Пример #1
static void quantize_and_encode_band(struct AACEncContext *s, PutBitContext *pb,
                                     const float *in, int size, int scale_idx,
                                     int cb, const float lambda)
    quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, pb, in, NULL, size, scale_idx, cb, lambda,
                                  INFINITY, NULL);
Пример #2
static float quantize_band_cost(struct AACEncContext *s, const float *in,
                                const float *scaled, int size, int scale_idx,
                                int cb, const float lambda, const float uplim,
                                int *bits)
    return quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, NULL, in, scaled, size, scale_idx,
                                         cb, lambda, uplim, bits);
Пример #3
 * Calculate rate distortion cost for quantizing with given codebook
 * @return quantization distortion
static float quantize_and_encode_band_cost(struct AACEncContext *s,
                                PutBitContext *pb, const float *in,
                                const float *scaled, int size, int scale_idx,
                                int cb, const float lambda, const float uplim,
                                int *bits)
    const float IQ = ff_aac_pow2sf_tab[200 + scale_idx - SCALE_ONE_POS + SCALE_DIV_512];
    const float  Q = ff_aac_pow2sf_tab[200 - scale_idx + SCALE_ONE_POS - SCALE_DIV_512];
    const float CLIPPED_ESCAPE = 165140.0f*IQ;
    int i, j, k;
    float cost = 0;
    const int dim = cb < FIRST_PAIR_BT ? 4 : 2;
    int resbits = 0;
    const float  Q34 = sqrtf(Q * sqrtf(Q));
    const int range  = aac_cb_range[cb];
    const int maxval = aac_cb_maxval[cb];
    int offs[4];

    if (!cb) {
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            cost += in[i]*in[i];
        if (bits)
            *bits = 0;
        return cost * lambda;
    offs[0] = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < dim; i++)
        offs[i] = offs[i-1]*range;
    if (!scaled) {
        abs_pow34_v(s->scoefs, in, size);
        scaled = s->scoefs;
    quantize_bands(s->qcoefs, in, scaled, size, Q34, !IS_CODEBOOK_UNSIGNED(cb), maxval);
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += dim) {
        float mincost;
        int minidx  = 0;
        int minbits = 0;
        const float *vec;
        int (*quants)[2] = &s->qcoefs[i];
        mincost = 0.0f;
        for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
            mincost += in[i+j]*in[i+j];
        minidx = IS_CODEBOOK_UNSIGNED(cb) ? 0 : 40;
        minbits = ff_aac_spectral_bits[cb-1][minidx];
        mincost = mincost * lambda + minbits;
        for (j = 0; j < (1<<dim); j++) {
            float rd = 0.0f;
            int curbits;
            int curidx = IS_CODEBOOK_UNSIGNED(cb) ? 0 : 40;
            int same   = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
                if ((j & (1 << k)) && quants[k][0] == quants[k][1]) {
                    same = 1;
            if (same)
            for (k = 0; k < dim; k++)
                curidx += quants[k][!!(j & (1 << k))] * offs[dim - 1 - k];
            curbits =  ff_aac_spectral_bits[cb-1][curidx];
            vec     = &ff_aac_codebook_vectors[cb-1][curidx*dim];
        mincost = INFINITY;
        vec = ff_aac_codebook_vectors[cb-1];
        for (j = 0; j < ff_aac_spectral_sizes[cb-1]; j++, vec += dim) {
            float rd = 0.0f;
            int curbits = ff_aac_spectral_bits[cb-1][j];
            int curidx = j;
            if (IS_CODEBOOK_UNSIGNED(cb)) {
                for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
                    float t = fabsf(in[i+k]);
                    float di;
                    if (vec[k] == 64.0f) { //FIXME: slow
                        //do not code with escape sequence small values
                        if (t < 39.0f*IQ) {
                            rd = INFINITY;
                        if (t >= CLIPPED_ESCAPE) {
                            di = t - CLIPPED_ESCAPE;
                            curbits += 21;
                        } else {
                            int c = av_clip(quant(t, Q), 0, 8191);
                            di = t - c*cbrtf(c)*IQ;
                            curbits += av_log2(c)*2 - 4 + 1;
                    } else {
                        di = t - vec[k]*IQ;
                    if (vec[k] != 0.0f)
                    rd += di*di;
            } else {
                for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
                    float di = in[i+k] - vec[k]*IQ;
                    rd += di*di;
            rd = rd * lambda + curbits;
            if (rd < mincost) {
                mincost = rd;
                minidx  = curidx;
                minbits = curbits;
        cost    += mincost;
        resbits += minbits;
        if (cost >= uplim)
            return uplim;
        if (pb) {
        put_bits(pb, ff_aac_spectral_bits[cb-1][minidx], ff_aac_spectral_codes[cb-1][minidx]);
        if (IS_CODEBOOK_UNSIGNED(cb))
            for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                if (ff_aac_codebook_vectors[cb-1][minidx*dim+j] != 0.0f)
                    put_bits(pb, 1, in[i+j] < 0.0f);
        if (cb == ESC_BT) {
            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
                if (ff_aac_codebook_vectors[cb-1][minidx*2+j] == 64.0f) {
                    int coef = av_clip(quant(fabsf(in[i+j]), Q), 0, 8191);
                    int len = av_log2(coef);

                    put_bits(pb, len - 4 + 1, (1 << (len - 4 + 1)) - 2);
                    put_bits(pb, len, coef & ((1 << len) - 1));

    if (bits)
        *bits = resbits;
    return cost;
static float quantize_band_cost(struct AACEncContext *s, const float *in,
                                const float *scaled, int size, int scale_idx,
                                int cb, const float lambda, const float uplim,
                                int *bits)
    return quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, NULL, in, scaled, size, scale_idx,
                                         cb, lambda, uplim, bits);

static void quantize_and_encode_band(struct AACEncContext *s, PutBitContext *pb,
                                     const float *in, int size, int scale_idx,
                                     int cb, const float lambda)
    quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, pb, in, NULL, size, scale_idx, cb, lambda,
                                  INFINITY, NULL);
Пример #4
void ff_aac_search_for_pred(AACEncContext *s, SingleChannelElement *sce)
    int sfb, i, count = 0, cost_coeffs = 0, cost_pred = 0;
    const int pmax = FFMIN(sce->ics.max_sfb, ff_aac_pred_sfb_max[s->samplerate_index]);
    float *O34  = &s->scoefs[128*0], *P34 = &s->scoefs[128*1];
    float *SENT = &s->scoefs[128*2], *S34 = &s->scoefs[128*3];
    float *QERR = &s->scoefs[128*4];

    if (sce->ics.window_sequence[0] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) {
        sce->ics.predictor_present = 0;

    if (!sce->ics.predictor_initialized) {
        sce->ics.predictor_initialized = 1;
        memcpy(sce->prcoeffs, sce->coeffs, 1024*sizeof(float));
        for (i = 1; i < 31; i++)
            sce->ics.predictor_reset_count[i] = i;

    memcpy(sce->band_alt, sce->band_type, sizeof(sce->band_type));

    for (sfb = PRED_SFB_START; sfb < pmax; sfb++) {
        int cost1, cost2, cb_p;
        float dist1, dist2, dist_spec_err = 0.0f;
        const int cb_n = sce->band_type[sfb];
        const int start_coef = sce->ics.swb_offset[sfb];
        const int num_coeffs = sce->ics.swb_offset[sfb + 1] - start_coef;
        const FFPsyBand *band = &s->psy.ch[s->cur_channel].psy_bands[sfb];

        if (start_coef + num_coeffs > MAX_PREDICTORS ||
            (s->cur_channel && sce->band_type[sfb] >= INTENSITY_BT2) ||
            sce->band_type[sfb] == NOISE_BT)

        /* Normal coefficients */
        abs_pow34_v(O34, &sce->coeffs[start_coef], num_coeffs);
        dist1 = quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, NULL, &sce->coeffs[start_coef], NULL,
                                              O34, num_coeffs, sce->sf_idx[sfb],
                                              cb_n, s->lambda / band->threshold, INFINITY, &cost1, NULL, 0);
        cost_coeffs += cost1;

        /* Encoded coefficients - needed for #bits, band type and quant. error */
        for (i = 0; i < num_coeffs; i++)
            SENT[i] = sce->coeffs[start_coef + i] - sce->prcoeffs[start_coef + i];
        abs_pow34_v(S34, SENT, num_coeffs);
        if (cb_n < RESERVED_BT)
            cb_p = find_min_book(find_max_val(1, num_coeffs, S34), sce->sf_idx[sfb]);
            cb_p = cb_n;
        quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, NULL, SENT, QERR, S34, num_coeffs,
                                      sce->sf_idx[sfb], cb_p, s->lambda / band->threshold, INFINITY,
                                      &cost2, NULL, 0);

        /* Reconstructed coefficients - needed for distortion measurements */
        for (i = 0; i < num_coeffs; i++)
            sce->prcoeffs[start_coef + i] += QERR[i] != 0.0f ? (sce->prcoeffs[start_coef + i] - QERR[i]) : 0.0f;
        abs_pow34_v(P34, &sce->prcoeffs[start_coef], num_coeffs);
        if (cb_n < RESERVED_BT)
            cb_p = find_min_book(find_max_val(1, num_coeffs, P34), sce->sf_idx[sfb]);
            cb_p = cb_n;
        dist2 = quantize_and_encode_band_cost(s, NULL, &sce->prcoeffs[start_coef], NULL,
                                              P34, num_coeffs, sce->sf_idx[sfb],
                                              cb_p, s->lambda / band->threshold, INFINITY, NULL, NULL, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < num_coeffs; i++)
            dist_spec_err += (O34[i] - P34[i])*(O34[i] - P34[i]);
        dist_spec_err *= s->lambda / band->threshold;
        dist2 += dist_spec_err;

        if (dist2 <= dist1 && cb_p <= cb_n) {
            cost_pred += cost2;
            sce->ics.prediction_used[sfb] = 1;
            sce->band_alt[sfb]  = cb_n;
            sce->band_type[sfb] = cb_p;
        } else {
            cost_pred += cost1;
            sce->band_alt[sfb] = cb_p;

    if (count && cost_coeffs < cost_pred) {
        count = 0;
        for (sfb = PRED_SFB_START; sfb < pmax; sfb++)
            RESTORE_PRED(sce, sfb);
        memset(&sce->ics.prediction_used, 0, sizeof(sce->ics.prediction_used));

    sce->ics.predictor_present = !!count;