Пример #1
static int fnc_file_to_file (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
	qse_sed_t* sed = QSE_NULL;
	qse_awk_val_t* retv;
	qse_awk_val_t* a[3];
	qse_cstr_t xstr[3];
	int i = 0, ret = 0;

	/* result = sed::file_to_file ("s/ABC/123/g", input_file, output_file [, option_string]) */

	sed = qse_sed_openstdwithmmgr (qse_awk_rtx_getmmgr(rtx), 0);
	if (sed == QSE_NULL) 
		ret = -2;
		goto oops;

/* TODO qse_set_opt (TRAIT) using the optional parameter */

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		a[i] = qse_awk_rtx_getarg (rtx, i);
		xstr[i].ptr = qse_awk_rtx_getvalstr (rtx, a[i], &xstr[i].len);
		if (xstr[i].ptr == QSE_NULL) 
			ret = -2;
			goto oops;

	if (qse_sed_compstdxstr (sed, &xstr[0]) <= -1) 
		ret = -3; /* compile error */
		goto oops;

	if (qse_sed_execstdfile (sed, xstr[1].ptr, xstr[2].ptr, QSE_NULL) <= -1) 
		ret = -4;
		goto oops;

	retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (rtx, ret);
	if (retv == QSE_NULL) retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (rtx, -1);

	while (i > 0)
		qse_awk_rtx_freevalstr (rtx, a[i], xstr[i].ptr);

	if (sed) qse_sed_close (sed);
	qse_awk_rtx_setretval (rtx, retv);
	return 0;
Пример #2
Файл: sed.c Проект: DeadZen/qse
static int sed_main (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
	qse_mmgr_t* mmgr = QSE_MMGR_GETDFL();
	qse_sed_t* sed = QSE_NULL;
	qse_fs_t* fs = QSE_NULL;
	qse_size_t script_count;
	int ret = -1;

	xarg_t xarg;
	int xarg_inited = 0;

	ret = handle_args (argc, argv);
	if (ret <= -1) return -1;
	if (ret == 0) return 0;

	ret = -1;

#if defined(QSE_BUILD_DEBUG)
	if (g_failmalloc > 0)
		debug_mmgr.ctx = QSE_NULL;
		mmgr = &debug_mmgr;
	if (g_memlimit > 0)
		xma_mmgr.ctx = qse_xma_open (QSE_MMGR_GETDFL(), 0, g_memlimit);
		if (xma_mmgr.ctx == QSE_NULL)
			qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: cannot open memory heap\n"));
			goto oops;
		mmgr = &xma_mmgr;

	if (g_separate && g_infile_pos > 0 && g_inplace)
		fs = qse_fs_open (mmgr, 0);
		if (fs == QSE_NULL)
			qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: cannot open file system handler\n"));
			goto oops;

		if (qse_fs_chdir (fs, QSE_T(".")) <= -1)
			qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, 
				QSE_T("ERROR: cannot change direcotry in file system handler\n"));
			goto oops;

	sed = qse_sed_openstdwithmmgr (mmgr, 0, QSE_NULL);
	if (!sed)
		qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: cannot open stream editor\n"));
		goto oops;

	qse_sed_setopt (sed, QSE_SED_TRAIT, &g_option);

	if (qse_sed_compstd (sed, g_script.io, &script_count) <= -1)
		const qse_sed_loc_t* errloc;
		const qse_char_t* target;
		qse_char_t exprbuf[128];

		errloc = qse_sed_geterrloc(sed);
		if (g_script.io[script_count].type == QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE)
			target = g_script.io[script_count].u.file.path;
			/* i dont' use QSE_SED_IOSTD_SIO for input */	
			QSE_ASSERT (g_script.io[script_count].type == QSE_SED_IOSTD_STR);
			qse_fmtuintmax (exprbuf, QSE_COUNTOF(exprbuf),
				script_count, 10, -1, QSE_T('\0'), QSE_T("expression #"));
			target = exprbuf;

		if (errloc->line > 0 || errloc->colm > 0)
			qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, 
				QSE_T("ERROR: cannot compile %s - %s at line %lu column %lu\n"),
				(unsigned long)errloc->line,
				(unsigned long)errloc->colm
			qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, 
				QSE_T("ERROR: cannot compile %s - %s\n"),
		goto oops;

	if (g_trace) qse_sed_setopt (sed, QSE_SED_TRACER, trace_exec);

	qse_memset (&xarg, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(xarg));
	xarg.mmgr = qse_sed_getmmgr(sed);
	xarg_inited = 1;

	if (g_separate && g_infile_pos > 0)
		/* 's' and input files are specified on the command line */
		qse_sed_iostd_t out_file;
		qse_sed_iostd_t out_inplace;
		qse_sed_iostd_t* output_file = QSE_NULL;
		qse_sed_iostd_t* output = QSE_NULL;
		int inpos;

		/* a dash is treated specially for QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE in
		 * qse_sed_execstd(). so make an exception here */
		if (g_output_file && 
		    qse_strcmp (g_output_file, QSE_T("-")) != 0)
			out_file.type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_SIO;
			out_file.u.sio = qse_sio_open (
			if (out_file.u.sio == QSE_NULL)
				qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: cannot open %s\n"), g_output_file);
				goto oops;

			output_file = &out_file;
			output = output_file;

		/* perform wild-card expansions for non-unix platforms */
		if (expand_wildcards (argc - g_infile_pos, &argv[g_infile_pos], g_wildcard, &xarg) <= -1)
			qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: out of memory\n"));
			goto oops;

		for (inpos = 0; inpos < xarg.size; inpos++)
			qse_sed_iostd_t in[2];
			qse_char_t* tmpl_tmpfile;
			in[0].type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE;
			in[0].u.file.path = xarg.ptr[inpos];
			in[0].u.file.cmgr = g_infile_cmgr;
			in[1].type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_NULL;

			tmpl_tmpfile = QSE_NULL;
			if (g_inplace && in[0].u.file.path)
				int retried = 0;

				tmpl_tmpfile = qse_strdup2 (in[0].u.file.path, QSE_T(".XXXX"),  qse_sed_getmmgr(sed));
				if (tmpl_tmpfile == QSE_NULL)
					qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: out of memory\n"));
					goto oops;

				out_inplace.type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_SIO;
				out_inplace.u.sio = qse_sio_open (
				if (out_inplace.u.sio == QSE_NULL)
					if (retried) 
						qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: cannot open %s\n"), tmpl_tmpfile);
						QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), tmpl_tmpfile);
						goto oops;
						/* retry to open the file with shorter names */
						QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), tmpl_tmpfile);
						tmpl_tmpfile = qse_strdup (QSE_T("TMP-XXXX"),  qse_sed_getmmgr(sed));
						if (tmpl_tmpfile == QSE_NULL)
							qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: out of memory\n"));
							goto oops;
						retried = 1;
						goto open_temp;

				output = &out_inplace;

			if (qse_sed_execstd (sed, in, output) <= -1)
				if (output) qse_sio_close (output->u.sio);

				if (tmpl_tmpfile) 
					qse_fs_delfile (fs, tmpl_tmpfile, 0);
					QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), tmpl_tmpfile);
				print_exec_error (sed);
				goto oops;

			if (tmpl_tmpfile)
				QSE_ASSERT (output == &out_inplace);
				qse_sio_close (output->u.sio);
				output = output_file;

				if (qse_fs_move (fs, tmpl_tmpfile, in[0].u.file.path) <= -1)
					qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: cannot rename %s to %s. not deleting %s\n"), 
						tmpl_tmpfile, in[0].u.file.path, tmpl_tmpfile);
					QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), tmpl_tmpfile);
					goto oops;

				QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), tmpl_tmpfile);

			if (qse_sed_isstop (sed)) break;

		if (output) qse_sio_close (output->u.sio);
		int xx;
		qse_sed_iostd_t* in = QSE_NULL;
		qse_sed_iostd_t out;

		if (g_infile_pos > 0)
			int i;
			const qse_char_t* tmp;

			/* input files are specified on the command line */

			/* perform wild-card expansions for non-unix platforms */
			if (expand_wildcards (argc - g_infile_pos, &argv[g_infile_pos], g_wildcard, &xarg) <= -1)
				qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: out of memory\n"));
				goto oops;

			in = QSE_MMGR_ALLOC (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), QSE_SIZEOF(*in) * (xarg.size + 1));
			if (in == QSE_NULL)
				qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: out of memory\n"));
				goto oops;

			for (i = 0; i < xarg.size; i++)
				in[i].type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE;
				tmp = xarg.ptr[i];
				in[i].u.file.path = tmp;
				in[i].u.file.cmgr = g_infile_cmgr;

			in[i].type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_NULL;

		if (g_output_file)
			out.type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE;
			out.u.file.path = g_output_file;
			out.u.file.cmgr = g_outfile_cmgr;
			/* arrange to be able to specify cmgr.
			 * if not for cmgr, i could simply pass QSE_NULL 
			 * to qse_sed_execstd() below like
			 *   xx = qse_sed_execstd (sed, in, QSE_NULL); */
			out.type = QSE_SED_IOSTD_FILE;
			out.u.file.path = QSE_NULL;
			out.u.file.cmgr = g_outfile_cmgr;

		g_sed = sed;
		set_intr_run ();
		xx = qse_sed_execstd (sed, in, &out);
		if (in) QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_sed_getmmgr(sed), in);
		unset_intr_run ();
		g_sed = QSE_NULL;

		if (xx <= -1)
			print_exec_error (sed);
			goto oops;

	ret = 0;

	if (xarg_inited) purge_xarg (&xarg);
	if (sed) qse_sed_close (sed);
	if (fs) qse_fs_close (fs);
	if (xma_mmgr.ctx) qse_xma_close (xma_mmgr.ctx);
	free_scripts ();

#if defined(QSE_BUILD_DEBUG)
	if (g_failmalloc > 0)
		qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("\n"));
		qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("-[MALLOC COUNTS]---------------------------------------\n"));
		qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ALLOC: %lu FREE: %lu: REALLOC: %lu\n"), 
			(unsigned long)debug_mmgr_alloc_count,
			(unsigned long)debug_mmgr_free_count,
			(unsigned long)debug_mmgr_realloc_count);
		qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("-------------------------------------------------------\n"));
	return ret;
Пример #3
static int fnc_str_to_str (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
	qse_sed_t* sed = QSE_NULL;
	qse_awk_val_t* retv;
	qse_awk_val_t* a[2], * tmp;
	qse_cstr_t xstr[2];
	qse_cstr_t outstr;
	int i = 0, ret = 0, n;

	sed = qse_sed_openstdwithmmgr (qse_awk_rtx_getmmgr(rtx), 0);
	if (sed == QSE_NULL) 
		ret = -2;
		goto oops;

/* TODO qse_set_opt (TRAIT) using the optional parameter */

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		a[i] = qse_awk_rtx_getarg (rtx, i);
		xstr[i].ptr = qse_awk_rtx_getvalstr (rtx, a[i], &xstr[i].len);
		if (xstr[i].ptr == QSE_NULL) 
			ret = -2;
			goto oops;

	if (qse_sed_compstdxstr (sed, &xstr[0]) <= -1) 
		ret = -3; /* compile error */
		goto oops;

	if (qse_sed_execstdxstr (sed, &xstr[1], &outstr, QSE_NULL) <= -1) 
		ret = -4;
		goto oops;

	tmp = qse_awk_rtx_makestrvalwithxstr (rtx, &outstr);
	qse_sed_freemem (sed, outstr.ptr);

	if (!tmp)
		ret = -1;
		goto oops;

	qse_awk_rtx_refupval (rtx, tmp);
	n = qse_awk_rtx_setrefval (rtx, (qse_awk_val_ref_t*)qse_awk_rtx_getarg (rtx, 2), tmp);
	qse_awk_rtx_refdownval (rtx, tmp);
	if (n <= -1)
		ret = -5;
		goto oops;

	retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (rtx, ret);
	if (retv == QSE_NULL) retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (rtx, -1);

	while (i > 0)
		qse_awk_rtx_freevalstr (rtx, a[i], xstr[i].ptr);

	if (sed) qse_sed_close (sed);
	qse_awk_rtx_setretval (rtx, retv);
	return 0;