynomial defined by the T(M+1) coefficients C could be evaluated 
    at the Nx2-vector x by the command

      pval = r8poly_value_2d ( m, c, n, x )


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    11 October 2012


    John Burkardt


    Input, int N, the number of data points.

    Input, int M, the maximum degree of the polynomial.

    Input, double X[N], Y[N] the data locations.

    Input, double Z[N], the data values.

    Output, double VANDERMONDE_APPROX_2D_COEF[T(M+1)], the 
    coefficients of the approximating polynomial.  
  double *a;
  double *c;
  int tm;

  tm = triangle_num ( m + 1 );

  a = vandermonde_approx_2d_matrix ( n, m, tm, x, y );

  c = qr_solve ( n, tm, a, z );

  free ( a );

  return c;
Пример #10
 DLLEXPORT MKL_INT z_qr_solve(MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, MKL_INT bn, MKL_Complex16 a[], MKL_Complex16 b[], MKL_Complex16 x[], MKL_Complex16 work[], MKL_INT len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, zgels);
Пример #11
 DLLEXPORT MKL_INT c_qr_solve(MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, MKL_INT bn, MKL_Complex8 a[], MKL_Complex8 b[], MKL_Complex8 x[], MKL_Complex8 work[], MKL_INT len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, cgels);
Пример #12
 DLLEXPORT MKL_INT d_qr_solve(MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, MKL_INT bn, double a[], double b[], double x[], double work[], MKL_INT len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, dgels);
Пример #13
 DLLEXPORT MKL_INT s_qr_solve(MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, MKL_INT bn, float a[], float b[], float x[], float work[], MKL_INT len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, sgels);
Пример #14
static void burg2(Array ss_ff, Array ss_bb, Array ss_fb, Array E,
   Array KA, Array KB)
   Estimate partial correlation by minimizing (1/2)*log(det(s)) where
   "s" is the the sum of the forward and backward prediction errors.

   In the multivariate case, the forward (KA) and backward (KB) partial
   correlation coefficients are related by

      KA = solve(E) %*% t(KB) %*% E

   where E is the prediction variance.

    int i, j, k, l, nser = NROW(ss_ff);
    int iter;
    Array ss_bf;
    Array s, tmp, d1;
    Array obj;
    Array e, f, g, h, sg, sh;
    Array theta;

    ss_bf = make_zero_matrix(nser,nser);
    transpose_matrix(ss_fb, ss_bf);
    s = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    d1 = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    e = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    f = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    g = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    h = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    sg = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    sh = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    theta = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    D1 = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    D2 = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, nser*nser);
    THETA = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);	/* theta in vector form */
    THETAOLD = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    THETADIFF = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    TMP = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);

    obj = make_zero_matrix(1,1);

    /* utility matrices e,f,g,h */
    qr_solve(E, ss_bf, e);
    qr_solve(E, ss_fb, f);
    qr_solve(E, ss_bb, tmp);
    transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
    qr_solve(E, tmp, g);
    qr_solve(E, ss_ff, tmp);
    transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
    qr_solve(E, tmp, h);

    for(iter = 0; iter < BURG_MAX_ITER; iter++)
	/* Forward and backward partial correlation coefficients */
	transpose_matrix(theta, tmp);
	qr_solve(E, tmp, tmp);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, KA);

	qr_solve(E, theta, tmp);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, KB);

	/* Sum of forward and backward prediction errors ... */

	/* Forward */
	array_op(s, ss_ff, '+', s);
	matrix_prod(KA, ss_bf, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	matrix_prod(ss_bb, KA, 0, 1, tmp);
	matrix_prod(KA, tmp, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '+', s);

	/* Backward */
	array_op(s, ss_bb, '+', s);
	matrix_prod(KB, ss_fb, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	matrix_prod(ss_ff, KB, 0, 1, tmp);
	matrix_prod(KB, tmp, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '+', s);

	matrix_prod(s, f, 0, 0, d1);
	matrix_prod(e, s, 1, 0, tmp);
	array_op(d1, tmp, '+', d1);


	for (i = 0; i < nser; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < nser; j++) {
		MATRIX(D1)[nser*i+j][0] = MATRIX(d1)[i][j];
		for (k = 0; k < nser; k++)
		    for (l = 0; l < nser; l++) {
			MATRIX(D2)[nser*i+j][nser*k+l] =
			    (i == k) * MATRIX(sg)[j][l] +
			    MATRIX(sh)[i][k] * (j == l);

	copy_array(THETA, THETAOLD);
	qr_solve(D2, D1, THETA);

	for (i = 0; i < vector_length(theta); i++)
	    VECTOR(theta)[i] = VECTOR(THETA)[i];

	matrix_prod(D2, THETA, 0, 0, TMP);

	matrix_prod(D2, THETADIFF, 0, 0, TMP);
	matrix_prod(THETADIFF, TMP, 1, 0, obj);
	if (VECTOR(obj)[0] < BURG_TOL)


    if (iter == BURG_MAX_ITER)
	error(_("Burg's algorithm failed to find partial correlation"));
Пример #15
 DLLEXPORT lapack_int c_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, lapack_complex_float a[], lapack_complex_float b[], lapack_complex_float x[], lapack_complex_float work[], lapack_int len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, LAPACK_cgels);
void test01 ( int prob, int grd, int m )




    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    11 October 2012


    John Burkardt


    Input, int PROB, the problem number.

    Input, int GRD, the grid number.
    (Can't use GRID as the name because that's also a plotting function.)

    Input, int M, the total polynomial degree.
  double *a;
  double app_error;
  double *c;
  int nd;
  int ni;
  int tm;
  double *xd;
  double *xi;
  double *yd;
  double *yi;
  double *zd;
  double *zi;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST01:\n" );
  printf ( "  Approximate data from TEST_INTERP_2D problem #%d\n", prob );
  printf ( "  Use grid from TEST_INTERP_2D with index #%d\n", grd );
  printf ( "  Using polynomial approximant of total degree %d\n", m );

  nd = g00_size ( grd );
  printf ( "  Number of data points = %d\n", nd );

  xd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) );
  yd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) );
  g00_xy ( grd, nd, xd, yd );

  zd = ( double * ) malloc ( nd * sizeof ( double ) );
  f00_f0 ( prob, nd, xd, yd, zd );

  if ( nd < 10 )
    r8vec3_print ( nd, xd, yd, zd, "  X, Y, Z data:" );
  Compute the Vandermonde matrix.
  tm = triangle_num ( m + 1 );
  a = vandermonde_approx_2d_matrix ( nd, m, tm, xd, yd );
  Solve linear system.
  c = qr_solve ( nd, tm, a, zd );
  #1:  Does approximant match function at data points?
  ni = nd;
  xi = r8vec_copy_new ( ni, xd );
  yi = r8vec_copy_new ( ni, yd );
  zi = r8poly_value_2d ( m, c, ni, xi, yi );

  app_error = r8vec_norm_affine ( ni, zi, zd ) / ( double ) ( ni );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  L2 data approximation error = %g\n", app_error );

  free ( a );
  free ( c );
  free ( xd );
  free ( xi );
  free ( yd );
  free ( yi );
  free ( zd );
  free ( zi );

Пример #17
 DLLEXPORT lapack_int z_qr_solve(lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int bn, lapack_complex_double a[], lapack_complex_double b[], lapack_complex_double x[], lapack_complex_double work[], lapack_int len)
     return qr_solve(m, n, bn, a, b, x, work, len, LAPACK_zgels);
Пример #18
  int  muscles_interpolate (IN  int m, int n,
                            IN  double *matrix,
                            IN  double *xes,
                            IN  double *yes,
                            IN  double *rights,
                            OUT int    *answers,
                            OUT double *xCoefs,
                            OUT double *yCoefs,
                            IN  int     verbose)
    int result = 0;
    double *x_coefs = qr_solve (m, n, matrix, xes);
    double *y_coefs = qr_solve (m, n, matrix, yes);
    if ( !x_coefs || !y_coefs )
      result = 1;
      goto RESULT;

    for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
      xCoefs[j] = x_coefs[j];
    for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
      yCoefs[j] = y_coefs[j];

    if ( verbose )
      printf ("\n\n");
      for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        printf ("%.4lf ", x_coefs[j]);
      printf ("\n");

      for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        printf ("%.4lf ", y_coefs[j]);
      printf ("\n\n");

      // --- checking ------------
      double sum_x = 0.;
      double sum_y = 0.;
      for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        sum_x += matrix[j] * x_coefs[j];
        sum_y += matrix[j] * y_coefs[j];

      printf ("%.4lf == %.4lf\n", sum_x, xes[0]);
      printf ("%.4lf == %.4lf\n", sum_y, yes[0]);
      printf ("\n");
    } // end if verbose
    double *maxtix[] = { x_coefs, y_coefs };
    double objects[] = { 1., 1.,  1., 1.  };

    if ( SimplexMethod::calculate (n, 2, maxtix, rights, objects, answers, verbose) )
      result = 1;
      goto RESULT;

    if ( verbose )
      double sum_x = 0.;
      double sum_y = 0.;
      for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        sum_x += matrix[j] * answers[j];
        sum_y += matrix[j] * answers[j];
      printf ("%lf == %lf\n", sum_x, rights[0]);
      printf ("%lf == %lf\n", sum_y, rights[1]);

    if ( x_coefs ) free (x_coefs);
    if ( y_coefs ) free (y_coefs);

    return result;