Пример #1
int qthread_fork_remote_sinc(qthread_f   f,
                             const void *arg,
                             qt_sinc_t  *ret,
                             int         rank,
                             size_t      arg_len)
    struct fork_msg_t msg;

    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_CALLS, "[%d] begin qthread_fork_remote_sinc(0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %d, %ld)\n",
                  my_rank, (unsigned long)f, (unsigned long)arg,
                  (unsigned long)ret, rank, arg_len);

    if (arg_len <= sizeof(msg.args)) {
        msg.uid = (uint64_t)qt_hash_get(ptr_to_uid_hash, f);
        if (qt_hash_get(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)msg.uid) != f) {
            fprintf(stderr, "action not registered at source\n");
        msg.return_addr = (uint64_t)ret;
        msg.origin_node = my_rank;
        msg.arg_len     = arg_len;
        memcpy(msg.args, arg, arg_len);
        qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] remote fork %d %d 0x%lx %d\n",
                      my_rank, rank, msg.uid, msg.return_addr, msg.arg_len);
        return qthread_internal_net_driver_send(rank, SHORT_MSG_SINC_TAG, &msg, sizeof(msg));

    fprintf(stderr, "long remote fork unsupported\n");
Пример #2
int qthread_fork_remote(qthread_f   f,
                        const void *arg,
                        aligned_t  *ret,
                        int         rank,
                        size_t      arg_len)
    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_CALLS, "[%d] begin f=0x%lx, arg=0x%lx, ret=0x%lx, rank=%d, arg_len=%ld)\n",
                  my_rank, (unsigned long)f, (unsigned long)arg,
                  (unsigned long)ret, rank, arg_len);

    uint64_t const uid = (uint64_t)qt_hash_get(ptr_to_uid_hash, f);
    if (qt_hash_get(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)uid) != f) {
        fprintf(stderr, "action not registered at source\n");

    if (NULL != ret) {

    if (arg_len <= FORK_MSG_PAYLOAD) {
        struct fork_msg_t msg;

        msg.uid         = uid;
        msg.return_addr = (uint64_t)ret;
        msg.origin_node = my_rank;
        msg.arg_len     = arg_len;
        memcpy(msg.args, arg, arg_len);
        qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] remote fork %d %d 0x%lx %d\n",
                      my_rank, rank, msg.uid, msg.return_addr, msg.arg_len);
        return qthread_internal_net_driver_send(rank, SHORT_MSG_TAG, &msg, sizeof(msg));
    } else {

        struct fork_long_msg_t * long_msg;

        size_t long_msg_size = sizeof(struct fork_long_msg_t) + arg_len;
        long_msg = malloc(long_msg_size);
        assert(NULL != long_msg);

        long_msg->uid         = uid;
        long_msg->return_addr = (uint64_t)ret;
        long_msg->origin_node = my_rank;
        long_msg->arg_len     = arg_len;
        memcpy(&long_msg->args, arg, arg_len);

        qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] remote long fork rank=%d uid=%d return_addr=0x%lx arg_len=%d\n",
                      my_rank, rank, long_msg->uid, long_msg->return_addr, long_msg->arg_len);
        int const rc = qthread_internal_net_driver_send(rank, LONG_MSG_TAG, long_msg, long_msg_size);


        return rc;
Пример #3
int qthread_multinode_register(uint32_t  uid,
                               qthread_f f)
    int ret = 0;

    if (0 == initialized) { return 1; }

    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_CALLS, "[%d] begin qthread_multinode_register(uid=%d, ptr=0x%lx)\n",
                  my_rank, uid, (unsigned long)f);

    // Check that UID is strictly positive
    if (0 == uid) {
        fprintf(stderr, "invalid action id %d: must be > 0", uid);
        return 1;

    // Check that UID is not used more than once
    if (NULL != qt_hash_get(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)uid)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "duplicate registration of action uid %d\n", uid);
        return 1;

    ret = qt_hash_put(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)uid, f);
    if (ret != 1) {
        qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] uid -> ptr registration failed\n",
        return 1;

    // Check that function pointer is not used more than once
    if (NULL != qt_hash_get(ptr_to_uid_hash, f)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "duplicate registration of action function 0x%lx\n",
                (unsigned long)f);
        return 1;

    ret = qt_hash_put(ptr_to_uid_hash, f, (void *)(uintptr_t)uid);
    if (ret != 1) {
        qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] ptr -> uid registration failed\n",
        return 1;

    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_CALLS, "[%d] end qthread_multinode_register\n",

    return 0;
Пример #4
static aligned_t fork_helper(void *info)
    struct fork_msg_t *msg = (struct fork_msg_t *)info;
    aligned_t          ret;
    qthread_f          f;

    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_FUNCTIONS, "[%d] begin fork_helper\n", my_rank);

    f = qt_hash_get(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)msg->uid);
    if (NULL != f) {
        ret = f(msg->args);

        if (0 != msg->return_addr) {
            struct return_msg_t ret_msg;
            ret_msg.return_addr = msg->return_addr;
            ret_msg.return_val  = ret;
            qthread_debug(MULTINODE_DETAILS, "[%d] sending return msg 0x%lx, %ld\n",
                          my_rank, ret_msg.return_addr, ret_msg.return_val);
            qthread_internal_net_driver_send(msg->origin_node, RETURN_MSG_TAG,
                                             &ret_msg, sizeof(ret_msg));
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "action uid %d not registered at destination\n", msg->uid);

    qthread_debug(MULTINODE_FUNCTIONS, "[%d] end fork_helper\n", my_rank);

    return 0;
Пример #5
void *qt_dictionary_delete(qt_dictionary *dict,
                           void          *key)
    void *val = qt_hash_get(dict, key);     // TODO : this is inefficient!
    int   ret = qt_hash_remove(dict, key);

    if(ret) { return val; } else { return NULL; }
Пример #6
int qthread_multinode_action_ptr(uint32_t   uid,
                                 qthread_f *f)
    int ret = 0;

    if (0 == initialized) { return 1; }

    *f = qt_hash_get(uid_to_ptr_hash, (qt_key_t)(uintptr_t)uid);

    return ret;
Пример #7
int qthread_multinode_action_uid(qthread_f f,
                                 uint32_t *uid)
    int ret = 0;

    if (0 == initialized) { return 1; }

    *uid = (uint64_t)qt_hash_get(ptr_to_uid_hash, f);

    return ret;
Пример #8
void *qt_dictionary_get(qt_dictionary *dict,
                        void          *key)
    return qt_hash_get(dict, key);